Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1080: Star Migration

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In the ground broadcast hall, Zhang Hao and other senior executives of the Ocean Group sat quietly, all watching the atmosphere of Venus surging like tide. From time to time, the atmosphere rushes into space, and some will fall back to the planet, but some will soon escape in space.

But after all, the dissipation is a small part, and Venus’ atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide, as well as toxic and harmful gases such as sulfur oxides.

But as the asteroid's ice turned into water vapor and added to the atmosphere, Venus's atmosphere expanded rapidly. This makes the upper atmosphere of Venus more turbulent.

From a distance, Venus looks like a jelly, but this jelly is riding a roller coaster, trembling violently.

In the following less than a month, the remaining two ice planets were crushed and landed on Venus.

In just one month, the atmosphere of Venus has skyrocketed twice as much, and the atmospheric pressure was 2.3 times that of Uranus!

However, the temperature of Venus's atmosphere, because of the three ice planets, fell directly from four or five Baidu to about ninety degrees.

Then thunder and thunder, and a lot of water vapor condensed into rain. So in less than ten days, Venus’ atmosphere fell back to its original height, and in the next half month, Venus’ atmosphere fell to an altitude of 200 kilometers-only one-fifth of the original atmosphere.

So far, Venus has basically stabilized. The temperature is still maintained at ninety degrees.

In fact, the temperature standard originally set by the Ocean Group was based on the temperature of the boiling water of Uranus at 100 degrees. At this time, the atmospheric pressure of Venus was low, and 90 degrees was actually the temperature of boiling water on Venus at this moment!

At this time, Venus has already begun to rotate, with a rotation period of more than 20 hours. As Venus rotates, as expected by scientists, Venus finally has a magnetic field with a magnetic field strength and range about half that of Uranus.

The magnetic field with such a magnetic field strength is completely enough, enough to protect the atmosphere, and enough to filter the harmful rays of the sun and the universe.

At this time, the surface of Venus is almost invisible, and the ocean is everywhere. The hot springs are one after another. The entire Venus is like a pot of soup.

There is almost no sunlight in the sky, and there are dark clouds and lightning and thunder everywhere.

The planet's magnetic field filtered almost half of the sunlight, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and for a time Venus almost shut the sunlight out. The temperature of the planet began to decline steadily, and the atmosphere began to slowly decrease again.

Occasionally there are cracking clouds, and you can see the pale, pale blue sky-but because the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is extremely high, the proportion is as high as 95% (not counting water vapor), so the blue sky has a little translucent blush. The sky is pale pale blue because there is too much water vapor.

Ocean Group has sent inspectors to inspect.

The study found that in the ocean where Venus was born, there are already a large variety of amino acids and even the simplest protein! Some bases and other substances that appear in life gradually appear.

The entire Venus is simply a soup of life!

As for the basic life elements, it is presumed that it should be brought from the asteroid.

After hearing about this situation, Zhou Xueyao was excited to organize a team of medical, microbiological, life sciences and other personnel to fly directly to Venus in three air planes.

At this time, on the Venus, there was already a tarmac jointly built by the Ocean Group and even the masters of the world. It was built entirely with spells.

To say that this is also a convenient place for practicing the world. If you want to build on an alien planet, you don't need any machinery, just a group of experts. Just don't forget to bring some advanced spirit stones.

Now the spirit stone resources on Tianyuanxing have begun to be tense. Fortunately, a spirit stone was found on Venus. Although not much has been found temporarily, the quality is relatively bare, and there are many impurities, but it can always be supplemented on the spot.

By the time Zhou Xueyao reached Venus, the temperature had dropped to 86 degrees and the air pressure had dropped to one-tenth of the pressure of Tianyuanxing. The atmosphere is still dominated by carbon dioxide, with some oxidizing gases such as sulfur and nitrogen.

There is a pungent smell in the air, and the water body of the entire planet is obviously acidic. But the ironware will not rust here-no oxygen! But it will be dissolved a little bit by the acidic water quality, and a bright green acid etching layer will appear on the surface of the iron.

In this world, ordinary people cannot survive. Even the Yuanying master can't hold on for long.

But when there is a spirit stone, then build a simple rest room-you can breathe, eat, retreat and practice, then Yuan infants can stay here permanently.

Even such a harsh environment will help them consolidate their foundation.

But for the time being to Tianyuanxing, at least it must be transformed into spiritual cultivation, and everyone is in the process of bursting liver.

The transformation of Venus is much better than expected. Initially, it took at least two years to stabilize. But that was the idea two years ago.

In the past two years, technology has improved, and scientists have revised the transformation process over and over again, finally ushering in glory.

Venus basically stabilized just three months after the impact was completed. At least everyone has found some solid crust. Dongxu masters are transforming the land with magical spells and auxiliary formations.

The islands fortified by spells pay the sea surface and will serve as industrial bases in the future. These bases are not built randomly, but when they find spirit stones or valuable mineral veins, they will choose suitable sites around them.

As for the construction materials, preparation is under way at Tianyuanxing. Ocean Group will use all the spacecraft found on the moon that can be controlled, plus its own production spacecraft and air and space plane transportation.

However, it will take more than eight months to transport materials to Venus on a large scale.

Now there is a sun between Uranus and Venus, so far away. After eight months, when the distance between Uranus and Venus is less than 50 million kilometers. This time, about two months, is enough to relocate most of the equipment.

The transformation of Venus can be said to be initially successful, so on Tianyuanxing, the Ocean Group hosted an ‘immigration meeting’.

The discussion is about immigration to Venus. However, there are many requirements for temporary immigration to Venus. In the past, immigrants must first ensure their survival, and the other is to participate in project construction.

The first batch of immigrants need to have working ability, including cultivation, skills, etc. At this time, if you want to build a residence on Venus, the cost is extremely expensive, so Dayang Group temporarily accepts only two types of people:

One is useful talent;

The other is that rich people experience a Venus life for a year and a half! Every other year and a half, Venus and Uranus will pass by. At this time, the closest, there will be frequent exchanges.

The immigration meeting held by the Ocean Group is completely public.

In the spring of 30 years, Tianyuan was overcrowded on a newly established aerospace theme square in the southern suburbs of the headquarters of the Ocean Group. Delegates and tourists from all over the world swarmed in.

Originally, Ocean Group became the center of the world because it became a new era aerospace center and maintained an open attitude. There are countless people who come to work, visit, study, travel, and do business.

At this time, the Ocean Group was going to have another Venus immigration meeting, and for a time did not know how many people were attracted to come.

Anyway, when Zhang Hao entered the field, he couldn't find a way and could only fly over from the sky.

In fact, the sky was full of masters, but when Zhang Hao came over, everyone gave way. No way to make way, if Zhang Hao is not happy, the consequences are very serious-countless examples in the past have proved this.

For example, twelve years ago, the land at the foot of the Ocean Group once belonged to the Ming dynasty, and there are five ancient families here; now, the Ming dynasty has been wiped out, and according to the five ancient families that were once powerful, there is no news.

It is said that it is only said that there are still offers from the Ming Dynasty's high-level, aristocrats, royalty, and five families on the black market. The price is very attractive; how attractive is it, many people want to sell themselves.

Zhang Hao came to the center of the theme square, where the sculpture of the sun is located.

The size of the planet in the entire theme square is built strictly in proportion-just the distance; the central sun has a diameter of ten meters, and there are also prominences, sunspots, and phantoms and computers to simulate the activities of the sun-basically Synchronize with the sun in the sky.

What results are observed are displayed here. However, because the observation technology, reduction technology, etc. are not perfect, you can only get a rough idea.

There are planets that have been observed around.

The entire theme square is ten kilometers wide, completely enveloped by the illusion. As long as the phantom is activated, the theme square will turn into a starry sky, the sun will rotate, and the planet will revolve. But it hasn't been started since it was built.

Zhang Hao stood above the sun sculpture in the center, standing in the sky. In such a huge scene, only Zhang Hao can maintain sufficient deterrent force.

Speaking of it, unconsciously, Zhang Hao is already the master of the mid-term peak of Dongxu. Scientific research and the understanding of the world, as well as scientific ways of thinking, are mutually reinforcing with spiritual thought.

Zhang Hao slightly released the coercion of Dong Xu's master, and within a ten-kilometer radius, he was silent.

"I am Zhang Hao."

Zhang Hao's voice echoed between heaven and earth, and everyone could hear it clearly within ten kilometers. The voice is not very loud, but the domineering in it makes everyone have to stop talking and listen quietly.

Zhang Hao continued: “Today’s discussion is about the issue of immigration from Venus. The first group of immigrants from the sky is about to begin. Today’s discussion is not about discussing immigration. Because immigration is certain!

What needs to be discussed publicly is to determine the significance of immigration to Venus, and what kind of people can immigrate to Venus and how they will be treated.

In accordance with the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, before speaking, if you have any questions, you can ask as much as possible, and I will answer as much as possible. "

As soon as Zhang Hao's voice fell, someone in the distance shouted: "Zhang Zhang, I am a reporter from Hetu World. I have a question. The development of Venus is extremely inefficient, costly, and consumes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Why not use these forces in the development of Tianyuanxing?

I have asked experts, if these forces are used in the development of Tianyuanxing, at least the space base can be doubled! "

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