Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1085: Space environment

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At the end of the summer of Tianyuan 31, the world's main leaders were serving the two fleets at the Shuguang Space Base and the Xiangong Space Base, respectively.

According to plan, the fleet will begin the exercise process tens of thousands of kilometers after leaving Tianyuan, allowing mutual attacks.

This military exercise is not a play. Although the large-scale weapons such as rail guns were replaced with gunpowder weapons, the power was still relatively objective. Carelessness may cause death or injury.

Even if the spacecraft disintegrates, Yuan Ying will not last for a few days in space. The rescue time in the metamorphosis period is only one month.

Although the power of stars in space is strong, the radiation is greater!


In the void, a fleet advances ‘slowly’. There is a large, shining Doji star on the spaceship that is headed by the fleet. This is the technology of Dayang Group.

But in this spaceship, the military commander of the Ocean Group Murongshan is in a pre-war mobilization meeting. Participants in the meeting were military generals, staff members of all ASEAN parties, and... scientific advisers!

Scientific advisers are directly involved in military wars, which is the first characteristic of the starry sky era. Let’s say nothing else, what’s wrong with the spacecraft, especially with regard to the core power system, ordinary maintenance staff are not helpful. At this time, relevant experts must be involved.

But the real experts are all babies. It is impossible to have too many of them, and it is impossible to get stuck in the spaceship. Then a new profession was born: scientific consultant.

In fact, the position of scientific consultant has long been within the Ocean Group. At the beginning, Zhang Hao was first equipped with a scientific consultant.

The original scientific consultants were of the type scholars. They have a general understanding of various science and technology, but not deep enough. However, this general understanding is sufficient. They exist as scientific advisory secretaries around Zhang Hao, so that Zhang Hao can understand the overall situation of Dayang Group's technological development.

But later, with the development of technology, the duties of scientific consultants continued to develop, and the characteristics of this profession also continued to change.

Until now, they have become ‘comprehensive technical guidance and maintenance guidance’ specialists. They know most of the technology (surface-level), and can repair most of the faults-those that cannot be repaired, basically lose the value of repair, it is better to replace it.

They are not scientists, researchers, or engineers, but they can touch a little bit in every aspect.

This is a typical understanding and sparseness. However, in the development of space, such personnel have become talents in short supply.

Taking spacecraft technology as an example, a spaceship is a systematic project. No technician can understand all the technologies. But scientific consultants can!

In fact, the scientific consultant itself is not so easy. After coordinating and understanding a system engineering, they are likely to be transferred to become top engineers, system integration representatives and so on. The boundaries between them and scientific researchers and engineering technicians are very vague.

But the advantage is that, because such people do not have access to core technology, they also understand the surface layer, and it is relatively easy to train and not afraid of leaking.

For example, there is now an astronomical scientific consultant Wang Hong who will explain to everyone about space. Young and talented people like Wang Hong, Dayang Group has cultivated too much in these years. But what can be said here is enough to show that Wang Hong itself is also extraordinary.

"Everyone, the reason why we want to use Jupiter as the target this time is because the satellite named "Legend" we discovered is indeed legendary enough. It has the conditions to develop into a space residence, and of course it also develops into Conditions in the industrial zone.

That's why this military exercise, we will allow real fighting!

Please listen to me in detail. Only by understanding the value of this satellite will you understand how much the Ocean Group has paid for this military exercise.

Because this satellite was originally discovered by the Ocean Group. Later, the launch of detectors, etc., were also carried out independently by the Ocean Group. "

Subsequently, Wang Hong opened a document, and a frozen planet with a reddish brown appearance appeared on the screen.

"This is a "legendary" satellite with a diameter larger than the moon and a diameter of 9,000 kilometers. It is almost twice the size of the moon. However, because the satellite contains a lot of ice, and an immense amount of solid ammonia and carbon dioxide Wait, its density has just exceeded 2 points.

Therefore, the surface gravity of the legendary satellite is only 1.3! Almost only one-eighth of the gravity of Venus' surface.

in case……"

"Wait!" Shu Bennan, the military commander from the country of Qixia, said. The bodyguard who followed Wu Fanghai back then has grown into one of the heads of Qi Xiazhi's interstellar fleet.

After everyone saw it, Shu Bennan asked: "Since almost all the water is on this satellite, what industrial value is there?"

Wang Hong smiled gently and slowly spit out three words: "Nuclear Fusion!"

Then Wang Hongcai continued: "According to our exploration, the proportion of heavy water on the legendary satellite exceeds one thousandth! Yes, one thousandth. On Tianyuanxing, the proportion of heavy water is less than two ten thousandths.

It is close to Jupiter here. We think that most of its heavy hydrogen comes from Jupiter, or the material in the early universe of Jupiter.

According to our calculations, if all the heavy hydrogen contained in the legendary satellite is extracted, it can support our current industrial development needs for 10,000 years! Such a long time must be enough for us to enter the advanced civilization sequence!

The legendary satellites are surrounded by Jupiter’s satellites, which have sufficient mineral resources. "

Everyone took a breath of air, and this time it was truly understood the value of this satellite.

Wang Hong continued: "According to our exploration, this satellite actually has a magnetic field! This is the only one found in our galaxy that has a magnetic field.

More importantly, among the planets with solid surfaces we are currently exploring, legendary satellites are rare in terms of being transformed into habitable places.

Because of the magnetic field, there is a considerable atmosphere on the legendary satellite, and the atmosphere is rich in oxygen and ozone.

The atmosphere on the legendary satellite is 80 kilometers thick. Because the planet's gravity is low, the atmospheric pressure is one-eighth that of Venus.

But this atmosphere is already very impressive. If the temperature is not considered, such an atmosphere is already enough for some plants to grow! Enough for normal activities of practitioners during the foundation period! "

Everyone heard it and marveled more and more. Sure enough, such a planet has the potential to transform into a place of residence. It just needs to heat up. What a simple thing to heat up.

Although only Ocean Group is currently testing nuclear fusion technology, everyone believes that it will not be long before nuclear fusion technology will become popular. Because of the technology of nuclear fusion, the Ocean Group did not hide.

Under such circumstances, the value of the'Legend' satellite is incalculable.

As for the practitioners in the foundation period, they are embarrassed to say that they are practitioners on the current Uranus-Dayang Group’s adult standard is 18 years old and reaches Jin Dan’s behavior; when both standards are met, ID cards will be issued , Not even without an ID card.

In this way, the Ocean Group took out the'legendary' satellite as a reward for this military exercise in space, and indeed paid too much. And everyone must win this planet.

Seeing the firmness in everyone's eyes, Murongshan's mouth was a little bit twitchy-in fact, President Zhang said, the'Legend' satellite is a bit tasteless. We are aiming at a planet found at the outermost edge of the galaxy. And the battle for legendary satellites is so simple!

It was a frozen planet with a diameter of about 30,000 kilometers. President Zhang named it Pluto.

However, the value of the'legend' satellite cannot be denied.

Knowing the value of this satellite, then naturally you will have to fight hard and try to control this satellite in your own hands.

At this time, the ASEAN fleet, the Western Union and the Xuanhuang Group fleet, according to the plan, everyone will circle the sun and then sprint to the target. The first stage of the military exercise lasted up to one year, during which reinforcements were allowed.

Time ticks past. After unifying their thoughts, everyone began to discuss space tactics.

At present, everyone's weapons are mainly gunpowder weapons. Because of technological advancement, the speed of shells in space is 20 times the speed of sound-there is no atmospheric obstruction, making the shells faster.

However, 20 times the speed of sound is only 10 kilometers per second. Fortunately, everyone's fleet is not far away-according to regulations, it is about 500,000 kilometers. But it can be adjusted according to the actual situation. After all, it's interstellar combat, and you can't do it like the ground.

500,000 kilometers, the cannonball takes 13 to 14 hours to fly! This can fully simulate the battle under the starry sky environment.

According to the analysis of the data obtained from Xuanwu Mountain, the battle distance between the battleships of Xuanhuang Civilization and Red River Civilization could be up to ten million kilometers away.

At a distance of 500,000 kilometers, in space battles, it is almost at hand!

Seeing the countdown coming to an end, Murongshan stood in the command room and quietly watched the technicians calculate the attack route.

According to the detection, the current distance between the main force of the fleet and the other party is 513,000 kilometers. It is necessary to calculate the flight time, trajectory and time consumed by the speed of light of the projectile, and also consider the interference of the sun's gravity during the flight of the projectile.

If you fly for 14 hours, gravity cannot really be ignored.

The gravity of the sun is in the position of the celestial orbit, the acceleration of gravity is 0.006 meters square seconds, 14 hours is enough to increase the velocity of the shells in the vertical direction of the sun by 302 meters seconds, and the vertical displacement can reach 7600 kilometers-such an error, even if it is aimed at Venus Will miss the target! Not to mention aiming at the spaceship.

Even if it is a cannonball fired out of outer space perpendicular to the direction of the sun, the cannonball "falls" after flying for a period of time and hits its own head.

The speed of 10 kilometers per second can't break the gravity of the sun!

Murongshan scrolled through the information in his mind. When the countdown ended, Murongshan immediately ordered: Fire!

A "war" with exercises in the space age, but also with competitive significance, broke out!

(Example: The explosion speed of Hessogin is 8750 msec. In theory, a bullet with a speed of 8750 msec. can be produced. And the latest full nitrogen anion salt explosion is even more powerful. Relying on the power of the explosion, it can theoretically produce a chase. The bullet on the comet.)

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