Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1094: What a coincidence

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At the order, the proton gun exploded.

Ten proton guns continually spewed out proton frenzy. The proton gun itself was developed based on the particle accelerator.

Dayang Group does not have the technology of producing particle guns at the moment. The particle gun is simple to say, but it is not that easy. However, the predecessor of the particle gun, the proton gun, was made.

The actual sub-cannon technology is not bad, and the power of a single proton itself is also very impressive. At 0.99 times the speed of light, the mass of a proton will expand about eight times (of course this mass is very small), but such a proton has the ability to crush atoms and destroy the structure of the material.

It's just that the proton gun has too few protons to form a weapon-level particle density. In addition, the biggest problem with proton guns is range. Protons emitted by proton guns are charged and easily affected by the environment. In the interstellar environment, the most indispensable is various electromagnetic environments.

In fact, the entire celestial galaxy is shrouded in the magnetic field of the sun.

Therefore, if the proton gun is to be used as a weapon, it is inherently insufficient. The particle gun fired should be ‘neutron’! But if you want to accelerate uncharged neutrons, the technical difficulty is even higher.

In addition, the particle gun body is huge, and it is almost difficult to study weapons for the time being.

But the proton cannon is sufficient as a tool for close use.

Ten proton cannons fired, and hundreds of millions of protons spewed out in a crazy manner, showing a plasma attitude. Under the control of the computer, they accurately bombarded the crests of the folds ahead.

According to calculations and theoretical derivations, the crests of space-time folds are the most vulnerable.

Sure enough, the attack worked!

Everyone seemed to hear some kind of cracking noise, and then they saw a void that was invisible in front of them, and suddenly a dark crack appeared.

Yes, the dark cracks.

In space, it was originally dark, nothing, and of course it was dark. But at this moment, everyone saw another kind of ‘darkness’—here, there are no basic rules, no time and space, it’s really ‘nothingness’!

But this phenomenon passed away in a flash. Time and space itself has a strong self-healing ability. In other words, this wound made by humans is like stabbing a "hole" in the sea with a needle-if it can be done.

Time and space is another more advanced sea. The destruction of this'wound' created by mankind may not be comparable to the impact of the gravity of the planet on space and time.

However, although the time and space cracks healed, the technical staff of the Ocean Group measured the speed of healing-3.7 times the speed of light! Therefore, before the spaceship approaches, the ‘wound’ will heal.

"3.7 times the speed of light?" Feng Songjie nodded. "Come again. This time the time and space cracks are torn apart."

Found a way, this time the hole torn is as large as twice the previous size. The measured healing speed was up to 5.6 times the speed of light!

Feng Songjie smiled at the new data. "Before coming here, Huang Mingshan told me that there are only two things in this world that are faster than light. That is time and space. Combined, it is time and space.

Time is illusory and unpredictable. But space, we can now touch. To achieve super-light speed flight, we need to embed the spaceship in the cracks of space and time, and then constantly destroy the space and time, and let the space and space's own healing speed push us forward. "

An engineer suddenly turned his head and said: "Captain, if we continue to destroy time and space, our fastest speed is only 0.99 times the speed of light. After all, the weapon attack speed is limited."

Everyone: ... Sounds reasonable.

Feng Songjie snorted, "Scientists have long considered this. As long as our spacecraft can be embedded in the cracks in space and time, everything will change."

"But the problem now is that the speed of our spacecraft simply cannot keep up with the speed at which the cracks in time and space heal."

Feng Songjie: ...

Sure enough, after trying for more than half a month, the spacecraft could not keep up with the speed of healing of the crack. No matter what kind of attempt, what kind of means, or even remotely contact the core scientific research personnel of the Ocean Group, but failed to find a way.

God seems to be ridiculing stupid humans-I have long thought of ways to deal with you.

But human wisdom is endless. Finally, Zhang Xiaoning, who was far away from the Tianyuan star, gave an opinion: Time and space are everywhere, not only outside the spaceship, but also inside the spaceship! This is completely different from seawater.

So, we don't need to chase the open space-time crack, we can completely tear the space-time crack at a specific position of the spaceship!

This idea is wonderful. So the spacecraft returned from space and began to refit.

After the summer of Tianyuan 51, the spaceship departed again. This time, the space-time crack was opened smoothly, and the spaceship and the like were captured by the space-time crack.

Then, wonderful things happened.

Only half of the spacecraft can be seen in space, and the other half disappears directly. But the people inside the spaceship went in and out, unaffected. Looking up from the lower half of the spaceship, I can only see nothing, only the empty starry sky. It seems that the lower half of the spaceship completely disappeared.

And this state is very stable!

At the suggestion of scientists, everyone launched an unmanned detector. Half of the unmanned detectors are in the real world, and half are hidden by cracks in space and time. But the detector was just launched, and it was torn in an instant.

The half of the real world rolls directly in the void, and the other half hidden in time and space is missing. The incision is extremely smooth, even the nucleus is cut.

Seeing the smooth section of the detector, Feng Songjie and others were sweating coldly-they just wanted to fly like this.

With a cold sweat on his face, Feng Songjie said with a slight trembling: "It seems that you can't be lazy, continue to bombard the cracks in space and time."

As the proton artillery bombarded the space and time in front of the spaceship, even more wonderful things happened. Time and space are automatically repaired from the back, and during this repair process, the spaceship will be pushed forward.

The state of the spacecraft at this time is also a bit strange, in this state, the proton gun can even directly contact time and space. In other words, it should be called ‘grain boundary’!

After the proton cannon is stabilized, the speed of space-time healing is 22 times the speed of light-that is to say, the spacecraft is advancing at 22 times the speed of light! And after calculation, everyone thinks that if the proton cannon's power is increased, it can move faster.

In front of the spacecraft, there is a roaring proton cannon. The proton artillery shattered time and space, pushing the spaceship forward as time and space healed. The spacecraft's engine has been shut down.

However, after the novelty, everyone started to study and there are many problems encountered now:

First of all, the interior of the spaceship does not seem to be affected, and various physical rules are still available. As for whether there is any change, it must be strictly tested.

Secondly, once the item falls out of the spaceship, if it falls outside the starry sky, it will be thrown behind by the spaceship—because the spaceship is now advancing beyond the speed of light, so the state of this item falling outside is unknown to everyone. !

But once the object falls into the space-time grain boundary, it will advance with the grain boundary, and then be melted and swallowed by the grain boundary a little bit!

Only the spaceship, half in the grain boundary and half in the real world, seems to be able to counter the engulfing ability of the grain boundary.

Finally, and most importantly, this super-light speed advancement method causes too much fluctuation. I'm afraid I can detect it from afar!

Fortunately, the situation is not bad. Feng Songjie saw that the spacecraft was in a stable state, and immediately ordered: "Target: An old star beyond 60 light years!

set off! "

The spacecraft advanced rapidly at 22 times the speed of light. It took only two years and two hundred days to enter the gravitational range of the old star.

Compared to Uranus, Elder Star actually has two suns, and the size, brightness, and temperature of the two suns are significantly higher than those of Uranus.

Looking at the two loving stars from afar, everyone was a little infatuated for a while. The magic of the universe is breathtaking. Especially as the two stars hover, there is even a small planet in the middle of the world-the trajectory of others is the catwalk of the ‘8’ shape!

Just waiting for Feng Songjie to express some emotions, the crew in charge of the investigation exclaimed: "above, at three o'clock, I found... found the fleet!

No, they seem to find us! "


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