Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1103: 第一 〇 一

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(I’m not going to be a master in the future, it’s really a bit chaotic. Normally, I use ‘monk’ and ‘cultivator’ etc.)

The remaining monks of the Red River Civilization returned to the realm of realm. They looked at the steel monsters with a height of six meters in front, and they were timid for a while.

The time just passed, but only 15 seconds, but in these 15 seconds, the two sides broke out in an unprecedented fierce decisive battle.

In 15 seconds, the Ocean Group paid nearly one-third of the casualties, but the fighting ability, courage, wildness, and even the results of the battle all made the remaining monks of the Red River Civilization frightened.

The masters of the Pure Yang Realm that they value most are thus tortured to death. In 15 seconds, seven masters of pure Yang realm were killed!

Looking at these steel monsters at this time, there is a feeling of looking at the messenger of hell.

On the contrary, the mech fighters of the Ocean Group are not in fear at this time, but are in anger, vigorous warfare, and murderous.

Li Changxing looked at each other and waved to the two mech soldiers next to him. The two Mech Warriors were Li Changxing's personal guards, and they immediately understood what it was. The two took the nano-wire fence, ropes, etc., and walked forward step by step under the cover of the rail guns and various weapons raised by the large group of mech soldiers.

Step by step, step by step. In fact, there is no ground in the battle space, but the attitude of the mecha makes the opponent feel indescribable pressure.

The monks of the Red River Civilization, however, kept retreating. Looking at the hundreds of mechas in front of them attacking, they dare not resist. Only dare to run.

It is a pity that this battle space is limited, and it is not small to say a thousand miles, but for many practitioners on the scene, it is really a big place to slap.

Maybe they expect the combat space to disintegrate quickly, but in fact the combat space is also unstable. But it doesn't seem to be a problem to insist on tens of seconds.

Finally, the first two Red River civilization monks stopped running. They watched the mech approaching step by step. The two looked at each other and slowly raised their hands.

Although there is no verbal communication between the two parties, the language of the body has been clearly expressed.

The Mech Warrior seals the two and throws them aside. Then more mecha fighters were dispatched.

There are still some monks of the Red River civilization who have the guts and they chose to resist. However, they resisted without recognizing the situation, and they were greeted by bullets from a small mecha rail gun, which was a high-power microwave attack.

After about 20 seconds again, the scene captured 86 monks who returned to the realm, and half of the masters of the pure Yang realm with only shoulders, arms, and heads-the master really only had hands.

In fact, even if this pure Yang master is already so miserable, it can still easily kill ordinary monks who transform the realm of gods. Of course, the fighting power will not last long.

For such a master, Li Changxing did not dare to be careless. Seeing that the guy couldn't die, he sealed it directly. Wait until you get back to Dayang Group-if you can bring it back.

Then everyone sealed all the captives and hung them outside the spaceship with barbed wire-this is natural armor! Armor on the human level. Captives should be used this way.

Then the spacecraft launched a strong attack on the already unstable combat space. After two salvos, space crashed.

These two salvos were shot in the left direction.

When the space collapses, the spacecraft moves directly to the right to avoid possible attacks.

At the moment of rushing out of the space, violent shaking appeared on the spaceship. The spaceship tumbled and flew out. The captives tied to the surface of the spaceship became flying catkins on the wheel, floating and floating.

Inside the spacecraft, Feng Songjie calmly commanded and investigated all around.

After about 10 seconds, the spacecraft stabilized and the detection data was also available.

In just one minute of entering the battle space, the spacecraft's forward speed actually decreased by about 34%. The moving distance of the spaceship is also 460,000 kilometers. But this movement seems to be taking place in the void interlayer.

According to the calculation results, this is in accordance with the physical rules-in the beginning and end of entering the battle space, the deceleration and movement of the spacecraft are in line with the physical rules. With a spaceship of 127 oncoming masters and the momentum of their small aircraft, a spacecraft speed reduction of 34% is reasonable data.

The previous movement speed was 12,000 kilometers per second, the time to enter the combat space was less than one minute, and the displacement was 460,000 kilometers. All physical rules have not changed, and even the time has not changed.

"It seems that the magical powers are no match for the sky! Even a high-level civilization spell can't change the physical rules of nature!" Feng Songjie said, looking forward.

At this time, the Voyager spaceship is less than 12 million kilometers away from the other's new temporary flagship. This distance is similar to that of a monk like Feng Songjie, who can barely see the spaceship directly-if the spaceship is not invisible and the front is illuminated by the stellar light.

12 million kilometers away, it was only 40 seconds later that the captain beside the Red River Civilization and the Three Princes saw that the indigenous spaceship was intact!

Not only is it intact, there is a circle of captives tied to the surface of the spaceship!

"Fuck! It's all pigs!" The captain patted the console vigorously.

But soon, the captain started to feel heavy-what happened just after the battle? Does it mean that the other party has more powerful masters? Or is there any special means?

That is 120 masters of the true state and 7 pure yang states, which is almost the power of the three princes. The rest are inseparable from the resident planet.

What kind of "indigenous" did we encounter! Or do we have any misunderstandings about the word "indigenous"?

But there was not much time for the captain to hesitate. The relative speed of the two parties now reaches 20,000 kilometers per second. According to the time of the Red River civilization, the two sides can meet in as little as half an hour. Then... kill each other?

For the first time, the captain faced this indigenous spaceship, and his palm sweated.

He quickly reported the situation to the three princes. The three princes were silent this time for a long time, and then no longer spoke through the think tank, but directly informed the captain: "It is no longer necessary to continue the fight to this state. You signal the other party and we can negotiate.

History tells us that rational negotiations get more than war! "

After receiving instructions, the captain made arrangements immediately. It doesn't matter if the language doesn't work. As a million-year-old civilization, they have enough experience to deal with these things.

A small spacecraft was ejected, and the main force of the fleet was slightly deflected. But the speed has not decreased, and the combat effectiveness must be maintained.

The small spaceship was flying with bright flashing lights. This gesture is basically a message at a glance.

"Need to negotiate?" Yu Jiang, the captain of the Voyager, was a little puzzled.

But Captain Feng Songjie sneered. "It's not that there is something that delays time and fighters under the banner of peace talks. Moreover, in case this is not a peace talk, but a master."

So don't worry about it.

But as the so-called war between the two countries will not be cut, the situation is temporarily unknown, and we do not know much about the starry sky. Therefore, you can only ignore him. "

After about nine minutes, the ‘ambassador’ approached the spacecraft, but the spacecraft did not slow down at all, and the opponent’s wave, signal, etc. had no effect.

The two sides soon missed, the Voyager spacecraft launched an attack on three spacecraft about 3 million kilometers away.

Seeing that this'indigenous' was so unreasonable, the messenger quickly notified the rear through means of super-light speed communication, and also took the captives tied to the surface of the spacecraft and sent them out. But at the next moment, the shell of a rail cannon sent the messenger to the path of ascension.

If you stay honest, nothing will happen. But you have to send ‘information’ to the rear, then hehe. You are not a messenger, but a spy!

Dayang Group has always stood in the way of doing things. From the initial Zhang Hao, all the way to the current staff of the Ocean Group. We are all reasonable people, let me tell you...

In the rear, after receiving the news, the captain took a straight shot at the console: Indigenous is Indigenous! But to this day there is no way. The messengers he sent did not make sense. Even if this matter is placed in the current interstellar environment, it will only bring ridicule.

The battle can only be continued helplessly. The two sides began to meet each other in a poignant love story...

The first possible peace talks and exchanges between the two sides will be buried. The Red River Civilization obviously will not send messengers anymore.

On the side of the three princes, three ships under maintenance were also dispatched. Although it has not been repaired yet, it has to play at this moment. Because the Voyager spacecraft missed the three warships, it even went straight to the rear, which caused the three princes who cultivated in the rear to panic.

But the problem now is that the Voyager spacecraft has added a new layer of armor-a total of 86 people, repaired as prisoners in the realm of truth. The apprentices and followers of these captives and their followers are all on the battleship.

Therefore, although the three princes ordered the attack, the laser and particle beams in the starry sky once again crisscrossed. But the accuracy of this time...not to mention.

Speaking of this sudden encounter, the people around the third prince were already panicked. Especially watching the destruction of one spaceship after another, or even falling into a star, saying that it is impossible to shiver.

Victory is contagious! Failure, infection is faster!

Previously, everyone watched the destruction of Tuoba Hoshino's spaceships one by one, but only felt very spectacular. But when it was his turn, no one had such an idea.

Feng Songjie was very satisfied on the Voyager spacecraft. Looking at the detector, the laser, etc. flew a few kilometers away from the spaceship, and finally spoke, "Maybe, we should talk to them."

"Ah..." Yu Jiang was a little stunned. "But we just rejected the other party's request for peace talks and killed their messenger."

Feng Songjie shook his head: "No, that's a spy, not a messenger! Remember, no matter who talks about this matter in the future, you must bite it as a spy.

And what we are sending is the real messenger. "

"Who is the messenger?"

"Isn't there a captive!"

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