Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1107: 第一 〇 五

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The spaceship arrived at the target star in about half a month. Here is a red dwarf star, the galaxy is stable, and has three planets.

A planet is similar to Mercury, but it is closer and the temperature is a bit higher. There is another one that is a bit far away and a bit small.

Only the middle one is the size of Mars, the surface temperature fluctuates from ‘-130° to 27°’, the average temperature is about -49°, there is no magnetic field, no air, and there is no decent resource.

This is a star with no development value at all, but at this time, it left a simple underground base on the middle planet.

It's very small, about a kilometer, and the project was completed in less than ten days. Related equipment is basically from the three princes.

This unknown galaxy now has a name-Midway Star.

After that, the three princes took their fleet and the equipment obtained from the Voyager spacecraft and left directly. He urgently needs to go back to study and absorb the technology from this ‘indigenous’ civilization.

The next transaction will have to wait a few years. According to the agreement, after the return of Feng Songjie and others, the Ocean Group will send people here as soon as possible. As long as the Ocean Group starts the communication system here, the three princes will immediately send people to hand over.

In the next transaction, the Ocean Group will need to send relevant personnel to form an educational delegation to the three princes’ enclaves to conduct education. The three princes will provide the corresponding technology, a little technical guidance and even training for the Ocean Group. Everyone is mutually beneficial.

Because of the Red River civilized spaceship, and the spaceship provided by the Three Princes is relatively new, Feng Songjie and others returned to the outer periphery of the Tianyuan Galaxy in less than half a month.

Of course, along the way, everyone also shielded the communication equipment on the spacecraft and so on. Although the three princes performed well, they couldn't believe it. Communication, signal and other transmitters are still shielded. If it is not easy to shield, or is not guaranteed, directly remove and box!

In this way, Feng Songjie also compared the concept of time on both sides.

The time of Uranus is similar to the time of ‘Holy Summer’, which is the standard time of the entire sky! If you think that Tianyuanxing was meticulously transformed by Xuanhuang civilization, then this is understandable.

The time of the Red River civilization is hour, day, month, and year. They have 16 hours a day, and one hour is equivalent to 2.8 hours on the Ocean Group side. There are 20 to 22 days per month, 14 months a year, a total of 295 days.

Each hour is divided into 12 moments, each moment is divided into 10 minutes, and one minute is divided into 100 seconds. This is the time unit of the Red River civilization.

Time is a key concept because many technologies, especially the core of computer technology, are directly related to time. In addition, it is the Zhoutian star map-the Zhoutian star map of the Red River Civilization, navigation signs, etc., all linked to time.

Although there is standard universal time in ‘Interstellar’, everyone generally does not use this. Very simple, confidentiality issue. The specific time of each route in the interplanetary is related to the safety of a country. These data will not be easily leaked.

You won't know these specific data without running it yourself.

In interstellar, the routes of foreign exchanges between countries have never been straight lines, they are all around. Only your own army is qualified to go straight.

Not to mention that the stars are not fixed. There are gravitational traps between the moving stars, even stray planets, stray stars, even stray neutron stars, black holes, and even black hole groups! These must be updated at any time. However, these situations mastered by various countries are generally not disclosed. Since you are using it for yourself, the time, distance, etc. must come according to your own standards.

But in the interstellar open communication, everyone will use the so-called standard time and unit. In short, each has its own calculations, and finally there is a mess.

After the Holy Emperor, the starry sky had several short-lived unifications, but they quickly fell apart. So far, the starry sky is very lively-the new unity is far away.

The map of the stars given by the three princes does not involve his own military route. But there is still a lot of astronomical knowledge to be translated. Time is one of the most critical issues.

Coming to the outer periphery of Tianyuan Galaxy, Feng Songjie looked at the dim star like candlelight in the distance, and suddenly there was an inexpressible excitement in his heart, and tears flowed out instantly.

"Go home! It's been almost three years since I left. I don't know what happened to the Ocean Group now?"

Exploring with mortal determination, fighting with mortal determination, but Phoenix Nirvana returned more fully.

Everyone stood behind the porthole of the "Lucky" spacecraft, quietly looking at the dim star and the dark sky, but they felt inexplicably familiar.

Fortunately, Feng Songjie remained calm. He immediately ordered the Voyager spacecraft to be released, allowing the Voyager spacecraft to open in front and open the signal system.

If the Lucky spacecraft rushed directly into the galaxy, I am afraid that it would cause chaos. Maybe it's just the rail gun. Three years later, I don’t know what the current rail gun technology is? Can there be a breakthrough of 0.3 times the speed of light?

When I walked, I said that when the speed of the guide rail gun exceeded 0.3 times the speed of light, it means that the Ocean Group has the ability to sweep the starry sky! At that time, everyone was so theoretically demonstrating.

After this battle, Feng Songjie believes that this theory is very reliable!

The Voyager spacecraft is in front, and the Lucky spacecraft is behind, flying toward the star at a speed of about 8000 kilometers per second. The spaceship advanced for about three hours, and a small spaceship, or a small detector that no one had explored, dragged its tail and flew over.

Feng Songjie talked to the detector by radio.

Then, the detector was thrown behind the spaceship.

The forward speed of the spacecraft is 8000 kilometers per second. The unmanned probe was originally explored and guarded around the galaxy in the outer periphery of the galaxy. Its orbital speed, or revolution speed, was only 4.7 kilometers per second.

When the Voyager spacecraft was discovered and accelerated to catch up (intercept), its speed barely reached the speed of 500 kilometers per second, and the fuel was almost exhausted.

In the end, the two sides crossed in a "ten" shape. The spacecraft continues to move in the direction of the star, while the probe continues to move forward.

Especially because the probe was out of fuel, unable to brake, and reached a speed of 500 kilometers per second, it began to get rid of the star's gravity and flew into outer space.

Starting today, it is a free detector.

But...just a few minutes later, after completing the communication, the detector began to self-destruct. Finally, there was only a scorched debris inside the detector, which disappeared into the deep sky.

The Voyager continued to fly at a constant speed. And began to send signals to the direction of the Ocean Group.

But the information forwarded by the detector, as well as the spacecraft's signal, propagated at the speed of light. The signal first arrived at Pluto. The head of the Pluto base, who was Qu Liang who had served as Secretary of Zhang Hao, was shocked by the signal, but then he was still vigilant.

There are even couples of swordsmen and heroines from the Ocean Group sitting here, and they are also wary of the Voyager who returns suddenly.

On the one hand, Qu Liang forwarded the signal to Tianyuanxing, while letting the base open the telescope system, locking the advancing spacecraft, and then talking with Feng Songjie.

Because the distance is a bit far away, the two parties can only talk once in about 20 seconds, but they are still happy-or Feng Songjie is not tired, but Qu Liang is extremely vigilant.

After all, according to the plan, Feng Songjie and others should return, at least five and a half years. But now they have returned in only three years, either they have not reached the old star, or... they have done the lead party! Especially in the rear is a five-kilometer spaceship!

It wasn't until Feng Songjie's encrypted channel on Dayang Group's encounter was clear, and some video files were also sent that Qu Liang finally believed temporarily.

But only temporarily believed. Next, the Ocean Group will send masters to land on the Voyager and Lucky spacecraft for on-site inspection.

Feng Songjie fully accepted this. In fact, this was discussed before departure. This is related to the safety of the entire Uranus, and you can't be too careful.

Two days later, a brand-new spacecraft arrived. The fleet of the Ocean Group surrounded the two spacecraft and sent people to check. This time it was really confirmed that there was no problem. Feng Songjie received Zhou Xueyao’s personal order:

In order to prevent viruses, bacteria, etc. that bring extraterrestrial civilizations, everyone cannot return directly to the ground. They will temporarily arrange for a month-long inspection and observation on lunar orbit. If there is no problem, we will return to the ground and actually go home!

During this period, the relevant personnel of the Ocean Group will also learn and understand the materials of the Red River civilization, and try to persuade the captives of the Tuoba Hoshino team to be arrested completely. Among these captives, there are soldiers, technicians, maintenance personnel, staff and tactical experts, communication personnel, and astronomers...

In short, all are talents, all are babies!


When Feng Songjie and others returned to the Tianyuan Galaxy and began to be inspected, the spacecraft of the Three Princes also safely returned to their own enclave.

Go home! The three princes finally breathed a sigh of relief and then remembered a promise.

He called the rickety, one-eyed one-eyed man to his side and looked at each other quietly, "Qu Menchong, according to our agreement, I caught Tuoba Xingye. Although the process is a bit tortuous, but this seat speaks .

I caught a dozen women from Tuoba Hoshino's spaceship, but I'm not sure if there is someone you need. "

Qu Men Chong took a deep breath, "Can you show me?"

The three princes clapped their hands, and soon 14 women were taken in.

The 14 women were not abused because of the war seals, etc., and their clothes were slightly disheveled.

Qu Menchong looked at the woman in front at first glance.

She is tall and plump, as elegant as a swan, and even the current embarrassment can't conceal her unique style and genre. Even in this state, on the contrary, one more poignant and three more pitiful, even the three princes couldn't help but see.

Qu Men Chong couldn't help but walked in front of the woman, shouting hoarsely, in a low voice, with tenderness: "Xiaoyun... have you... been okay?"

The pupil of this little cloud contracted, she wanted to retreat, there was a certain disgust in her eyes, but she stopped suddenly at the last moment, her eyes carefully looked at the man in front of her, and gradually, her red lips slightly opened: "You... ...Brother Chong?"

"Xiaoyun, I finally found you." Qu Menchong stepped forward to hug.

Xiaoyun's pupils contracted and the disgust in her eyes flashed again, but she finally glanced at the smiling third prince next to her, silver teeth biting secretly, as if she wanted to stretch out her arms to hug each other. It is a pity that they are sealed and bound, and can only make a basic action.

However, Qu Menchong stopped at the end. He looked at his hands, sighed hard, and turned to look at the three princes: "His Royal Highness, can you unlock the seal for Xiaoyun?"

The three princes nodded and glanced deeply at Qu Menchong, "Qi Lianyun, right, it really is a peerless genius. No wonder Tuoba Xingye has to be robbed by any means. Hey, don't worry, this is a good talk!

According to the agreement, she is yours. "

As he said, he lifted his chin to the person next to him.

There was a monk who returned to the realm immediately to untie the seal and **** for Qilian Liyun and step back aside. Qi Lianli Yunxiu did not need to be vigilant because of the state of law.

That is, this woman is really beautiful!

Qi Lianliyun took the initiative to grab Qu Menchong's hand, and tears fell down: "Brother Chong, you... suffered, did you come to pick me up?"

"Let's go back!" Qu Menchong said firmly.

"Huh!" Qi Lianliyun nodded vigorously.

At this point, the spaceship had been docked firmly, and then Qu Menchong took Qilian Liyun's hand and proposed farewell to the three princes. At this point, Lilian Li had arranged his appearance with magic and regained radiance.

The three princes slowly stood up and took out a copper-colored mirror decorated with concentric knots from the storage ring: "Legend, there are stories of broken mirrors and round circles in ancient times. Later the round copper mirrors represented happiness and perfection.

This is a mirror of the earth fairy level that I accidentally obtained some time ago. The name is called the concentric mirror. The specific function needs your own exploration.

Just use this mirror to wish you all the best and come back with a broken mirror. The future will be happy and happy. "

Qu Menchong looked at the three princes, with a trembling corner of his mouth: "His Royal Highness... This... is too expensive. I just sent a message."

The three princes smiled and said: "As long as you are happy, this concentric mirror is worth the money. Of course, if you are not happy... then come back."

Qumen worshipped Xie and took the concentric mirror in both hands.

The hatch opened, and the three princes bid farewell to Qu Menchong and Qi Lianyun at the port. They were gentle and gentle, and I didn't know how much praise they had received.

Against the background of the three princes, Qu Menchong and Qi Lianyun had a clown-like illusion.

Qu Menchong didn't feel much. He held Qilian Liyun's small hand tightly, and said softly, seemingly dreamy, and seemingly afraid of waking up: "Xiaoyun, let's go home, go home."

Qu Menchong stumbled.

The three princes looked at the figure of the two going away, the corners of their mouths slightly raised, shook their heads slightly, and finally sighed: "Poor man."

The think tank said beside him, "Poor people must have hateful things. This Qu Men Chong Ping only knew about practice and earning money, but did not know that his wife was taken away by Tuoba Xingye.

Tuoba Xingye has just explained that Qilian Liyun... is not an easily satisfied woman. And her kung fu... cough, very good. "

"Careful words! Stay in Germany!" The third prince's tone was slightly heavy.

The think tank shut up quickly.

However, it was said that Qu Menchong and Qi Lianyun left the port, and in a few words, Qu Menchong handed the concentric mirror to the'beloved one'. After the two completely left the port, Qi Lianyun suddenly shook off Qu Menchong's hand.

"Xiaoyun... shall we not go home?"

Qi Lianliyun suddenly turned his face: "Qu Menchong, it's you! It's you! It's you! All blame you!

If it were not for you, I would be able to marry Tuoba Hoshino after going back this time! In the future, at least a concubine!

But because of you... my home is ruined!

Humph! Over the years, I have accumulated more than 300,000 Suzaku coins, which is almost equivalent to 300 million Golden Eagle coins. I can live well.

How about you? Nothing.

Our fate has long since disappeared. Let’s see what you are like now. We are already impossible.

For the sake of the past, for the sake of this concentric mirror, for the sake of saving me, I will let you go. Let's go, we won't have any contact in the future! "

With that said, Qilian Liyun suddenly exploded into the realm of breath, and under the pressure of this breath, Qu Menchong sat directly on the cold ground.

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