Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1110: 第一 〇 八

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The complete credit and details of Feng Songjie and others cannot be fully disclosed to the outside world, but on the board of directors of the Ocean Group, the credit of Feng Songjie and others was introduced in detail and generous rewards were given.

Feng Songjie alone received a reward of about 500 million psychic yuan.

In addition, Feng Songjie officially took over the post of commander of the Ocean Group Star Fleet! And the former coach of the Ocean Group, Murongshan, had to temporarily assume the position of deputy!

On the board of directors of the Ocean Group, the pen of the Ocean Group and the male presenter of the news network read aloud the speech prepared in one month. This speech cannot be made public for the time being, but it can be made public within the Ocean Group and must be made public: the merits of the heroes must not be vague!

The hero must never be allowed to bleed and shed tears.

There cannot be public ceremonies, but internal ceremonies cannot be saved. The hearts of the people need to be recognized, and the final result is to go all out.

There is a reward for merit and punishment for once. This is an iron law. At least within the Ocean Group, its importance is even above the law.

The male host fully deduced the merits, process, and even the fighting process of Feng Songjie and others. Feng Songjie and others listened, their eyes were a little wet.

"...This is an immortal feat that unfolds the history and future of Tianyuanxing, and will illuminate the future of Ocean Group and Tianyuanxing civilization forever!"

The host's words ended and the applause lasted for a long time.

Then Bai Yutang read out everyone's reward in person. After the award, the conference entered the most critical link: the future development of the starry sky. However, first break.


When the achievements of Feng Songjie and others were officially disclosed in the Ocean Group, the rewards for all crew members were also published simultaneously on the official website of the outside Ocean Group.

The rewards are amazing, but everyone is only envious.

In this list of rewards, the lowest reward is also 12 million yuan. Not counting the promotion of positions and the promotion of social status. Sometimes these invisible wealth is the real wealth.

At the time when the outside world was talking about this, within the Ocean Group, the meeting has entered the second half.

Zhang Hao looked at the excited crowd and said directly: "You, the future is near, it is no longer far away. Next, we need to make a comprehensive plan for the upcoming future world.

I temporarily summarized eight o'clock.

First, implement the "Old Man Star Treaty" and take this to fully cooperate with the three princes of the Red River Civilization, so as to truly enter the age of the starry sky and understand the situation of the Red River Civilization.

But before that, we need to carefully explore the attitude of the Red River civilization to the extinct Xuanhuang civilization and figure out what happened that year.

Second, since we want to connect with the outside world, first of all, we need to connect with the outside world in terms of wealth, and indeed money. Only when the road to capital is cleared can communication really last. Deals that rely solely on politics will sooner or later come back.

Third, the split state of Uranus needs to be resolved urgently. There can only be one voice when communicating externally!

Fourth, there is no need to say more about military issues. What matters is science and industry. We must unswervingly follow our own scientific development path. It can be used for reference, but the essence cannot be lost. In industry, we need to start an era of big industry.

The so-called era of big industry is to completely transform science and technology into productivity, combat power, comprehensive competitiveness, ability and speed to create wealth, etc.

Only scientific research and industrial production can make progress together to truly shape Tianyuanxing and create the glory belonging to the Ocean Group.

Especially the problem of ultra-light speed communication must be resolved as soon as possible!

Fifth, we need to organize a caravan. This team will try to trade in the sky to broaden the way for future development.

Sixth, organize study abroad. This point, temporarily can contact the three princes. We need to expand the scope of exchanges, not just treaties. It is necessary to form a comprehensive communication mechanism.

While the three princes still need us, while we still have value, we must quickly and decisively obtain everything we need!

Seventh, we must use reasonable means to get more contact through the three princes, or skip the three princes.

We need to get everything we can get. Information, technology, industrial facilities, talents, exercises, immortality, talk, news, military, current affairs, diplomacy, history, education, everything.

I believe that there must be some underground organizations in the Red River civilization. In the case of ensuring that the identity is not exposed, you can buy all that you can buy from them.

Eighth, Super Life Eternal said that it was discovered and left the wrong guide. Try to find out this matter. What happened to the wrong guidance left by eternity, and how it affected us.

You know, the shape of the eternal spaceship is different from the Red River civilization, that is the shape of the Xuanhuang civilization spaceship. I don't think this matter will end so simple.

For the time being I think of these, what else do you want to add? "

Bai Yutang said: "I think that the top priority is to immediately dispatch personnel to the three princes. For the time being, we are still very weak. Therefore, we need to bow our heads temporarily. Therefore, not only to show our value, but also to show appropriate Attitude.

Today's bow is for tomorrow, to be able to stand our chests and voice our own voice in the stars!

And regarding the Xuanhuang civilization, we need to talk openly. I think that if the three princes described in the population of Feng Songjie and others are not biased, then these three princes can definitely be trusted temporarily.

According to what we have learned from prisoners...oh, what should be called external engineers now, the current life span of the Red River Civilized Emperor is at least 3,000 years. If there is a panacea or something, or cultivation for progress, maybe tens of thousands of years can be delayed.

Unless the current several princes unite to rebel. Otherwise, before the three princes take the throne, he should be a trusted partner.

But this trust also has a premise. Once the throne competition enters the fierce link, we may be regarded as cannon fodder.

In addition, once the rest of the princes discover us, there is a great possibility that they will directly send troops, or private troops, or masters of the virtual realm, etc., posing an irresistible threat to us.

Therefore, we must prepare for this. "

Bai Ye also said: "We should build our own intelligence system. We can cooperate with the three princes, but not only with the three princes, nor can we put all our hopes on them.

Even, the three princes are just a temporary umbrella. And this protective umbrella may fail at any time, even leaking rain.

We need to send people directly into the Red River civilization, fully incarnate the people of the Red River civilization, and establish business groups, intelligence agencies, and even assassination agencies in the local area. We need to meet with the shadowy society.

I think that for quite a long time in the future, we are afraid that it will be difficult to show up publicly. Therefore, through some third-party means, it is necessary to cross the three princes and directly connect with the Red River civilization. "

Du Gu Junjie also said: "I think that although we are closer to the Red River civilization, we can't just contact the Red River civilization. We must explore more civilizations.

Also, according to the words of the three princes and the information we have obtained temporarily, there are large empires that control the entire Jingsu starry sky area above the Red River civilization. And the Red River Civilization is nothing but its vassals.

Can we try to directly contact this great empire? "

Zhang Jialin of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Ocean Group also said, "I think it is necessary for us to contact the military and nobles of the Red River Civilization mutiny.

Because according to the performance of the three princes, our technology has an important complementary role to the Red River civilization. Once the three princes swelled and grew rapidly as a result, in a very short time, they unified the Red River civilization. Then, we are afraid that we will be demolished by crossing the river.

Therefore, I think it is necessary to secretly make contact with the military or the nobles. "

"Inappropriate!" Fu Yun, who returned to the headquarters of the Ocean Group, was a domineering denial. "Once we come into contact with the military or nobles, they will definitely behave differently. Once our special technology, such as rail cannon leaks, it will inevitably cause the three princes Anger. And this is almost inevitable.

In contrast, I think it is better to look for civilizations near the Red River civilization, contact with this civilization, and use this to contain the Red River civilization.

As for the three princes, I think that even with our technical support, the three princes can hardly achieve success in a short time. Although he is the third prince, he is only the third prince!

The old emperor still has at least 3,000 years of life, and in the last two decades, the Red River civilization has split again. Under such circumstances, the three princes should not be in disorder within a short period of three to five hundred years. "

Everyone started intense discussions, and gradually an effective plan matured.

But at the end of the meeting, Mu Yingying, who had not spoken very much, suddenly said, "I think there is a problem that needs to be vigilant. That is our internal defection. In the face of the Red River civilization, I don’t think everyone can Together.

I think that all seniors must get married! This high-level, not just the Ocean Group, but the entire Tianyuanxing. For example, Xuanhuang Group's military commander Nangong Zhi.

Because there is no family, most practitioners are free-minded. Over the years, there have been more and more people changing jobs within Tianyuanxing. According to statistics, only a handful of those who change jobs after getting married. After getting married and having children, there is no one who has found a job change!

Married, there is no guarantee that there is no problem. But not getting married is even more impossible to guarantee. "

Suddenly quiet in the meeting room, everyone looked at each other.

Needless to say, more than half of the mid-to-high-level members of the Ocean Group are unmarried! Practitioners, don’t worry!

Mu Yingying did not stop, but continued, "At present, the absolute unification is still not completed in Tianyuanxing. In this way, we can easily be counterattacked by the three princes or outsiders, and then completely become a piece of sand and become a gun for others!

Therefore, marriage, marriage, and unity should be integrated.

Those who are not married will not be able to continue to hold important positions! "

Zhang Hao is a bit burned: This problem is obvious to the eye. But this problem... is a bit big!

Yes, this makes sense, very very reasonable! But it is not easy to operate. How can the atmosphere that Tian Yuanxing has formed over more than 100,000 years be changed by a political order.

Almost instantly, three words appeared in Zhang Hao's heart: fake marriage!

There used to be a world in which everyone wanted to avoid house taxes or government orders, and fake marriages and even divorce were rampant. The morality of the whole society has been severely tested, the decline of social morality has accelerated, and the irreversible decline of social ethos.

But it must be said that the original intention of the decree was good. It’s just that the mind is too complicated.

For the same reason, I am afraid that the current situation will cause many problems.

Zhang Hao immediately asked the question.

Mu Yingying froze for a moment, and said in silence for a while: "I did not expect this. But at this moment, I think it is necessary to insist on this.

Maybe we don’t have to specify it explicitly, but it can be implied. The senior management of Ocean Group can set an example.

At this moment, we can only take the most reasonable approach possible. There is no perfect way. "

Zhang Hao nodded calmly. Mu Yingying's suggestion is actually very reasonable. Instead, it is your own problem, which may be a bit nitpicking in the eyes of others.

Speaking of which, combining marriage and marriage with the unity of Tianyuanxing is actually a brilliant idea!

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao finally relaxed and expressed his support.

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