Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1112: 第一 一 〇

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(Supplement: Not a pretty woman is about to receive the protagonist's basket, which will elicit the beast.)

Over the next period of time, the entire Tianyuan star jumped.

Gundam still has the responsibility to promote global marriage. Not to mention, it really got a lot of support. Not to mention anything, everyone generally agrees: the idea of ​​a family is more reliable.

With family ties, it is indeed more credible.

But then there was a problem, and it was difficult to do the marriage. Traditional culture and the requirements of the new era have burst into fierce conflicts here.

For example, Jiang Ge, the requirement of Jian Ge is that all in-service personnel need to practice wholeheartedly, which is also due to their mentality. Marriage for the management of Jiange means challenging tradition! It also means that the rules and regulations that have been upheld for a long time and within the Jiangge must be changed or even denied!

Once this requirement was opened, Jiange... I'm afraid it wasn't Jiange anymore.

There are not many examples of Jiange, but Jiange is the most influential and most representative.

But Gundam still has a way, he directly said that he could split the sword pavilion. Most of them continued to maintain their traditions, and some of the personnel involved in international management left Jiange and established the Jiange Foreign Exchange Department.

As for the main body of the sword pavilion, while maintaining the tradition, you should inherit the tradition ‘completely’ — giving you a closed period of 500 years, during which you cannot directly communicate with the outside world.

Don’t you want to keep the tradition? I will fulfill you and send an army to help you!

Gundam still does things, but not Fu Yun. Fu Yun is always kind, and works with morality and influence. Gundam still works by means.

The first time this guy came to power was to "expose" his teacher, thus occupying the teacher's official position, and then pacing all the way, and gradually becoming one of the best officials in the two dynasties.

Therefore, compared with Fu Yun, Gundam Shang is more utilitarian, but has a clear purpose, and he does not use any means to achieve his goals. Of course, as a wise man, his arbitrary means are basically within the moral bottom line.

If anyone tramples on the moral bottom line, it will definitely not be known to the outside world.

At present, the two with the most fierce competition and the two with the highest voices are Gundam Shang and Wang Ruiyang. The two people's behavior style and way of doing things are somewhat similar. But Wang Ruiyang was slightly feminine, and Gundam was more domineering.

For these reasons, Zhang Hao finally gave the votes to Gundam Shang.

Doing things femininely may be possible, but it cannot shape the backbone. The vines may grow very long and long, but they can never support towering giant trees and single trees.

Domineering may encounter many setbacks, but the more setbacks and courage, coupled with the wisdom of Gundam Shang, is enough to win the status of Tianyuanxing in this fiercely competitive and crisis-ridden interstellar. Finally, the Tianyuanxing civilization can stand alone.

After more than three months of trouble, the new UN secretary group was finally re-established. Gundam Shang resigned from Liang Chao’s position as a minister of political affairs and assumed the post of Liang Chao’s ‘Minister of Parliament’. This is a new position and belongs to an important member of Parliament.

However, it is said that the traditional countries have made reforms one after another due to the influence of the Ocean Group and the country of Qixia, as well as the stimulation of the development speed. The empire does not change from the upper level, the people change from the lower level.

In this way, the parliamentary system has become popular, and its rights and influence continue to increase.

In addition, Gundam Shang is also the Secretary-General of the United Nations, leading a new leadership team and beginning a drastic reform. First of all, get me married!

If you are not married, give me a clear reason, and give the public an acceptable and understandable reason!

Secondly, after talking with Zhang Hao, Gundam Shang started the process of global industrialization. Science and technology are not equal to industrial productivity, but the two also complement each other.

To transform science and technology into wealth and military power, industry is needed! And this industry is three-dimensional.

From the beginning of mining to the final product, including spaceships, weapons, etc., a complete industrial chain is required.

Gundam still started to build such an industrial chain, and there are more than one.

Gundam Shang has facilitated a series of joint ventures, investments, industrial parks, etc. through conferences, multilateral agreements, and global alliances.

In this complete industrial chain, there are multiple backups on Tianyuanxing, and they have different technologies. On Venus, Mars, and Jupiter’s constellation of satellites headed by ‘legendary’ satellites, all the way to distant Pluto, there is unprecedented industrial production.

In the experience of industrial production, scientific research has been given back to promote the upgrading of society's overall technology.

In just half a year, the entire planet’s environment has changed dramatically. The power of science, combined with the ability of practitioners, has allowed this type of development to explode tens of times or even higher.

During this period of time, in addition to his marriage, Gundam Shang also focused on the two ‘old and stubborn’ weddings of Nangong Zhi and Wang Ruiyang.

Nangong Zhi, after being matched by Gundam Shang, actually married Ao Qiushuang, the owner of Guanghan Palace and Lengyue Temple. This recognized iceberg beauty.

In order to eliminate the gap, Zhang Hao also personally congratulated the scene during the wedding. The past, after all, passed. Everyone needs to face the future together. Really want the Uranus civilization to go down as a whole, his Nangong Zhi is afraid to die his wife again~

As for Wang Ruiyang, it was a little annoying-this guy was staring at Lou Hongyu with his head in mind. But Lou Hongyu looked down on him.

But Gundam was really unscrupulous in doing things. This guy actually destroyed two spaceships. More precisely, a dangerous, star-level traffic accident created by Gundam Shang and Wang Ruiyang!

On his way to Venus for an investigation, Gundam Shang remotely commanded two spacecrafts to complete self-destruction-it was said that the procedure was wrong and they collided!

The result is that Lou Hongyu's small spacecraft directly crashed into Wang Ruiyang's spacecraft cockpit. When colliding, the two spacecraft were very fast, and the relative speed at the moment of collision was as high as more than two thousand kilometers per second.

When the spacecraft collided at this speed, the steel directly vaporized and disappeared. Few survivors on the two ships. But Wang Ruiyang and Lou Hongyu are both masters who return to the realm, seriously injured, but only seriously injured.

However, after the collision, the two spaceships were completely damaged, and there was almost no survival material. Before the rescue spacecraft arrived, Wang Ruiyang gave Lou Hongyu his few remaining medicines, and even maintained his injury by crossing Zhenyuan.

Under this circumstance, coupled with Pharaoh's long-planned thoughts, simple Lou Hongyu was moved.

But there is no strong airtight. Less than half a month after the marriage, Wang Ruiyang decisively betrayed the accomplice, Lou Hongyu drew his sword into the United Nations, and he jumped. This incident once occupied the headlines of the world's news.

The people have mixed opinions on this matter; but Zhang Hao and other senior officials have nodded. Gundam still did quite well. Although many people are a bit sorry, secretly praised the saying "a pig has a snow lotus", but from the perspective of the international situation, this is correct.

This matter can be said to be a typical representative of ‘marriage’.

But in addition to this matter, Gundam is also actively building a fleet that can go to the Three Princes, or the caravan is more suitable.

This is definitely the top priority. Gundam Shang personally discussed with the Ocean Group, the Xuanhuang Group, and Hetu World. Everyone gathered a large team and organized 5 medium-sized spaceships about 500 meters-this is for the current Tianyuanxing civilization The 500-meter spaceship is already a medium-sized spaceship.

The five spaceships have taken around 20,000 talents of all kinds, mainly men. Gundam Shang resolutely opposed female diplomacy, and this matter must not be preceded. Once something has begun, it will never stop.

Therefore, in this exchange team, there are basically no women except for a few women who have excellent skills. This is also just in case. If the three princes or their men want ‘tough connections’, it’s not easy to refuse!

Not only that, but Gundam Shang personally followed the fleet. As for the post of Secretary-General of the United Nations, after everyone's joint discussion, it was finally handed over to Wang Ruiyang.

Wang Ruiyang is the interim generation, and needs to be inspected and supervised by all parties.

Seven months later, in the spring of Tianyuan 56, representatives from all over the world bid farewell to the monk fleet of Gundam Shang on the moon. The fleet is called ‘Xingmang’, and the spacecrafts are Xingmang 1 and 5 respectively.

Astral light is a faint light, a flash in the darkness, but also the cold light of the sword's tip, and the tarnished flicker.

Although the "Old Man Star Treaty" was signed with the three princes, although the three princes performed well, although the Red River civilization is currently in chaos, it is an opportunity for the Tianyuan Star civilization. But, after all, it is an alien!

The Tengu constellation, where the royal family of the Red River civilization is located, is almost 2,300 light years away.

If you look at the flight technology of the Ocean Group, even if it has just been increased from 22 times the speed of light to 30 times the speed of light, it takes 77 years to fly in a single straight line!

In fact, it is impossible to take a straight line in the star sky, we must consider gravity, black holes, neutron stars, various celestial bodies, various dangerous rays and so on. The actual flight distance is properly over 2,500 light years.

Even those nebulas etc. need to be bypassed. Moving forward at high speed in the nebula is equivalent to hurricane in a sandstorm. Not to mention the other dangers, only the interstellar dust is enough to polish the spacecraft.

The fleet will first arrive at the "Midway Star" 200 light years away, and contact the three princes there, waiting for the three princes to greet them.

The fleet of the three princes will advance at a rate of 500 light-years per month. One year can go back and forth.

Lou Hongyu walked in front of Gundam Shang, looked at it for a while, and sighed: "Gundam Shang, now I might want to thank you. However, I will apologize to you when you come back."

Gundam Shang smiled, "No, I have received your apology."

"It doesn't count."

Zhang Hao firmly held the hand of Gundam Shang: "Must come back safely."

Gundam Shang still smiled: "I will! In the past, it was always the Ocean Group who gave and silently dedicated to us. It was time to make our contribution. The dedication can't make the Ocean Group specialize in the front!

But President Zhang, I had only one request before leaving. Communication technology, get it out as soon as possible, this technology is too critical. "

"Yes! Do your best!"

(I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and good luck.)

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