Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1403: 401

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In the conference room hall of the Blue Star Group, Zhang Hao took the processed galaxy and displayed the exploration information of the Ocean Group to all shareholders and experts.

After special processing of the galaxy map, those satellite galaxies are simplified into light spots, which look like noise caused by inadequate shooting technology.

This ultra-long-range telescope technology and related image processing technology can only be done by the Ocean Group for the time being, which involves complex scientific technology and corresponding, new astronomical knowledge.

This knowledge does not have any visible benefits for current practice, but pays a considerable price. As for scientific research, once the scale of research cannot be formed, it is difficult to make achievements. Therefore, not many people are interested. Maybe everyone thinks that when the Ocean Group has a result, just borrow and use it.

Therefore, it can be said that this long-range starry sky observation technology is unique to Ocean Group. So Zhang Hao can do it.

Therefore, although many experts on the scene expressed some interest in the pictures of alien sky, but that's all.

After hearing that the distance is easily one million light-years away, everyone said: Mr. Zhang, you have floated, so there is no need to consider such a long distance.

Our current spaceship, even the ‘immigrant spaceship’ produced by several empires, is second only to Battlestar, and its flying distance with full fuel is only about 50,000 light-years. If you want to move on, you need to refuel.

Inside the galaxy, if you want to refuel, it is easy to find gaseous planets. Generally, gaseous planets have abundant hydrogen.

However, when exploring the space of outer galaxies, there are almost no small stars in the middle, not even stars, let alone gaseous planets. Only a little understanding of these things will make you uninterested.

Zhang Hao's reaction to these guys can only say: Well, let's discuss something else.

Speaking of which, after obtaining these pictures of extraterrestrial galaxies, Zhang Hao is still a treasure, but he doesn't want others to have no interest at all. But think about it this way, so that the Ocean Group has full freedom to explore the outer galaxy space.

The rest is more, and the various things that Blue Star Group is doing now are not too many. Trade wars through immortality are nothing but subsidiary.

Development of technology, industry and research is the core of the core. Interplanetary high-speed research can basically draw a full stop.

However, because the interstellar high speed involves subspace, everyone is now discussing this issue. In short, these masters are too energetic, and there are always endless quarrels.

Let’s talk about subspace practice first. Everyone has experimented with death row prisoners before. It is indeed possible to practice in subspace. The perception of the law here is more keen. For those who are above the virtual realm, occasionally practicing in it is beneficial to progress.

However, if you rely on such environmental practice for a long time, you will be out of touch with the laws of the real world. The law of subspace is relatively easy to touch, but it also means that the law is not complete.

More experience is still being explored.

As for the safety issue of subspace, whether there is any biological problem, we have not found anything for the time being. It looks the same as a normal space, except that... it is darker and desolate.

Perhaps because of the lack of stars, the background radiation temperature of the universe there is even lower, even lower than that of the demon world.

In short, subspace is determined to be safe and interstellar high-speed technology is completely mature, so the next step in the construction of interstellar high-speed is on the agenda.

With the opening of the trade war, everyone has a clearer understanding of the interstellar high speed and its value. But at this time, everyone discovered that the Minghui Empire had already taken the lead. The Minghui Empire had already set up two thousand sets of interstellar high-speed equipment, preparing to form 1,000 interstellar high-speed transportation lines, which was enough to cover the entire Minghui Empire.

In the past few days, everyone has been arguing about this problem-two thousand sets, too much! Minghui Empire, eating single food is not good, it is easy to break away from the masses.

At this time, as the representative of the Minghui Empire, the Jinxian Jiang Nanfeng; the big Luo Jinxian Zhang Yinghao recently closed down.

Last time because Zhang Hao spoke of triangles and tetrahedrons through the dragon horns, Zhang Yinghao had an epiphany. After completing preparations for this period of time, Zhang Yinghao had more and more time to retreat. Therefore, the current person in charge of the Minghui Empire is Jiang Nanfeng.

Jiang Nanfeng was bitter in his heart, holding a ‘purchase order’ of 2,000 sets of interstellar high-speed equipment, and was a bit helpless in the face of the strong group.

The main reason is that these two thousand sets of equipment have not yet been produced. As Zhang Yinghao expected, the production of these devices is not so easy; even if the technology is mature, it will take five or six years, or even longer, for mass production.

In short, the device is not in your own hands, so you don’t speak so hard. If these devices are in your hands now, turn around and leave!

At this time, with the completion of equipment testing, scientific research personnel and engineering construction personnel also completed the corresponding production design and project deadline estimation: the production line will take two years, and it will take at least four years after commissioning; and the initial mass production output will not be very High, and the technology will initially mature after ten years.

The output of 2000 sets of equipment is estimated to be the total output in the next 8 years.

The research personnel of the Blue Star Group come from all sides, not just for the Minghui Empire. Coupled with the fact that the scientific research personnel are a little bit free now, the speech becomes more direct, without any cover-up.

So after listening to the episode that Zhang Hao brought in the middle, everyone began to discuss the problem of interstellar high-speed equipment.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Hao could only sit beside him without speaking. The current problem is not a problem within the Blue Star Group, but a problem between the seven empires. Even the three large denominations are not eligible to join the discussion circle.

Zhang Hao is even less qualified to participate. However, Zhang Hao did not want to participate at all.

At this time, the Daluo Jinxian sitting here is the Han King Ludingshan of the Yujing Empire. Lu Dingshan is sitting quietly, not speaking or opposing, but this is an attitude in itself-let everyone embarrass Jiang Nanfeng.

Jiang Nanfeng's anxious complexion turned white, turning his head to look at Huanglong; this once active black market ground snake was arguing with other empire's gods to maintain his own interests; but old Huang's complexion was also a little pale and fisted Hard to beat four hands.

Jiang Nanfeng looked at Zhang Hao again, but Zhang Hao was reading a book at or a novel that had recently become popular.

I don’t know why, seeing Zhang Hao reading in such an environment, or reading novels, Jiang Nanfeng suddenly ignited, "Zhang Zhang, don’t you say a few words? We certainly got 2000 sets of high-speed equipment , But they got a lot. And all of the things were still approved by Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Hao sighed secretly: Nima, when it’s okay, it’s called ‘Zhang Hao’, and when it’s something, it’s called ‘Zhang Zhang’. Speaking of it, if it wasn’t for me to take care of everything, I thought I was willing to stay here. Is it bad to retreat and practice this time!

Fortunately, for these things, Zhang Hao had already prepared. I saw Zhang Hao gently put down the novel and looked up: "You, we are sitting here because we are all shareholders or representatives of the Blue Star Group. We only discussed all for the sake of the growth of the Blue Star Group. matter,

Everyone knows well before the transaction. Although they were talking one by one at the beginning, the conversations were not kept secret and everyone got what they needed.

There was no objection at the beginning, why do we have to repent now?

Can I change what I have said? "

Everyone stopped talking, and only looked at Zhang Hao with his eyes, but his eyes clearly showed dissatisfaction.

It's just that Zhang Hao's ability and influence are currently unwilling to get angry with Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao looked at these guys, and the helplessness in his heart could destroy the stars. These **** are arguing about their own interests, one is active than the other, but if they encounter an unreasonable situation, they will immediately shut up and stare at you with their eyes.

If his eyes can kill, Zhang Hao estimates that he can die 300,000 times per second.

But what should be said is to say: "Everyone, with words and letters, is the foundation of the Blue Star Group. Since everyone signed it, then..."

Speaking here, Zhang Hao took a deep breath and said one by one: "As long as I am Zhang Hao still in the position of president, this matter will never be allowed!"

Our internal, signed cooperation agreement is the basis of our cooperation and the basis of our mutual trust. If even the cooperation agreement that has been signed cannot be guaranteed, the Blue Star Group... I'm afraid it won't last long. "

Zhang Hao suddenly became tough. This is probably the first time Zhang Hao spoke to these masters.

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