Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1411: 第四 〇 九

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Arriving at the Minghui Empire level, Zhang Hao rushed to the porthole almost the first time to watch the level construction here.

In the interstellar, each empire's borderline is extremely long, and it is a three-dimensional line of defense, or'defense surface'. The defense of the border has always been a headache. As a result, there will be so many transition zones and three no matter what zones.

Ocean Group and Tianyuanxing Civilization are now beginning to enter interstellar development, and the construction of borders, defense, etc., but everyone is extremely inexperienced.

To put it directly: The defense of the starry sky is destined to have loopholes everywhere, and it cannot be like the ground defense. As for the establishment of a complete defensive crystal boundary like the military constellation, the Ocean Group cannot do it for the time being. That requires a lot of golden fairy shots, consumes a lot of precious materials, and eventually forms a relatively closed area.

And this approach will also greatly reduce the life of stars in the entire area. As for the consequences, it is still under study.

For the Ocean Group and the Tianyuanxing civilization, the most appropriate way is still the traditional defensive means. However, there are too many loopholes in traditional defense methods. In other words, except for a few garrison points, there is basically no defense everywhere.

How to use the limited defense points to form the best defense possible has always been the biggest military problem in the starry sky.

When the Ocean Group attacked the Golden Eagle Empire, the Golden Eagle Empire did not react until the warship reached its sight to form an attack advantage. This incident gave Zhang Hao a great impression.

In the interstellar, attack seems to be easier than defense.

But it is not that there is no way to defend. In fact, defense can be done well. But this requires considerable experience, as well as excellent military personnel and related masters of practice, as well as a large number of magic weapons.

In the war against the monster world, Zhang Hao and the Ocean Group are studying related defenses, but they always feel almost meaningless. After all, the defense against the world of Demon is a fully enclosed and closed defense.

Zhang Hao had long wanted to see how these great empires defended the border, and sent personnel to investigate. But this matter is not so easy, military heavy ground, may not be allowed to approach casually. Now that I have the opportunity to watch it in person, Zhang Hao will certainly not miss it. It even allows battleships and spaceships to open some excellent reconnaissance techniques and quickly scan.

Huang Long came forward to negotiate with the people here.

Zhang Hao continued to observe the levels here. This level is awesomely built on a wandering planet.

In the starry sky, there are always some wandering planets, some of which are very small, and cannot even be called planets; some are large, and they are more gaseous planets, even stars, neutron stars, and rogue black holes.

Right now this level is built on a stray planet with a diameter of about 30,000 kilometers, a rocky planet.

Such a rocky planet is usually in a galaxy. After the planet’s gravitational and orbital competition fails, it is ejected into space by the planet’s gravity. This ejection process may reach tens of thousands of years or even longer.

Above the rocky planet, there is the iconic grain boundary defense, which itself has warmth, protection of atmospheric pressure, lighting and so on. Compared with the ordinary enchantment, the grain boundary is studied by imitating the world barrier. As for the original source, it is no longer verifiable. It is said that it was left by the saint (holy emperor) and developed.

But having said that, the whole culture of the Zhoutian world is left by the Holy Emperor.

Zhang Hao focused on the military deployment on and around this wandering planet. Around the level, Zhang Hao had a feeling of being spied. This feeling comes from the "Tongtian Mirror (copycat version)".

The celestial mirror is said to be the innate spiritual treasure used by the Holy Emperor to survey the heavens. In short, it is very famous. Unfortunately, most of the magic weapons used by the Holy Emperor were lost. But ingeniously, many refining methods of magic weapons are more or less handed down.

This refining method of the sky mirror has spread. However, after years of inheritance and evolution, it is very different from the original one. But the function is similar, that is: check the sky.

Well, it is a bit exaggerated to check the heavens, especially the large-scale imitation of the "Tongtian Mirror" has many problems; but if it is matched with the corresponding array, auxiliary fairy, etc., monitoring the distance of tens of light years is still a little problem. None at all.

The reason why a large empire can monitor huge borders is due to the contribution of the heavenly mirror. Moreover, these hoop mirrors that can monitor the surroundings can be seen by Zhang Hao in space-this hoop mirror is really'go-to sky', I am afraid that its diameter is thousands of kilometers.

This is also the first time Zhang Hao has seen such a huge, single magic weapon. It is said that it is still a fairy level. However, to be more precise, this thing should be regarded as a ‘magic weapon’, not as a ‘magic weapon’—magic weapons can be reduced, but magic tools cannot; magic weapons focus on portability, but the magic weapon strengthens the power to the extreme.

Because of the relationship between the Blue Star Group, the Ocean Group has also obtained a full range of seven methods of refining the sky mirror, and has also studied this magic weapon. But border defense cannot completely rely on the celestial mirror.

Zhang Hao still appreciates and observes, but sees Huang Mingshan's somber face coming, next to him is a'middle-aged' who is gorgeously dressed to an excessive degree. This person is calm and calm and strong; the only problem is that the dress is too gorgeous It is more like the dress in the film and television works than the real one.

No, there is another problem-Huang Long's face is a bit gloomy.

I saw this person crossing Huanglong, a smiling face, and a passionate enthusiasm toward Zhang Hao, and the far-off acted: "Under Liu Chuanyi, temporarily working for His Majesty in the Minghui Empire Cabinet, this time to represent His Majesty, come here Welcome Mr. Zhang. Please forgive me for the neglect."

Liu Chuanyi?

Zhang Hao's heart immediately appeared with Liu Chuanyi's information: the first assistant of the cabinet of the Minghui Empire, the influence is still above Prince Rui and other princes, and absolutely more than 10,000 people under one person. Moreover, it is said that Liu Chuanyi's cultivation practice has reached the peak of the golden fairy; but as the cabinet's first assistant, it is almost impossible to start, and outsiders do not know Liu Chuanyi's specific cultivation practice.

There is no prince in the Minghui Empire, and the princess is obviously not suitable for coming out. It is absolutely grand to let the cabinet head and assistant come forward to receive it! Zhang Hao was indeed a little flattered.

Think of yourself as the president of a big ocean group, but the realm of four levels of emptiness. You are so's really worrying. Well, weasel pays a New Year greeting to the chicken, I think~

Zhang Hao returned Liu Liuyi's salute while looking at Huang Long with his eyes.

Huang Long shrugged helplessly, but did not speak or transmit sound.

Zhang Hao can only talk to Liu Chuanyi.

Speaking of which, Zhang Hao came to the Minghui Empire, and the first stop must be to visit the emperor; however, it is worth thinking about who will respond when entering the border.

It was originally introduced by Huang Long, and was received by'Shaoqing Xu Zheng' next to Prince Rui. During this process, Zhang Hao could of course say something to Xu Zheng. Speaking with Xu Zheng is equivalent to saying to Prince Rui.

Do not want to kill a blocker halfway, this Liu Chuanyi actually killed. As the central official of Liu Chuanyi and the assistant of the cabinet, Xu Zheng could only stand by.

No, Zhang Hao and Liu Chuanyi were talking while moving forward, and they saw Xu Zheng next to them-Zhang Hao saw Xu Zheng's picture before.

It is only at this moment that only Huang Long is qualified to follow Zhang Hao, and Xu Zheng can only follow Huang Long; Zhang Hao and Liu Chuanyi cannot talk more about it.

Liu Chuanyi expressed the expectations of the emperor to Zhang Hao-Ever since Zhang Hao proposed a new method of succession to the throne and stabilized the situation of the Minghui Empire, the emperor has been looking forward to the arrival of President Zhang. When the trade war started and the achievements were outstanding, the emperor looked forward to it even more.

Zhang Hao expressed his respect for the emperor.

In fact, as a representative of a small civilization, Zhang Hao is indeed full of admiration and yearning for the super empire such as the Minghui Empire, which is nine hundred light-years wide, and the emperor who controls such an empire.

The two touted each other for a while, and then Liu Chuanyi left, the battleships lined up around him, and escorted Zhang Hao's more than fifty spaceships forward.

The spaceship on Zhang Hao's side can only go straight ahead and fly towards the emperors of the Minghui Empire.

Moreover, Liu Chuanyi does things, and it really does not leak. Before leaving, he also called Huang Long and Xu Zheng away. It was said that Your Majesty wanted to learn about the Blue Star Group as soon as possible, so they sent the two away.

From beginning to end, Xu Zheng had no chance to talk with Zhang Hao alone.

Faced with this situation, what can Zhang Hao say?

(happy New Year.

By the way, recently everyone has tried to reduce their outings and contacts with outsiders as much as possible; for themselves and others, it also reduces the workload of military, police, and medical personnel.

We airborne a college student here, and traveled around after returning home, but now the police uncle is still looking for people everywhere. )

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