Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1455: Forced

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But it said that Zhuge Binghe's'invitation' reached Zhang Jialin in only three days.

It is also a coincidence, of course, it can also be said that the Ocean Group has a strong intelligence construction capability.

Zhuge Binghe dispatched Sima Wenchang to try to contact an intelligence point of the Ocean Group. In fact, this intelligence point was also deliberately exposed. In fact, it was just an informal diplomatic contact place. Everyone knows this, so Zhuge Glacier is for direct contact.

The people arranged by the Ocean Group here are not even intelligence systems, but more like a semi-open diplomatic office; but as an intelligence base station, the communication capabilities here are not bad. Here, after receiving the intention of Zhuge Glacier, it immediately sent a signal to the direction of the Ocean Group.

But the person in charge here is also smart, and also sends signals to Zhang Jialin's spacecraft in the possible direction. Zhang Jialin, who had just departed from the Red River Empire for three days, really received the news halfway.

After receiving the information, Zhang Jialin hesitated a little and decided. When his deputy and Gundam Shang returned to Tianyuanxing, he went to the ‘Tianshe Star Cluster’ himself, but decided to personally contact Zhuge Glacier.

For the Zhuge Glacier, the Ocean Group has known for a long time, but it is only limited to understanding. The focus of the development of the Ocean Group in the past is not on the Red River Civilization side.

It is the part of Tianyuanxing United Nations other than the Ocean Group that has the most contacts with the Red River civilization; the Xuanhuang Group has the most contacts.

And because the Red River civilization involves the internal affairs of the Yujing Empire, under comprehensive consideration, everyone's contact with Zhuge Binghe is only a simple business. This business does not even include military resources above the middle level.

Therefore, the entire Uranus civilization never really touched Zhuge Glacier. Fortunately, Dayang Group's intelligence system didn't have a rest. Zhang Jialin still knew a lot about Zhuge Binghe.

According to the analysis of the intelligence system of the Ocean Group, Zhuge Binghe is more upright!

Yes, you read that right, a leader who is divided by the regime is actually upright. This is one of the important reasons why Zhuge Binghe can command so many generals to rebel together.

Soldiers, no matter how they change, the blood in the bones is almost the same.

The reason why Zhuge Binghe broke up on one side, of course, has its own selfishness and ambitions; but another reason can not be ignored-the corruption and chaos within the Red River civilization.

Before the split, the Red River civilization had already possessed similar characteristics of the last dynasty. The noble group headed by Tuoba Kui almost emptied the empire.

In particular, soldiers are not valued or even marginalized; soldiers are gradually reduced to noble thugs, even stooges, and even dead ghosts. This point, Zhuge Binghe can no longer stand.

However, the previous generation of the Red River Empire emperor still had some means. He expanded the pressure to the outside world through external expansion, created a little space for reform, and began to clear the capital circle.

However, the result of the expansion was the imperial division, and the actions behind the Yujing Empire led to the division of the noble group headed by Tuoba Kui first; then Zhuge Binghe also found an opportunity and his ambitions skyrocketed.

But his ambitions return to his ambitions, Zhuge Binghe's love for soldiers, and his rigorous means are also important qualities for his independence.

Tuoba Kui then occupied the Astrological Constellation, and Zhuge Glacier occupied the Celestial Society constellation.

The celestial constellation is actually a relatively barren constellation, spanning more than six hundred light-years, but only six small star clusters, the average distance of each star cluster is like 110 light-years.

The entire territory of the entire celestial constellation is almost twice that of the arc constellation, but the star density is less than 30% of the arc constellation.

At the traditional national level, the Tianshe constellation does not have the standards for establishing a unified country. At most, only six small divided countries can be built.

But Zhuge Binghe just used his personality charm to unite the six star clusters. The slogan of Zhuge Binghe is: to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of soldiers.

However, the intelligence personnel of the Ocean Group even discovered that the slogan has gradually become a slogan, Zhuge Glacier's influence is fading, and its control is also weakening. After the enthusiasm for independence, everyone gradually discovered the problem. The celestial constellation is inherently inadequate and destined to not last long. This is one of the reasons why Zhuge Glacier secretly contacted the Tianji Empire.

The Celestial Empire is also the only country in the surrounding stars that can contend with the Yujing Empire and ensure the safety of a large number of soldiers.

But now, there seems to be a second option-Tianyuanxing civilization and Dayang Group. After encountering'deception' in the Tianji Empire, Zhuge Binghe decided to try to contact the Ocean Group.

It was under such circumstances that Zhuge Glacier issued an invitation through the semi-open intelligence point of the Ocean Group.

As for why it is the Dayang Group, not the Xuanhuang Group or the Tianyuanxing Civilization United Nations, it is very simple. The Dayang Group is the most powerful one, and it is also the Dayang Group that bought the Tianshe Constellation.

It was just that Zhuge Binghe did not expect that the representative of the Ocean Group came so fast, and was also the most famous foreign minister of the Ocean Group, Zhang Jialin.

For the Ocean Group, Zhuge Binghe is relatively familiar, at least for Zhang Jialin. This diplomat, which almost represents the diplomatic achievements of the Ocean Group, has a dazzling glory.

Perhaps more can be obtained at the negotiating table than on the battlefield! This is Zhang Jialin's words and influenced the negotiation atmosphere of the entire Blue Star Group.

Nowadays, within the influence of the Blue Star Group, and even more distant stars, the importance of negotiations is also increasing. Everyone found that the negotiation of the losers may result in less losses; and the negotiation of the winners may be more than that on the battlefield. Because of the wars of the past, a lot of wealth and life were directly discarded on the battlefield.

Of course, negotiations cannot replace war, but they cannot deny the value and positive significance of negotiations.

Facing Zhang Jialin now, Zhuge Binghe suddenly had an unspeakable anxiety in his heart.

In the shadow of a famous tree, Zhang Jialin's aura was a little dazzling. This has not been negotiated yet, which made Zhuge Binghe nervous.

Zhang Jialin arrived five days later, and the military division Sima Wenchang came forward to greet Zhuge Binghe; Zhuge Binghe waited in the'Imperial Palace'.

After all, it's the domineering king who ruled on one side, and Zhuge Glacier still has a palace. Of course, this palace is very rudimentary, but because of the relationship between soldiers, there is a feeling of barracks.

Zhang Jialin was well-informed, without cowardice, and strode forward, turning a blind eye to the guards standing around and surrounded by swords.

Zhang Jialin also has the cultivation practice of returning the virtual realm, there is also a magic weapon, and there is even no lack of top-grade fairy tools purchased by the Ocean Group through the Blue Star Group.

Zhuge Binghe was in the hall, sitting on the throne, preparing to wait quietly for Zhang Jialin to ‘bye bye’.

I don’t want Zhang Jialin to go straight to the front of Zhuge Binghe and face Zhuge Binghe straightly. He is neither humble nor eager, and his tone is clanging powerfully.

You are a general, what a big tail wolf!

A small practitioner who is also a double-empty practitioner must apply to the Ocean Group if he wants to go to the battlefield. I'm already vacant for the second peak, am I proud?

Also, nominally Zhuge Glacier is still just a ‘general who guards the constellation of the heavenly society’. Although Zhuge Binghe broke away from one side, he still remembered his experience and lessons, he did not claim to be king, and still claimed himself as a general.

That being the case, then the identity will naturally not be'noble'.

In addition, the Ocean Group is now a true "lord" in the constellation of the heavenly society, which has been recognized by the Yujing Empire and the Honghe Empire. On the contrary, Zhuge Glacier is the'illegal resident'!

That's exactly why Zhang Jialin will talk as soon as he meets.

Zhuge Binghe was choked by Zhang Jialin's words at once: Oh fuck, what do you say? I thought of several possibilities, but I didn't expect it to start like this.

Fortunately, Sima Wenchang responded quickly and said calmly next to him: "The generals have 80 million soldiers, leading the trillions of people, the territory is 600 light years, and the stellar system is as much as 670 million.

Why can't you sit in this position? "

Zhang Jialin did not turn his head to look at Sima Wenchang, but continued to stare directly at Zhuge Binghe and fight against Zhuge Binghe. When Sima Wenchang's words fell, Zhang Jialin said slowly, almost word by word: "Why am I here, the answer!"

Sima Wenchang had to say something, but Zhuge Binghe sighed, and actually walked down slowly. "You are right, I am really not qualified to sit here."

With that, I turned around and looked at the throne I walked down, with endless emotion in my tone, "For so many years, I have been thinking about whether I did it right. But no one can give me the answer. Everyone needs a constant Progressive general, but there is so much room for improvement.

Tired, I am really tired.

In fact, it doesn't make much sense now to recall whether the actions were correct. Keep going, is the only choice. But if it is a dead end to go on, a dead end with blood and no hope, I have to consider more. "

Zhuge Binghe was so'honest', but Zhang Jialin got a little bit stuck. Fortunately, Zhang Jialin responded quickly, and the "honest" response immediately:

"The reason why I accept the invitation is also to find a peaceful and win-win development path. If I can negotiate to avoid **** sacrifices, I will benefit a lot from the Ocean Group or the generals."

Zhuge Binghe nodded slightly. Indeed, if the heads of both sides bleed and then surrender, no matter who wins or loses, the result will be difficult to clean up.

Judging from the current situation, the fighting power of the Tianshe constellation is far inferior to that of the Ocean Group. As for the surrender to the Heavenly Empire, Zhuge Binghe already had some awakening in his heart:

To put it bluntly, I am a chaotic thief, and the traditional empire will not accept myself! Not to mention the conditions given by the Tianji Empire, there is simply no room for negotiation.

On the contrary, the fact that the Ocean Group has said that it is negotiable is an expression of sincerity in itself. Especially the reputation of the Ocean Group, even he Zhuge Binghe had to give a thumbs up.

The only problem now is: the army that the Tianji Empire is about to arrive.

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