Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1486: Shun Lu

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Although Zhang Hao is far inferior to Dugujun and other military personnel in terms of military capabilities, he has no problem with "talking on paper" all year round.

At least Zhang Hao can judge how feasible this plan is.

There are talents around Huang Wei, and there are really detailed plans. The plan involved several important industrial bases, medicinal materials bases, royal palaces, and important star formations of the Minghui Empire. There are also some important communication contact points.

If the plan is fully implemented, it can indeed cause chaos to the Tianshui Empire. But this plan is still a little too idealistic.

Zhang Hao only asked a little, "'Sky Ship Star Officer' is the industrial center of gravity of the Tianshui Empire, and also an important base closest to the front.

I would like to ask, how far is the distance from the northernmost end of the Tongue Star Officer to the Skyship Star Officer? During this period, how many neutron stars and unstable supernovae? How to avoid routes? Along the way, what defense points and military observation points did the Tianshui Empire have? "

Huang Wei hesitated a little, but a'military division' beside Huang Wei spoke fluently. At the end, he said with some pride: "I have lived here, um... just smuggling. I am familiar with the situation here."

Zhang Hao was a little surprised. Huang Wei really found some capable people. There is a way to say that talents are in the folk, and folks often have a lot of talents, and these talents often have the attribute of a little'cracked talent'.

However, in war, this kind of crooked talent can often get good war effects. War is not a "serious thing", but a comprehensive test of strategy, resourcefulness, and resilience. And the crooked ones are often able to get rid of the regular training of military staff in terms of adaptability.

For example, for the information now, this staff not only knows the defense and military observation points of the Tianshui Empire, but even knows that the officer’s wife is actually a spy, that the officer likes to send women to his subordinates, and that the officer practices the evil Dao Gong in secret.

These problematic officers can be bought! If not, it will be exposed, and the internal chaos of the Tianshui Empire will be chaotic. As long as it cooperates with certain propaganda methods, the hearts of the Tianshui Empire Army can be turbulent.

However, Zhang Hao is not so easy to fool, and one cannot fully believe it just by knowing this. So Zhang Hao asked a lot of questions afterwards. As Zhang Hao's question deepened, the military divisions on Huang Wei's side gradually struggled.

When Zhang Hao finally asked about the defense situation of the Imperial Capital of the Tianshui Empire, the true size of the Imperial Capital Corps, the royal resource channel, etc., they all knew nothing about it.

After all, crooked talents are crooked talents. In these aspects involving the core of the empire, they are not as good as regular military staff. Because the regular military staff is supported by the national intelligence system, it can obtain more comprehensive intelligence and formulate more detailed plans.

Cold sweat has begun to appear on Huang Wei's forehead. Does he feel that his'borrowing' plan will fail? Say this Zhang Hao is really difficult to tangle!

In his wild thoughts, I heard Zhang Hao still saying slowly: "I recommend you a person, he knows more about the Tianshui Empire."

Everyone was curious.

Zhang Hao pressed the button on the table and said, "Come in."

Soon the door opened again, and a tall man came slowly. The man in black armor, even if he came here, did not put it away; a narrow two-handed sword was hanging around his waist, his face was firm, even a little bit cold, and even a little cold.

Seeing this person, everyone seemed to see a Jagged Warrior who had just returned from the battle.

This person came in front of Zhang Hao. After saluting Zhang Hao according to the military salute of the Ocean Group, he stood still, like an iron tower.

Zhang Hao said to Huang Wei: "I will introduce it to you. This name is called Nanmen Zongjing, and it is still in the middle of the virtual realm. I think Huang Long should have heard of it, the head of the Demon Dragon Pirates."

Huang Long laughed, "Of course I have heard that the current Dragon Dragon Pirate Group is the most famous pirate group in the Blue Star Group. The pirate group known as the pirate group, a special hunting pirate group exists. Of course. There are some bad rumors, but it should be framed by the enemy."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes. "It must be framed!"

But Huang Wei has an opinion: "Zhang Zhang, this... Nanmen Daoist really looks extraordinary. But he is just a practitioner who is still in the middle of the imaginary period. Is there any special ability?"

Nanmen never looked back, his eyes seemed to be looking at the wall behind Zhang Hao: "Huang Daoyou wanted to disturb the rear of the Tianshui Empire, haven't you heard of the Nanmen family?"

Huang Wei: ...

Fortunately, the "cracked talents" around Huang Wei really know. "I heard that it was more than 130 years ago, more than 130 years ago. It is said that a Nanmen clan has become enemies and has been chopped off. There are many doubts about this matter.

The Nanmen family is not big, but not small. Jinxian sits in the family and has a good foundation in the Tianshui Empire. Such a family treason through the enemy... basically impossible.

When the interests of a family are associated with the entire empire, treason is equivalent to stabbing your own knife. "

Everyone's eyes gradually focused on the South Gate.

Nanmen opened his mouth vertically and horizontally, but his eyes were still fixed on the wall behind Zhang Hao: "The demise of the Nanmen family can be described as "the innocence of the common people".

The exercises of the royal family of the Tianshui Empire are very powerful. It is said that they were specifically fortified by the royal blood of the ancient times. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the blood may boil during the practice.

There is a saying that the blood of the Tianshui Empire contains blood from the Holy Emperor. Not the kind of bloodline of the Holy Emperor that we usually say, but the bloodline of the Holy Spirit. There is a trace of power from the saints in their blood.

But it is not easy to inspire this kind of power. The mortal delusion touches the power of the sage, even if there is only a trace, even if it is ten thousand years apart, but the sage is still not blasphemy.

Therefore, the royal family of the Tianshui Empire needs a unique'poison', a poison that can freeze the blood. They searched for a long time until they accidentally found our Nanmen family.

We call this medicinal material: Sunflower, a plant that is very beautiful regardless of its name, growing environment, or form. But it is extremely rare in the world.

Without any refining, just grind the sunflower into powder. As for refining... nobody dares to refine this strange poison.

The powder of Sunflower can freeze blood veins, as long as the tip of the needle is larger, it is enough to kill the practitioners who have returned to the virtual realm. But such a strange poison is a perfect life-saving medicine for the royal family of Tianshui Empire.

This is the sun flower. "

As he spoke, Nanmen showed a phantasmagoric picture: it was a dim planet, it seemed to be a gaseous planet, but the entire planet appeared dark red.

In the atmosphere on the surface of the planet, there is a vine that looks like crystal red, floating gently. These vines have no leaves, much like the most perfect red coral. It's just that these vines are soft.

The picture is quickly enlarged, and you can see that there are blossoming flowers on the vines from time to time. These flowers are like lotus flowers, but they are more enchanting than lotus flowers. In some open flowers, layers of petals are like soft satin, dancing gently.

This is a ‘atmospheric aerosol life’. But its flowers are more solid.

"The planet you see is actually a star. According to the technical standards of the Ocean Group, it barely reaches the star standard. A weak nuclear fusion reaction occurs in the inner core.

The average temperature of the planet’s surface atmosphere is around 80 degrees, and it is rich in water vapor, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and so on.

The planet itself also has a relatively rich power of stars.

The medicinal effect of the sun flower rooted on the stars has a certain effect on the golden fairy.

It's hard to imagine that on a star, the most medicinal herbs were born.

However, since Sunflower is highly toxic, it requires special training methods and more special picking methods. Especially collecting medicinal materials on the surface of a star is more difficult.

In addition, although the sun flower is relatively solid, it still belongs to a "semi-gaseous gel", and it is not easy to store and dry it.

Also, it is not easy to find stars of the right size. Such small stars are rarer than black holes. The South Gate family is even less likely to give up this star. Over the past countless years, we have paid too much.

These are the core of the Nanmen family, and we cannot hand over to others. Do not want to cause the disaster of destroying the door! "

Everyone was shocked.

Even if Zhang Hao already knew the reason, he was still shocked to listen to the explanation of Nanmen.

The aerosol life structure, the plants rooted in the stars, the strange poison that can freeze the blood veins of the golden fairy. Also, it is obviously growing on a star, but its medicinal properties are extremely cold to cold. The wonder of nature is breathtaking.

In the emotion of everyone, Nanmen Zongwang finally turned his head to look at Huang Wei, "I have been away from my hometown for so long, I want to go home now, can you see it?"

Huang Wei got up slowly, "That way, just walk together."

Zhang Hao: ...

Along the way? Good way.

Several military divisions around Huang Wei stared at each other, and surprises gradually appeared in the eyes of several people. With such a ‘ground snake’ leading the way, there is even greater hope of victory!

Although everyone is willing to take a gamble, who doesn’t want to bet more deeply.

Only Huang Long's eyes flickered slightly: feeling that the situation was getting out of control. It feels that Huang Wei really seems to be able to achieve some results!

At this time Zhang Hao said: "I'm glad that you two have a common goal. Five million battleships will have to prepare for some time. Huang Wei, you will be familiar with Nanmen Zonghui this time."

Huang Wei's excited expression slightly converged, and his tone was a little uneasy: "How long will this...?" Jiang Nanshan only gave me three months. Now the time is coming."

Zhang Hao said: "The three-month period depends on whether you are qualified. Now you are already qualified. As for the rest, you can say that you are training the army.

Rest assured, I will ask Senior Jiang Nanfeng to give you a certificate. "

Huang Wei: "..."

Mr. Zhang, this operation is really good.

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