Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1495: Explore Gravity String 2

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Uranus, as the place of the fall of the mysterious yellow civilization, and even the rise of the planet of Uranus civilization, is also a super planet, and its importance is naturally self-evident. And such a huge life planet as Uranus is rare in the entire universe.

Most of these rocky planets will attract more gas and interstellar dust due to huge gravity, and even compete with real stars for the atmosphere, and eventually evolve into gaseous planets, or attract moths such as asteroids to catch fire. Perhaps accidentally sucking too much will cause nuclear fusion and become a star.

Of course, more large'planets' will get closer to the star due to gravity, and eventually fall into the star and become part of the star.

However, although Uranus has many benefits, it is no longer the core of Uranus's'handling of major events'.

In order to better integrate into the Blue Star Group, the important office of Tianyuanxing Civilization has moved to Chizhuxing. In fact, this is also a kind of protection for Uranus, let everyone focus on here, not Uranus.

There are also many problems with placing it on the red beads star: there are more than eight thousand light-years from the red beads star to the Uranus star, and there are nearly ten thousand light-years away from the celestial constellation. When dealing with the constellations of the heavenly society, especially the upcoming exploration of the Carp Nebula, there is always something beyond reach.

And today's meeting will also make a settlement for exploration activities.

In the future, the Red Pearl Star will be mainly responsible for the Blue Star Group; the exploration of the Carp Nebula will focus on Tianyuan Star in the future. You might even consider building a "branch" similar to the red pearl star in the sky constellation.

The matter discussed this time was very important, and Zhang Hao arrived. And Liu Xinyu, who sits on the Tianyuan star all year round, has arrived. Of course, there is no need to discuss the private affairs of a couple of men and women who have not met for years.

This seminar was held in the research hall of the Ocean Group. This time it was interstellar exploration, which can be seen as an action with scientific research as the core rather than a military plan. So this meeting was put in the research hall.

The scientific research hall is not open to the public. This is the internal technical discussion place of the Ocean Group; this is a discussion place, not a research place, nor a complete top secret. Some technology-related things are often discussed here.

When everyone was here, Zhang Hao, the president of the Ocean Group, and Liu Xinyu, the president of the United Nations Parliament of Tianyuanxing Civilization, sat side by side.

Bai Yutang made a speech first. It sounds irritating, but there is not much new ideas-nothing more than survival, progress, self-improvement, are all old-fashioned.

After the plan to explore the Carp Nebula is confirmed, everyone has heard the ears can cocoon. Just as a serious meeting, these forms still have to go a bit.

Fortunately, Bai Yutang's speech was very brief. After announcing the official start of the meeting, Zhang Hao first asked: "Zhao Dahe, in the Tianshe constellation, did you find the gravitational string?"

"Yes!" Zhao Dahe said categorically, "According to the data of the Tianyuan constellation provided by Eternal, we extracted the corresponding observation means and determined the existence of the gravitational string in the Tianshe constellation.

According to research, we believe that the Zhoutian large array of Zhoutianda galaxy is a large array constructed by gravitational strings. Use gravitational strings to penetrate the four-dimensional world and the three-dimensional world.

We are currently trying to explore the gravitational string between the screen star constellation and the old star constellation. "

Zhang Hao nodded, but then turned to look at Huang Mingshan, the representative of Dayang Group's scientific research theory, "Huang Mingshan, the theory of gravitational strings should be no problem. But how do you use gravitational strings, do you have any results here?"

Discovering the gravitational string is only the first step, how to use it is the key. Previously, everyone had a simple use, that is, to carry out a space-time travel within the influence of the gravitational string. This is more like going down the river, which can increase the fleet's forward speed by more than 50%.

But this means of utilization is very primitive.

If you want to use the gravitational string to go to the Carp Nebula, you must find the "real use method".

This difference is like using fire; but only when the internal combustion engine appears can the flame be used to a new height. Zhang Hao wants to ask if there is a technique that can directly use gravitational strings.

Huang Mingshan opened the document very calmly and said word by word: "There is a little result, but also thanks to the three-pass Tongtian taken at the time, plus the recent research on "Zhou Tiangong".

According to the existing data and results, our scientific research department believes that the gravitational string itself fluctuates, which is the fluctuation of time and space. Between its crests and crests, troughs and troughs, there may be'absolute straight lines through the three-dimensional world'.

Simply put, our usual time and space seem to be the same, but there are actually many folds. This kind of wrinkle... like water of different densities stacked together. "

With that said, Huang Mingshan turned on the projection equipment and projected a piece of'sea water' of about ten meters.

"You see, this is our space, which looks clear and transparent. But in fact, because of the difference in salt content, the refraction of different parts of water is different. We think it is a direct route, but from the outside, the light passes through the sea water. It is an irregularly curved curve.

In actual space, due to complex reasons such as star gravity and galaxy motion, the spatiotemporal fluctuations are more intense.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, our flight path is a curve, and we do not know it yet.

But the gravitational string is different! "

With that said, Huang Mingshan opened a new picture, in which an undetectable submergence appeared in the sea water.

Huang Mingshan continued: "You see, this is an undercurrent. In the actual ocean, there is also an ocean current. The ocean current is the vein of life in the ocean. Through the ocean current, fish can realize global migration. This is the ability of ocean current.

The ocean current itself also directly penetrates the seawater of different densities due to the huge energy, forming a'shortcut'.

Similarly, there are ocean currents in the starry sky, and this is...gravitational strings. There are a lot of energies in the interstellar, these energies are not spattered randomly, especially under the restraint of Zhou Tian array.

However, the explanation of the ocean current can only explain the three-dimensional world. The gravitational string involves the existence of a four-dimensional world. The actual situation is more complicated.

But the explanation is also simple. After our research, we believe that the gravitational string is like alternating current, but the fluctuation of the gravitational string is not a positive and negative fluctuation, but a fluctuation in the three-dimensional world and the four-dimensional world.

The fluctuation of the three-dimensional world, the real space in series. This is the valley of the gravitational string.

The fluctuation of the four-dimensional world is the absolute straight line we are looking for. This is the peak of the gravitational string.

We want to enter the gravitational string in the trough, use the ability of the gravitational string to jump from the four-dimensional world, and appear in the next trough, and then enter the gravitational string again. As long as we can grasp the fluctuation of the gravitational string, we can achieve a real jump.

This jump is not a simple teleport. The distance of teleportation is limited, and the jump of gravitational string... because it is a jump through the four-dimensional world, temporary theoretical research believes that the longest jump can be tens of thousands of light years at a time. But the energy consumption is very low, because this is the gravitational string to take the spacecraft away, not the spacecraft to break open the space.

In the current research on the fluctuation of gravitational strings, we have found something from the jumping ability of the monsters in the monster world. Because of the powerful power of qi and blood, the monsters in the monster world can have a weak resonance with the fluctuation of space and time.

Now we have used this way of energy pole resonance to study the first ‘gravitational string thruster’.

The technical details of the gravitational string thruster can be explained by Lin Yinghao, Leng Fengxue and Ge Dong. "

Dayang Group's technical research is clearly structured. Exploration and discovery, theoretical research, specific scientific research, technology and engineering construction have formed a strict but effective scientific research system layer by layer.

The speaker was Lin Yinghao.

"It is an honor to have the opportunity to explain the new technology on behalf of the entire research team.

This world is sporty. And any movement will fluctuate. The best way to communicate fluctuations is to synchronize fluctuations or resonance.

Thanks to the accumulation of technology in the past, especially thanks to the data provided by Eternal and the powerful computing power of quantum computers, we have finally developed an experimental gravitational string thruster.

We currently name this engine technology: space-time wave engine. The fluctuation caused by the gravitational string is the fluctuation of time and space. So it is called space-time wave.

This is the second generation of space-time engine technology of Ocean Group and Tianyuanxing Civilization.

The first generation of space-time engine technology is a curved engine that was born sixty years ago. Later, although our technology has developed greatly, its core is still curved speed technology.

Curvature technology is a super three-dimensional technology.

But the current space-time wave engine is a quasi-four-dimensional technology. Yes, quasi-four-dimensional, for the time being we have not really reached the height of four-dimensional. It can only be said that some four-dimensional power can be borrowed, and it is limited to gravitational strings.

I have done several tests on experimental space-time wave engines before. Under the same load, the energy consumption per 1000 light years is only one-third of the best curvature engines. As the technology matures in the future, it is expected to be reduced to one-tenth. "

"one tenth?"

Many people at the scene exclaimed, and even Liu Xinyu couldn't help exclaiming.

After entering the starry sky for so many years, everyone certainly understands the concept of reducing energy consumption to one-tenth of the original.

Although the current starry sky is prosperous, the core area of ​​Zhoutian Dazhen is about 80,000 light-years in diameter. Among them, countless countries and practitioners are like sea sand.

But everyone's use of energy is very pitiful.

Reiki comes from the transformation of life planets, its direct source is the earth's core; and the energy source of the earth's core is nuclear fission.

The power of stars comes from stars, mainly the impact of the Great Array of Zhoutian. Later, the Ocean Group had the stellar transformation technology, but it was still the use of the power of nuclear fusion.

In spacecraft technology, nuclear fusion has always been used.

It wasn't until the technology of the Ocean Group broke out that there was cold fusion recently, but it was still nuclear fusion.

At present, the use of energy by the entire Zhoutian galaxy has reached the ceiling, and nuclear fusion is even the apex.

As for the dark matter energy core, antimatter reactor, and quasi-four-dimensional space-time tidal energy station in science fiction, all exist only in fantasy.

In short, under the current realistic technology, the performance of the spaceship is almost difficult to be improved on a large scale. Because energy itself is the biggest limitation. And various material technologies were born out of refining devices, and almost touched the ceiling.

The current battleships have two major energy consumption systems: the power system for flying over time, and the weapon system. As for the energy consumed by the life support system, etc., it is almost negligible.

During normal navigation, the energy consumption of over-the-air flight accounts for almost 80% of the energy consumption of the spacecraft; the remaining 20% ​​is for cooling and defense.

During the battle of the spacecraft, even if it is not flying over time, the weapon system energy consumption can reach almost 60% of the spacecraft; the other 40% is the stability, defense, and cooling of the spacecraft.

It can be seen that, in the comprehensive energy consumption, over-the-air flight is the big head.

If there is a technology that can reduce the energy consumption of extraterrestrial flight by half, even if no other technology is changed, the combat performance of the spacecraft can be improved by at least 60%. If the energy consumption is reduced to one-tenth of the original, even if other technologies are not improved at all, the overall performance of the battleship will not double the pressure.

What's more, if the space-time wave engine is really added, the spacecraft's maneuverability will undergo an earth-shaking evolution.

After everyone's exclamation and attention, Lin Yinghao was proud to make a summary: "The space-time wave engine has completed the inspection, and we have begun to design the production line. It is expected that mass production will be achieved in up to three years!

The speed of the space-time wave engine, the speed of the temporary test, is already five times that of the curved speed engine. As the technology matures, the speed will increase. "

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