Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1524: Strong return

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"Your Majesty, do you want to chase down?" Shiping, the great place of the "former" Tianchi Empire, came to Zhou Kang in a humble manner to work in front of him.

But Zhou Kang did not respond, but adjusted the direction of his body a little, and turned it up (the starry sky did not move up, down, left, or right), quietly watching the twelve energetic bodies of stars and thunder floating towards the star, falling into Contemplation!

At this time, Zhou Kang recalled the weirdness of the Blue Star Group fleet. Don't doubt the observation ability, memory and analysis ability of Daluo Jinxian-just lost at that time and forgot to think.

Looking at the energy body of the twelve giant beasts floating towards the stars at this time, Zhou Kang couldn't help but recall the previous abnormal situation. The various performances of the Blue Star Group in this confrontation are no longer'abnormal', but unthinkable.

Faced with the attack of hundreds of millions of warships here, Blue Star Group's less than 10 million battleships are just simple defenses, and they continue to adjust their flight speed.

In the face of the strongest attack method of the fierce fire array of the twelve capitals on his side, the other party actually released a'embroidered needle' with all his spare time; as a result, his own attack floated, and the enemy's attack accurately hit himself.

In the process, Zhou Kang clearly saw the sarcasm on the face of the other party's leading expert-although the two parties are three million kilometers away, Zhou Kang still sees clearly. This is where the big Luo Jinxian master is strong.

Also, I am well prepared here and used the most powerful formation. But the other party seems to use a simple variant of the five-element array method, but it is still a five-element array method, which belongs to the basic array method.

These phenomena are too late to think about when fighting. Now I want to come here but there is ‘strangeness’ everywhere!

The other party seemed determined: the battleship attack on his side was inaccurate!

The other party seems determined: the energy behemoth on his side will deviate!

The opponent is more determined: Advanced formation is useless!

After thinking for a while, Zhou Kang took out five flags refined with the stars and stars, and put on a simple five-element array to activate a simple five-element **** thunder.

I saw that the Five Elements Shenlei flew out in a nearly straight direction, almost unaffected! Although the route still fluctuated slightly, Zhou Kang understood that it was caused by spatial disturbances. At least not to the sun like the previous star thunder energy body.

"what reason?"

Zhou Kang frowned, and tried many battles and spells repeatedly. It was found that some spells would fly to the stars, some to the black hole of Guixu, and some to other directions. Only a little will keep straight.

Among all the attacks that keep straight, the Five Elements Shenlei turned out to be the most powerful! It is also the farthest attack distance! It's still the fastest attack!

After several tests, Zhou Kang was 100% sure that there must be a reason for this, otherwise the opponent would not lightly choose Wuxing Shenlei as a means of attack in the decisive battle between life and death.

Now think about it, thanks to the other party seemingly unwilling to fight; otherwise, I am afraid that I will be disgraced. There is no time to think about this during the battle!

Could it be that the so-called scientific and technological failure?

Prior to this, Zhou Kang always disagreed with the so-called science and technology. Although he knew something about science and technology because of the virus, he even had a little vigilance, but that was all. This is a world of spiritual practice after all.

You see, as long as you practice the Devil's Taoism from the quasi-saint tradition, you can avoid infection!

But now, Zhou Kang feels that it is really necessary to understand science and technology. Especially when the last Blue Star Group warships left, they seemed to adjust to a certain speed, and then the fleet flickered away. That feeling is like floating in water, but people are floating in the ripples of time and space~

Zhou Kang has been studying for more than two hours before turning to Fang Shiping next to him: "What do you think of our cooperation with Blue Star Group?"

"Ah..." Fang Shiping suddenly froze. I wiped it. Just over two hours ago, we were still fighting for bayonet. Do you want to cooperate in this turn?

Also, what is the purpose of the Blue Star Group fleet coming over this time, have you figured it out?

You are really magic, really magical!

However, Fang Shiping is now well positioned. Since you Zhou Kang said that you want to cooperate, then I just call six six six!

Therefore, Fang Shiping's answer is: "Your Majesty has a long-term vision! If you can cooperate with Blue Star Group, you will benefit in the long run!"

Yes, the benefits are endless in the long run. But right now... sorry, your majesty, the concubine doesn't know!

But Zhou Kang is also an overbearing person, and he doesn't even care about Fang Shiping's words; when he asked them, he already had such an idea.

After another silence, Zhou Kang ordered the fleet to return. Although I don't know what the Blue Star Group did here this time, but for the time being it did not cause any confusion. Instead, Zhou Kang realized that the technical background of the Blue Star Group is not trivial.

Just as a glimpse saw the whole leopard, through this incident, Zhou Kang noticed his own shortcomings, as well as the so-called science and technology, which also has its extraordinary aspects.

However, when Zhou Kang returned to the station and read the new information, Zhou Kang's view of science changed again.

The new information is research on the side of Miao Xiaoyu. After seeing the new information, Zhou Kang whispered to himself: "Maybe I understand the purpose of the Blue Star Group fleet coming back to the market. Maybe it is looking for the original virus?"

Miao Xiaoyu's experiments are not completely confidential. Some of the people who started the experiment still got only a few words. Perhaps these bits and pieces of information are few, but Zhou Kang still infers a lot from this information.

Although Zhou Kang seemed to give up the Longyuan Empire, it was only superficial. In fact, Zhou Kang still has a complete intelligence system in the Longyuan Empire. Besides, this time the plague is so serious, it is easy to solicit some people who are afraid of death.

Now Zhou Kang already knows that a scientific researcher named ‘Miao Xiaoyu’ comes from the Ocean Group. Moreover, Miao Xiaoyu directly pointed out the weakness of the virus, so as long as the cultivation practices are reduced, the infection can be prevented from worsening. Although this method has many problems, at least it can save lives!

Now including Miao Chenghua and other separatist regimes, this method is being fully publicized. Through this method, too many practitioners on the verge of death are given a valuable breathing opportunity.

However, the time is still short and the news has not been fully circulated; but it may not be long before the news will be fully circulated. Zhou Kang's plan to'blood sacrifice the whole empire' will be greatly discounted!

But Zhou Kang is not panic. This method can only save a moment but not a lifetime! You have the ability to reduce your cultivation base to ordinary people, otherwise you will still be infected with viruses!

Especially with the recovery of the virus, more and more virtual realms are also starting to be recruited-the interstellar usually thinks that the real virtual practitioners are above the virtual realm, and the situation will become more and more interesting!

Zhou Kang thought about it with his chin and smiled, "I don't know if I now appear bright and upright, and said that practicing magic skills can save lives, how would you choose?"

Qianping, the great place of Qiantianchi Empire, who had been transformed into a dog leg, said immediately: "That would cause crazy killing!"

"Oh? Why?" Zhou Kang was interested.

"When others have to reduce cultivation to save lives, there are people who improve by practicing magic skills. Naturally, if there is revenge, if there is no revenge, then robbing and getting rich!

As long as we create a little more chaos, and guide, maybe death will reach a new peak!

In addition, after the killing, the devil practitioners have no retreat, and they will take His Majesty as the core, unite around His Majesty, and become the most loyal warrior of His Majesty! As long as His Majesty holds the devil's heritage, and the virus, he is not afraid of their backwaters. "

"Good!" Zhou Kang Dayue, a little flash of light flashed on his finger to Fang Shiping, so that Fang Shiping had a better understanding of the magical powers. This is currently the best reward!

Then Zhou Kang asked Prince Zhou Ming to take the fleet and return to the imperial palace of Linhuang Mansion with mighty force, ready to announce his return.

As for Zhou Kang himself, he stayed here on the seal and began to activate a small array of sacrificial offerings. Prior to this, the large sacrificial array was almost opened and uncontrolled due to the influence of war. Now Zhou Kang is carefully controlling the opening part of the large sacrificial array, and using this force as a fulcrum, carefully opening the seal of the Demon Saint.

The seal of the Demon Saint is huge. It is suspected that the saints or many quasi-saints stayed together at the time. This thing is really not easy to open. It may even cause the attention of other quasi-saints by accident. But the benefits are also visible!

Every time Zhou Kang opens a bit, he can get some gems left by the demon sage: it may be the fragments of the original **** left by the quasi-sage, or the wreckage of the demon sage, and even many ancient secrets may be discovered.

The fragment of Yuanshen is the reason why Zhou Kang has changed now. Speaking of the magic holy spirit fragment is magical-each fragment has a complete memory! It seems that the quasi-Saint wanted to escape with this, but the result was still unsuccessful.

However, after so many years of changes, the existence of the deity fragments of the Demon Saint is very similar to the heavenly demon-no consciousness, only information and a little instinct!

But this is after all a quasi-sacred fragment of Yuanshen. Even if people get Yuanshen, they don’t have that ability to absorb. Heavenly Demon is already terrifying enough, if this Heavenly Demon is still converted from the sacred Divine Primal Fragment, it would be horrible to think about it, and I am afraid that the Saint may not be able to bear it.

Of course, it is only similar to the Heavenly Devil; and the ancestors of Zhou Kang did pay a heavy price at that time, and finally absorbed a piece of Yuanshen fragments, and achieved today's Zhou Kang.

In fact, one of the important reasons why Zhou Kang had to work hard to figure out what kind of sacrifice is: in addition to opening the magic holy seal, the large array of sacrifices can also suppress, appease, and purify the magic holy spirit fragments.

There are the remains of the demon sage. In fact, most of the debris of the Devil Saints are harmless, and after milling for many years, these debris have become a pure ‘magic potion’. As long as it is taken correctly according to the method recorded in the magic skill, the effect is very good. But a small part of the wreckage may still retain the quasi-holy atmosphere, which requires a large array of escorts.

Zhou Kang began to retreat, using the sacrifices of countless people to pry open the corner of the seal of the Demon Saint, and absorb the treasures left thousands of years ago.

Crown Prince Zhou Ming appeared as a magical Da Luo Jinxian, with 500 million spaceships (not just warships), and hundreds of billions of Dao Dao practitioners who had completed the conversion, and six other demonized Da Luo Jinxian. Dangfei to the imperial capital of Longyuan Empire, Linhuang Mansion!

Almost for the first time, the entire Huangxing star officer exploded!

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