Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1533: Attack

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Zhang Hao's words made everyone calm down. Some things are just for a while, and you will find a lot of problems when the reaction comes over. The same is true right now.

Seeing everyone calm down, Zhang Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. One thing Zhang Hao didn't say, mainly because it was too cumbersome to explain. That is: Da Yi and the core of thought.

Dayang Group has been able to develop to the present day because of being aggressive and adhering to the core of scientific development. There is another point that, although not explicitly mentioned, is being firmly implemented: civilization and order. It is also where the ‘Great Righteousness’ is.

Later, the establishment and development of the Blue Star Group also obliviously obeyed this.

And all of this is completely different from the "Magic Way". I really want to ‘introduce’ the idea of ​​the devil, but I am afraid that the Blue Star Group is in danger of falling apart. The magic things are so easy to touch. See what Zhou Kang did, and how many deaths and injuries were caused by the release of the virus?

A rational analysis will reveal many problems. Why was the Devil’s Quasi-Holy Order ten years ago sealed? Why is there no magic path in the quasi-saint of the current Zhoutian world?

The deep reason is not enough, at least it is enough to show that the survivability of the Dao quasi-Saint is not enough. This girl must be flawed.

Practicing is one step at a time, but almost all of the magical Dao exercises are crazy on the road to speculation. The stronger the death, the more seamless it is, the better the exercises.

It's not that Zhang Hao doubts the demon's practice, but it is the essence of the devil's practice. Demon Saint, should be closer to the essence of death.

Last but not least, the entire world of Zhou Tian was transformed by Zhou Tian’s formation. The practice of the magic path of Taoism is inherently'incompatible with this world'.

It's like cultivating anaerobic life in the world of oxygen; low-level anaerobic life can still be stolen and secretly stolen, but large, high-level life will not work.

This principle is also used in the current world of Zhoutian. The entire big world is the right way to practice, and Zhou Tianzheng has fundamentally changed the structure of the world. The practice environment, or ecology, of the entire Zhoutian World is also based on the right path.

Among the low-level practitioners, there are many evil demons. However, as the level of cultivation increased, the proportion of demons outside the path decreased sharply. After the virtual realm was returned, the evil demons could hardly see it.

Occasionally, there are some so-called "magic" exercises, but these exercises are no longer "pure".

In such an environment, if you want to revise the magical Dao Gong, this is not a normal death. As for why the Daluo Jinxian under the control of the Tianchi Empire started to practice smoothly at the beginning, Zhang Hao felt that this was the basic trick to cheat.

Whether it is spiritual practice or scientific research, sticking to your own thinking is the most important.

Afterwards, Zhang Hao talked to these ‘old children’ and told everyone something. Only then did everyone temporarily suppress the greed in their hearts—but this was only temporary. Some people have indicated that they will send someone to contact them separately. Zhang Hao can only shrug.

Fortunately, these guys are all old foxes, as long as they are sane, they probably don't have to worry about the next thing.

The impact of the unexpected news came to an end, and everyone continued to demonstrate the problem of traitors and invading fleets.

Unconsciously, it was another five days, and the situation finally stabilized, and Daluo Jinxian was in place. The technology of even blocking the attack on the fleet was also simulated with the help of eternal and supercomputers.

Also, finally found the trail of the enemy fleet.

The trace of the fleet can be traced to the Ocean Group. In the Sirius constellation in the west of the Red River Empire, a country that worked closely with the Ocean Group discovered the other's trace.

This small country is close to the underside of the galaxy's disk. The country is not large, but it has learned the spirit of the Ocean Group and the Tianyuanxing civilization and launched a probe into the outer space; this is a probe from the Ocean Group.

This single-launched detector is probably not in the observation range of the invasion fleet, so that the detector completely captures the enemy's trail.

The fleet is beyond imagination. Because there are only a few small detectors, the distance is a little far away, and dare not turn on the high power to prevent causing vigilance, and the image is somewhat blurred. Even after the computer processing, it is still a little vague.

However, it can be seen that the size of the opposing fleet is between 530 and 570 million.

Unlike the 800 million spaceships sent by the Tianji Empire, these are all warships, and they are all excellent warships. The overall speed of its fleet is 1400 light-years per month.

In addition, this observation also found that the reason why the advancing fleet can achieve this speed is not only because of the technological advancement of the warship, but also because the fleet has adopted some peculiar formation method, or cultivation method.

Speaking of which, at the beginning it was observed that the advance speed of the sneak attack fleet was as high as 1,400 light-years per month, and everyone still suspected that the technology of the Blue Star Group was leaked. In particular, it is suspected that the Ocean Group or Tianyuanxing civilization is peddling technology everywhere.

Now that you see these slightly blurry pictures, you can rest assured. Although we don't know what formation method the opponent used for the time being, everyone can see the trace of formation-the 12 battle stars arranged regularly, but everyone can see clearly.

Because this time the ‘technical content’ of the aggression fleet is a bit high, the fleet is specially equipped with a technical team, mainly composed of relevant technical personnel of the Ocean Group. The fleet commander is Du Gujunjie.

This time the fleet was small, with only 12,000 Earth Turtles and 70 million battleships. There are discrepancies with the originally planned five thousand earth turtles and fifty million battleships. This is just in case.

Earth tortoises are the fastest, and they all have that kind of sniper-type rail gun. The warships also use the latest technology. Compared with traditional warships, these new warships are more slender and have an aspect ratio of 17:1.

There are also 12 big Luo Jinxian. The big Luo Jinxian was led by Jiang Hang of the Tai A Empire. Jiang Hang is currently the highest among all Da Luo Jin Xian Xiu, and also has the deepest understanding of relevant science and technology, even the latest practice methods.

The research of the Blue Star Group is not only about science and technology, but also about traditional practice. Of course, there is also the "integration of ancient and modern", which combines the advantages of science and technology and traditional practice. But it is not so easy to use these technologies well.

For example, small private battleships, the kind that comes with teleport function. This small private battleship specially built for Jinxian and Dalujinxian is generally within 100 meters in length, mainly to provide auxiliary power and space technology to provide science and technology in the case of teleportation technical support.

There are also mechas. After continuous research, the current mecha technology is becoming more and more powerful. The top-level mechas created by combining the refining methods of Jinxian and Daluojinxian are quite magical.

The fleet has been watched all the time, and Zhang Hao breathed out nervously, seeming to say to himself: "Although many simulations and deductions have been done on computer simulations, there are still some concerns.

To win more with less... There is always some worry. "

Huanglong smiled next to him, "I don't think it's okay, and it's not too much to win. We have 12 great Luo Jinxian on our side, and we are holding a flag made of demon holy dragon horns. The combat effectiveness will not be much worse.

For the time being, the other party only found five big Luo Jinxian. Even if there are hidden ones, it will not be too much to think about.

The only problem is that no clues have been found yet. "

Zhang Hao nodded slightly and said nothing more. Although the traitor has not yet been found, but with intelligent technology and intelligent life, Blue Star Group is not afraid.

From now on, all communications are under eternal surveillance. The latest quantum computer of the Ocean Group is running crazy and supervising every device that can be supervised. Any communication will be detected.

In military communications, all encryption methods have also been changed. If the traitor is active again, it will be completely invisible. Advances in technology have provided the best protection for the Blue Star Group.

This is something that traditional means cannot do anyway. This is also the case, which can temporarily alleviate the problems of mistrust caused by internal rape.

The fleet was sent away, and the actions of Zhang Hao and Blue Star Group did not stop. For the time being, the elite fleet is in the lead. Just in case, more fleets are being assembled urgently. During the assembly process, new communication methods were also replaced, and at the same time large-scale investigations of domestic traitors were conducted.

In addition, the defense of the World Gate also began to upgrade. The gate of the world is temporarily stable, and it seems that the monster world is really being beaten; a large number of detectors and unmanned spacecraft that have penetrated into the monster world have not found any problems temporarily.

But we can't relax our vigilance, if the demon world counterattacks, I'm afraid it won't be easy. The last time even the demon sage was cut off the dragon horn, almost died without a burial place, and killed 11 kings in one breath; it is conceivable that if there is a next counterattack, it will definitely not be easy.

Some people even considered: Will there be more than two demon saints?

Compared with a total of 48 quasi-Saints in Zhoutian World, there are more demon Saints in Celestial World. According to the interrogation, some said more than 80, some said more than 90. But whether it is eighty or ninety in the end, in short it is dangerous.

Once there is a problem here at the Gate of the World, the state of central blooming is formed, and the consequences are unbearable.

Quasi-St. is the pain that Blue Star Group cannot ignore at present.

However, Zhang Hao thought for a while, but decided to take a look at the military constellation.

The military well constellation is currently the largest industrial base of the Blue Star Group, and it is also an important scientific research center. Since the completion of the first phase of the military constellation, a closed space of 20 light years has been formed.

In addition to scientific research and industrial production, the military constellation also has important scientific research institutions such as medicinal materials and immortality research, spiritual research, and deduction of exercises.

The Chinese medicine, life, and medical research led by Zhou Xueyao are currently here.

The military constellation is not large, but it is where the stars in this starry sky are most dense. In the first phase of the military constellation, 108 stars were transformed. With a diameter of 20 light years and 108 stars, the majestic power of stars has already filled this closed starry sky, making it a fairyland on earth.

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