Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1548: I tell you

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While waiting for Li Xuancang, Zhang Hao incidentally handled the tail of many things.

The relevant situation of the invasion fleet, especially the last tragic fireworks, will naturally not be kept secret. Under Zhang Hao's instructions, the staff made the relevant materials available online. In order to adapt to the needs of different devices, there are several versions.

The most high-definition ones are used by Zhang Hao and others now, and require a supercomputer to play stereoscopic images. The smallest is ordinary high-definition flat video, which can be played on a mobile phone.

As the news spread out at the same time, there were rewards and danger warnings for the traces of five big Luo Jinxian and three thousand Jinxian.

In addition, the Bluestar Group’s diplomacy and intelligence agencies need to transmit this video to the surrounding countries as soon as possible to show their people: take a good look at how their loved country responds to their contributions; News of victory.

Killing 560 million elite warships in one go, even if placed here in the Minghui Empire, is almost equivalent to half the elite power of the country! Although the 560 million warships were the joint forces of the Tianji Empire, the Beihe Empire, and the Tianqi Empire, they were not taken out by a single family, but the losses were also huge.

I believe this news is enough to bring great encouragement to the front, and cause a huge blow to the enemy. The other is to allow those countries that want to sneak into the rear of the Blue Star Group to measure their abilities.

However, when the relevant personnel were busy, Huang Long leaned up next to Zhang Hao and asked: "I have a little doubt. Is such a solitary destruction scene too monotonous?

Do you want to use computer technology around us, plus our fleet? "

Zhang Hao smiled: "That's how it looks. We can't see our attack, but we can see the enemy's helpless choice of self-destructive escape method, which is even more shocking.

People, things that are mysterious and unknowable are even more terrifying. The more mysterious, the better! "

Huang Long thought about it and silently extended his thumbs to Zhang Hao. He also imagined it in his own mind: If he is the enemy’s military leader, what would he think after seeing this video?

I certainly know what kind of strategy the Blue Star Group has adopted; but others don’t know. They only saw—the surroundings were empty, and the enemy ships could not be seen at all, but the coalition forces spontaneously gathered and chose to destroy themselves spontaneously.

Think about it and feel the weirdness!

You should know that the entire process of self-destruction, including the time to arrange the array, can be as long as one hour before and after-the actual statistical time in the later period is 56 minutes. During this period, the Blue Star Group did not attack.

540 million battleships, in 56 minutes, calmly arrange a super formation, and then choose a ruinous escape!

Without knowing the strategy of the Blue Star Group, if you just infer from the picture, it is definitely "thinking about fear"-will it not be a quasi-sheng?

After busy with things here, Zhang Hao again sent a message to Bai Yutang, or authorized.

At the beginning, Zhang Hao received two sets of "three transfers to Tiandan and Jinxian Soul Crystal" from the Minghui Empire; Zhang Hao used one set himself, and the other set was temporarily sealed, ready to be used to reward the outstanding contributions of the Ocean Group .

But now the situation has to make more sensible thoughts: this thing needs to be handed over to the right person. At present, the first master of the Ocean Group is Li Wei, and now Li Wei has completed the consolidation of the seventh layer of the virtual realm.

Although taking San Zhuan Tong Tian Dan cannot promote Jin Xian immediately, it is better than nothing.

In the past, keeping this immortality on the one hand is to give everyone a thought, but on the other hand is fair-no merits. Fairness is the most important foundation of the Ocean Group. If Zhang Hao only gave such precious panacea to others based on his own preference, everyone definitely has opinions, and this will inevitably lead to instability of the Ocean Group.

But now the situation has changed. What we are now seeking is the ability to survive and respond to crises.

In less than two hours, Bai Yutang sent back a message: Li Wei has been served and is retreating.

Zhang Hao was relieved, and this hot potato was finally used. Adding a Golden Immortal Soul Crystal to the San Zhuantian Dan can lay a solid, golden immortal foundation without being affected-at least in theory.

Take a step back and say what happens even if it is affected. This world can reach the level of the golden fairy, and it has almost stood at the peak of the pyramid. Those are elites with hundreds of billions of people, or even trillions of people.

The three transfers to Tiandan are not used every day, which is equivalent to an irregular bomb.

After finishing the busy work, and waiting for a long time, the messenger Li Xuancang from the Longyuan Empire finally arrived at the headquarters of the Blue Star Group. The visit, which spanned a distance of nearly 18,000 light years, finally officially began.

The Blue Star Group did not arrange any grand reception here, but it was just a matter of etiquette, which made people unable to pick out the fault. After all, the Blue Star Group has denied access, and it is Li Xuancang's scornful face that gave him this opportunity.

Although Li Xuancang is alone, there are still several followers around him. The term "orphan" here means that there is no more protective power than yourself. The follower cultivation is the highest but it is still a virtual realm.

Zhang Hao met Li Xuancang in an ordinary conference room. But Li Xuan Cang Xiu is a golden fairy, or ‘magic fairy’, so Zhang Hao still has… ten golden fairy.

The top ten shareholders of Blue Star Group sent representatives.

It is not fair to send one or two representatives without saying too deliberately. So Zhang Hao simply slipped out all the ten golden representatives.

When the two sides were seated, Zhang Hao spoke directly, and said in a very aggressive tone, "Mr. is so far-fetched that there is something to do!"

This is quite rude. It was not the style of Zhang Hao's previous negotiation and communication, and he did not give the other party a step. And there is no room for discourse: important things. If it's ridiculous, you can avoid opening your mouth.

But Li Xuancang was obviously prepared too, without panic. With a smile on his face, "On the way to the Blue Star Group, it is all up to President Zhang to say that he can have today. It is up to Zhang Gang to speak arbitrarily. After meeting, he knew that what he said was true.

Zhang Hao frowned slightly: What the **** did this **** say, what did he say, what do you think? These words are here to provoke! However, these things, Zhang Hao can not show on his face.

Li Xuancang finished digging the hole for Zhang Hao, his face immediately became serious, and his tone became more and more powerful: "Mr. Zhang knows that the Blue Star Group is facing a crisis of life and death?"

Zhang Hao has a formal smile: "I really don't know, talk about it?"

"Mr. Zhang has thought about why the Tianshui Empire can contact so many countries? Only the Tianshui Empire itself, can it really be done? You know, in addition to the Tianji Empire that seems to take the initiative, the Sky Flag Empire 1. The Beihe Empire and the Tianshui Empire are not far apart, and they are far apart. Why are the two countries so active?

Look at the Tianshui Empire Alliance, from the most eastern Tianji Empire to the most western Tiana Empire, the largest territory span is more than 30,000 light years!

President Zhang believes that it is just a cry of the Tianshui Empire, can it really affect such a wide range? "

The smile on Zhang Hao's face seemed brighter: "I really haven't thought about this issue. But it doesn't matter, I think we can still deal with it for the time being."

Zhang Hao was taunting deep in his heart: Your news seems outdated, you don’t even know Yang Shuguo, and we have just ‘destroyed’ the main forces of the coalition forces of the Tianshui Empire, the Sky Flag Empire, and the Beihe Empire.

Li Xuancang is suggesting that there is a quasi-sacred participation behind it-at least Zhang Hao temporarily thinks so.

However, the intelligence work of the Blue Star Group is excellent, and for the time being it can basically rule out the problem of the quasi-Saint. The reason why the Tianshui Empire Alliance is so powerful is because of greed!

Some people like to talk foolishly. Unfortunately, Zhang Hao does not eat this set. If you take a step back, what if you are really involved in quasi-Saints? The Blue Star Group has already filed for a long time. Not shameful!

Now the Ocean Group, and even the entire Tianyuan Star civilization is the highest, is Li Wei. If there is a quasi-sacred person coming, the Ocean Group will have no pressure to accept it. Maybe the people will rejoice-we also have quasi-saint thighs.

Moreover, Zhang Hao is 100% sure: even if it is a quasi-Saint, it will not ignore the technical charm of Dayang Group.

Killing chickens and taking eggs is done by fools, and quasi-sanctity will never do that. Speaking of the current Blue Star Group, why can everyone tolerate the Ocean Group or even grant the Ocean Group a near-equal qualification? The core reason is simple-this is an iron rooster laying golden eggs.

Well, the iron rooster laying golden eggs. Although it is difficult to pluck hairs from the Ocean Group, the Ocean Group always leaves one golden egg after another! If you can get a golden egg, the Ocean Group can accept it even if it is not good. Even if the Ocean Group gradually develops, everyone can turn a blind eye-as long as you can lay eggs!

The iron rooster laying the golden egg is the temporary positioning of Dayang Group, and also a temporary development strategy and living space. Zhang Hao is 100% convinced that even if the quasi-sheng comes, he still needs his ‘iron cock’.

So at this moment in Zhang Hao's eyes, Li Xuancang is the kind of ‘whatever I didn’t know’, but wishful thinking came to ‘crap!’

He didn’t even understand why the Ocean Group was able to dance long-sleeved and easy in the Blue Star Group. He didn’t even understand the rules of the game within the Blue Star Group, that is, everyone’s cooperation foundation and cooperative relationship, etc. .

The faint Zhang Hao even had a little disappointment: at this level, he still insisted on meeting.

But since meeting, Zhang Hao did not immediately rush people. As it is said that the stone of other mountains can attack jade, Zhang Hao also wants to see what he Li Xuancang wants to say, whether he can provide some new ideas for the current Blue Star Group and himself.

Because of these considerations, after Zhang Hao finished speaking, he continued after a short meal: "Think about it, there are indeed some problems. I don't know what any suggestions from my husband?"

[Tell all readers, even pirated readers:

Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, my country's external support has been extremely great, showing the feelings of a big country. But some problems have to be vigilant.

In 2005, Beijing Xincai told us: Be careful of being erroneous.

We kindly donated materials, but later we may be raked in because of quality problems. Those who do not want to give money are still good, and those who say that the price is cheap to launch an anti-dumping investigation are not the worst.

I'm afraid that the other party said, "A large number of patients died because of the quality of your materials." Without saying anything, just send a lawyer letter and let us compensate. Recently, some countries, etc., have looming signs.

Foreign countries are not domestic, please keep your eyes open. 】

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