Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1566: Practice? Science 3

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Huang Mingshan stepped down, and the changing images in the projection were also suspended.

When Huang Mingshan just explained various scientific theories, the projection was a dazzling change. For this research, the research base was well prepared.

Zhou Xueyao came to power and opened a human phantom, but there was a small stellar projection at the position of Dantian under the mind, chest, and lower abdomen.

Zhou Xueyao spoke softly: "The next thing to talk about is the new "Zhou Tiangong".

There are many sayings about the practice in the starry sky, one of which is widely known. That is, people generally think that the human body is a small Zhoutian galaxy and a small universe. It is believed that the human body has 365 acupuncture points, corresponding to the number of weeks.

But what I want to say is that the human body is indeed a small universe, but there are more than 365 points. It should be hundreds of millions! "

The picture begins to change, and each star system appears, shrinks, and enters the human body. The entire human body seems to be composed of countless star systems. Then some cell structures began to appear.

Zhou Xueyao continued: "We have studied that the structure of atoms is similar to the structure of a star system. Have you ever wondered whether the cells of top practitioners are similar to this structure?

We have recently studied the cell structure of a large number of practitioners. After returning to the realm, the cell structure of the human body began to change. The entire cell structure becomes more and more ordered, and the cells and nuclei also become smaller.

Thanks to the quasi-saint virus this time, we can see the structure of the cell nucleus after returning to the realm. With the improvement of repair, the internal volume of the cell nucleus is getting smaller and smaller, and the energy stored inside the cell is getting stronger.

When the big Luo Jinxian, the cell nucleus can almost be regarded as a small black hole of energy, swallowing the true element every moment. Of course this engulfment is weak, but it continues.

According to the mass-energy formula, we can know that as the phagocytic energy of cells, especially the nucleus, increases, the body mass will continue to increase. So the higher the cultivator is, the higher the weight. However, because of spiritual practice, spiritual reasons, or some four-dimensional attributes, the appearance is not obvious.

But once the blood leaves the body, it becomes very heavy.

For specific reasons, we are still studying. "

Everyone looked at the nuclear structure of the cell and fell into contemplation. It turns out that the cells in your body work like this? In the past, everyone only knew that there was such a macro phenomenon, but what exactly caused this phenomenon was not known.

"Cultivation is divided into Yuanying, Yuanshen, and Gong body, then we can also analyze it separately in three parts. Let me talk about Gong body first."

"A long time ago, the Ocean Group proposed three hypotheses when studying Fa-level exercises. Two of these hypotheses believed that the development of exercises requires learning the evolution of stars and eventually evolves into black holes. One believes that energy accumulation, one This species is considered material accumulation.

But now it seems that it should be the material quality change caused by energy accumulation.

After the practitioners return to the realm, the cell changes just like the evolution of the star system, and it seems to be approaching the atomic structure. Let the human body approach from the cell structure to the'imitation' atomic structure. Therefore, the practitioner's body will become more and more firm.

There is another way of practicing the laws similar to the system, which is not what I am going to say today. "

"Another is the Yuanying. Energy has the wave-particle duality, and life energy has field energy characteristics. In fact, Yuanying is the'particle state energy' bound by the field energy.

This energy is composed of four basic forces that are pure and carefully selected. What kind of mystery there is is still under study. But according to the creation of the four elements, Yuanying has a strong creative power. This is the foundation of the practitioner's life and longevity and the energy source for progress.

But Yuanying does not exist alone, it is subject to Yuanshen. "

"The last is the Yuanshen. The Yuanshen involves the spirit. For the time being, we can only barely use quantum entanglement to explain, but it is far-fetched. The spiritual power, the Yuanshen, etc., should involve part of the four-dimensional power and the laws.

In fact, Yuanying, Yuanshen, and Power Body do not exist in isolation, but you and I have you. Just like the Migaki of the Zhoutian Great Galaxy, there is no clear boundary. As galaxies rotate, they also intersect and change with each other. "

Speaking of which, Zhou Xueyao had a slight meal and looked more serious: "I just said some basic conditions, and the next thing I want to talk about is the biggest secret of our research this time.

In fact, from the late Jinxian to the quasi-Saint, everyone is pursuing a goal: to bridge the world.

But what is the "bridge of heaven and earth", there have been different opinions in the past. Today, we propose a scientific explanation. Of course, for reference only. "

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened.

Zhou Xueyao switched screens but showed black holes. Then a picture labeled ‘Quasi-Holy Cell Structure Inference’ appeared next to the black hole. The two pictures are highly similar.

"Black hole, I think everyone now knows what it is. It is not the entrance of the mansion, but a peculiar star and star.

The black hole is the biggest destroyer of the law of time and space, or the destroyer of heaven and earth. The law around the black hole collapsed. But in fact black holes are also the creators of the law. The old rules around the black hole are destroyed, but new rules are created.

Look, does this look like a practitioner? We practiced various magical means, which are man-made laws that do not exist in nature. "

Everyone nodded. At this moment, everyone has been taken by Zhou Xueyao.

Zhou Xueyao continued: "But the black hole is not just in and out. In fact, there are powerful jets of energy at the two poles of the black hole. The energy ejected there seems to be more source than the four basic forces we recognize.

Now, let us look at the cell structure of Quasi-Saint.

According to our deduction, the quasi-saint's cell structure is already equivalent to a tiny aura black hole, or true yuan black hole. But the black hole is also spraying towards the poles, but it is not the energy sprayed here, but the open gene chain. The gene chain is connected with the law of heaven and earth.

Here, we have some speculations. "

Zhou Xueyao switched the screen again, and switched to a screen labeled "Presumption of Jinxian Cell Structure".

"When the practitioner reaches the pure sun state, the chromosomes in the body will be closed into an almost perfect circle. But when the golden fairy level, the genes will get rid of the chromosomes and form a separate ring. After the big Luo Jinxian, this circle will be perfect and energy. Change.

Just because of the progress of practice, the nuclei at the Jinxian level are already very small, smaller than the atoms, almost reaching a degenerate structure, which we cannot directly observe.

Fortunately, there is a reference to the quasi-holy virus, which only cracked its structure..."

"Wait, have Jinxian infected?" Several big Luo Jinxian even exclaimed in unison.

Zhou Xianzi said very calmly: "The captives caught a few days ago are very easy to use. These people are so cold-blooded, don't you regret them?"

"We are afraid of the virus getting out of control."

"It's no problem, rest assured, it's all handled very well here, we are even developing antibodies. The progress has been good recently."

"Oh..." The people were relieved.

Zhou Xueyao continued to explain the exercises: "Everyone already knows that the nucleus has different elemental properties because of its different structure. Then think about it, the cell nucleus of Jinxian is already like an nucleus, but this nucleus has 3 billion base pairs. How much ability can it show?

So in principle, the potential of Jinxian is endless, and everyone can develop their own abilities in the future. Research believes that now Jinxian can only reach one tenth of his potential. "

Everyone: ...

Mrs. Zhou, you are off topic.

Zhou Xueyao continued: "Genes are the laws of the human body. The process from golden fairy to Daluo Jinxian, we think it is the process of genetic law. Therefore we infer that the reason why all Daluo Jinxian can not enter the quasi-saint is actually that everyone is in the gene There was something wrong with the process of regularization.

It should not be too easy to regularize the three billion base pair rule. I suggest that all Da Luo Jin Xian be rebuilt. Just started repairing from Jinxian.

After the Golden Fairy, to make the laws of genes, we must first make the genes energy.

Fortunately, we have a mass-energy formula. In this process, the huge energy in Yuanying is compressed into the nucleus.

Why the energy in Yuanying? Because the pressure on the nucleus is extremely high at this time, the external energy is not enough. The high-pressure energy in Yuanying must be used.

Yuanying accumulated step by step just for this step.

Under tremendous pressure, Yuanying's energy was injected into the nucleus, and the genes began to become energetic. At this time, Yuanshen intervened to transform the gene law of energy.

This is the evolution of the so-called Hundred Elemental Eucharist.

When this process is completed, the cell nucleus completes the process of "true black hole". At this time, it was time for the black hole to erupt.

Energy jets erupt at the two poles of the black hole. But this jet is the gene of law and energy. The genes extend indefinitely on both sides and merge with the laws of the world.

At this point, enter the quasi-saint stage. After that, it is the saint stage. We speculate that there are two paths of saints. "

"A sage's path, the laws of the body spontaneously build rules. Form an internal closed system, become a world, and then naturally jump out of the current world. This may be the proof of strength.

The other is that the law continues to be open to the outside world, communicate with the world, and connect with the outside world, and then connect to the four-dimensional law. This may be the rule of law.

The current quasi-saint should follow the second path.

But scientific research analysis believes that the first path is the most perfect. The first way is like the birth of a new baby. And this baby has a complete world law, this is a true saint!

On the contrary, the second saint is inextricably intertwined with current world laws. So it’s a ‘Join’! "

"The explanation is finished. But most of the above are theoretical derivations. Specifically, you are invited to improve with your seniors."

Zhou Xueyao retreated, the light gradually returned to the hall, the projection disappeared, the light on the top of the building was re-sprinkled, and a science fiction research building appeared again in front of everyone.

Bright, illuminating many masters dumbfounded!

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