Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1572: Development energy

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The coming of the dragon has attracted a lot of attention from the Blue Star Group. However, because of the huge victory of the 560 million sneak attack warships, Da Luo Jin Xian, and Jin Xian, it did not cause much waves.

Even the Kuangtao Mercenary Corps was rewarded, and received the Daluo Jinxian thousand years of instructions, the influence is higher than that of Yonglong.

Unconsciously, the Blue Star Group has grown to such a high level that it can ignore the dragon.

In the end, the dragon's side still did not accept the conditions of the Blue Star Group. None of them came out. After arguing with a red face, the team hurriedly left. At the same time, there was Li Xuancang of the Longyuan Empire.

Blue Star Group noticed these things, but did not pay attention. Of course, the Blue Star Group is also concerned about the problem of the Longyuan Empire virus. Zhou Xueyao, with a research team, is studying antibodies, and has already had a look.

Compared to studying exercises, studying antibodies, vaccines, etc. is relatively simple. Of course, it is only relatively simple. It is still not that simple to overcome the influence of the quasi-holy virus.

Fortunately, everything is developing and progressing according to plan. At least the team led by Zhou Xueyao has found a way, and there are still two.

One is antibody and the other is vaccine.

The core of the quasi-holy virus is a unique gene chain. There are dozens of ‘junction points’ in this gene chain, as long as an enzyme can be found and the chain can be cut in a targeted manner, it is enough to destroy the quasi-holy virus.

Antibody, which is a specific enzyme injected in vitro, can cut off the virus gene. This is used for emergency treatment and is used by critical patients.

There are also vaccines that require special vaccines to allow the body to spontaneously produce this specific enzyme that can cut off foreign gene chains.

But it can't let this enzyme have an effect on itself-don't forget, according to the current theory of Zhou Xueyao's team, the gene chain needs to be spliced ​​after the Golden Fairy Realm. By then, if this particular enzyme comes into play, it will cut all of its own gene chain, but it is not a general trouble.

For this, an external sample is needed!

Zhou Xueyao believes that the reason why practicing the magic path of the magic holy can avoid infection should be to promote the body to generate some kind of immune mechanism.

Because of Zhou Xueyao's speculation, the Beifei Tiger Empire sent experts to sneak attack, preparing to arrest so few people who practiced the Dao Dao practice to study it.

No wonder the North Flying Tiger Empire is in a hurry. Seeing that the epidemic has spread for 160 light-years and is showing an accelerated state, the Northern Flying Tiger Empire is really a bit anxious.

On the other side of the Longyuan Empire, as the virus spread, the previously divided Longyuan Empire was moving toward unity. But this brand new unification has completely changed!

The unification now is completely done with fear. Faced with the threat of death, the living people bowed their heads and began to practice the magical Dao.

Now some superficial magic Dao exercises have been fully disclosed. However, everyone at the Blue Star Group put their hopes on scientific research for the time being. Until you have a choice, you will never bow your head to the magic road.

Existing Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian corpses and live mouths, as well as virus samples, let the researchers of Dayang Group initially unravel the secrets of the practice. Everyone believes and firmly believes that it should not take much time to solve the virus.

Fortunately, no matter what it is, the Blue Star Group has been on the right track. The super-wide star-level battle has begun to come to an end, and the problem of practicing the exercises has also ushered in a new dawn.

The Gate of the World is still stable, and the Blue Star Group is trying to imitate the ‘Military Constellation’ in the sky demon world to build a star cluster that can spontaneously generate aura. The project has started and is progressing smoothly.

The Blue Star Group also transfers technology to member countries through equity, etc., to promote scientific research and technological progress of all parties. After a war, the scientific concept of development and industry and commerce have been generally accepted, and began to spread widely.

In this process, Tianyuanxing Civilization and Ocean Group are rapidly transforming.

Seeing that everything has entered a high-speed channel for stable development, Zhang Hao has also set a few important development goals for the development of Blue Star Group:

Mass production of immortality, development of interstellar channels and communication technology, implementation of legal system, promotion of economic and monetary integration, military well constellation industrial base need to develop as soon as possible and continue the second phase of the military well constellation project.

The other is to continue to increase the blockade of the world's gate, and decided to send an unmanned fleet to the sky monster world. Eternal has been ready for several years, and a large number of brand new battleships and several mother ships have been prepared.

Eternity will split a vice body, traverse the heavenly demon world, looking for that Gaia world.

According to the observation results of the Ocean Group, the current Zhoutian Great World, Tianya World and Gaia World present a triangular position:

There are about 6.5 million light-years from Zhoutian World to Tianyao World;

From Zhoutian World to Gaia World, about 2.8 million light years;

Celestial World is about 4.8 million light-years away from Gaia World.

Want to directly support the Gaia world across the vast sky, it seems that this technology is not yet available. Ocean Group currently wants to reach the Carp Nebula, which is 80,000 light-years away, and it has to be well prepared. This also requires the help of gravitational string technology.

And this ultra-long-distance travel technology is currently the best done by the Ocean Group.

Therefore, at present, the think tanks of Gaia World, Ocean Group, and Blue Star Group have argued that the only option is to use the sky monster world as a springboard.

According to the information from the interrogation, from the door of the world of'Zhoutian-Tianya' to the door of the world of'Tianya-Gaia', the straight-line distance is only about 70,000 light-years. And because the whole journey is inside the Demon World, there is no need to worry about fuel supply.

And because intelligent life does not require any life-support system, there is great hope to traverse the world of demon. The entire process is expected to take eight to ten years to suffice!

Now that the Blue Star Group's war against the Tianshui Empire Alliance has come to an end, everyone is preparing to implement this plan.

Of course, such a dangerous plan still needs to continue to discuss some details. For example, there is a real saint in the world of Celestial Demon. For example, if it is discovered, will it detonate the Celestial World to attack itself first.

However, during the discussion at the Blue Star Group, the Ocean Group and the Tianyuanxing Civilization United Nations have already begun to explore the Carp Nebula!

The staff of the Carp Office enters and exits the Fifth Star Cluster and the Tianshe Star Cluster, ten thousand light-years away from the red beads star.

The Carp Office requisitioned the ‘Pseudo-Royal Palace’ prepared here by Zhuge Binghe as an office, which has now been jointly transformed by Tianyuanxing Civilization United Nations and Ocean Group to build this place into a high-tech world.

Even here in Tianshe Star Cluster, there is a medium-sized industrial base under construction, which will serve as a forward base for exploring the Carp Nebula.

Today, Huang Wentian and Gundam Shang, the general manager and deputy general manager of the Carp Office, are working to straighten out the work situation. With the good news from the Blue Star Group, the two understood that the task of exploring the Carp Nebula has also begun to count down.

There is actually quite a lot of work here at the Carp Office. Research on the gravitational string thruster and the real second-generation space-time engine, the space-time wave engine, needs to be continued, but the dawn has already been seen.

In order to cope with the huge energy consumption of the space-time wave engine, the research on the technology of'matter annihilation of nuclear islands' proposed by the Ocean Group has gradually entered a better position.

Compared with the technology of cold nuclear fusion, the technology of annihilation of matter is no longer ‘fusion’ or ‘fission’, but directly annihilates all matter to obtain energy.

In fact, even the most advanced cold nuclear fusion, its fusion efficiency is only about 1%, and the output efficiency of the nuclear island is only 0.82%, and the rest needs to maintain the nuclear island’s own energy consumption, including cooling, safety, magnetic field, continuous operation, etc. .

As for the stellar nuclear fusion efficiency, it is only about 0.7%; the overall efficiency of the nuclear island of traditional warships is not even 0.3%.

But this comprehensive efficiency of 0.82% has turned cold nuclear fusion into the most outstanding nuclear island technology within the scope of the current Blue Star Group.

However, as the Ocean Group, which has been pursuing technological innovation, cold nuclear fusion is only a step of progress. Anti-matter annihilation nuclear technology has also been proposed.

It's just that antimatter research is still a bit ahead, and the acquisition of antimatter is extremely cumbersome and not enough in the laboratory. So take a step back, there are currently three research directions in terms of energy.

The first is ‘hypergravity fusion’. Using the artificial gravity technology of the Ocean Group, including virtual reality programming technology, etc., plus some current practice methods to create a gravity environment similar to neutron stars.

This gravity environment can crush the atoms of all matter, regardless of whether it is a light element or a heavy element, all must be broken into neutron materials. This process will release powerful energy, and its energy efficiency can reach more than 3%.

The second is the ‘opposite annihilation’ technology. To put it simply, the two particles accelerate to a state close to the speed of light and collide. In this state, it is expected that 7% to 10% of the mass will be annihilated, but the rest will become ray radiation, causing damage to the equipment.

The third is ‘quasi two-dimensional compression’ technology. Now that the Ocean Group has successively studied technologies such as interstellar channels, world gates, subspace, and recent space-time waves, everyone has a crazy idea: dimensionality reduction!

However, scientists are still sane, knowing that it is impossible to really touch two-dimensional for the time being, but it can be quasi two-dimensional. As long as the energy reactor can enter the quasi-two-dimensional state in a short time, it can use the law of space and time to crush the material.

When the space is restored, it will release pure energy-light and heat.

In theory, as long as this quasi-two-dimensional space is controlled in a suitable range, each time it is turned on and controlled within a 10,000 quantum time range (Planck time), safety can be guaranteed. It doesn't need much at a time, just crushing a few atoms is enough.

Quasi two-dimensional, not two-dimensional, so in theoretical calculations, the efficiency is about 10%. In theory, it even surpasses antimatter technology.

Now the research, theory, and feasibility report of these three energy technologies are placed in front of Huang Wentian and Gundam Shang, and they need two people to determine and make a choice.

The power of the current Uranus civilization can only carry out one kind of research.

It's just that the two hesitated for a long time, or packed the relevant information and sent it to Zhang Hao-this matter, it's Zhang Zhang's decision. The two have other tasks, which are equally important.

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