Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1599: 第六 〇 九

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Suddenly, the news made the top management of the whole Blue Star Group guard the gate of the world confused.

But as Du Gujunjie calmed down, the entire senior executive of the Blue Star Group quickly calmed down. The top priority is not to panic, but to solve the problem.

Du Gu Junjie thought of it the first time: to prevent the demon Saint from making a jump in space.

Unlike the technology of Zhou Tian Da World, Tian Yao World does not have Zhou Tian Da array, even if Yao Sheng uses a jumping method. But this is a demon saint after all, if you don't do any interception, you will have little time left.

Du Gu Junjie was the most decisive, and Zhang Hao quickly calmed down. "The acceleration of the Eternal Fleet is not yet complete. Immediately divide the Eternal Fleet into three waves, hedge against the Demon Saint, interfere with the Demon Saint's space mobility, and space attack methods. How much can be interfered.

Immediately evacuate all technical personnel. Equipment etc... destroy it. Ensure that all technical and related personnel cannot fall into the hands of the demon world demon sage.

The fleet attacked with all its strength, blocking the demon saints and fighting for time! "

Use the ordinary fleet to block the demon saint... Zhang Hao is unwilling to think about the tragic result. But now there is no way. Really let the technical staff fall into the hands of the demon, will be even more tragic in the future.

In the environment of the heavenly world, science and technology will explode with greater vitality-there is already this trend. That is not what the practice means.

Because spiritual means require aura, but scientific means...only need nuclear fuel! At present, it is exactly hydrogen and helium, and these things are too much in the starry sky.

The war began to race against the clock, and Zhang Hao did not need to consider the specific war arrangement. That is what Du Gujunjie and others should consider. Zhang Yinghao and others hesitated and everyone embarked on the battleship.

Although there were Li Shaolong and Niu Wanhai, two big Luo Jinxian consummates, there was no such thing as asking for help.

Once, when the technology was not enough, everyone could block the demon Saint Yongji and a dozen of heavenly demon; why can't they intercept it now? No head-on confrontation is required, but the delay should be no problem.

There are more than 20 Da Luo Jinxian at the scene; the Junjing constellation and the Blue Star Group headquarters can support more than 60 Da Luo Jinxian-the Da Luo Jinxian who previously supported the Minghui Empire, halfway back.

The signal was sent to Da Luo Jin Xian for assistance. It is expected that up to 22 hours will suffice. There is an interstellar high-speed channel connection between the military constellation, the gate of the world, and the headquarters of the Blue Star Group.

However, Zhang Hao hesitated and said: "Are the two seniors interested in seeing the peak war scene of the Blue Star Group?

Speaking of this, although something happened abruptly and different from what was expected, we still have some preparations before. It's not completely flat-footed. Only now it takes a few hours. "

Yes, since the Blue Star Group dares to toss like this in the world of Sky Demon, it is naturally prepared. It's just that this time the situation is a bit serious~

Who can think of the three quasi-saints in one breath, and also strongly broke through the warning range of thousands of light years, approaching 68 light years away.

68 light-years, it's already close to the quasi-Saint.

Li Shaolong expressed his attitude first and smiled: "Alright, I also want to see what the real peak war of the Blue Star Group is. In addition, I want to inform the teacher of the information here. How to deal with the specific teacher, I am not sure. ."

This starry sky was blocked, even if Li Shaolong wanted to send a message, he had to leave here. This is enough for Blue Star Group to send someone to bring the news out. As long as you leave the space blockade, the news will fly away by itself.

Previously, the "wind and thunder wheel" that Li Shaolong had been carrying with him because of the conscious attachment of the quasi-saint thunder wind was thrown to Li Rongfeixue by his second sister, Murong Feixue.

Who would have thought of visiting a door of the world, so much trouble came to visit.

Seeing Li Shaolong's position, Niu Wanhai hesitated and expressed a little helplessness: I really wanted to see it.

Determined that the two were ready, Du Gu Junjie launched the flagship, slowly crossed the door of the world and entered the world of Sky Demon. From now on, the flagship is in danger.

Staying on the other side of the door of the world, that is, here in the Zhoutian Great World, there is still a security guarantee-the blocked space around, etc., is the biggest guarantee.

But when you enter the world of Celestial Demon, the situation is completely different. The Blue Star Group has also established some space blocking technologies and methods here, but because the practice methods cannot be used, the effect is not very good.

In fact, although the Blue Star Group now has good science and technology, but because science and technology has just broken through to the level of the golden fairy-or just a little practice research, the overall technical level is still at the virtual level. Without the aid of spiritual practice, complete scientific and technological means are temporarily insufficient.

The scientific research with the Ocean Group as the core is too short. It has been less than 120 years.

Zhang Hao explained to Li Shaolong and Niu Wanhai.

"It turns out so." Niu Wanhai said so.

But Li Shaolong thought deeply, he didn't answer anything, but there seemed to be some kind of light flashing in his eyes.

More than an hour later, the eternal fleet finally heard the news of whether it was good or bad-more than 800,000 battleships completed the acceleration and were divided into 5 teams. Yes, they were divided into five teams instead of the three teams suggested by Du Gu Junjie. Say it is the best result obtained by the computer.

This is also a more cautious choice. At present, two demon sages can be identified, and it is speculated that there should be a third demon sage. But it does not rule out that there is a fourth demon saint. Even in addition to the demon sage, there are big demon of the king level.

Of the more than 800,000 battleships, only 500,000 are truly capable of combat. There are still five teams in this, is it effective?

Li Shaolong and Niu Wanhai had some doubts, but the two did not speak, but waited quietly.

But I have not waited for the news of the war, but I have waited for other news.

I saw that the liaison officer in charge of contacting the technicians rushed anxiously and shouted at Du Gu Junjie and Zhang Hao: "Zhang Zhang, Du Gu's commander, Lu Mingyuan, Hou Shangzhuo, and Zhao Jin, who are responsible for building the Blue Flag Star Cluster, refused to retreat.

Say to give them five more days, the first phase of the cluster project will be completed in five days. At that time, we will have an indestructible forward base in the world of Demon! "

"Nonsense!" Zhang Hao was suddenly angry.

Du Gu Jun Jie also said: "Let them retreat, this is an order!"

The liaison officer said to Zhang Hao again: "Mr. Zhang, Lu Mingyuan wants to talk to you."

Zhang Hao paused for a second and nodded.

The Gate of the World is about 5 light-years away from the Blue Flag Star Cluster. With the communication technology of the Blue Star Group, it can almost achieve quasi-instant communication. The signal has a delay of less than a minute and is completely acceptable.

As soon as the video signal was turned on, Lu Mingyuan, Hou Shangzhuo, and Zhao Jin, dressed in reflective engineer equipment, stood side by side.

Lu Mingyuan was once the commander of the second ocean-going fleet of the Ocean Group and the Arctic Ocean Fleet; after the development of the Ocean Group, Lu Mingyuan was one of the elites secretly cultivated.

Hou Shangzhuo is the core group of technical talents from the same group of Dayang Group and Huang Mingshan who followed Zhang Hao from the beginning.

Zhao Jin, once the star owner of the black market and the general star of the military constellation, belongs to the nobles of the Daxia Empire. It has half of the royal blood in his body and is also one of the important executives of the Blue Star Group.

The three were instructed to build a fully enclosed base like the military constellation in the world of Demon, and build a forward base for the Blue Star Group.

This forward base is the'Blue Flag Star Cluster'. It is about 5 light-years away from the gate of the world. The star cluster is not large but not small. It is about 7 light-years in diameter and has more than 500 stars.

It is the most suitable star cluster within 200 light-years around the world gate in the world of celestial demon.

Compared to the 20 light-year diameter of the military constellation, the blue flag cluster here is only 7 light-years. A little bit smaller, but it also means that the construction speed is fast. In this strange starry sky, time and efficiency are the main ones.

It's just a matter of thousands of calculations.

Zhang Hao looked at the three men and said calmly, "Why not retreat!"

The three looked at each other, or Lu Mingyuan said: "Zhang Zhang, when we built the Blue Flag Star Cluster, when we named it, you said you want to insert the flag of the Blue Star Group in the Sky Demon World. So the name is Blue Flag cluster'.

Do you want to give up now? "

" asked me again." Zhang Hao didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, but said: "Yaosheng suddenly came to attack, and there was more than one. We didn't even grasp to block the opponent for a second.

Blue Flag Star Cluster...Although precious, you are more precious than the star cluster. The first thing we do is to ensure your safety.

Qingshan was left with no worries and no firewood. The withdrawal today is for the construction of a brand new Blue Flag star cluster in the future. "

"Mr. Zhang, impossible!" Lu Mingyuan even refuted toughly. "Mr. Zhang, the heavenly demon world is also a wise life. They will not give us a second chance. If we can't gain a foothold this time, we will have difficulty in the future." Second chance!

We even suspect that the world of Celestial Demon wants to get this transformed star cluster, try to cultivate it! And we must not give up!

Five days, we only need five days.

Mr. Zhang, in order not to let all the past investment go to waste, and no more sacrifices tomorrow, we must try.

We decided that if...there was still no success in the end, then we directly detonated the entire large formation and died together with the large formation. President Zhang, and all the friends of the Blue Star Group, you can rest assured that we will never fall into the hands of the demon! "

Zhang Hao is really a little bit of teeth. But the faint Zhang Hao also understands Lu Mingyuan's worry: if the Blue Flag star cluster falls completely into the hands of the heavenly demon world, and a few more technicians are captured, it will be trembling to think about the consequences.

The celestial beings can't be self-cultivating. At present, the biggest reason is that Reiki. Ideology and consciousness can be nurtured.

As for whether the nature of the demon are suitable for cultivation... don't worry at all. Blue Star Group has already tested it. In fact, looking at the world of Zhoutian understands that as long as there are proper exercises, auras and corresponding assistance, monsters and beasts practice likewise.

It's just...the truth is understood, but in this case, we have to fight for five days...

Zhang Hao has not responded, but Du Gu Junjie asked coldly: "Did you say you wanted two months last time? Why is it only five days now?"

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