Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1612: Glue

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All three battlefields are desperately. Behind the battlefield, Zhang Hao and others are paying close attention to the battlefield more closely.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the number of red casualties jumped high.

In the command hall, the ease of the beginning gradually disappeared—although it wasn’t easy in the beginning, as the numbers increased one after another, everyone’s heartbeat also accelerated. Behind every number is a fresh life.

Of the three fronts now open, all are in desperate mode. This is the most tragic battle in the history of the Blue Star Group. Using ordinary practitioners to intercept the demon saint can be imagined.

Among the three fronts, the state is relatively good, but it is the Blue Flag star cluster here, because here has the most powerful combat power at present-two masters of the big Luo Jinxian Da perfection.

The most tragic is the team that intercepted the "Fat Dragon". Although everyone used a rail cannon to attack remotely to prevent the other party from proceeding at super fast speed, the ridiculously fat ‘Fat Dragon’ had a powerful magical ability to grab from the sky.

The fleet's use of balloons greatly weakened the attacking method in the Thunder domain, but it could not stop the horror's horrible ability to grab from the air. The distance it grabs across the air is the same as the coverage of the Thunder field.

Want to come to the Thunder Realm to act as its eyes.

Fortunately, the rest of the monster masters are maintaining the operation of this thunder field, as if he has no time to care. The damage to ordinary warships is a bit big. On average, the demon Saint took one shot every 1.2 minutes. On average, a spaceship was damaged every 2.5 minutes, and a spaceship could be captured in five minutes.

If the spaceship was hit by that claw and disintegrated, the crew could still run to another spaceship. But if the spaceship was captured, there would be no live talk.

Once caught in the paw, there seems to be a peculiar ability to block the space, so that everything inside cannot escape.

Fortunately, the spacecraft on the side of the Blue Star Group has a high degree of intelligence, and there are few people inside the spacecraft; there are a number of unmanned warships in the rear that are being urgently allocated.

Then came the battle of everyone's old'friends' and Yongji.

As the so-called enemies met, they were extremely jealous. Yongji returned after training, and his anger was enough to burn the entire starry sky. The last defeat made Yong Ji almost a joke about the demon saint-a demon saint was beaten by 16 ordinary "kings of the heavenly world, monkeys of different worlds" and could hardly return.

You say you are ashamed.

Now, after meeting again, Yongji broke out completely.

Although this time the Blue Star Group has a new trick, the space means prepared by Yong Ji, and the power borrowed deliberately from the hegemony seems to be affected, but this does not affect Yong Ji’s anger.

Fighting from a distance will not work, let's do it at close range. Really demon holy bully. And don't think that the demon saint is very big, we can always be very big, not shrink!

Among the three demon saints, Yong Ji was the first to shrink. The majestic figure of up to 30,000 kilometers in several breathing rooms has actually shrunk to less than a hundred miles; and Yong Ji's'image' has also changed from the state of the six-tailed leader to a'human'!

Celestial monsters are not born with such "strange shapes". Their initial appearance is basically the same as that of human beings, and they can even be said to be different branches of human blood.

But the world of Celestial Demon walks on the road of bloodline cultivation, and they also have different bloodlines in their bodies. During the course of the bloodline cultivation road, with the activation of exercises, bloodlines, talents, etc., they gradually have that shape. .

But that shape can only be said to be a "complete state of power", and its body is different.

For the self-cultivation, the body is the body.

But in the world of Celestial Demon, the body and the body are different. Now Yongji is using ‘noumenon’.

It's just that, like the self-cultivator, the body has shrunk, and perhaps the defense ability has increased, but the overall combat effectiveness, especially the output of the attack, has also been compressed.

The other is that in the world of Celestial Demon, shrinking the body has a meaning of ‘bowing down, losing, surrendering’. Demon Saint is proud.

But at this moment, Yong Ji couldn't take care of it anymore-no matter how proud he was, he would wait for the victory to talk about it. The best way to face the attack such as the rail gun is to shrink the body.

Although the attack power is reduced after the body is reduced, the body density increases and the defense power increases rapidly. Moreover, even if the attack power of the demon Saint is halved, it is still terrifying.

Then, Yong Ji's figure flashed forward, looking for opportunities.

In the vast starry sky, the legions of both sides are engaged in a war of glue. The purpose of the Blue Star Group is to delay time, so the fleet is as far away from the enemy as possible, just to block the other party's super light speed.

No matter what kind of superluminal means, it needs space stability; so as long as it interferes with the stability of space and time, it can block the other party's superluminal advance.

Of course it is simple, but it is too difficult to operate. There are a lot of celestial beasts, and people will not be stupid waiting in the same place. Both sides carried out a crazy chase in the vast starry sky, with many casualties.

The Blue Star Group takes advantage of the fast acceleration of battleships, trying to stay away from each other and launching attacks. The powerful rail cannon can leap hundreds of millions and billions of kilometers to attack without losing power.

But there are also masters on the demon side. They are moving in the void, carrying out large roundabouts and other combat methods. The celestial demon took advantage of his own number, and faced with the battleship of the Blue Star Group irrespective of losses.

Half a day has passed. Although Yongji didn't know what the Blue Star Group was doing, the other party's intention to delay the time was too obvious.

Under such circumstances, Yong Ji, on the one hand, organized part of the Celestial Corps to block the fleet of the Blue Star Group, while he led another batch of acceleration.

One minute, another minute...

Seeing that Yong Ji gradually accelerated to 0.3 times the speed of light without interference.

In front of Yongji, a row of monsters under the bloodline curled up, blocking their carapace, which was harder than the turtle shell, in front of the rail gun and the fleet.

Although Yongji shrank her figure, her energy response was stronger and easier to lock in. But at this time everyone watched as Yong Ji was about to enter a jumping state.

The faint light flashed, and Yongji finally disappeared.

In the rear, Zhang Hao's face changed, and Du Gujunjie began to send troops.

But at the next moment I saw Yong Ji appearing behind the fleet. Then there was an explosion in the void, and Yongji's intact state appeared suddenly. A 30,000-kilometer behemoth smashed into the fleet. Five spaceships were pumped and disintegrated into the sky.

But Yongji's goal is not a battleship, but... Daluo Jinxian!

There were 14 Da Luo Jinxian who came to intercept Yongji, led by Zhang Yinghao. It's just that this time we don't have the assistance of the Four Elephants.

But seeing a lightning burst from the four dragon horns above the demon holy head, the lightning appeared purple and black, full of death and evil breath, crashing down somewhere in the fleet. There is a Daluo Jinxian, an early Daluo Jinxian.

Lightning fell, and a screaming scream broke out in the void. The scream seems to penetrate the space, so that Zhang Hao and others watching from the back have a feeling of numbness at that moment-although Zhang Hao and others are watching the delayed signal, it does not affect Zhang Hao and others judged the situation ahead.

Zhang Hao stood up suddenly and stared at the screen.

Soon Zhang Yinghao and the remaining 13 big Luo Jinxian rushed in. Under the command of Zhang Yinghao, everyone calmly formed a battle formation, and then... took out the dragon horn created by Yongji that had been cut off. Position flag.

Finally met! Yongji was full of lightning eyes looking at the 13 Daluo Jinxian in front of him, especially the "scepter" in the hands of these Daluo Jinxian, that was made with his own dragon horn, that kind of breath could not be wrong, but a pity These dragon horns have become enemy weapons.

This situation made Yong Ji even more angry.

Lightning erupted from the dragon's horn, flowing along the body, and a layer of lightning'armor' was draped over Yong Ji's body. Unlike the last time, Yong Ji no longer underestimated the enemy, but also made perfect preparations.

The six tails seem to be transformed into six lightning bolts, tearing the void and splitting towards Zhang Yinghao and others.

Zhang Yinghao was very calm, "Starting the space jamming and blockade technology on the battleship, obstructing the other party's space movement means. We harass remotely, fight hard to consume! Everyone put on the mech.

Now 13 people, we form a twelve fiery fire array. The remaining one took turns to change the mech. "

Everything happened in an instant. In this life-or-death battlefield, everyone did not hesitate or talk nonsense.

Twelve days of fierce fire formation formed, 12 ancient beasts made of flames roared in front of the lightning. Although the monster holy is powerful and the flame monsters are shattered one by one, these monsters formed by the formation will soon be reborn.

The formation of the twelve capitals of fiery fire array at the moment is made by the dragon horn of the demon sage, and it has added many refining methods of Zhoutian World. The large array of short time does not even need to input energy, the energy that the array basically carries It is enough to trap the demon saint for a moment.

However, in ten minutes or so, 13 people completed the dressing, the armor was replaced by mech, and the energy consumed by the war was changed from true yuan to nuclear energy. .

The demon saint roared with lightning. Fight consumption? Demon Saint is even more afraid! The huge volume itself is a huge energy reserve.

In less than three minutes, the fiery fire array began to tremble.

"It's not good! Do it!" Zhang Yinghao's eyes were quick, and he immediately switched the control of the formation, and used real elements to stabilize the formation. But when he first contacted Zhang Yinghao, it changed color. "How can the energy consumption be so great!"

Next to the big Luo Jinxian Qiu Qiandao smiled: "The energy consumption is a bit ridiculous. Is it really because of leaving Zhoutian World and the lack of Zhoutian's support?

Before, Ocean Group said that the entire Zhoutian World is an alternative field, and now it really is. "

Zhang Yinghao gritted his teeth, "I can only fight to trap the opponent for a while. Let the unmanned warship come over for a while, let's take a rest first. What happened to the Taoist who was just attacked..."

Qiu Qiandao sighed: "The soul is flying away. The demon holy is a demon holy after all, and its lightning has already carried the characteristics of the law."

The remaining 13 Daluo Jinxian looked instantly white.

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