Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1614: blocked?

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It is undeniable that the previous attack was indeed unexpectedly powerful, but the demon's carapace is not only hard, but also thick, especially the tail part.

Just now, although the hasty attack is more powerful, it does not mean that the arrogance is beyond imagination. Everyone just didn't think about the result.

However, Daluo Jinxian had sharp eyes, Niu Wanhai looked at it and smiled: "The part of the broken tail, the carapace has been split. I think it is because of the rail cannon attack, or the reason we have repeatedly attacked before. Multiple attacks have caused this here. It’s a coincidence because of more serious injuries."

Jiang Hang had some doubts: "The broken carapace, the demon saint should always feel it? But he still uses the injured part to defend."

"This may be the shortcoming of the exoskeleton!" Lu Mingyuan's voice came from the public channel. "According to the research of the Ocean Group, the strength of the exoskeleton is obvious to all. But the disadvantage is the same, that is, the lack of neurons is not sensitive enough."

"It turns out so. Then... It's just a coincidence!" Li Shaolong's eyes showed an unprecedented light, with confidence, more greed, etc. "What would you say if you could kill a demon saint?"

Niu Wanhai's eyes also broke out.

But Qing Zhuo after the injury made a decision that no one thought of. He... to run!

The tail was cut off, and Qing Zhuo was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted. But seeing "She" roared and screamed, the severed tail blasted away, and the majestic power of blood raged. The power of Qi and Blood from the Demon Saint is not only energy, but also contains certain traces of law.

The blood waves spread at a speed exceeding the phenomenon, and spread to tens of thousands of kilometers in a blink of an eye. Although the diffusion speed does not exceed the speed of light, it is also infinitely close to the speed of light.

A strong sense of crisis rose from Li Shaolong and others. Li Shaolong changed his color first, "Danger, retreat! Poisonous!"

The Daluo Jinxian backed away instantly, or even teleported. Blood waves raged wildly. Fortunately, within a second, the blood wave stopped spreading. At this time, the blood wave range was about 600,000 kilometers in diameter, and almost half of the fleet was surrounded by this blood wave.

Li Shaolong and others looked at the blood wave, but when seeing some warships on the edge of the blood wave, as if they were cut by a laser, the edge of the blood wave disappeared directly, and only the gray-black powder was floating.

There are also a large number of ordinary soldiers, even some spiders in the world of celestial beings, and practitioners in the world of celestial beings, all turned into fly ash in the blood waves.

Some large monsters have not been completely ‘melted’, leaving some wreckage, etc., but they are also rapidly disappearing and turning into scattered powder.

"What a domineering toxin!" Niu Wanhai grinned slightly.

But Jiang Hang said solemnly, "What about the demon saint?"

Everyone's eyes were sharp, and they suddenly found that the demon saint had disappeared. The legion of the monster world behind is still there, and it is continuing to approach. But the demon saint disappeared.

Everyone’s spirit sweeping, spaceships and detectors are also frantically exploring, but they have not found the slightest shadow.

"It's a bad thing!" Jiang Hang's face changed a little. "Quickly report to the flagship. In addition, let the frontline hurry to search and find the target. The other party was seriously injured, but it lost its combat power without saying. I am afraid that the demon Saint is crazy, make some Unexpected things."

The news quickly spread back to the Blue Flag Star Cluster, and then to the flagship commander in front of the World Gate.

"Cut off a tail of Yaosheng, but Yaosheng seems to have dropped all his men and ran away?" Zhang Hao was a little dazed when he heard the news.

Severing the tail of the demon saint is certainly worth celebrating. According to the video data, cutting off the largest of the three tails of the worm-shaped demon sacred creature may be the basis of the other party. But running like this, it doesn't seem to be the means of the demon sage, especially left behind.

Based on the Blue Star Group's research on the heavenly world, those dragon horns, tails, etc. are not ornaments. It is the appearance of the blood vein after excitation. In other words, it is the entity of the "blood vein law." These dragon horns, tails, even wings, arthropods, etc., can be regarded as another kind of "life magic weapon".

Cutting off these special ‘entities’ will cause devastation to the devils, and even all practitioners in the sky monster world.

But the demon who practice the power of qi and blood are not timid. When Yong Ji was ambushed, he dragged the remaining men away. Right now the quasi-sacred shape of a bug should not just run like this.

While Zhang Hao and Du Gu Junjie communicated, Du Gu Junjie also ordered the front to do their best to investigate.

Although many detectors were destroyed by the monster world, there are still a large number of detectors remaining within a thousand light years. Sure enough, news came about 7 minutes later and found a powerful trail of energy.

The demon saint moved too fast, the detectors were sparsely distributed, and no clear picture was captured. However, the technology of energy remote sensing type detected a fast-moving energy'jet'. The energy level is about 82% of the energy level of the ‘Insect Demon Saint’ previously investigated, but the energy frequency and the like are fully consistent.

The computer quickly completed the deduction. According to the current speed and direction, the direction of this energy ‘jet’ is directly in the direction of the demon Saint Yongji, and in 46 minutes, it will reach the direction where Yongji is located.

This movement is no longer a jump, but is similar to the speed of navigation, similar to Zhoutian World's time-travel means of travel, but also with some of the ocean group's means of speed of navigation.

"In 46 minutes, the two demon sages will converge!" Zhang Hao took a deep breath. At this moment, Zhang Hao really felt what it was called ‘Machine’. Zhang Haozhen felt his hands numb and overwhelmed.

In fact, it is not numbness in both hands, but numbness in the whole body and numbness in the heart. Hands are just incidental.

In 46 minutes, there was no fleet at all, and no masters could be transferred.

At this time, Zhang Hao thought of the scene in which two demon saints converged and pushed the Blue Star Group horizontally. And the two demon sacred confluence, it is not impossible for the three to converge together. President Zhang has already begun to'imagine the future'.

However, at the critical moment, it turned out to be more reliable for military experts. Du Gujunjie was relieved when he saw the message: "Fortunately, it was just a demon sage. A team of 15 spaceships dropped from Yongji to meet." The spatiotemporal interference method blocks the opponent's progress.

The other party uses some kind of blood-burning force, which should cause some backlash once interrupted.

In addition, the reinforcements who are rushing to the Yongji demon sect, divide... Ten thousand, and intercept in the past.

As for the blue flag star cluster, senior masters are asked to kill or capture those spiders or ordinary king demon as soon as possible. Want to come to the general king-level demon should not be the opponent of the big Luo Jinxian Daquan.

The fat dragon demon saint continues to maintain the status quo, and at the same time increase the surrounding space interference, etc., use the rail gun to scatter the surrounding starry sky, expand the interference range as much as possible, and prevent any accidents. "

Today's Du Gu Jun Jie has truly been alone. The more critical moments, the more calm.

Zhang Hao also gradually calmed down, but his hands unconsciously gathered together and waited quietly.

The scene at the moment is something that Zhang Hao and even the entire Blue Star Group have never encountered. The small Blue Star Group actually fought against the three demon saints at the same time, still fighting here in the world of demon rather than the locals.

So that Zhang Hao's first thought was to retreat.

But after that, Zhang Hao was also inspired by Lu Mingyuan's words, and was a little excited. The result is now like a bird, it is a mess.

Especially here in Yongji Yaosheng, the potential is like an egg, and once the balance is broken, the consequences are unbearable.

A lot of power surrounded Yongji, and the three powers of Da Luo Jin Xian, Zhen Fa, and science and technology were trapped. However, a large number of "Ba Xia" and a large number of Demon Masters are fighting back.

Now, the wounded and mad "Devil" Demon Saint is also rushing away. Now every minute and every second is crucial. Perhaps the time difference of a few seconds has led to the result of two lives.

Time passed.

At 32 minutes, the battleship finally stopped the ‘worm’ demon saint about a quarter of the way away. Using the latest means of space-time interference, the other party is forced to jump out of the overtime travel state.

According to the picture, it was indeed a huge'monster' with a length of 32,000 kilometers-because the longest tail was cut off, the body length dropped from 34,000 kilometers to 32,000 kilometers.

Because the state of extraterrestrial travel was disturbed, although the demon saint did not vomit blood, he could see a large amount of purple-gold blood squirting from the tail wound.

"Have you blocked it?" Zhang Hao and others sighed with relief.

But in the next moment, I saw this ‘worm’ demon slowly turning around and entering the state of extra-terrestrial travel again. And this time, the direction is awesome as the position of the world gate!

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