Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1772: Greetings from another world

The sudden change caused the two confronting saints to directly act on the Gaia World battlefield. But both sides are saints, and the Mother of Heavenly Demon has to sit on the side of the Zhoutian World, making the Heavenly Demon Nine-Headed Sacred Dragon a bit of a lonely battle.

On the contrary, Gaia also has a helper, the main **** of Gaia's world, and the Thunder God King Zeus who controls the endless lightning.

In the face of Gaia and Zeus, although the nine-headed sacred dragon was stronger, it could barely draw a tie.

As for the demon saint and the many main gods of Gaia, the two sides are basically equal. Before the Gaia world suffered a loss, but the Sky Demon World had to mobilize the main force in order to stop the Zhoutian Great World. As a result, Gaia’s world now has a respite.

The nine-headed sacred dragon roared again and again, and he knew very well that the Gaia world would never be able to obtain technology.

The head in the middle of the nine-headed sacred dragon suddenly roared at the void. The void was frozen for thousands of light years, and the speed of light was like a snail; the battleship that was advancing crazily seemed to freeze. From the perspective of the nine-headed sacred dragon, the forward speed of the battleship is now directly suppressed and guided to almost stationary.

But the next moment, Gaia snarled: "The wind of timing!"

There was a violent wind in the void, and neither the beginning nor the end was visible. Only a storm appeared out of thin air, sweeping through the void like a knife. The void sealed by the nine-headed sacred dragon crashed and everything returned to its original state.

Without waiting for the nine-headed holy dragon to attack again, the **** king Zeus roared: "Ten thousand thunder trial!"

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of void endless thunder appeared out of thin air, directly immersing the nine-headed holy dragon. In this thunder, not only Zeus can do, but also Gaia's blessing.

But the nine-headed sacred dragon is also not simple, but seeing its body suddenly appeared, the body of millions of kilometers directly tore the thunder, a head roared at Zeus, the void appeared twists and turns, a dark lightning appeared out of thin air, and instantly penetrated Zeus. Chest.

However, Zeus's figure flashed, but he moved out sideways. The pierced one is just a clone.

Zeus is also the existence of the quasi-sage peak, but under the attack of such saints, there is almost no resistance. It can only be avoided by means such as clones.

But this delay is enough. Gaia attacked again: "Chaos Wind."

A giant snake constructed by chaotic energy and laws appeared out of thin air. This giant snake lay across the void, even surpassing the body of the nine-headed holy dragon. The giant snake figure swayed through the void, appeared before the nine-headed holy dragon, swallowing the nine-headed holy dragon in one bite.

But how could the nine-headed sacred dragon be swallowed. The chaotic wind persisted but was broken in three instants. But it was too late.

Gaia's long hair suddenly swelled, piercing the void directly, and each strand of hair directly rolled up the seven hundred spaceships and retracted instantly. Because the movement was too fast, the entire void was shaking and trembling.

"Roar..." The nine-headed holy dragon roared, and a dragon's tail suddenly soared, pierced through the void, and slashed towards the void.

"Beng... Kaka..." The breaking sound erupted, and the void shook. The stars collapsed and the void shattered within hundreds of light years. Gaia's hair collapsed one after another, and the spaceships that were curled up by the hair were wiped out.

But such a collision made the Holy Dragon uncomfortable, and the scales on its tail shattered. In a rush, both sides exhausted all their strength.

So that everything is done in a flashlight. In the next instant, the broken hair and broken scales turned into energy and lightning disappeared.

However, Gaia still had hundreds of hairs backed back safely; but the condition of the spaceship curled around the hair was not very good. Most of the spacecraft are damaged, even bent and broken. A piece of parts spilled into the void.

However, Gaia is a saint after all, and there are still 12 spaceships intact.

Just looking at these 12 spaceships, Gaia frowned: only 12 spaceships! More than 700 spaceships only grabbed 12 intact ones, and 91 spaceships remained in tatters.

The two saints confronted again, Gaia put down the spaceship, a strand of hair broke and turned into a clone, came to the front of the spaceship, and waited quietly.

The looted spacecraft stopped in the void, seemingly unresponsive. Gaia didn't worry, just waited quietly.

It has been millions of years since the world of the sky demon invaded the world of Gaia, and Gaia can wait.

Finally, a slender, 22-kilometer-long spacecraft began to move, the lights gradually turned on, and the spacecraft's hatch slowly opened. But the hatch opened, but no one came out.

Gaia frowned slightly, then walked directly into the spacecraft. Behind Gaia were a dozen avatars of gods, large and small.

In fact, the ‘God’ in Gaia’s world is not small, and the power body is almost equal to that of the sky demon world. If you want to enter the spaceship, you can only use the clone.

The interior of the unmanned spacecraft is relatively small, and the current channel leads directly to the cockpit. The cockpit is relatively wide, but it is surrounded by dense mechanical equipment, only a screen is directly in front.

When the'gods' of Gaia's world enter the cockpit of the spacecraft, there are projections around, and a virtual figure appears in the cockpit, nodding slightly to the gods of Gaia's world, "Hello friends from Gaia's world. My name is Yonghui comes from Zhoutian Great World and Dayang Group."

Gaia World:...

A avatar of a **** in Gaia's world spoke: "Sorry, we don't understand what you are saying. Can we communicate mentally?"

Spiritual communication? Are you talking about spirit with a smart life? People have only electromagnetic waves and no spirit.

So both sides stared wide-eyed. But fortunately, the Gaia world guessed that Yonghui should have come to support. Although I can't understand the words, I can hear the words "Gaia" and "Zhou Tian Great World" clearly.

Gaia is a transliteration, and the sky is also called in the world. The ‘Zhou Tian Great World’ was also known to the Gaia World from the captives of the Sky Demon World, and these pronunciations are fixed.

Fortunately, for the language issue, large groups of course have taken into consideration. After Yonghui finished speaking, a locker next to the commander opened, revealing a transparent, glorious ‘Jade Slip’.

At this time, Yonghui only has projection, and can only make a gesture of'please' to the locker.

Immediately a ‘god’ stepped forward and picked up the jade slip. These jade slips are specially prepared and can be read with the soul, spirit, etc. Under Yonghui's guidance, the leading little **** put the jade slip between his brows and tried to communicate with spirit.

Suddenly, the common language of Dayang Group and Zhou Tianda World appeared. There are two entire dictionaries in the jade slips, as well as a few related literature and language textbooks. In addition, for the convenience of communication, there are specialized technical terms.

There is still a big difference between the language of Dayang Group and that of Zhou Tianda World; but there are still some similarities.

If such a material is for ordinary people to learn, it may not be enough for three to five years. But fortunately, there are no ordinary people on the scene, and in this world where practice and superpowers are common, there is no need to worry about this small problem at all.

In less than half an hour, this little **** had initially learned the language of Dayang Group and Zhoutian Great World.

Once here, it must be pointed out: The language prepared by Zhang Hao is part of the Dayang Group. This is of course Zhang Hao's little selfishness. Of course, there is also a reason. Many professional terms are not accurately expressed in other languages.

This kind of communication between the two big worlds, Zhang Hao could not only prepare the language of the Ocean Group and not the lingua franca of the Zhoutian big world. That is an expression of immaturity. But piggybacking the language and materials of Dayang Group is no problem. The reason is very good: science and technology.

It is easy for the little **** to learn the language of Zhoutian Great World and Dayang Group. "He" strips out the information to form more than a dozen memory lights, which are scattered around. After another half an hour or so, Gaia World had initially mastered two languages.

At this time, Gaia took the initiative to speak, using the language of Zhoutian Great World: "The prisoner who interrogated the Sky Demon World before learned that there is a Zhou Tian Great World and the Ocean Group. coming.

As Gaia, the **** of all gods in the Gaia world, I thank you for coming, thank you for your help to the Gaia world, and sincerely welcome your arrival.

I will arrange a grand ceremony in the Pantheon to welcome you. "

Yonghui bowed slightly, using the lingua franca of Zhou Tian Da Shi: "Thank you Gaia God. Before coming, many sages of Zhou Tian Da Shi had already learned your reputation and asked me to bring greetings.

I have brought the sincerity of Zhoutian Great World and look forward to working hand in hand with Gaia World to fight against aggression.

In addition, due to various reasons, the prospective saints are temporarily unable to come in person, and I apologize for this. "

A bright smile appeared on Gaia's face: "Where and where, you can send envoys, we are already very happy. You have suffered a lot along the way.

Sorry, the situation was tense at the time, and only a few spaceships like you were saved. "

"It doesn't matter. This is our mission. The arrival of 12 complete spacecraft, including three mother ships, has exceeded our expectations."

Gaia looked at Yonghui's illusory body, and finally asked the doubts in his heart: "You don't seem to have a body? The one in front of you seems to be just a shadow, and there is no spirit. Is this the life form of the Zhoutian Great World?"

"No, I''s a virtual life. My body is actually a program, a compressed package. I rely on a computer to exist.

My body is not a body of flesh and blood, but another kind of machine; but it has been lost on other ships. But it doesn't matter. With enough technology and equipment on this spacecraft, I can recreate a body for myself.

As for the life form of Zhoutian Great World, it is still a normal flesh and blood body. I have some video materials here, about 48 hours long. If God has time, I can play it. "

Gaia thought for a while and laughed, "Then don't worry. I will arrange accommodation for you first and take a rest. The spaceship outside needs repairs. Are there any requirements?"

"We are intelligent life and do not need rest. We need mineral resources. We need a mineral planet with water or ice. The planet is about 10,000 kilometers or so. It is better if the planet is closer to the star. It is best that the average temperature of the planet's surface is between 0 and 60 degrees. It is better if there is no atmosphere.

We are intelligent life. We rely on machines to survive, not traditional life. We don’t need water, air, and food in the traditional sense. "

Gaia can't understand, but as a saint, she waved Yonghui and other 103 spaceships to the sky above a planet: "How about this?"

Yonghui explored it, and quickly said: It's perfect.

Right now the planet is about 11,000 kilometers in diameter. There is frozen water on the back of the planet, and there is not much; there is no atmosphere.

The planet is about 220 million kilometers away from the star, and the direct temperature at the equator is about 41 degrees; the planet is rare and precious and has almost no rotation. In fact, there is rotation, but one rotation is exactly the same as the revolution time, so that part of the planet is always sunny.

The planet is not locked by the tide, but it will always have only one side facing the star.

The sunny part is illuminated by stars all year round, and there is a large amount of helium-3 in the soil, which is the best food for Yonghui.

Gaia waved, 103 spaceships landed on the yin and yang junction of the planet's equator. At the same time, in order to allow Yonghui to quickly "recover the body", he also dispatched many little gods to help mine resources.

Then Gaia saw an unforgettable scene:

But seeing that the three so-called "mother ships" actually bloomed like flowers, the spacecraft fully expanded into a comprehensive factory in just about five days.

Then the factory was running and some automation equipment began to appear. In just ten days, simple robots and automatic vehicles of all sizes began to operate.

Those injured spaceships were not repaired at all, but directly dismantled the parts-this made the gods of Gaia quite speechless: the injured do not need treatment, and the parts can be removed.

At first, the kinetic energy of these machines came from simple batteries; but shortly afterwards, uranium mines were found on the planet.

In the early stages of industrial development, nuclear fission equipment was simpler. In less than two months, the first medium-scale nuclear fission facility was operating with abundant power; then the industry began to flourish.

After that, the first holographic movie theater appeared, and Gaia World’s preliminary knowledge of the Zhoutian World and even part of the Sky Demon World through video data.

Nuclear fission occurred, and he began to collect helium in the soil. Three, began to electrolyze water to obtain hydrogen. Two months later, the first nuclear fusion facility was put into operation.

Then the nuclear fission facility was abandoned, and a large number of factories began to appear on the surface of the planet. The little **** Gaia sent to help began to be free, but everyone was reduced to spectators.

About half a year later, the entire planet's surface was almost joined by various industrial facilities. The original three mother ships have been completely integrated into the industrial system, and there is no way to see them.

At this time, Yonghui finally began to shape his body. In addition to Yonghui himself, there are tens of thousands of intelligent lives. Because Gaia's world is going to conduct a welcome ceremony, everyone has to build a body that meets Zhou Tian's standards.

In addition, the power of industry finally broke out of the planet and began to build industrial equipment on other planets to prepare for the fleet.

According to Yonghui, the first fleet can be built in ten years at the latest. When the time comes, we will use warships and the flesh and blood of the sky demon world to fight for consumption.

Yonghui is here to prepare step by step. However, the top leaders of Gaia World began to gather, meet, and discuss.

The emergence of the Zhoutian World and the vigorous development of industry in the past six months have shocked the Gaia world, but it also made the Gaia World have to think and discuss how to cooperate with the Zhoutian World.

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