Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 1792: Let's talk

"A piece of spirit stone eventually hired 7 quasi-sages to shoot?!"

In the sky demon world, the Virgin of the Sky Demon couldn't believe the news before her eyes.

What do you not believe? Is the price cheap?

No, it's shameless!

Speaking of it, now that the Zhoutian World and the Sky Demon World have cooperated, there are always some ties between the two sides, not like the previous one.

Now that the people-to-people exchanges between the two sides are extremely deep, even if the overseas Chinese are evacuated, they cannot be completely withdrawn in a short time. It takes more than three years to evacuate overseas Chinese.

After all, these are two big worlds. It's not inside the planet, it can be done in a few days to evacuate the Chinese.

In short, under such circumstances, if the two sides want a war, they can't be so fruitless, they always need a little cover. And to cover up, you need an excuse.

However, this is an excuse to look like this, a wonderful thing about Nima.

A low-grade spirit stone! Don't talk about a piece, even if the low-grade spirit stone of a planet is placed in front of the quasi-sage, the quasi-sage will not look straight.

The low-grade Lingshi aura is mixed, and now in Zhoutian World, even children don't need to build foundations, and they use pure liquid auras produced by industry.

This low-grade spirit stone is now mainly used for planting medicinal materials. It is even used as a school building material-yes, it is used as top-quality marble.

Then it was exported to the sky demon world. However, the exported spirit stones are mainly medium grade. The lower-grade spirit stones are not enough for shipping.

For the current Zhoutian Great World, the lower-grade spirit stone is really a higher grade stone.

Now, someone actually uses a low-grade spirit stone to hire seven quasi-sages!

The Mother of Heavenly Demon heard the news and didn't even think about it, and set off directly to the front line-the trading market controlled by the Heavenly Demon, which is closer to the second large star cluster in the Zhoutian Great World, the Tianyuan Star Cluster.

Therefore, when the Heavenly Demon Mother arrived, the battle was over.

Except for Yingning and other demon saints, some of the heavenly demon (Daluo Jinxian) escaped, but the rest of the demon were almost wiped out.

Most of the Heavenly King-level demon, and all the Great King-level (Golden Immortal) demon and below, did not run. The entire trading market controlled by the Sky Demon World was directly blown up.

This starry sky trading market is actually assisted by Bluestar Group. It is in a void, using warships, formations, and even giant beasts in the sky demon world. The entire trading market covers tens of millions of kilometers, and there are even more than a dozen interstellar highway entrances and exits all around.

Almost 70% of the transactions in the entire sky demon world are traded here, one can imagine the prosperity here. But now, it's all in ruins.

Except for a few who fled, the rest were either killed in battle or captured.

According to Zhou Tianda World's statement: these are all accomplices who harbor the murderer, and we must bring them back for interrogation; rest assured, we will interrogate fairly and impartially, and you can send representatives to watch!

This time Zhoutian Great World was dispatched extremely quickly. The seven quasi-sages of the later stage or the peak, with more than 50,000 golden immortals and daluo golden immortals, plus millions of heaven immortals, directly ransacked the entire trading market.

Since it is about to turn his face, Zhou Tian World is not lacking in decisiveness. Quasi-sage action, swift and brave. There were only five demon saints in the sky demon world, and Yingning was only six. Among the demon saints in charge, two are just ordinary demon saints.

Facing the seven quasi-sages who were at least late, the Heavenly Demon World directly retreated.

This time the quasi-sages were also fully prepared, and they carried unimaginable auras with them, and they had no trouble fighting for a short time. This was also one of the reasons why the sky demon world failed.

Then the entire trading market was killed.

It was Yingning and other demon saints who realized that something was wrong, and retreated decisively, only to survive. Otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Mother of Heavenly Demon was also in a cold sweat after learning the actual situation.

But then it was an indescribable rage. A long hair spreads out, and the end faintly turns into feathers-this is a sign of extreme rage!

However, after the rage, the Mother of Heavenly Demon quickly recovered her calmness - if her mind was easily affected by anger, the Mother of Heavenly Demon would not have come to this point. Success is never a fluke.

After calming down, the Mother of Heavenly Demon did not immediately order an attack or counterattack, but instead ordered a retreat!

"If we go to attack each other now, we might just fall into the other's trap. We have to go back and think about it."

The Mother of the Sky Demon briefly explained, the few remaining masters in the Sky Demon world looked at each other for a while, and then silently returned.

Although she was very angry in her heart, but as the Mother of Heavenly Demon said, she would kill him now and maybe just fall into the opponent's trap.

Especially now that the opponent should be inside the star cluster, with sufficient aura. Under this circumstance, it is very difficult for the Heavenly Demon World to defeat the quasi-sage of the Zhoutian World.

But for so many years, Our Lady of the Sky Demon is not unprepared! In the sky demon world, to be more precise, the Nine-Headed Sacred Dragon·Akasaka, there are also preparations.

Regardless of the means and route used by Chi Xiao to become a saint, he is also a saint. Means, really not too much!

After returning to the Ten Fang Shenlong Palace, the Mother of Heavenly Demon went to the Gaia World in person immediately.

At this time, the war in Gaia's world spread, and the warships of both sides shot and consumed frantically. But the quasi-saint level and the saints of both sides did not act.

The Heavenly Demon World must consider the issue of fighting on two fronts. Recently, the Zhoutian world has caused troubles, and the Nine-Headed Sacred Dragon Chixiao is also prepared. In other words, when the agreement was signed more than 30 years ago, it was prepared-the agreement was used to tear up.

The Gaia world, at the beginning, fought back for a period of time, and found that there was no greater progress, the high-level war basically stopped, and seized the time to change to cultivation and cultivate a second career. Or the means of comprehension,

The other is to vigorously develop battleships and related industries. As for the question of whether it is partial to science or not, it can't be considered. Now it is doing everything possible to use battleships to consume the fundamental power of the sky demon world.

In short, the war between the Sky Demon World and the Gaia World has temporarily entered a relatively stable stage.

So at this stage, can the nine-headed sacred dragon Chixiao leave?

Sorry, I really can't leave! Chi Xiao dared to leave, Gaia would never mind to personally destroy the master of the sky demon world.

Anything that doesn't bully juniors is an internal matter. Externally, that is called the elimination of vitality.

But Chi Xiao's inability to leave does not mean that he can't do anything!

For more than 30 years, Chi Xiao has continuously used the power of the saint to create some methods, and has accumulated three tricks in total. A master of saints, who spent more than 30 years talking about time, accumulating three tricks, this power... is looking forward to!

Our Lady of the Sky Demon came to see Chi Xiao, and after discussing the situation, the Lady of the Sky Demon left with three sealing balls.

After returning, the Heavenly Demon Mother was actually calm, and did not act immediately, but began a series of plans.

First of all, Our Lady of the Sky Demon informed the Zhoutian World: We are very angry, and this matter will never stop there.

Secondly, Our Lady of the Sky Demon issued a declaration of war internally. Yes, things have reached this point, there is no room for maneuver, and after obtaining Chi Xiao's means, the Mother of Heavenly Demon also has a new war plan and is confident.

More than 30 years ago, the successive mistakes of the war forced the Mother of Heavenly Demon to make perfect preparations.

If war and mobilization are directly launched here, Zhou Tian World will naturally not fail to respond. On the one hand, the Zhoutian World pretended to issue a friendly warning-we attach great importance to the friendship between everyone; on the other hand, the Zhoutian World also began to mobilize for war.

This time the war mobilization has little relationship with the Dayang Group. This is preparation for war between the two big worlds. Although the Ocean Group is good, it can only occupy a place in such a large-scale war.

In fact, Zhang Hao didn't want to be too active. Over the years, the forces that Dayang Group has dispatched to the Sky Demon World have mainly been technical and industrial support. The army, etc., basically withdrew long ago.

Besides, it is practical. Dayang Group took the initiative to withdraw its military power, and the quasi-sages also said privately: Dayang Group is doing things safely.

So now, Dayang Group has just sent some warships symbolically—as for who will pilot these warships, it doesn't matter.

Regarding the practice of the Dayang Group, the quasi-sages have a little bit of opinion-you support some troops a little bit.

But Zhang Hao said: Recently there is really no army. Our main army is dispatched to the Carp Nebula. Two pure fleets before and after, and recently an immigration fleet; the military forces sent away three times before and after accounted for almost half of the Ocean Group and even the Tianyuanxing civilization.

What we have left now is to maintain stability-the Tianyuan Star civilization is really unstable now. Therefore, only battleship support can be provided.

Lei Xingfeng also came forward at this time: Dayang Group’s warships are excellent, but Dayang Group’s military personnel... are a little bit behind. Without a golden fairy level, I am afraid that it can no longer meet the needs of the current war;

The most important thing is that the advantage of Dayang Group and even Tianyuanxing civilization is industrial production-yes, they should provide production capacity to the front line, not combat capacity.

When Lei Xingfeng said so, the quasi-sages agreed. Also, in the current war between the two great worlds, the ordinary return to the virtual realm is really not bad for the Dayang Group.

On the contrary, if Dayang Group can put all of its own virtual state into factory production, it will be more useful.

As far as the current situation is concerned, ensuring the stability of the entire Tianyuanxing civilization (including the Dayang Group) and ensuring the industrial production capacity is the best choice.

The only thing that the entire Tianyuanxing needs to send to the front line is the technical instructors-the technology of Tianyuanxing Civilization is changing day by day. Even if the Ocean Group and Tianyuanxing Civilization are beneficial to cover, they cannot stop the splendid scientific and technological civilization; so many equipments are relatively new. These technologies require special personnel to guide.

The tense war mobilization lasted for more than two months, and the Sky Demon World Legion appeared first.

Our Lady of the Sky Demon personally led the team, with 42 demon saints. At this moment, all the demon saints used a complete gong body-the kind with a height of forty to fifty thousand kilometers.

In addition, there are two quasi-sages-the two quasi-sages who surrendered, Qinghong Tianjun and Xuan Ge Xingjun.

Now these two quasi-sages live very well in the sky demon world. With the guidance of the nine-headed sacred dragon Chixiao and the transformed star cluster, the two quasi-sages have actually been upgraded to the mid-quasi-sages.

Seeing these two quasi-sages, the quasi-sages of the Zhoutian world must of course curse.

But Qinghong Tianjun was very thick-skinned, but he responded with a sneer: "You scold me, I understand. But before you scold me, can you let Xuantian and Tianshu talk about it? You thought about it. Do you want to save us?"

Qinghong Tianjun was not polite, and he called Xuantian Tianjun and Tianshu Xingjun directly; without the suffix, this was equivalent to not recognizing his quasi-sage status, which was a kind of negligence and even insult.

It’s equivalent to a meeting. Sometimes when everyone is relatively unfamiliar, they will point out their full name, but usually add'Mr.' or'Ms.', such as'Mr. Zhang Hao or Ms. Zhou Xueyao'. Respectful, would say "Mr. Zhang Hao Zhang" and "Ms. Zhou Xueyao Zhou".

If you call Zhang Hao or Zhou Xueyao directly, you will feel aloof. Believe it or not, President Zhang sent an army to quell you.

Sure enough, Tianshu Xingjun directly changed color, and murderous intent appeared on his face. Xuantian Tianjun gave a cold snort and said, "Since you already think so, you won't listen to what we say. I just hope you don't regret it!"

Xuantian Tianjun was very clear that some things could not be explained, or some things could not be explained positively. The correct way of coping should be: Do you like it?

Sometimes it is this attitude that is serious, but it can make outsiders ‘suddenly realize’: Qinghong Tianjun, you are afraid that you are making trouble unreasonably.

In fact, the two parties did talk about the issue of several captive transactions at the beginning, but they all fell apart.

But... well, it's really useless. It is really easy for Zhou Tian Great World to be willing to trade two quasi-sage prisoners with four demon saint prisoners.

Of course Qinghong Tianjun understood this and wanted to explain. But at this time, Our Lady of the Sky Demon spoke, "Okay, needless to say. Friends of the Zhoutian Great World, I come here today to give an ultimatum:

Release all personnel, admit mistakes and compensate for losses. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being affectionate! "

If you say this, we can't give you a chance to talk about love~

Many prospective saints rolled their eyes.

Master Tianshu sneered, "Come on, what means can I use!"

When saying this, all the quasi-sages and even the demon-sages were ready, and the Tianyuan star cluster behind them had already rolled aura, echoing here. The tumbling aura seems to be able to transform into a world-opening attack at any time, destroying many demon saints in the sky demon world.

But at this moment, the Mother of Heavenly Demon sneered, and suddenly a ‘ball of light’ with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers appeared in his hand.

In the light sphere, there are tens of thousands of colored diamonds whirling, creating brilliant light and shadows. In the center of the ball of light, there is a faint golden dragon sleeping.

The light ball hadn't been activated yet, and the heavy breath made it difficult for the quasi-sages to breathe.

"Not good!" Tianshu Xingjun and Xuantian Tianjun looked at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

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