Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 542: We are all dreamers

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(I wish all readers a great New Year’s Day and a happy new year.

(This chapter is a special chapter for 2019. Everyone has a dream, I hope everyone can pursue their dreams bravely and firmly.

Tianya resigned from writing when he was 28 years old. At that time, "Semi-century Civilization" had just signed a contract, with a monthly income of 900-1200 yuan.

I remember when I watched "Inner Gravity" there was a sentence with deep emotion: develop what I like into a career. Today, Tianya gave this sentence to every reader. )

In the secret research base of the Kingdom of Shaoze, Nangong Zhi quietly looked at the ongoing experiment on the deification period, and his eyes were full of excitement!

Previously, Nangong Zhi and Zhongxing Yue wanted to use high temperature and high pressure to create fairy spirit, but failed, failed hundreds of times, and made no progress. Obviously, this method is wrong!

Therefore, before the return of the Ocean Group warships, Nangong Zhidu had completely given up hope. Instead, breakthroughs have been made in steel technology.

But Nangong Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief-if he couldn't do it, Zhang Hao shouldn't be able to do it either.

However, just after Nangong Zhi had decided to abandon the imagination of the "artificial **** stage", a turning point came suddenly: the fleet returned to sail!

The fleet returned, bringing news of Xianshan. But what really excited Nangong Zhi was not this, but the words of King Silverhorn!

At the beginning, the Silver Horn King said on the battleship that the sea monsters would go to the deep sea if they wanted to break through the stage of transformation. This has spread.

This method is somewhat similar to the practice of the magic path. However, the magic path is to burn it again in the holy fire.

But the danger of the sea monsters going to the deep sea should not be great-because the silver horn king said that it can be tried repeatedly! This is something that the Dao Dao practice cannot do.

The deep-sea pressure has given Nangong Zhi a new inspiration-we are studying pressure!

In the past, we only studied the pressure of Reiki, but we did not expect to cram people into the device!

Combined with the flame calcination of the magic path practitioners, Nangong Zhi came up with a crazier idea: how about throwing people into a container and "cooking"?

Not to mention, a dozen volunteers soon signed up.

After several days of preparation and research, it finally entered the stage of human experimentation!

After selection, three were finally selected as the first experimental object. The masters of the three Yuanying Pinnacles sit in three carefully designed fully enclosed enchantments.

BOC Yue personally supervised the three groups of researchers to surround the three people. This is the life of three loyal masters, Nangong Zhi also had to be careful.

Seeing that the experiment was about to begin, Nangong Zhi had to tell the three again: "Don't be brave, don't do it once, we have another chance.

According to the king of silver horns, monsters and beasts can only succeed many times. And our human physical qualities are far inferior to monsters and beasts, so we have to prepare for multiple attempts. "

The people in the enchantment nodded and the experiment officially began.

The aura treated by high temperature and high pressure began to be injected into the enchantment little by little, at a very slow speed. After the high temperature treatment, the aura was cooled again. But the temperature is still a bit high-to be precise, this high temperature is brought by the air. Pressure is also mainly provided by air. But these are secondary.

Nangong Zhi looked at the thermometer, which was produced by Dayang Group. At this time, the temperature is more than sixty degrees, which is not worth mentioning to the integrator.

The aura gradually increased, and the pressure gradually increased. The enchantment gradually became a cloud-filled world, and soon the rich aura almost became a liquid.

But at this time the pressure gauge has reminded that the air pressure has reached ten times the standard atmospheric pressure.

The self-cultivator within the enchantment gestured and the air pressure immediately stopped rising; the formation began to heat up and the temperature began to rise.

Gradually, the temperature increased to about 160 degrees; during the heating process, the pressure in the junction was properly released and remained unchanged. Be careful and careful in this experiment.

After so much trouble, the people in the enchantment finally began to practice.

Gradually, Nangong Zhi's eyes brightened. In this'bad' environment of spiritual practice, the aura in the enchantment is rapidly decreasing!

You know, the three people selected are all Yuanying's peak limit-there is no way to enter! But at this time, it can absorb the aura so quickly, this is a turning point!

Time passed a little bit, and in a blink of an eye it was three days.

Seeing that the Ocean Group will sail again tomorrow, Nangong Zhi has to deal with some things temporarily: Now, the cooperation between the country of Shaoze and the Ocean Group is very intimate, this time Nangong Zhi also sent a thousand people to explore Fairy mountain.

Then Nangong Zhi handled some state affairs and came to the research base again.

Time quietly came into the night.

Suddenly, the loss of spiritual flow in an enchantment accelerated and began to hover.

"Quickly recharge!" Nangong Zhi shouted, his eyes widened.

BOC Yue also directed the researchers to get busy. A large amount of auras flow into the enchantment, but a source of aura is still not enough.

Nangong Zhi took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, "The other two are suspended from practicing!"

The other two were interrupted to practice. Under the supply of three sources of aura, miracles gradually appeared.

Thousands of top-grade spirit stones are broken and released auras every moment, and these auras, after special treatment, flow into the only enchantment like a tide. The vortex became more and more obvious.

But it still seems not enough! Because the speed of absorbing Aura within the enchantment is increasing madly!

"Quickly make it!" Nangong Zhi was busy himself.

Gradually, the aura within the enchantment finally formed a vortex. If Zhang Hao saw this vortex, it would be said to be counterclockwise. But now no one pays attention to this.

In the center of the whirlpool is the self-cultivator.

The rolling aura entered the vortex, and there seemed to be a faint flash of light in the vortex. It was a small lightning. When a large amount of energy is concentrated, there will be lightning-this principle has been published in the newspaper of the Ocean Group.

But seeing this vortex and lightning, Nangong Zhi shook his fist excitedly!

He found an advantage-the break-through period here, the outside world did not even know!

Until dawn, the whirlpool stopped. Suddenly, a violent momentum erupted, everything around was overturned, and the connecting world was broken. But Nangong Zhi didn't care, looking at the front with bright eyes.

Everything gradually subsided around, only the figure sitting, but the momentum was rising.

He opened his eyes slowly, a faint golden light flashed by. After a while, he got up in a little surprise, and slowly came to Nangong Zhi. The words were full of excitement, "General... I... I... seemed to succeed..."

Nangong Zhi looked at the other party and just made a breakthrough. The breath of the incarnation could not be covered.

Nangong Zhi patted the other person's shoulder, "Wei Qishan, then you will stay here to participate in the research."


Nangong Zhi took a deep breath and looked around with bright eyes, "Everyone, we succeeded! We succeeded all at once! This is all your credit. The reward is already ready.

But what I want to talk about next is about the study of the deity.

This success is certainly gratifying, but everyone must see that our success was accidental. And we are not sure now whether there is any hidden danger in such a breakthrough spiritual phase.

This time I have been studying everything about the Ocean Group.

I found that the research of the Ocean Group is based on a strict theoretical basis, and they have theoretical guidance for each step.

But we are different. Today we are successful. But if I ask everyone, what is our theoretical guidance? "

The crowd did not speak.

"No!" Nangong Zhi gave the answer, "Our success is extremely accidental! We can't even guarantee that we will succeed next time, or even whether we will die next time!"

The excited atmosphere gradually calmed down.

Nangong Zhi was extremely calm at this time: "The research of the Ocean Group is a step by step. Unless it is unsuccessful, once it is successful, it can be mass-produced! This is the advantage of the Ocean Group and it also requires us to learn.

I am not trying to crack down on everyone, but tell everyone about our gap!

It’s not terrible to have a gap. What’s scary is not knowing that there is a gap.

One success is not worth the joy, not even a thousand or ten thousand success. Only a fundamental understanding of why success is true success.

Next, everyone has a more difficult task: to learn from the Ocean Group and complete the theoretical analysis of the promotion of the gods! We need to know:

why! "

Everyone's eyes became brighter and firmer.

Nangong Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and then announced the reward on the spot. The rewards are generous, beyond everyone's imagination!

Looking at the excited expression of everyone, Nangong Zhi was also very satisfied: I must give you more than you think!

When the reward was announced, Nangong Zhi spoke again, "Today, my biggest emotion is: the dream will always come true!

In the past, if anyone said that the inspiring period could be cooked like this, everyone would definitely be considered a lunatic. But today, we really did the craziest thing.

To pursue your dreams, you must have a mad and rational mind!

Dreams and delusions are only separated by a thread!

Everyone is doing very well, I hope you will make persistent efforts. "


The sun rises and Zhang Hao stands at the high point of the port, watching the crazy crowd on the shore.

The fleet can't start until noon, but it is already overcrowded at this time.

Fifty steel warships must take into account the navigation, fuel, ammunition, materials, etc. on the sea, and can only be transported-100,000 people! An average warship transports 2,000 people, and the number is really small.

In order to save materials as much as possible, passengers' repair needs need to be higher-the higher the repair, the less resources are consumed. This refers to volume, not value.

The space, that is, the volume of the battleship is limited, and the ‘total volume’ of materials that can be transported is also limited. Another thing is that the higher the cultivation level, the more you can get supplies in the sea.

This is the characteristic of the spiritual world.

But today Zhang Hao stands here because... Mr. Zhang has something to say!

It was already early winter at this time, the icy sea breeze roared, and the cold cold winds of the dead green sea made it difficult for ordinary people to blow their feet on the seashore.

But at this time, tens of thousands of people stood in the wind and looked at Zhang Hao in the high place.

With the help of Fu Yun, Zhang Hao's voice echoed over the port.

"Dear friends, we are about to leave. There are a few words, I want to talk to everyone."

Everyone attentively.

Now, no one can ignore this young man who cultivates only the peak of Jindan. This young man opened the green sea of ​​death with one hand.

Zhang Hao's voice echoed in the sky and in the sea: "I used to ask myself, what kind of group are innocents?

Now, I think I have the answer.

We are all dreamers!

We have a biggest and common dream: fairy!

But the fairy is too far away. It is said that to become a fairy, you need to cross nine thresholds:

Tsukiji, Jindan, Yuanying and Huashen are just four of them. We are so far away from the fairy.

However, we never give up.

So we found Xianshan.

We opened the road to life on the green sea of ​​death.

Although the mountain is high, we cannot stop our footsteps. Although the sea is wide, we cannot stop our courage!

The sky and the earth are far away, and the sea and river are long, not to stop us from moving forward, but to carry our dreams. Only this huge world can carry our endless dreams.

The Xianshan Mountain is about to be explored. The details of this time have been fully disclosed by the Ocean Group. Our exploration will confront the masters of the New World.

This is a crisis. But there is only opportunity in crisis!

We will cross the green sea of ​​death to pursue our common dream.

I hope that in the next actions, we can go hand in hand and share the glory and shame.

No matter how many conflicts we have, we are fellow initiates who share a common dream. Our enemies are not each other, but all the people, things, things that block our dreams!!!"

The sea breeze roared, with Zhang Hao's words, drifting across thousands of mountains and rivers, blowing the horn of an era.

Starting today, we begin to explore and fight overseas world!

(Finally, on the first day of 2019, ask for votes)

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