Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 804: 第八 〇 一

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The dialogue between Zhang Hao and General Hu Xiao needs translation. To be precise, Zhang Hao can directly use Yuanshen to convey the meaning to the general’s mind, but the general will not.

The general can only dictate, and then Li Wei is responsible for the translation.

Fortunately, Li Wei is happy to do this.

However, Zhang Hao's original spirit was not only heard by the general, but the fifteen captives around him were also within the influence.

At this time, after listening to Zhang Hao's question, the general frowned, and it took a while to speak: "Whether I surrender or not seems to have no meaning."

Zhang Hao smiled faintly, but he couldn't say the domineering words: "surrender, surrender to us, listen to our arrangements!"

Zhang Hao's words made the general's eyes flash with anger. "What if I don't surrender?"

"Then find a support that can surrender."

"Huh, our tradition in the bright world, the new leader needs to be recognized by everyone!"

Zhang Hao raised his mouth slightly: "You may not have figured out the situation. For the master, it doesn't make sense for ordinary people to approve. Whoever dares to take the lead will kill whoever, and then the whole family will be implicated.

For the strong, the anger of ordinary people is nothing but cicadas after the fall, and it is useless except for noise. "

"You..." The general looked at Zhang Hao in a daze, but didn't expect to hear such words from the young man's mouth.

Next to it, the representative of the Ming Dynasty, Shang Shuling, Liu Cong listened to Zhang Hao's words and looked at the general with emotion, said: "General Zhang's words are the actual situation of our world.

Maybe you are martial arts there, and you don’t have much magical skills, so the masters can’t stop the siege of ordinary people. But we are different here.

We are self-cultivators, and the means and combat effectiveness of self-cultivators will explode with the increase of self-cultivation. Therefore, in the world of self-cultivation, that is, the outside world in your eyes, you are truly respected by the strong.

The low-level composers may have the means to compete with the high-level composers, but the high-level composers want to run, and the low-level composers can't stop it. And once the master ran, the consequences... I think you can understand.

Under the influence of various factors, this world is a world of weak meat and strong food.

Therefore, if you do not surrender, we will naturally support the puppet until someone is willing to surrender. As for the voice of the people, no one will care. "

The general is really surprised, but he can get a little news from this population: It seems that the force represented by this person has also... surrendered? Or have you suffered a loss?

Next to it, Qiu Wanshan, the representative of the Candle Dragon Continent and the second elder, also said: "General Tiger's Roar, there is a way to "keep the green mountains without worrying about firewood", if you want to get space for survival, there are two ways .

One is strong enough!

There is also a way to submit to the strong!

I am the representative of Zhulong Dragon Island, the true martial arts. If you have the opportunity in the future, welcome to Zhenwujiao as a guest. You will understand. "

The general turned to look at Qiu Wanshan. He heard helplessness and pride in Qiu Wanshan's words.

Could it be said that this "true martial arts" has also surrendered?

But the general did not give up on this. He turned to look at Zhang Hao: "There are forty thousand swords in the light world! Even if I fall, someone will stand up!"

"Forty million..." Zhang Hao sighed slightly when he heard the number, and a distant memory was stirred. But soon Zhang Hao shook his head slightly: "Forty thousand yuan, is there more?"

Zhang Hao's words just fell, and the representative of the West Kunlun, the Southern Protector Wang Zhenyue chuckled. The smile and laughter were full of contempt: "Since last year, the Strategic Alliance, the Strategic Alliance, and the Ming Dynasty have joined forces to attack the Land of Motu. So far The fighting has been going on for ten months.

Within ten months, there were no fewer than a million soldiers killed by strategic alliances, strategic alliances, and Ming dynasties.

More than 20 million people have died in the battle of the Motu Chau. A population of more than 1 billion, or 100,000, has been controlled.

The war is still going on. The tens of billions of people on the Mogao Island are now hanging on the ground.

Five years ago, the battle between the strategic alliance and the strategic alliance was only three months between the two sides, and the total number of casualties exceeded 50 million.

Counting from the war between the Xuanzhenism and the Xiaoyao School twelve years ago, the number of deaths due to the war in these years has exceeded 400 million people.

What you see, behind every representative here, except the Ocean Group, has a population of more than one billion. However, the Ocean Group is now integrating new territories, and the population will soon reach one billion.

Forty million people..."

Speaking of which, Wang Zhenyue sneered, "If you are not obedient, we will... kill all! 400 million people, really not many!"

The general was stunned and even colder.

In Wang Zhenyue's mouth, that doesn't seem to be a piece of life, but a number. But he was more shocked and frightened by the madness of the outside world.

In 12 years, 400 million people died in battle!

What is this concept?

Is everyone playing slaughter?

Unconsciously, the general looked at Zhang Hao. He felt that this young man might be able to give himself a more realistic number.

Zhang Hao pondered for a while, then nodded slowly: "If you don't say it, you really don't know. Now it is roughly estimated that what died in the twelve years because of the war is indeed... an astronomical number."

These twelve years have happened to be the twelve years of the rapid rise of the Ocean Group, and the twelve years of rapid development of science, technology, industry and commerce.

Over the past 12 years, world ties have strengthened and conflicts in the world have reached their peak.

From the unification of the Shaozawa Kingdom to the coastal war between the Shaozawa Kingdom and the Langya Kingdom, the collision of the two holy sites of the Xiaoyao School and the Xuanzhenism was finally drawn.

Then came the war between the Ocean Group and the Xuan Ming Religion, which in turn caused turmoil in the entire Tuozhou.

After the war subsided, it was the conflict between the Red Lotus, the Holy Torch, and the Ming. In the end, the torch flame disappeared, and the red lotus inherited the rule of the heavenly school.

Then the war was transferred to Xuanwu Mountain, and finally the Candle Dragon Island was discovered, and then the colonial war for a full three years. During these three years of colonial wars, the pride of the Candle Dragon Island was severely discounted.

After the matter of the Candle Dragon Continent subsides, because of the development of science and technology, it is known that the world is becoming closer and more conflicted.

This time, the kingdom of Shaoze and Xuanzhenism collapsed, and then the war expanded rapidly. Finally, it led to strategic alliances and strategic alliances, and it was a mess.

Then the twelve families of the East looked for trouble from the Ocean Group. Zhang Hao plagued Dongyin, and finally the war continued to the east until the Ming Dynasty was swept in.

Not long after the rest, a colonial war to divide the world broke out!

After this series of wars, there were no less than 400 million people who died in direct battles; those who died indirectly because of the impact of the war were afraid of more than 1 billion!

However, it must be acknowledged that because of technological advancement, the proliferation of a large amount of practice materials, and the continuous decline in the value of low-level practice resources for quite some time before, this has led to the outbreak of practice, and significant progress in medical and living standards.

In these twelve years, the newly increased population will definitely be no less than 5 billion!

In the country of Qixia alone, the population has nearly doubled in the past ten years! The population increased from less than 500 million before the war (the total population of the six countries) to 1.2 billion!

After thinking about this, Zhang Hao added: "It is roughly estimated that there are more than 400 million people who died in direct battle. As for the indirect death due to the impact of war, I am afraid that it will exceed one billion.

The population of 400 million is really not much.

So, if these 400 million people are obedient, it's okay. If you are not obedient... it's no big deal. Today the war continues and there are no people everywhere. Just pull it to the battlefield. "

After listening to Zhang Hao's words, the general was cold and trembling.

As for the remaining fifteen captives, they were pale.

Also, the environment of the bright world is basically similar to the cold weapon era. The death of hundreds of thousands in a war is already an amazing cruelty.

But now it is known that the world has entered the era of industrialization, and the war in the industrialized environment, need to say more!

As for whether Zhang Hao and others are bragging, the general thinks it should not. He can now roughly conclude that the representatives of these different forces are not in harmony with each other.

With Zhang Hao as the boundary, the people on the left and right are obviously not right. But everyone expressed enough respect for this Zhang Hao.

The generals worked hard for a while before temporarily suppressing their fears, and said with some shaking: "If I surrender, can I guarantee the safety of the Japanese?"

Zhang Hao thought for a while and slowly shook his head, saying: "Surrendering just gives you a little room to survive. But whether the Japanese can continue, you should not ask us, but ask yourself.

The space where your Japanese people live is inside a spaceship. And this spaceship is close to its limit and may collapse at any time. Once the spaceship collapses, your living space will inevitably disappear.

Therefore, if the Japanese want to survive, they must first step out of the light world and strive for a foothold in the outside world!

The entire Guangming world has a population of 40 million, only the Japanese, there are about 20 million. Want to accommodate so many don't have much choice! "

The general's head hurts a bit-too much thought, but I still have to think about it!

Over the past day, he has received too much information, and the world outlook, personal outlook, and values ​​of the past hundreds of years have collapsed. Together with his own pride, it was also fragmented into mud.

But as the patriarch of the Japanese, the general still has some extraordinary wisdom: "Zhang always, if I surrender, to whom?"

"Of course all of our representatives!" Zhang Hao said without hesitation, "The relationship between us has nothing to do with you. We are consistent in exploring things in the light world."

The general really feels that his brain is not enough. What is the situation? Turning his head to look around, he saw everyone taking for granted.

Obviously, provoking divorce, etc., can't be used!

The general suppressed his anger and said in a hoarse voice: "Well, I surrender. I surrender on behalf of the Japanese."

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