Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 865: ruling

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"Poof..." Fang Wentian spit out blood. The blood was still bright red just after leaving the body, but after contact with the air and the aura in the air, it quickly turned golden yellow.

The power of air is by no means small, especially at this time the vacuum is below, there is almost no resistance, the speed of air collapse is like a wild horse, and the speed is even more than three times the speed of sound.

And compared to other attacks, the power of the air comes from all directions and there are almost no dead ends.

The only catharsis direction is in the body. Fang Wentian only thought of the front, but he didn't think of the air that rolled back around him. This is one of the reasons for the loss.

The thick atmosphere and heavy atmospheric pressure of the outside world, coupled with the reversal of the explosive power, formed the true power of a natural collapse, and the surface of the earth was destroyed. Tens of meters, tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters of rock faults have risen out of the ground.

Fang Wentian is still light, and many masters want to take advantage of the opportunity to practice, but at this time they were smashed down, and many bones were broken and broken.

With the rewind of the air, the dark red flame in the center of the explosion suddenly rushed upwards, mixed with black, dark red, light red, and white mushroom clouds rumbling up to more than 300 kilometers high.

Thousands of miles can hear the rumbling explosion.

Even in the emperor of Qixia, two thousand kilometers away, there are masters who can feel the tremor of the earth. The surface of the water in the tea cup is agitated and rippled.

Within a radius of two thousand kilometers, countless mice, snakes, etc. have drilled out of the ground. A large number of fish are beating on the surface of the water. I don't know how many birds rushed into the sky. Chicken, duck, cow, sheep, horse, pig, dog, etc.

At this time Zhang Hao and others stood on a hill 100 kilometers away, watching the explosion ahead, silently.

Liu Xinyu's eyes glared round, his red lips opened exaggeratedly. She had previously imagined that the bomb of the Ocean Group’s test explosion would be extraordinary; this time the bomb was obviously aimed at the master of the standard method, and it would certainly not be too bad.

So, the explosive power will be ten times that of the second-generation Thunder Cannon Bomb? Or ten times the cloud burst?

Speaking of which, the cloud burst bombs have good power, but the point-to-point lethality is far inferior to ordinary bombs.

But Liu Xinyu couldn't imagine after exhausting his imagination, and there was such a thing now.

Even if you stand a hundred kilometers away, you can feel the earth shaking at your feet. Looking at the mushroom cloud that was rolling and rushing up to 300 kilometers, Liu Xinyu completely lost his ability to think.

Zhang Hao looked calmly at the explosion ahead. A hundred kilometers away, everything is clear.

The explosion was initially a shock wave, followed by a hemispherical explosion dome of about 25 kilometers, and then the dome collapsed suddenly, and everything around was rewinding.

In this rewinding frenzy, the mushroom cloud quickly rose.

Zhang Hao looked at the explosion in front of him, and thoughtfully said to Lin Yinghao next to him, "This explosion has more than 30% fuel?"

Lin Yinghao simply calculated according to the proportional formula and said: "Simple calculation, this explosion actually caused more than 45% of the fuel to react, and the annihilated substance was about 2.1 grams.

More specifically, detailed calculations are required later.

According to preliminary estimates, it was during the late explosion that a certain central environment was formed in a short period of time, causing the remaining fuel to react further.

If this rule can be mastered, then the explosive power is expected to double. Without increasing fuel. "

Zhang Hao nodded.

Liu Xinyu finally reacted and turned to look at Zhang Hao: "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Hao smiled: "A little technical problem."

"Oh... what explosive was used for this bomb? What is the principle?" Liu Xinyu is not easy to fool.

Zhang Hao took out a storage ring, "There are several kinds of ore. The explosives of this bomb are extracted from this kind of ore. You can find the ore first."

Liu Xinyu thought about taking the storage ring, but still asked the principle. But Zhang Hao said that he didn't answer. Finally, I was anxious and immediately glared and said, "I will tell you when I can speak. Now, let's go back to prepare for the Fa-Symposium."

"Dare you stare at me!" The empress burst out in an instant.

The mushroom cloud in front is still rolling, and the wind blows across the Tongling area; on the hill in the distance, President Zhang and Queen are fighting.

For a while, Zhang Hao's face gradually began to change to the edge of anger, and the Queen suddenly snorted, "I will let you go this time. But remember what you said, before the end of February, the country of Qixia must have such a A bomb."

Zhang Hao only turned his face, "You are indispensable."

The current Qixia Country and the Ocean Group are actually one. This is also due to Liu Xinhai, the common son of Liu Xinyu and Zhang Hao, and now the prince of Qixia.

Of course, we must also consider the country of Qixia and the Ocean Group, which are now horns of each other, the political, military, cultural, and economic partners who are working side by side in this turbulent world of practice.

After half an hour after the explosion, the researchers entered the explosion area to observe and collect data. All of these people are facing more than three layers of defense, and the entire observation time is less than half an hour. Then the people of the Ocean Group quickly evacuated.

Liu Xinyu did not withdraw, but after confirming the safety, he took people in and walked around.

At this time the sky was a little hazy, the previously evaporated rock and mud re-condensed, and the mud lifted by the strong wind, etc., fell one after another. A doomsday landscape.

Hulu Lake has completely disappeared. There is only a big pit about three kilometers in radius, with a depth of tens of meters at the deepest point. Crystals of glaze have appeared in many places, and the ground seems to be covered with a layer of glaze. But there are still many places where lava still flows.

Outside the core area of ​​three kilometers, it extends to about ten kilometers, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of sand and dust. The green vegetation and so on have all disappeared. The dust is shattered by the shock wave.

Liu Xinyu flew slowly, except for shock in his eyes.

Tiandao·Fang Wentian also calmed down the situation inside the body, came to the front of the crater, looked at the crater with a diameter of three kilometers in front, and stunned with countless people.

Some people keep coming, but few leave.

But gradually, some cultivation practices were very low, especially those that did not even reach the foundation period, and began to feel uncomfortable.

Some people's skin started to flush and even blisters appeared.

"This place is not right! I feel that the real element in my body seems to be slightly polluted. Although not serious, it still has an impact if I stay in this environment for a long time." Jing Wang Sun Jing and Tian Dao Fang Wentian stood Together, said slowly.

Fang Wentian nodded slowly. After spending half a day here, I did feel some weak pollution. This weak pollution can actually penetrate the true element's defenses-no, it is embedded in the true element on the surface, and enters the body as the true element flows.

However, this influence does not have much impact on the practitioners above the golden body of the deity.

After waiting for a while, Fang Wentian spoke, but said something else: "The dynasty will be proven the day after tomorrow. A little anticipation."

Sun Jing nodded and stopped talking. Watching for a moment, at sunset, everyone gradually dispersed.


Dayang Group headquarters, Zhang Hao and others have returned.

But halfway through, Huang Mingshan and others began to busy calculating. When he returned to the research base of Dayang Group, Huang Mingshan suddenly found a problem:

"Mr. Zhang, I just sorted out the explosion again and found that after the nuclear explosion, the cultivation practice seemed to be disturbed. Also when the explosion was just detected, the spell was also disturbed to varying degrees.

I had only thought about studying nuclear explosions before, but ignored this. "

Zhang Hao suddenly stopped and left the gate of the research base. After thinking about it, he said, "I think it may be the role of neutrons. Remember our previous theoretical research? Reiki is related to neutrons.

Perhaps the neutron was released during the nuclear explosion, which interfered with the practice and magic.

By extension, can we study a nuclear bomb that only releases neutrons, and this kind of nuclear bomb is specifically aimed at masters! "

Huang Mingshan's face suddenly solidified, and he nodded slowly for a while. "Zhang President's idea may be feasible. So, let's conduct a theoretical study on the feasibility. The urgent task now is to create more'chubby pier' as soon as possible." .

It is expected that by the end of February, we can complete all nuclear bomb production. There are currently 278 kg of nuclear fuel. We are going to produce five 9-kilogram medicines and three more 30-kilogram medicines. This leaves 143 kg of nuclear fuel.

With these nuclear fuels, we will try new nuclear bomb research. Including neutron bombs. "


The dawn on January 20 came slowly.

The new Shangshu of the Ming Dynasty made Zhang Zhao look at the East, frowning deeply.

Before coming to the Ocean Group, he thought of too many possibilities, and made a lot of coping plans, but he never thought it would be such a result.

The explosion of the nuclear bomb shocked everyone. This is a real, devastating force, which is beyond the scope of past understanding.

Zhang Zhao asked the masters of Biyuntian around him, Biyuntian and Shilonghai, the master of Canglong Palace, said: Such a devastating power, even if the grand palace ancestor Qianyue, holding the artifact of Biyun Palace, broke out regardless of the consequences, it would not do To.

This is a real power comparable to the world. Today, it is manufactured by the Ocean Group. It also has a very dear name: Little Fatty.

This black belly "Little Fatty" suddenly caught the Ming Dynasty by surprise.

Even the sea of ​​stones in Biyuntian was closed at this time, saying that cooperation and other considerations should be considered.

But no matter how difficult it is, Zhang Zhao can only step into the building in front.

This is a brand new building called ‘World Conference Center’. The building is not high, only five floors in total; but the scope of the building is very large, according to the Ocean Group, it can accommodate 50,000 people for meetings at the same time.

The first time the World Conference Center opened its doors, it was to openly examine the dynasty and the current world's largest country.

This must be said to be a satire.

The participants, including the audience, came from all over the world! Real all over the world!

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