Cultivation Industry Era

Chapter 887: Northern and Southern Hemisphere

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Although West Kunlun suffered a nuclear bomb attack, its accumulation over tens of thousands of years should not be underestimated. Under the Jiuyang Temple, in the layers of defense, there was even an intact chamber.

Here, there is a collection of books, a huge collection of books. Even more indescribable, self-reliant wealth.

Unlike the Ocean Group, West Kunlun has an ancient tradition: good things, to be hidden, to be kept in case of need!

When Ocean Group has good things, everyone will pay dividends. In fact, the good things of Dayang Group are mostly the products of technology and can be produced repeatedly. This is typical of the old not to go new.

But the ancient forces such as the West Kunlun, most of their collections are treasures of nature. Including rare ores, extraordinary potions, accidental panacea, etc.

Even the "Shi Lingzhi" gifted by Zhou Wenyao from Fang Wentian was available here, and there were more than one, and the quality was better.

It's just that all these things have now become wedding dresses. The Ocean Group and other parties divided up these things, and the books, jade slips, etc. copied each other. Various books were originally placed in the library of the Ocean Group after discussion. Everyone can read them for free at any time in the future, but only to the parties who participated in the battle today.

Then more people began to land here in West Kunlun, and everyone began to measure the land and divide the sphere of influence. As for the central nuclear explosion area, under the leadership of the Ocean Group, everyone sealed together. Sealed the land with a diameter of almost 100 kilometers at a stretch.

This seal is not strong, but only to prevent the spread of nuclear pollution. Those who cultivate above the Yuanying can freely shuttle the border and go in to visit the horror scene.

After this battle, Zhang Hao, after repeated thinking, finally released some news of nuclear energy-radiation, pollution and other news. This is a responsibility. However, there is no theory of open nuclear energy, only that this explosive has released the power of creation.

In this way, there is a market in this world of spiritual practice.

Time is quietly more than a month.

In this more than one month, the world has changed a lot.

The Mercenary Guild has many reward missions. There are rewards for the remaining evil of the West Kunlun, assassination of politicians of all parties, and even rewards for the Ocean Group-assassination, theft of technology and so on.

The Ocean Group did not interfere, so let these rewards hang there in such a fair and solemn way.

In Zhang Hao's words, instead of letting those **** secretly pervert, it is better to guide them to walk in the sun. Then we can follow the vine and pull these guys out one by one.

In addition, the continued expansion of the mercenary guild has even landed in the Xuanhuang World and even the Hetu World; however, the Ocean Group secretly influenced and indirectly controlled the mercenary guild.

The Mercenary Guild is an open organization, and no one can completely and completely control it. In which region you must cooperate with local forces. But the mercenary guild has the mark of the Ocean Group.

Unconsciously, the Mercenary Guild has grown into a truly worldwide organization.

The expansion of the Mercenary Guild was followed by commercial tentacles, and this was the biggest benefit of the Ocean Group. The mercenary guild and ocean group’s business system complement each other.

Ocean Group has also opened up flights to all parts of the world. Large passenger airplanes can fly up to six times the speed of sound in the aura and travel through important locations in the world.

At present, there are three airports established by Ocean Group in Xuanhuang World. They are Jingwang Road, Tiandao Road, and Biyuntian.

At the airport of Hetu World, there are five. There are five continents in the world of Hetu, one on each continent.

By the way, the system in Hetu World is a bit similar to the earth-like elephant world 20 years ago. There are countries under the powerful holy sites, and there are holy sites within the powerful countries.

The above are small changes. More than a month has passed, and the most serious problem before us now is: dividing the sphere of influence! Divide the camp!

With the outrageous action of the Ocean Group to pull out the West Kunlun and the subsequent release of a lore reward in the mercenary guild, the whole world was disturbed.

The former strategic alliance has come together with the Ocean Group, and the country of Qixia followed closely, and everyone formed a new strategic alliance.

The former strategic alliance is now a piece of sand. The shadows of terror are shrouded in the sky above the Xiaoyao faction. During this period, the Xiaoyao Party did not dare to support it. They asked people everywhere to say anything, and of course they kept coming to the Ocean Group to apologize and negotiate compensation.

In addition, there is a brand new alliance that has already shown its prototype.

The celestial demon religion, the inanimate Tianluo religion, and the country of Shaoze, together with the lands of the earth, the lands of the earth, and the lands of the hidden earth, are forming a neutral force.

Ocean Group no longer maintains neutrality, but instead they begin to try to be neutral.

But it is also neutral, but the meaning is completely different. The neutrality of the Ocean Group is a typical ‘doing nothing but doing it’, which is purposeful and clear. However, the current Demon Church, etc., has a sense of unity and self-preservation, shrinking defense, and dare not do it.

The Ming dynasty is now a typical wall down push. The masters of the French phase were either killed or unable to hide, causing the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty to begin to quickly fall apart. A large number of small and medium-sized forces have emerged, wanted independence, and actively contacted the outside world.

More mercenaries and casual repairs began to appear on the land of the Ming Dynasty. They began to hunt, rob, and search for various resources on the land of the Ming Dynasty.

In the past, the entire Chentuzhou was a reserved area of ​​the Ming dynasty. But now, it has become a place of freedom.

The "Avenging Legion" led by Li Wei is rampant on the land of the Land of Morning Earth, and it is invincible. Now the legion has expanded to 10,000 people, there are more than 20 masters of the Fa phase, and the rest are all in the period of deification. Everyone takes revenge as the core and specializes in destruction, especially the industrial bases and mineral bases of the Ming Dynasty.

Then there is the Hetu World. After comprehensive consideration, Hetu World did not choose to include the earth-like world, nature nor the Ocean Group, but chose the Xuanhuang World.

The known world before us now is the entire planet. Everyone recognized this huge world for the first time. But this world is now turbulent, and everyone is working hard and struggling for their own development and future.

However, among all the things, Zhang Hao's attention and vigilance is the most-Lingbo Group!


The headquarters of Dayang Group is late at night. Zhang Hao looked at the ‘Tianyuanyi’ in the front and was discussing with the senior management of the Ocean Group.

The discussion is not intense because it has been going on for a whole day. But every sentence at this time is full of weight.

The Tianyuan instrument used by the Ocean Group is very different from the outside world. The shape and location of the continent here have changed, and even the direction of east, west, south, and north has been adjusted. The Tianyuan instrument is not placed vertically, and the north and south poles form an angle of about 24° with the vertical direction.

The maps and Tianyuan instruments publicly disclosed by the Ocean Group are a bit like graffiti; but the Ocean Group itself uses fine calculations and drawings. Many terrains, etc., will send fighters to take pictures.

Today, the Tianyuanyi, which is about three meters in diameter, is already full of writing and drawing the sea and sky routes. Different regions have put in different colors of flags-that is the camp.

Zhang Hao looked at Tianyuanyi quietly, at this time the entire Tianyuanyi was divided into three camps.

A new strategic alliance based on the Ocean Group has been formed. Including the members of the former strategic alliance, plus the Ocean Group, the country of Qixia, and the true martial arts of the Candle Dragon Island.

The members of the new strategic alliance (there is no specific name yet) are among the three largest camps with the fewest members.

Then there is the Xuanhuang World and the new neutral alliance.

Oh, there are Ming Dynasty, Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty, Xiaoyao School, etc., are actively looking for public relations of Dayang Group. In the past month, the Ocean Group has basically dealt with the West Kunlun, and it is necessary to cut the grass and remove the roots of the West Kunlun without leaving trouble.

Now what makes Zhang Hao most concerned is-Lingbo Group.

The Lingbo Group played well. In the process of the Ming Dynasty's troubles, Lingbo Group actively took action and rescued many people from the Ocean Group and Qixia Country. No one can wipe out this contribution, and others are still preaching it.

But Lingbo Group turned to it in a blink of an eye...No, it should be said that cooperation, cooperation with Biyuntian.

The Lingbo Group has now completed the demolition of its production lines on the Ming Dynasty and has established a factory in Biyuntian. Moreover, Lingbo Group actively learned from Dayang Group, and actually bought permanent land from Biyuntian.

The cooperation between Lingbo Group and Biyuntian is definitely beyond imagination. This point, the Ocean Group is most clear. The Lingbo Group has been able to sink its hearts and develop in the past few years. Its technical level, just revealed, is enough to compare with the country of Shaoze and Qixia, and closely follow the ocean group. Even better than Tiandu School and Mingjiao.

Such a group has full cooperation with Xuanhuang World, and the impact is incalculable.

Zhang Hao seems to have seen the rise of the second Ocean Group!

Bai Yutang looked at Tianyuanyi and said seriously: "The cooperation between Lingbo Group and Biyuntian, I think it can be seen as a new situation. That is-the formation of two major groups in the southern hemisphere and northern hemisphere!

We are in the northern hemisphere and Lingbo Group will develop in the southern hemisphere.

We are too far away from the southern hemisphere, after all, the transportation has a lot of inconvenience. I'm afraid there will be a risk of whiplash! "

"Southern Hemisphere...Northern Hemisphere..." Zhang Hao thoughtfully nodded his head, "Yes, this world is being divided into two large groups, the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere.

The cooperation between Lingbo Group and Biyuntian will quickly establish a political group in the southern hemisphere. "

Li Yousheng looked at it and said with some concern: "Our range, plus the calculations of allies, can only cover an area of ​​three continents.

However, the scope of cooperation of the Lingbo Group includes more than half of the Xuanhuang World and the entire Hetu World. There are also a lot of intents to cooperate in the earth-like world.

Its area is almost 1.6 times that of the entire earth-like elephant world! It is four times as much as ours!

Should we draw in neutral forces? "

Zhang Hao shook his head slightly: "This is not necessary at all. There are more cooperation allies and more problems. The so-called cooperation allies are not the more the better. Too much, the heart is dispersed, and the benefits are difficult to divide.

Right now this is fine. "

Zhang Jialin finally said, "Zhang Zhang, I have been thinking about a problem. The Atlantic Group we once formed, many of which are still in the hands of the Xiaoyao faction, the country of Shaoze, and West Kunlun. How should these shares be handled?"

Without thinking, Zhang Hao replied: "The country of the Xiaoyao School and the Shaoze Kingdom will still be executed according to the contract. With words, it is the foundation of the Ocean Group.

As for the shares of Xikun Road, I have thought about it for a long time, and think that we cannot swallow these shares alone, nor can we share them casually.

The best way is to put these shares into the stock market. Whoever buys buys. The proceeds will be distributed according to the shares. "

"This method is good." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Mei Qianyun thought for a long time, and also said, "I have a suggestion that we can cooperate through business instead of political or strategic cooperation for these forces that are prepared for neutrality, such as the Kingdom of Shaoze and the Devil.

Haven’t we always said that we want to do business all over the world? Right now may be an opportunity.

I believe that these neutral forces will be very welcome. At least doing business with us, they can get cheap and precious spiritual resources. Such as fairy spirit. "

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up, "Ha, it's still Meixianzi's carefulness, we actually forgot this."

"Huh, you guys, every day I think about playing this and that, these eyes are gradually floating above my head. Where do you remember these little things."

Bai Yutang snorted: "If you don't show your muscles, where is the tranquility of the Ocean Group."

"So I said it was a small thing." Mei Qianyun looked at Bai Yutang provocatively.

"Okay." Zhang Hao interrupted these two guys who were getting closer recently. "It's basically certain now that it won't take long for the division of the two forces in the northern and southern hemispheres to become a foregone conclusion.

What is most important to us at present is how to plan the future.

Mei Qianyun's proposal is very good. Although we have developed rapidly in recent years, we have overlooked many details.

Next, within the Ocean Group, we should vigorously support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and welcome all parties from the neutral camp to invest and register enterprises. Ocean Group will appropriately open some commercial resources, etc., so that they can get the goods at a fair price. "

"There are also brand strategies and complete solutions!" Zheng Shaojie, one year older than Zhang Hao, said calmly, "I have carefully observed and executed this set of solutions before and found that the effect is very good.

On the premise of ensuring technical advantages and product quality, brand strategy allows us to occupy the high-end market and control the development of technology.

In addition, it is a complete package. At present, the development time of science and technology is only 17 years. There are not many people who understand technology; but the market has great demand for technology.

Then, a complete and systematic solution can not only attract more users, but also seize the market through reasonable after-sales service.

Especially in the world of Xuanhuang, the repair, maintenance, and even upgrading of those huge land cities, not to mention the technology, even many small enterprises can't do it. Only medium and large-scale, comprehensive enterprises are qualified to do it.

Although the Lingbo Group is good, after migration, it would take two years to re-develop and form a scale. These two years should be enough for us to strive to grasp the global market and take root.

Especially with the development of globalization, banks are becoming more important. Luzhou Bank needs to accelerate its expansion and issue more banknotes. We will also develop new businesses and strive for cross-continental business payment and other services. "

Everyone gradually had a direction, and a huge business plan began to unfold. From now on, the Ocean Group has begun a comprehensive transformation in business, technology, finance, and trade.

Until the next morning, a huge business plan and global expansion plan were finally implemented.

However, everyone did not have time to rest. Breakfast was Pigudan, a cup of spirit tea, and continued to discuss new issues:

The separation between North and South can already be seen, so in this world of spiritual practice, masters are a problem that cannot be ignored.

Dayang Group's 500-phase master plan is now half completed, and we need to make persistent efforts to cultivate 500-phase masters as soon as possible. In addition, we must try to study the late phase of the Fa, and even the next level.

In addition to spiritual practice, there is also the foundation of Dayang Group-science and technology. Computer, aerospace and other research needs to be accelerated, industrial scale. Especially the global communication system needs to be established as soon as possible.

Especially important is that after so many years of development and layout, the Ocean Group needs to go further and build itself into a world academic center.

The academic right to speak must be in your own hands!

Well, the Ocean Group needs an important event.

At noon, Zhang Hao wrote a line on the blackboard: World Standards Seminar.

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