Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 10 Monster Beast

Chapter 10: Demonic Beasts

He said that even without the trial run of the detection function, he had no pressure to make modifications.

Of course, he still maintained a cautious attitude and didn't use any strange logic.

Now that he's just getting started, luck is seriously lacking, and he doesn't have the resources to experiment. If he fails, it will seriously affect his growth.

The apprentice stage does not prolong life. With such exaggerated experience growth, in order to enter the Taiji period and become a mage or other classification, it is a long road. He must make good use of every initial resource.

Facing the core code, Zhang Deming began to work.

If (perform the Growth Technique and maintain continuous spiritual power output) {then the Growth Technique is successfully performed} otherwise {then the Growth Technique fails to be performed, or the Growth Technique stops}.

Unlike the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell, Zhang Deming made many detailed modifications to the core code of the Growth Technique.

Because the Growth Technique is a continuous consumption skill.

If the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell requires fifty points of spiritual power for one casting.

The Growth Technique, on the other hand, consumes one point of spiritual power per second after being successfully activated. Being cautious in this difference is not wrong.

Watching all the code turn into runes, condensing into a white light sphere, and finally flying into the dantian to form a simple grass composed of runes.

Zhang Deming let out a long breath, it seems that being cautious was the right choice.

If it were defined in a careless manner like the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell, it would most likely fail.

After completing the compilation of the Growth Technique, the warehouse emptied again, leaving only half a golden light sphere and a newly glowing white dot.

Excited, Zhang Deming closed the editor.

He casually took out a vine seed from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

This was something he recently obtained from his fellow disciples for the purpose of studying spells. It is said to be one of the ideal seeds for casting the Growth Technique among ordinary plants.

Of course, the Growth Technique can be cast on any plant target.

When proficient, it can even directly condense into energy vines for use as a control skill in battle, although the consumption is much greater.

When proficient to a certain degree, it can also transform into a certain healing effect, making it a more comprehensive spell among low-level spells.

This makes it quite popular among the planting series of miscellaneous tasks.

As Zhang Deming's hands flew skillfully and he chanted incantations, the seed on the ground broke through its shell and quickly grew under Zhang Deming's spell.

Zhang Deming even clearly felt that he could control the growth and entanglement of the vines in front of him, and the vines were very powerful, at least several times stronger than him.

However, due to the rapid birth, the life of the vines was also very short.

Because the consumption was not great, Zhang Deming controlled the vines and began to experiment in the house.

After a while, Zhang Deming realized that the Growth Technique seemed to give him a certain combat ability.

Just as he was about to go out and continue experimenting, Zhang Deming suddenly felt a movement in his expression. It seemed that there was a commotion outside?

Looking at the time, it had just passed the lunch break and the sun was still high. At this time, on such a hot day, it wasn't time to be busy in the afternoon yet, right?

Zhang Deming quickly dispelled the spell, and the strong and powerful vines withered visibly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a moment, they turned into dots of light and disappeared into the air, leaving behind a small pile of ashes the size of a seed.

After tidying up, Zhang Deming opened the door.

At this moment, Zong En had just arrived in the yard.

Zhang Deming glanced at the loud noise outside and the figures rushing towards the spiritual field, and asked in confusion, "What's going on?"

Zong En in the yard shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Deming looked outside and said, "What's going on with Lingtian?"

Zong En nodded and said, "It should be."

"Let's go and take a look. The harvest should be in these two days. This season, I should have at least one piece of spiritual stone income. I don't want to work for half a year in vain."

Zhang Deming looked at the commotion outside, hesitated for a moment, and walked outside.

Zong En was more proactive than Zhang Deming. The rewards for the Lingdao in the Miscellaneous Department were directly related to the harvest.

Fifty jin of Lingdao passed, sixty jin earned one piece, seventy jin earned two pieces, and over seventy-five jin earned three pieces.

And Zong En's Lingtian might even exceed seventy jin of harvest.

The two quickly left the courtyard and found that it was even more lively outside.

Many people had run out.

Lingtian was not far from where they were, and everyone headed straight for Lingtian.

Zhang Deming stopped someone halfway and asked, "What happened?"

As one of the four masters of the newly established successful spells, Zhang Deming still had some prestige.

The other person said, "I heard that there's a monster. It has already eaten a lot of rice from Senior Brother Liu's Lingtian."

"A monster? A rice thief, a spiritual rabbit?" Zhang Deming frowned and asked.

The other person nodded and said, "It seems so."

Zhang Deming's frown deepened. "That's not right. A few days ago, didn't Manager Feng send out a reconnaissance mission? I saw the outer disciple come to patrol Xiaqing Mountain."

"And Manager Feng has been wandering around a lot recently. How did this guy suddenly appear?"

"I don't know. I just woke up and heard them say it."

At this point, the two stopped communicating because they had arrived at Lingtian.

At this moment, there were more than a dozen spiritual farmers around Lingtian. In a short moment, almost all the rice farmers had gathered.

Many people were holding various sticks, and a few even had heavy hoes.

In front of the crowd, not far from the rice field, a half-human-tall giant rabbit was fighting against three miscellaneous workers.

Well, it couldn't be called a fight, it was more like a pounce and encirclement.

Around them, about one and a half plots of land had been destroyed, not because of the battle, but mostly because they had been eaten.

Among the three pouncing miscellaneous workers, a half-blooded young man covered in blood was the main force, and he seemed a bit crazy.

He was the owner of this devastated Lingtian, Liu Yahui, a low-key fellow disciple who had been farming for about six years.

There was a huge wound on his shoulder, and blood was flowing from it, staining half of his body red.

But he seemed completely indifferent, with a somewhat crazy expression, fighting against the giant rabbit with the three of them.

The giant rabbit was half-human-tall, about the size of a wild dog, and looked no different from an ordinary rabbit. Judging from its appearance, it should be a junior apprentice-level monster.

The only spell attack should have been delivered by Liu Yahui, causing the injury on the rabbit's shoulder.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been dragged around by three miscellaneous workers like this.

Zhang Deming looked at Liu Yahui. In his impression, this person was ruthless.

It could be seen from the fact that his rice was slightly better than his own, indicating how much effort he had put in.

This was not because Zhang Deming's skills were lacking. After ten years of rice farming, his skills were impeccable.

(End of this chapter)

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