Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 103 Is It Soft Or Hard?

Chapter 103 Is it soft or hard?

Hearing this, Zhang Deming suddenly looked at the others, who all had spiritual winds surging slightly on their feet, and said with a smile:

"There's nothing I can do. I'm a timid person, so I need to work harder to save my life."

He Tuan also started to talk in a friendly manner: "Junior brother, how many years have you been in the profession?"

Zhang Deming said without changing his expression: "It's been five or six years."

Ling'er and Feng Mingyou glanced at Zhang Deming together. Zhang Deming was calm and composed.

"You can learn agility in five years and practice it to the mastery stage. Junior brother is really talented.

No wonder!

Let me tell you, everyone is looking for resources. In this case, Junior Brother Feng is willing to take you to practice. It turns out that you are a talented junior in your clan. "

Zhang Deming is not in the mood to build a relationship with the other party, so he doesn't want commercial flattery or anything like that.

After looking at the crowd, he said, "Let's go, everyone, let's go."

Several people nodded, and shot out.

Zhang Deming didn't run with all his strength, because his agility was about 20% faster than everyone else's.

Zhang Deming followed the large army, maintaining a common speed and running.

"Senior Sister Linger, what do you want to do?"

Zhang Deming adjusted his position and came to Linger's side, and the two tacitly distanced themselves from the crowd.

Everyone looked at it silently, but no one said anything.

"What? You are only allowed to go into the mountains to get resources, and I'm not allowed to get them?" Ling'er said with a tone of anger.

Zhang Deming said with a smile: "Is that so? It's really a destiny. They can all meet together and form a team."

"Isn't it!" Ling'er whispered.

Zhang Deming: "."

"With the status of senior sister, do you still need to worry about resources for promotion?

Sister, you should just sit and wait until the aura is full, and you don't need to apply for Apex Level resources to be delivered to your door, right? "Zhang Deming said.

Ling'er looked confused, and said puzzledly: "What are you talking about?"

What the hell is this little fat girl doing?

Do you dislike his current down-and-out 'childhood sweetheart', do you want to be his wife or not?

"Senior sister, are you pretending to be confused?" Zhang Deming said speechlessly.

Ling'er looked at Zhang Deming a little depressed, and her mood improved instantly, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Sweetly smiled and said: "Junior Brother, don't be so angry, it's useless to be angry, Senior Sister is soft but not hard."

Zhang Deming's expression was slightly blank, this little chubby girl's appearance is a bit outrageous now, with fantasy-level makeup and beauty.

This smile is a bit lethal.

After being dazed for a while, Zhang Deming said: "Oh, well, with my senior sister's beauty, in front of you, I may never be able to satisfy your appetite."

A hint of doubt flashed in Ling'er's eyes, and the four of them, who had been pricking their ears and listening to what kind of medicine Zhang Deming was selling in their gourds, suddenly looked strange.

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, he ran to the front of the team and led the race.

Ling'er looked at the weird expressions on everyone's faces, and thought back and forth between these two lines of dialogue between the two of them.

After a long time, her face turned red, and her blush was like a haze in an instant, and she whispered shyly: "You bastard, you're molesting me again!"

The expression of the little girl without the slightest anger made the expressions of the four people around him even more strange.

Huawei and He Tuan looked at Yu Ling and Feng Mingyou as if asking directly, and Yu Ling and Feng Mingyou exchanged rare glances.

Immediately without saying anything, the group of people quickly arrived at the primeval jungle in the back mountain, and plunged into it without hesitation.

In the dense primitive jungle, a group of six people were advancing rapidly.

As they continued to go deeper, they had passed through the safe zone and arrived at the dangerous zone.

There are no longer any law enforcement patrols from the sect, nor are there any disciples doing daily tasks.

Except for the bold ones, most of the outer disciples who come here come here to look for precious resources.

The spiritual veins of the Hengduan Mountains are intertwined, which makes the monster branch here extremely chaotic.

Of course, there are many precious resources in the mountains where few people come all year round.

They don't need to find their own promotion resources, they just need to find promotion resources.

Because if you don’t need it, you can submit it to the resources department in exchange for a contribution.

Then use your contributions in exchange for what you need. This is the best way to get contributions quickly.

Of course, if there are channels, you can also directly find someone to exchange materials.

After all, the resource department's contribution exchange, in addition to the main materials, other materials come and go, but a lot of contributions will be lost.

As everyone went deeper for a while, they had already moved from the ground to jumping between trees.

Because as we go deeper, the surrounding area has completely turned into a primitive jungle, and there is no trace of popularity.

There are thick bushes below, making it not only difficult to walk through, but also very dangerous.

"Okay, let's rest for a while!

After leaving the edge area, you must retain more than 80% of your spiritual power at all times to prevent emergencies. "

Arriving at a huge hardwood tree, Huawei took the initiative to speak. After speaking, he specifically looked at Zhang Deming and Ling'er, who were only intermediate apprentices.

After hearing this, everyone stopped and randomly found a branch to rest.

"Let's turn to the northeast later and stay away from the south." During the break, Ling'er suddenly said.

"This is for"



Before He Tuan's questioning words came out, Feng Mingyou and Yu Ling both responded.

Huawei frowned slightly and looked at the two of them, a little strange.

I don’t understand why the two of them are willing to let a girl who is an intermediate apprentice make the decision.

However, they only set a general area and no specific route, so he didn't ask much about this trivial matter.

Yu Ling heard that Feng Mingyou was the same as him, and he agreed very simply.

He looked at Feng Mingyou again, and then glanced at Zhang Deming, who was silent, thoughtfully.

He Tuan looked around at everyone, then shut up and stopped talking.

Vaguely, he felt rejected.

It was suspected that they were two people with juniors. There was a vague tendency among the four to stick together, excluding the two of them.

Although there is no clear statement, the subconscious behavior has been revealed. What is even more strange is that all this is just because the two juniors seem to have some unclear entanglements.

He looked at the smiling Huawei, then looked back at the two young men, lost in thought.

At this time, a huge shadow blocked the sunlight above their heads, and everyone looked up.

A huge goshawk flew across the sky and quickly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"During this period, the activities of monsters in the back mountain seem to be very frequent?

In these locations, monsters in the Tai Chi stage were rarely seen in the past, but recently they feel more common. "

Feng Mingyou whispered, but his eyes looked at Ling'er and Yu Ling.

The two of them seemed unaware, quietly recovering their spiritual power and did not answer the conversation.

(end of this chapter)

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