Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 115 Harvest Processing [Additional Update]

Chapter 115 Harvest Processing [Additional update]

After Zhang Deming and the other two people finished dealing with He Tuan's affairs, they discussed it and Zhang Deming returned to Xiaohuifeng.

When he came back, it was already late at night. Zhang Deming went directly back to Qingyou Jade Pavilion without disturbing the people at the door.

Originally prepared for several days of arduous outdoor life, due to unexpected circumstances, now he came back in one day, making many of the things Zhang Deming prepared useless.

And what happened today made him realize that he seemed to have made a mistake.

His situation is not suitable for teaming up with too many people.

Although he needs to raise the contribution points within one or two years, time is very tight.

But the best direction he should choose is to maximize his overall strength, and then go to the back mountain alone or with a strong teammate.

In this way, flexibility, security, and privacy will be better.

Now, in terms of combat, he has agility, growth, rumor, and spiritual shield.

When someone is promoted through the spirit-nurturing bead technique, there is also the spirit-nurturing summoning technique, and they can even fight across levels.

With his current amount of spiritual power, he only lacks a sustainable close-range spell and a high-explosion spell.

If it were any more, there would be almost no improvement based on his current spiritual power, and it would be a complete waste of time.

After thinking about this clearly, Zhang Deming thought about some things before falling on the bed and falling asleep.

Late at night, in the area of ​​the Outer Disciple Formation Department, Xue Su, who had been at the same table with Zhang Deming several times, was already asleep at the moment.


A very faint sound came from the bedroom.

Xue Su suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

Auras of light surged in his eyes, and spells in his hands flew. He actually had the cultivation level of a peak apprentice. He had been hiding his cultivation level by unknown means before.

Following his movements, the entire bedroom was instantly enveloped in spiritual light, and layers of formations emerged.

When he landed on the ground, the entire bedroom had been completely isolated by layers of formations, achieving the ultimate level of what he could do.

Then with an ugly look on his face, he quickly came to the corner of the room and opened the secret compartment.

In the dark compartment, the computer turned on automatically without knowing when, and it beeped softly.

The sound was obviously not loud, but in the ears of Xue Su, who had always been cautious, it seemed extremely harsh.

He opened the notebook with a very ugly expression. Unexpectedly, there was an additional document in the notebook.

Looking at the notebook, he whispered: "What the hell, didn't you tell me not to contact you proactively and not to send messages rashly?

Don’t you know how difficult it is to lurk? Are you still so careless? "

While whispering, he opened the extra file in his laptop.

The homepage was an extremely simple personal profile. After seeing the person shown on the profile, Xue Su was slightly startled.

Is this the deskmate who is suspected to have an insider background, Zhang Deming?

Xue Su's mind suddenly moved and he began to read the information seriously.

As a result, after browsing it, he found that this information was simpler than what he had recorded casually before.

He pursed his lips speechlessly, feeling that the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs was too unreliable.

Looking at the last request on the information, I fell into deep thought.

Urgent task: Collect this person's information as soon as possible to verify whether he is a disconnected lurker or a lurker developed outside. If it is other unofficial secret dealers in Tianyu, consider cooperation.

This is?

Is that guy really from Tianyu as I guessed?

That's right, the unique humorous atmosphere is not covered up much, and I don't know what consortium would allow such a person to lurk.

So was it really a coincidence that the other party made friends with me, or did he notice something that made him want to cooperate?

It's interesting. It seems that after finishing the important things at hand this time, we need to get in touch and get to know the bottom of it, so that we can handle the task at least.

He pondered for a long time before turning off the computer.

He paused while putting it down, then tapped the notebook. The notebook quickly folded into a watch and entered a complete sleep state.

After doing this, he safely put it back in, closed the secret compartment, and removed the entire room of formations.

Early the next morning, as soon as Zhang Deming woke up, there was a prompt on his ID card.

Early in the morning, Zhang Deming received a message from Feng Mingyou, saying that he was gathering to process the materials he brought back yesterday.

Zhang Deming doesn't care much about this. All the materials are only twenty or thirty spirit stones. It is definitely impossible to sell the Jade You. After all, they all lack contribution points.

In addition, both Feng Mingyou and Huawei have been working at the bottom for many years. Will they sell if they suffer a loss?

So Zhang Deming sent a message back and asked them to deal with it first, and he would come later.

After casually getting up, washing, cooking, and clocking in for exercise, I seemed to wake up completely.

After tidying up, when Zhang Deming came to the stall, the two of them had almost processed the materials.

Of course they were not sold at a stall, but sold to those treacherous people.

This is also necessary, otherwise it would be a waste of energy to put it up for ten days and a half before selling it.

Feng Mingyou looked at Zhang Deming and said, "You came just in time. Our materials have almost been sold out because there are materials for Tai Chi monsters. A total of thirty-four spirit stones have been sold."

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "Then according to the previous division, seventeen will be left to He Tuan, and the remaining seventeen will be divided equally among the three of us."

Feng Mingyou said: "It's not easy to tell now. Let's go see Qingyu You together first and see how much contribution we can make."

Zhang Deming nodded, and the three of them went to the outer door resource submission point. Feng Mingyou took out the jade box and said: "Resources are handed over, precious materials for promotion."

The other party was a middle-aged senior brother. He glanced at a few people, quickly clicked on a light screen, and then took the jade box and opened it.

He checked for a moment and said: "Qingyu You, thirty-five contributions, if you turn it in, you will get thirty contributions. Are you sure to submit it?"

Feng Mingyou nodded and said, "Yes."

The middle-aged senior brother was obviously familiar with this kind of team formation. He asked while operating: "How do you calculate your contribution points?"

Feng Mingyou first took out He Tuan's identity card and said, "Fifteen of them will be put into this card, and the remaining fifteen will be put into these three cards on average."

When the middle-aged senior brother heard this, he looked at the three of them sympathetically. It was obvious that there was an accident while handling resources.

With this kind of distribution, the team atmosphere is considered friendly.

The other party finished processing the things in a moment and planned to return a few identity cards.

Zhang Deming stepped forward and took out seven spiritual stones, and said: "Please help me redeem some more contribution points. I should still have the redemption share of seven spiritual stones.

In addition, exchange it for me for an entrance ticket to Sutra Pavilion. "

The middle-aged senior brother paused, nodded, and completed the operation quickly.

Feng Mingyou and Huawei both glanced at Zhang Deming without saying anything else.

After a few people got their identity cards and distributed the spirit stones, Huawei said, "Then we'll get together next time when we have time. I'm going to see how Tuan He is doing."

The two of them are friends and a long-term teammate.

Zhang Deming and Feng Mingyou nodded to him, and Huawei turned around and left directly.

Zhang Deming looked at Feng Mingyou and asked: "It looks like the team you were looking for before has just disbanded. Do you want to continue looking for a team?"

Feng Mingyou shook his head and said: "Last time, I worked hard and gained a lot. I had almost prepared the resources.

But for the sake of insurance, I want to wait.

Also, after promotion, no matter whether I succeed or fail, I won’t become a pauper. In addition, you contacted me and wanted to go together, so I chose to form a team again.

Now that this is the case, I decided to go back and meditate for a few days and directly send a promotion request. "

Zhang Deming was slightly stunned when he heard this. From being a salted fish back then, he has now come step by step. Has Feng Mingyou reached the stage of being promoted to Tai Chi?

All of this, although most of the credit is due to his twenty years of stingy life.

But a large part of the reason is because of his fueling the flames.

If this is not the case, it is estimated that the opponent will have to wait for at least ten years, and it may not necessarily be the Rank Two spell that condenses the rune core.

After being slightly lost in thought, Zhang Deming smiled and said: "Then I wish you success in advance!"

Feng Mingyou smiled and said: "Let me lend you some good words. How about you?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "I guess it won't be too far, but there is still a lot to be done in terms of contribution, so I should probably go to the back mountain a few more times.

Who knows the specific situation! "

Seeing this, Feng Mingyou said: "I hope that when we meet again, we will already be at the inner sect."

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "I hope so."

What Zhang Deming did not say was that even if he could master Tai Chi in a short time, he would not be promoted to the inner sect immediately.

His talent background does not allow him to do this. After all, he does not have Feng Mingyou's twenty years of experience.

After the two parted, Zhang Deming walked towards Sutra Pavilion.

Now he has contributed a total of fourteen points. He spent three points to change the token, and there are still eleven points left, which is enough for him to change the spell. There is no need to go to the flea market to get a small advantage of the spell.

He didn't want to return it a thousand times after entering the inner door.

Arriving at Sutra Pavilion, Zhang Deming was thinking about what kind of close combat method to choose.

boxing? It’s too popular!

Sword skills? This seems good!

fencing? This is awesome!

Stick skills? When a man plays with a stick, does he want to be single for the rest of his life?

How about a sword? Become a legendary swordsman who is astonishing to the sky?

Zhang Deming was thinking while choosing a technique.

Hey, this is it?

"Shadow: Mastery of Close Skills"

Zhang Deming looked at this strange book and opened the introduction.

Zhang Deming looked at it for a moment, with a weird look on his face. This was an imitation technique similar to Xiaowuxiang Gong.

After learning this technique, he can be said to have learned most of the near-tech techniques, but the effect is that he is a little bit proficient in everything and not proficient in any of them.

Moreover, the requirements for learning this technique are also very painful.

The requirement is to figure out enough close-up techniques before you can understand the basics.

Ha, this thing is very interesting, it’s you.

As for explosive spells, well, choose this book "Jade Thorns and Thorns", which can complement the growth spell.

Zhang Deming chose the technique and came to the counter. The senior brother was still guarding the door.

Zhang Deming handed over the two spells and said: "Burn."

The other party still lowered his head, stretched out his hand to touch the spells, and found two books. The other party paused, then raised his head and said:

"The entry order can only burn one copy for free, and two copies require a three-point contribution."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Hongbin looked at the two magic books and stopped talking.

A pair of eyes stared at "Shadow: Mastery of Close Skills" for a long time, and then looked up at Zhang Deming like an idiot.

He was about to speak, but when he saw Zhang Deming, he was slightly startled and said, "Is it you? The boy who changed the spiritual cultivation technique?"

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "Hello, senior brother!"

"You didn't listen to my advice last time. Now you know the difficulty of spiritual cultivation." Jiang Hongbin said.

Zhang Deming smiled and did not reply.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongbin stopped talking about what happened last time. Instead, he pointed to "Shadow: Mastery of Close Skills" and said:

"I said you are becoming more and more unreliable. Do you know what this thing is like?

If you want to learn this thing, you must first learn most of the near-technical methods, and then learn this to gain all the insights of Integrated Union. "

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "I understand."

"You know nothing, this thing is even more unreliable than spiritual cultivation.

Um, that's not right either.

It is said that this thing is a spiritual cultivator. In order to make various spiritual cultivating beads, he spent a lot of energy and learned a large number of elementary spells.

For Integrated Union, I refined all the near-technical methods I have learned and created something. Jiang Hongbin said directly.

Zhang Deming really understands that in the martial arts world, this thing probably means that after others learn boxing, stick skills, sword skills, etc., they use it to Integrated Union to create Martial Dao.

In other words, it is the synthesis of Martial Dao.

In turn, does this mean that after learning it, the insights Zhang Deming will gain will probably be very rich and include countless insights on recent technical methods?

Seeing that Zhang Deming was unmoved, Jiang Hongbin shook his head and said: "It's up to you, my contribution is not wasted anyway.

By the way, there's something else I haven't told you. "

12,000 delivered, please vote for me, please recommend me

(end of this chapter)

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