Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 128 Hall Allocation

Chapter 128 Hall Allocation

If this change occurs after the fifth person comes in, everyone may think that there are only five places here and only five people can enter.

After all, there were only five entry orders when I came in.

But after the fifth one came in and waited another quarter of an hour for such a change to occur, the result would not be too much.

When the seats were transformed, a light shield rose from the top of the round table, covering the table, and then balls of light suddenly spit out from the center of the table.

The ball of light is slightly larger than a fist, with something wrapped in the middle.


After spitting out five balls of light in succession, the movement at the center of the circle stopped.

The fifth ball of light was not spit out so happily, it was very hesitant, as if the judgment system of the formation was a little confused or uncertain.

When the light balls were completely spit out, the five light balls floated on the table, began to rotate rapidly around the center of the circle, and slowly expanded, moving towards the five people.

Initially at the center of the circle, perhaps because the circle is small, the five light balls rotate very fast.

The five people only saw roughly that there should be something inside, but they didn't see exactly what it was.

But when they rotated to half of the round table, the speed was already very slow, and they could already see clearly what was inside the five light balls.

"Sword Grass!!!"

After seeing the items clearly, Li Shifan was the first to couldn't help but speak out. He could see the contents of one of the light balls almost at a glance.

Zhang Deming also saw it at this time. It was a rather ordinary-looking grass, swaying slightly in the ball of light.

The only unusual thing is that there is a sharp aura on it at this moment, which is slightly entangled with Li Shifan's aura.

"Twin-tailed demon fox bloodline?!!!"

Sha Xingping, one of the first two people to arrive without injury, also said in surprise at this time.

His eyes were also staring closely at a ball of light at this moment, with a swimming blood-like liquid inside.

An illusory figure of a two-tailed demon fox swam nimbly in the ball of light. As it swam, its blood kept moving, making it appear very spiritual.

Obviously, this extractor of the blood of the two-tailed demon fox is a very professional person.

It is obvious that this bloodline has been extracted almost perfectly, maintaining its maximum spirituality.


This is?

Fetal jade?

At this time, Zhang Deming also saw something inside one of the light balls.

It was a pink-white jade. The jade was in the shape of a fetus. It seemed alive, like it was being gestated in the womb.

It seems to be really fetal jade!

Fetal jade, like the Yin Yang Hui Yuan Jing in Zhang Deming's pocket, is also a main material for promotion to the Apex Level, and it is a summoning type, the most advanced main material for the Apex Level.

Each category has some Apex Level main ingredients, which can not only be shared, but can even replace all main ingredients.

Note that it means all, that is to say, for any recipe, as long as it has this main ingredient, other main ingredients are optional. Of course, the auxiliary ingredients are still needed.

Because it is the most Apex Level, it can be shared, and it is still a summoning type, it is difficult to get the fetal jade in the sect, at least not in the outer sect.

Because few people exchange it for contribution points, and if they don’t use it themselves, they will use it to exchange for other things, and they can also gain certain relationships.

Especially for Zhang Deming, there was no recipe for the spirit summoning technique. He planned to use the most similar demon spirit summoning formula, modify the formula, and try to promote the spirit summoning.

Whether it will be successful or not, I don’t know at the moment, but with the fetal jade, there will at least be no problem with the formula, because the fetal jade is suitable for all summons and promotions!

Zhang Deming quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and tried not to let his emotions show out. At the same time, he began to observe his surroundings.

Zhang Deming turned his head and looked at the remaining two light balls. Inside one was a substantial stream of light composed of a bunch of messy runes.

Something so iconic is the easiest to recognize.

The most advanced ingredient of the formation, Apex Level - Rune Streamer.

The other Zhang Deming did not have enough knowledge and did not recognize what it was.

There seemed to be a black smoke in the ball of light. The smoke was constantly billowing, sometimes condensing into various animals, and sometimes changing into various monsters of different shapes.

This thing was also the last ball of light that was spit out. The last ball of light that was spit out was not crisp, as if there was some hesitation.

Zhang Deming looked at the person with the broken hand. At this time, the other person was staring closely at the ball of smoke and light.

The glint in his eyes made Zhang Deming pause slightly and narrow his eyes slightly.


Ah! Seriously injured?

"Sword Grass, Fetal Jade, Rune Streaming Light, Double-tailed Demon Fox Bloodline, and even the Soul Mist are all the main materials for promotion to the Apex Level.

It seems that it is still customized according to us.

In other words, the five of us are going to be sword cultivators, summoners, array cultivators, bloodline cultivators, and magical revenants. "

Xue Su looked at the five light balls, and looked back and forth between the light balls and the four people at the table who were jealous.

Seeing that the four of them were silent, he continued: "Oh, this reward is really thoughtful, it's tailor-made!

So, should we each take what he has, or should we discuss and discuss it further? "

After Xue Su finished speaking, everyone looked at Qu Huai who had a broken hand and looked wary of the four of them.

It was obviously a corresponding reward, and no one here was stupid. When he meant 'discussing', everyone knew exactly what he was referring to, or who he was referring to.

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment, coming here to be so generous, tailor-made and upgraded to Apex Level main ingredients.

Obviously there are only ruins, and after the assessment, the main ingredients for Apex Level promotion are given, which is much richer than the Heavenly Spirit Sect inner gate trial.

As a broken secret realm, such a no-brainer assessment can still run normally and even give such good things.

In addition, this lone wolf who seemed to know the secret realm very well at first, but now is the only one who is seriously injured, and his corresponding light ball is so unreliable.


This secret realm becomes more and more interesting and intriguing!

Zhang Deming glanced at Qu Huai, and then began to express his position calmly: "I just want my share, you can do it yourself."

Xue Su paused slightly when he heard the words. Li Shifan's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he looked at Qu Huai thoughtfully.

He didn't get along with Zhang Deming for a long time, but what he knew about Zhang Deming's character was that he was definitely not a sympathetic person.

Such a person, or under such circumstances, cannot easily give up a piece of meat that reaches his mouth.

So there is probably only one possibility for Zhang Deming to do this.

Li Shifan paused, and then said coldly: "I only want my sword grass."

There is a big group and unconditional support for Zhang Deming.

Don't make it too obvious that the intention is based on Zhang Deming's decision.

Xue Su looked at Zhang Deming and pondered for a while, still a little unwilling.

But he didn't say anything to Zhang Deming, but turned his head to look at Sha Xingping, who was also unharmed, and asked, "What about you?"

“Although they are all Apex Level ingredients, the magic-type ingredients should be the least common, right?

Things are rare and valuable, so everyone's losses should be compensated. "Sha Xingping looked at the seriously injured Qu Huai and said calmly.

He is also a person with a high IQ, after Zhang Deming and the other two expressed their refusal to participate.

He chose not to exclude the other party directly, but to squeeze the oil, and he did not become independent to arouse conflicts, but also maximized benefits.

Qu Huai's pale complexion was somewhat ugly, and he asked, "How much compensation do you want?"

"The main ingredients of Apex Level, the lowest market price is around three to five hundred spirit stones, although there is a price but no market.

Let’s count it as three hundred for yours, and two hundred for ours.

So if you supplement each of us, the price difference of twenty-five spirit stones will do. "Lone wolf Sha Xing said flatly, Xue Su nodded in agreement, obviously giving Sha Xingping a platform.

Qu Huai's complexion was very ugly, with deep eyes, he looked at Zhang Deming and said, "What about you?"

Zhang Deming spread his hands and said, "I said, I only want my share, and if you insist on giving me spirit stones, I don't mind."

What Zhang Deming said made Sha Xingping slightly taken aback.

If Zhang Deming had a mentality of not wanting to cause trouble before, now he has come forward. Zhang Deming obviously should not be the answer, and he can definitely follow and take advantage.

Could it be...?

Xue Su and Sha Xingping looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding between them.

Holding the sword, Li Shifan didn't say a word, obviously supporting Zhang Deming's words.

Qu Huai paused, took out a card from his waist, manipulated it casually, and said, "Fifty spirit stones, share among yourself, cough cough."

While speaking, he suddenly coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood. The injury looked very serious, and the cards in his hand were stained with blood.

He tried his best to endure a few times, and swallowed back the blood in his throat, so as not to continue coughing up blood.

Only then did he throw out the bloody spirit stone card.

Sha Xingping looked at Qu Huai who was coughing up blood, his eyes flickered, and he turned to look at Xue Su. Xue Su looked at Zhang Deming and shook his head slightly at him.

Seeing this, Sha Xingping also glanced at Zhang Deming, stopped pressing the oil further and stopped.

At this time, the five light balls had spread to a place within reach of Zhang Deming and others.

The mask on the table flickered a few times before disappearing.

The atmosphere among the five people instantly became tense, and no one dared to make a move rashly.

Zhang Deming took a deep breath and said: "Come one by one!"

Sha Xingping asked, "Who will go first?"

Immediately, the five of them fell silent for a while.

Li Shifan suddenly spoke, breaking the silence, looking at Zhang Deming and said: "Brother, you go first, I last."

In one sentence, a delicate balance was instantly formed.

Because all the teams, except Zhang Deming, came over.

Therefore, such an arrangement can be accepted by several people.

Zhang Deming heard the words and nodded. When the fetal jade turned to him, he carefully reached out and took off the fetal jade.

Nothing happened. Zhang Deming passed his hand directly through the ball of light and took out the jade inside.

A blank ball of light was left, continuing to rotate on it.

Because it was Li Shifan who decided the position in the beginning, the remaining three people all looked at him.

Li Shifan looked at the seriously injured Qu Huai and said, "You are second."

Qu Huai was stunned for a moment, then reached out decisively to grab the black smoke ball of light that turned in front of him.

A ball of black smoke that kept struggling was caught in his hand.

What surprised the four of them was that he didn't put it in a container, but threw it directly into his mouth.

I don’t know if he chose a semi-Integrated Union or if he used the body as a container because of the special material.

Li Shifan also paused, looked at Qu Huai deeply, then turned to look at Sha Xingping and said, "You continue."

Sha Xingping raised his hand, took out an exquisite jade bottle, and put the blood in it.

The last two remaining light balls were exactly in the same position as the two of them.

There was no sequence, they both grabbed their things at the same time.

When the five people got all the materials, the five people relaxed slightly from their tense state.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly. The previous assessment seemed to be screening.

But the reward section is a bit unfriendly. From the seat changes to the light ball selection, it seems to be a bit contradictory.

There is an obvious disharmony between the front and back of this ruins, which makes it even more intriguing.

At this time, as the five light balls filled the sky, they all flashed for a moment, and then they all disappeared with a 'wave' sound.

The five people instantly felt that they were being pushed and stood up, and the chairs behind them all disappeared.

At this time, a huge door suddenly appeared on the other side of the hall.

The five people looked at each other, kept their distance, and came to the gate.

The closed door suddenly appeared with five grooves on it. The moment they looked at the grooves, several people were stunned.

They all took out various command symbols. The moment the command symbols appeared, a word appeared on everyone's command symbols.

Three are good, Zhang Deming is a good one, and Xue Su's is an excellent one.

The five words were directly condensed into five transparent talismans, which were inlaid on the door.


There was a loud noise, the huge door opened automatically, and a deep and huge tunnel appeared in front of the five people.

There is no teleportation, so at this stage, different ratings open a door, which does not separate them, and has no other effects. Different ratings go together. What does this mean?

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, and once again felt some contradictions in this broken secret realm. This time, he clearly felt that it was incongruous.

The few people looked at each other again and stepped into the passage.

"Da da."

The passage was very wide and very high. The five people walking in it looked a little small, and their footsteps echoed in the passage.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, Sha Xingping frowned slightly, looked at Xue Su and said, "Is this a formation or a real place?"

Xue Su was a little surprised when he was asked a sudden question. He paused before saying:

"It should be true. With my formation skills, if I want to be able to detect no trace at all, I must have at least a three-star formation or above.

So instead of believing that we have entered a three-star formation or above, I prefer to believe that this is a real passage. "

Hearing this, Sha Xingping nodded and said, "Then this passage is really long."

Zhang Deming said calmly at this time: "What I'm more concerned about is why the repair is so big. This place is obviously either underground or in the mountains.

Is this kind of passage built so big just for the sake of appearance, or because of the size of the people or things passing by..."

(end of this chapter)

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