Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 133 Origin Of Spiritual Cultivation

Chapter 133 Origin of Spiritual Cultivation

As the light ball was swept by the energy flow, the entire attic and even the entire island shook for a long time.

The light curtain below flickered even more, and water ripples appeared continuously.

After a long time, he regained his composure.

But on the originally completely transparent and invisible light curtain, some slightly invisible filaments appeared, which looked like some small cracks.

Zhang Deming was in a trance. When he reappeared, he had changed places. Apparently he was on the third floor. Looking at the layout, it was obviously the top floor of the attic.

Several people turned around and saw that Zhang Deming had not brought out the ball of light, with serious expressions on their faces.

With a disappointed expression on his face, Zhang Deming entered the warehouse with his mind. A jade slip lay there quietly, and he couldn't help but smile in his heart.

Rank Five skills, in the inner gate of Heavenly Spirit Sect, the very precious Apex Level exists.

After confirming the technique, Zhang Deming breathed a sigh of relief and then began to look around.

After seeing the surrounding situation clearly, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned and asked doubtfully: "Is this?"

Li Shifan said: "It should be the inheritance place."

I saw that the third floor was much smaller than the second floor, and there were several round platforms in the entire attic.

Some round platforms are empty, while others have a light mask with a skeleton sitting cross-legged inside.

There was only a round platform, overflowing with light, and inside the light shield, sitting a middle-aged man wearing gorgeous Taoist robes.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes, as if asleep, and his powerful aura could be felt through the light shield.

Except for a few metallic spots on the back of his hands, the other person's whole body was perfect.

"Place of inheritance?" Zhang Deming asked doubtfully.

Xue Su and Sha Xingping also looked at Li Shifan in confusion. Qu Huai, who wanted to speak, closed his mouth and looked at Li Shifan.

Li Shifan said: "Before the emergence of spiritual cultivators and their popularity, that is, thousands of years ago, there was only one way to quickly learn magic, and that was inheritance.

Elders who are approaching their longevity practice special spells and then use special means to seal themselves.

Turn the last bit of life into the power of inheritance.

Disciples of the younger generation, after choosing special training, can accept the inheritance and gain the lifelong insights of their elders.

The advantage of doing this is that it allows people to grow quickly.

The downside...

You must have better talent than this elder to reach a certain height of the other person. Note that it is a certain height, not the same height.

The elders with sixty points of spiritual roots, the descendants of Liangyi cultivation and inheritance must exceed sixty points of spiritual roots, and they can only grow to the peak of Tai Chi quickly.

And it will be difficult to make breakthroughs in this life.

The disadvantages are obvious, but the advantage is that you can quickly get through the period of depression in your family or sect.

For this reason, before there is a spiritual cultivator, families that have reached a certain level will begin to prepare such a place of inheritance, just in case.

When the need arises, he doesn't mind sacrificing the potential of one or two disciples to complete rapid training of combat power.

However, after the birth of the spiritual cultivator, the inheritance method in most places was changed to hiding several sets of spiritual cultivating beads, and using complete sets of spiritual cultivating beads as a foundation for inheritance.

For example, a swordsman family prepares five basic sword skills, five Rank Two stars, and five Rank Three advanced sword skills.

This is enough to complete a set, and it can ensure that the potential of the family's talented disciples is not consumed, and there is still a chance to rise.

Of course, for this reason, spirit-nurturing beads above Rank Two are becoming more and more expensive, and the better the grade, the more expensive they are. "

Zhang Deming frowned slightly when he heard this.

From these round tables, Zhang Deming could clearly feel the aura of the spirit-nurturing beads, especially the middle-aged man who looked like a living person. Zhang Deming felt that he was a spirit-nurturing bead.

According to Li Shifan, it shouldn't feel like this.

"You mean, these...inheritances...are doing more harm than good to us?" Xue Su asked.

Li Shifan nodded and said: "Yes, of course you think that you will never be able to surpass these people in your life. You can also choose to accept the inheritance."

At this time, Qu Huai suddenly said: "What you said is the early inheritance, and this is the spiritual cultivation inheritance."

Li Shifan asked doubtfully: "Lingnurturing inheritance?"

Qu Huai nodded and said: "The reason why the spirit cultivating master's spirit cultivating beads have become the current market trend is not only due to their efficacy, but also because they were a little skewed when they were first derived.

The original spiritual cultivation technique was used to cultivate babies, but its development has always been unsatisfactory.

Thousands of years ago, Luan Yuling was a top summoner from the Luan family in the Sacred Land.

Before his death, he chose to proclaim himself, intending to leave the core inheritance in case the sect becomes inactive in the future.

But when he was self-proclaimed, Rank Four's spiritual cultivation technique, oh, it wasn't called spiritual cultivation technique at that time, it was also called enlightenment technique.

It mutated when Luan Yuling combined the inheritance technique and proclaimed himself. The enlightenment technique and the inheritance technique Integrated Union mutated. From then on, the spirit-nurturing inheritance appeared.

This is the original prototype of the spirit-nurturing bead!

The spirit-nurturing inheritance technique involves cultivating one's own spirit and refining one's self into a bead. The self, whose life is approaching, is trained into a semi-living, reusable spirit-nurturing bead.

In this way, the inheritance is passed on to the next generation. At that time, it was called the inheritance of spiritual cultivation. "

When Qu Huaiyan came here, he paused, looked at everyone, and continued: "The inheritance of spiritual cultivation inherits the advantages of the inheritance technique, but does not inherit its shortcomings.

When a successor is successfully condensed, it is like a spirit-nurturing bead that can be reused several times.

This spirit-nurturing bead also contains a person's lifelong spiritual enlightenment, not the enlightenment of a magic technique.

This started the era of spiritual cultivation and inheritance, and countless geniuses rose like comets because of the inheritance.

If the practitioner had not received the inheritance, he would not be able to condense himself into the inheritance again before death to complete the superposition.

Then the era of spiritual cultivation will be even more glorious.

However, the age of spiritual cultivation did not last long, only a thousand years, which can be said to be extremely short in the world of cultivation.

Because the Luan family relied on the spirit-nurturing inheritance technique to become an Apex Level existence in a blessed land, countless disciples chose to summon them one after another to study the mutated spirit-nurturing inheritance technique.

At that time, the secondary technique was still the Rank Four technique.

About seven or eight thousand years ago, the spirit-nurturing technique was accidentally developed and mutated by a disciple again, turning it into a Rank One technique.

A technique that can be used as the core of runes, the Spirit Nurturing Master was born, and the Spirit Nurturing Pearl also appeared.

But because it was originally a Rank Four technique and mutated into a Rank One technique, it is difficult to practice.

Even so, the blessed land of spiritual cultivation, because of such a new profession, the comet reached the top, the Sacred Land was lifted high, and it became the spiritual cultivation Sacred Land. "

"You mean, these inheritances are harmless spiritual cultivation inheritances?

According to what you said, why didn't you quietly step forward to accept the inheritance yourself, instead of telling us what to do? " Li Shifan said.

(end of this chapter)

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