Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 14 Lectures

Chapter 14: Lecture

Zhang Deming took out a lot of compiled Minor Cloud and Rain Spell and shared the insights he had gained.

The people below, from initially not paying attention, gradually started listening attentively to Zhang Deming's lecture.

On the square, under the entire banyan tree, it slowly became quiet.

"Alright, let's stop here for today."

Half an hour later, based on his own insights, Zhang Deming gave a systematic and easy-to-understand explanation of the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell.

Many miscellaneous disciples who had never taken formal spell courses gained a lot.

"Ming-ge, you're really amazing. You're almost catching up to the senior disciples who give lectures outside the sect. With this ability, when you go outside the sect, you'll be able to thrive." Lv Guo looked at Zhang Deming and said.

"You can brag all you want. It sounds like you've been to lectures outside the sect." Zhang Deming looked at Lv Guo, rolled his eyes, and said.

"Ming-ge, don't doubt me. I'm telling the truth. I even think that you explain it better than the senior apprentice brothers who give lectures." Zhang Deming looked at Lv Guo's serious expression and said in surprise, "You paid a high price of one spirit stone per class. Did you really go? It's quite a sacrifice. That's half a year's worth of earnings. And I heard that you don't gain much from just attending one class."

Lv Guo nodded and said, "I know it might not necessarily be effective, but I couldn't accept it. So I spent the money and went once. As for the result, you've seen it too."

Zhang Deming shook his head when he heard this and said, "I also thought about going down that path. After all, besides attending classes, you can also get to know many senior brothers and expand your network, which is also a great gain. But I did a detailed analysis, using the most basic Minor Cloud and Rain Spell as an example. Each set consists of three classes, and it costs three spirit stones to attend all of them. If you can learn it, this investment is worth it. Even if it's five spirit stones, it's still worth it. However, the probability of being inspired and actually learning from the classes is less than one percent. It's better to save the spirit stones and wait for a breakthrough in cultivation. After entering the outer sect, you can think about spells."

"Ah, I didn't think that much at the time. How could I have been as thorough as you, Ming-ge? I just received the reward and got excited, so I went. I always felt that if others could do it, why couldn't I be one of them?" Lv Guo sighed.

Just because others can do it doesn't mean you can too. Zhang Deming shook his head and said, "With your attitude, you'll get excited when you receive spirit stones, but you won't be able to save even half a piece in your lifetime. When you need spirit stones for a breakthrough in cultivation, but you don't have any money, let's see how you'll cry."

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my god!"

"Oh my goodness!"

"What the hell!"

"Another big shot is born?"

The conversation between the two was interrupted by countless voices. Zhang Deming also looked up in astonishment.

Above their heads, a thin white cloud slowly formed.

So there really are people who have such good luck that they directly achieve a breakthrough because of his lecture?

Dozens of people looked at the young man in the crowd who was flipping his hands rapidly with astonishment and disbelief.

Peng Tuan, nineteen years old.

Seven years since entering the sect, seven years of rice cultivation.

Four years of sensing qi, four years of cultivation, and four years of understanding the Cloud and Rain Technique.

In Zhang Deming's mind, the other party's information suddenly emerged.

Now, because of Zhang Deming's class, the last layer of window paper has been pierced.

Many people, with envy in their eyes, watched as his hands flew and he recited words.

There were also some people, with fiery eyes, looking at Zhang Deming who had not yet left.

It seemed that at this moment, Zhang Deming was their lifesaving straw for mastering the technique.

Because it was evening break time and dinner was approaching, many people were gathered around. The commotion caused by the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell was not insignificant.

Moreover, it was the first time in many years that the square had witnessed the realization of the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell.

This technique exchange meeting had always been regarded by everyone as a way to show off.

In a corner of the square, near the cafeteria entrance, several small Qingshan managers gathered together and saw another farmer complete the spell.

Turning to Feng Mingyou, one of them said, "Old Feng, congratulations! Another technique has been mastered. This is the fifth one in your yard, right? It seems that you have gained quite a lot from the rewards for cultivating external disciples this year. If you come here a few more times, within ten years, you will be able to gather enough resources to make a breakthrough to the Taiji stage, won't you?"

Feng Mingyou just smiled faintly and didn't take the compliment seriously.

Instead, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Deming in front of the crowd under the banyan tree.

He had been standing here since Zhang Deming started teaching.

From beginning to end, he listened attentively.

It had to be said that he hadn't seen through this servant who had been lurking in his hands for ten years.

The other party not only had astonishing talent, but also had a knack for teaching.

This level of skill was only the beginning, and it was even more profound than most senior brothers who specialized in teaching tasks outside.

As for someone comprehending the technique through this, he was no longer surprised.

Unfortunately, he had been shallow-minded at the time, thinking of trying to please the elders. Even though he knew the chances were slim, he couldn't help but hold onto a glimmer of hope.

As a result, he chose the wrong method to deal with it and missed the real opportunity.

Although the other party didn't mind those things from two years ago, he had completely lost the possibility of currying favor and seeking support.

He was very clear about this, so he didn't attempt to curry favor today.

After all, if he were in the other person's shoes, he would at most not mind and wouldn't go as far as turning around to lend a hand. It was completely wishful thinking.

On the small square, under the banyan tree, everyone eagerly watched as Peng Tuan performed the spell.

But Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment as soon as Peng Tuan completed the spell.

A golden dot flew directly into Zhang Deming's storage room.

And the just condensed white luck sphere also condensed another small half.

Could this be an unexpected joy?

As Peng Tuan completed the spell, strands of spiritual rain fell from the thin clouds above.

Because there was no water prepared, the rain was very light, not even wetting the hair.

After completing the spell, Peng Tuan suppressed his excitement and turned to Zhang Deming, bowing respectfully.

He solemnly said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhang, for teaching today. I will remember this favor."

In an instant, one sentence drew the attention of everyone on the square back to Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "Peng Junior Brother, you are too kind. I dare not take credit. You were just one step away from mastering the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell on your own. I only gave you a little push from behind. It was entirely your own effort."

"No, if it weren't for Senior Brother's guidance, I wouldn't have known when I could take that step. It could have been one day, or it could have been ten years. So, Senior Brother, I will definitely remember your favor," Peng Tuan said earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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