Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 144: Spells After Promotionedit

Chapter 144: Spells after promotionEdit

The clerk paused and said, "Senior, what you mean is that after you become proficient, the runes can become concrete.

But the practice of magic is so difficult, how many people can master it?

With this Rank Two spell, you can condense light wings at the beginning. Of course, it is not the embodiment of runes, but the light wings of wind. "

Zhang Deming: "······"

It seems that in the Hongmeng world, there is no shortage of people who work hard for their appearance!

It seems that there is no shortage of pretenders in any world.

Zhang Deming took over the skills from the clerk, and he was proficient in things like selling pictures, so he didn't have to worry about it at all.

If he really needs to show off his appearance, his agility technique can satisfy the current effect.

Therefore, it is better to choose the most popular ones, and forget about the weird ones.

Immediately, the two went to the defensive zone again.

The situation of spiritual shield is similar to that of agility. They are both basic spells and are promoted step by step. Zhang Deming still chose the popular model.

Finally the two came to an area and stopped.

The clerk said: "Senior, what type of vine-like spell do you need?

Treatment, control, attack, survival, synthesis, or something else? "

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "Let me take a look first."

When the clerk heard this, he nodded and quietly stepped aside.

Because the growth technique is very easy to use and has been developed to this extent.

Therefore, Zhang Deming wants to use it as a common method and develop it, which probably means basic attack.

In fact, Zhang Deming wanted to find a possibility to see if he could turn the growth spell into a lifetime spell rune during his Tai Chi period.

In the three lives of Tai Chi, before each life can advance, one needs to condense a rune.

However, although the Growth Technique has been upgraded several times through Integrated Union, it has nothing to do with the Spiritual Summoning Technique.

Obviously, if you use this as a life rune, it will not be of half a dime benefit to the rune core of the spirit-nurturing summoning technique, and it will be more than worth the gain.

The runes of the three lives need to be condensed to serve the rune core.

Because of this, he wanted to look for possibilities.

Spell Pavilion is truly a professional spell shop chain store.

Just talking about the vine area, there are all kinds of techniques here. After learning all the spells here, Zhang Deming feels that holding a vine in his hand is a feeling that can be felt all over the world.

It is exactly that, a vine that can meet various needs.

No matter what kind of defense, movement, treatment, etc., it feels like the vines can do it all.

After a long time, Zhang Deming stopped in front of a book of spells.

"Flower Demon Vine"

Looking at this vine-like spell belonging to the Poisonous Plant Control Summoning System, Zhang Deming's expression flickered.

After browsing through the techniques briefly, it seems that I can try them out when the time comes?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Deming looked at the other spells again, and in the end this "Flower Demon Vine" was the most likely.

So Zhang Deming turned around and handed the book to the clerk who followed silently.

Then Zhang Deming asked: "Don't you have "Vampire Vine"?"

The clerk paused slightly, she must be a good business person, so after just a pause, she smiled and said: "Senior, within the Heavenly Spirit Sect, only the Heavenly Spirit Sect owns the "Vampire Vine".

This is a unique advanced development of Blood Spirit Vine. It is a rare spell. Well, it is not too rare for Heavenly Spirit Sect. "

Zhang Deming heard this and nodded, forget it, we will talk about it then.

Seeing that Zhang Deming had finished choosing the technique, the other party smiled slightly and led Zhang Deming to the checkout area on the second floor.

The clerk handed the three magic books to the cashier.

The cashier operated, a light screen appeared, and three jade slips rose up from the counter.

The cashier said: "Forty spiritual stones for swiftness, forty spiritual stones for spiritual shield, and forty-five spiritual stones for Flower Demon Vine, a total of one hundred and twenty-five spiritual stones.

After the payment is completed, senior can browse the jade slips. "

The cashier packed the three books and placed them in front of Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming looked at this scene and understood why he didn't get any luck or merit from reading the book just now.

What they put up was for sale, and there were no hardcover samples for reading.

Zhang Deming touched in his pocket and took out a spirit card, which contained five hundred spirit stones.

After Zhang Deming paid the money, he picked up the three jade slips and browsed them one by one.

After closing his eyes for a long time to digest, Zhang Deming opened his eyes again, picked up three magic books, and left the Spell Pavilion.

Instead of wandering any further, we returned directly to the Cave Mansion.

Entering the secret room again, Zhang Deming took out the purchased spell.

If the golden merits were not too difficult to obtain, Zhang Deming could actually mount agility, spiritual shield, and then directly upgrade them.

But the golden merit is too difficult to obtain. For the time being, these two spells are better to be obtained this way.

Clicked on the editing panel and looked at the warehouse.

Merit: 2.4, luck: 12.2.

Eleven of the twelve white luck light balls are newly condensed, so the luck is pretty good.

Ten 'branches', one 'sequence', plus the previous ones, there are two.

As for ‘circulation’, Mao doesn’t have one.

Without any further hesitation, he picked up the Swiftness Technique and touched the two light balls.

"Normal Energy 2, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!

Currently, the two major charms of Dantian and body are enabled. Please note that passive and bloodline spells will be automatically classified as body charms. "

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment. With the promotion of Tai Chi, does the body plate also need to be opened?

In other words, he can directly perform editing spells on the body?

But this automatic classification seems to be nothing special about the body plate, right?

Do the magic first, then study later.

With the two light balls and the book of agility disappearing, Zhang Deming started editing again.

"A direct spell of the same series has been detected. Do you want to enable re-editing?"

Zhang Deming paused and chose 'yes'.

Immediately, the panel changed, and I saw:

Zhang Deming: Body》{Provides aura, then the agility spell starts running, cuts off the aura, then the agility spell stops running. }

The panel first displayed the original code of agility, and then the code began to change automatically, and in a moment it became:

Zhang Deming: The Body


if () {swiftness} else {swiftness}


So now, has it completely become a semi-passive framework?

Looking at the new code framework, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and chose to edit.


if (provides aura)

{Then, Swiftness operates, and spiritual power determines the strength of the spell}

Otherwise {then, Swiftness stops working}


Looking at the code, Zhang Deming clicked Finish Upload.

This is a re-edit, all the runes are not re-condensed into a ball of light.

Instead, it turned directly into countless light spots and flew to the light wings on the heels. The light wings vibrated slightly, and the entire light wings became a bit more vivid, and the stripes became much clearer.

Zhang Deming instantly felt that his whole body felt lighter, and the pupils of his eyes narrowed a little again.

After experimenting for a while, he found that there was no difference from before. Zhang Deming turned off the agility technique and looked at the two 'sequential' light balls.

Zhang Deming selected one and started editing the spiritual shield.

"Normal Energy 2, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


The spiritual shield is the same as the agility skill. It is re-edited, and the panel jumps to the Dantian first.

Zhang Deming: Dantian》

'If (cast a spiritual shield and have a certain amount of spiritual power)

{Then, the spiritual shield was successfully cast}

Otherwise {then, the spiritual power shield failed}. '

With the disappearance of the 'Order' light ball and the Rank Two spiritual shield, the panel changed again.

Looking at the changed code, Zhang Deming didn't use a 'branch' this time. The two light spheres consumed just now, one is 'sequence' and the other is 'branch'.

In other words, if he wishes, he can use a 'sequential' double 'branch'.

Therefore, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and wrote the first dual-branch spell, which was still semi-passive.


If (providing spiritual power)

{Then, the spiritual shield operates, and the spiritual power determines the strength of the effect}

Otherwise if (receiving a certain sense of danger and having a certain amount of spiritual power in the Dantian)

{Then, the psychic shield operates automatically}

Otherwise {then, the psychic shield stops}

}. '

Well, having such a defensive spell that can automatically defend is called defense.

After checking for a moment, Zhang Deming chose to complete the upload.

The runes once again turned into countless light spots and flew into the spiritual shield runes in the Dantian.

The rune ball extended a spiritual power thread, connected the spiritual power, and then flew out of the Dantian and stopped at the heart of the body.

Zhang Deming's mind moved, and an eggshell energy shield directly wrapped Zhang Deming.

After checking the spiritual shield for a while, Zhang Deming turned off the shield.

Looking at the eight light balls, Zhang Deming hesitated.

Looking at the spirit-nurturing summoning technique, I invested five light balls and chose to upgrade them.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he used a light ball to directly upgrade his spell.

I saw the runes of the spirit-nurturing summoning technique beating slightly after absorbing five light balls.

The runes on Dantian disappeared directly and appeared between Zhang Deming's eyebrows.

In an instant, the runes began to swim again, evolving automatically and becoming much more complicated.

When the rune between the eyebrows disappears, the upgrade of the spirit-nurturing summoning technique is completed.

Cultivation method: Kamemizu Imperial Formation Method (Rank Five)

Cultivation: Tai Chi Lv1 (15/300000)

Skills: Spiritual Summoning Lv3 (0/50), Thorns and Vine Growth Lv2 (0/10)

Spiritual power recovery: 100 spiritual power/3 minutes

Experience growth: 10 experience/3 minutes

His first Rank Three spell was born, and it was his Dao Foundation spell.

The actual effect brought by the promotion of the technique to Rank Three is that the space for nurturing spirits has become much larger, and Zhang Deming's control over it has also become much stronger.

And now, he can summon three mirror images at the same time.

What surprised Zhang Deming the most is that there are more mutual communication functions and summoning functions.

Previously, only Zhang Deming used the light spot to either attract people or pass on information.

But after he was promoted to Rank Three in the Soul-nurturing Summoning Technique, he could write a special ritual to let the light spot object actively contact him.

Moreover, this ritual can also allow the other party to ask for help from their condensed mirror image, just like asking a god.

This function is similar to the "Inviting God Technique", or in other words, it is the result of the "Inviting God Technique" that is now fully Integrated Union.

The birth of the spirit-nurturing summoning technique had half of its contribution, and it seemed normal to have such an effect.

With this function, it will have a substantial and far-reaching impact on the development and impact of the Blue Sky Alliance.

With surprise, Zhang Deming looked at the only three luck light balls left. It seemed that no matter how many light balls there were, they were not enough.

I originally planned to turn off the panel and test my ability, but the moment I exited the warehouse, Zhang Deming was stunned.

The panel home page and the top function bar have changed.


There is an extra small black dot, Zhang Deming touches the small black dot.

"Current energy progress (0/10)"

Zhang Deming frowned slightly. He didn't understand the meaning of this thing. He clicked on the help page that he hadn't clicked for a long time. Sure enough, there were more terms.

1-7, omitted.

8. Due to chance and the merits of Integrated Union, this editor has the initial editing function. In addition to the initial birth function, please edit any new functions by yourself, and please explore the specific methods by yourself.

9. For all editor functions, it is a merit to log off with the lowest consumption. Please explore by yourself for the specific consumption.

10. The body charm can be edited by consuming spiritual power, luck, and merit. Please explore the specific consumption by yourself.

11. To edit body corresponding functions, enter ‘/corresponding function’ on the body drive letter page. If this subpage exists, you can jump and start editing.

12. For more functions, please explore by yourself.

Seeing that there were a lot of help and exploring on his own, Zhang Deming was really a little bit pained.

So what I mean now is, with the ten merits, can I try the new features added to the editor?

So the trial run he wanted was to be typed out by himself?

God, I write my own debug program to test run the code I wrote?

What is this? Do I need to build not only the API, but also the framework and the bottom layer?

What a person, he has taken over the entire programmer circle!

The originally excellent mood was completely ruined by how hardcore this Goldfinger was.

In other words, if I were replaced by someone who didn't understand code, I would be completely blind.

Shaking his head, it’s better not to think about the ten merits for the time being.

However, the last few help provided a lot of information.

In other words, the body can also be edited, so what can be done by consuming spiritual energy?

Zhang Deming directly entered the ‘/body’ command and jumped to the body page.

Zhang Deming: The Body


After pondering for a moment, Zhang Deming entered ‘/talent’ again.

"Currently, the body drive only has basic functions. It consumes spiritual power to edit the appearance. For other edits, please enable the function before editing."

Zhang Deming: "······"

Can I just change my appearance now? Isn't it just about disguise? There are a lot of magic techniques. Who cares about this function?

Despite this thought, Zhang Deming still entered ‘/appearance’.

The editor page jumped, breaking away from the black rune state for the first time, and a mini virtual mirror of Zhang Deming appeared in front of him.

As soon as my mind moved, the virtual mirror in front of me also changed, and this change was followed by the percentage of spiritual energy consumed.

P picture?

It’s still random!

It seemed quite convenient. After a moment of operation, Zhang Deming chose to finish.

(end of this chapter)

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