Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 148 Shop [Additional Update]

Chapter 148 Shop [Additional update]

"You bastard, the clan can still be greedy for the property of a junior like you.

I don't have any sharp eyesight, and I'm not afraid that outsiders will see the joke, so I don't come to pay my respects to the ancestor. "Qu Xiaojun roared quickly, and pointed out Qu Qingxian's identity.

Qu Qizhong's expression paused for a moment, his eyes flickered, and then he looked at the legendary ancestor of the Qu family who had never been seen before.

Qu Qizhong took a look at Qu Xiaojun, and since he had already pointed it out, he didn't say anything more, and directly stepped forward to salute and said, "Grandson pays homage to the ancestor!"

Qu Qingxian looked at Qu Qizhong seriously for a long time, and said, "You took the name of this shop?"

Qu Qizhong raised his head suddenly and looked at Qu Qingxian with flickering eyes.

What does it mean?

"Why are you in a daze, the ancestor asked you something." Qu Xiaojun said from the side.

Only then did Qu Qizhong come back to his senses, and said: "If you go back to your ancestors, I really did it at will."

"Why do you think of such a name?" Qu Qingxian asked casually.

Qu Qizhong's eyes flickered, his heart was a little restless, and he said after a while: "What happened to my father before has affected the business of the shop.

Grandson's business wanted to continue, so he changed the name of the store. As for the origin of the name, it was entirely a matter of whim. "

"Are you sexually active? It's not bad, very good." Qu Qingxian said meaningfully.

Qu Qizhong was taken aback for a moment, then quietly raised his eyes, and glanced at Qu Qingxian.

What greeted him was Qu Qingxian's faint smile and meaningful eyes.

Qu Qi's heart tightened, as if he had been seen through, he quickly lowered his head and stopped looking blindly.

"You want to engage in activities?" Qu Qingxian asked again.

"Yes, because the business is good, my grandson wants to hold a small auction in the store in three days." Qu Qizhong replied.

"It's a good job, it's a seedling. Although Qifang hasn't been very good these years, it seems to be good to have a seedling like you." Qu Qingxian said.

Qu Qizhong paused and did not answer.

"You are holding an event, and there are no adults at home.

From now on, you can be in charge. I have nothing to do. I want to be the shopkeeper for a few days. " Qu Qingxian said casually.

Qu Qizhong was stunned, was he downgraded?

Is the ancestor trying to seize his family property?

That's not right, the family property on the genealogy, strictly speaking, can be said to belong to the ancestors.

"Okay, that's it, I'm staying in the store recently.

Come to me directly if you have anything to do, and don't bother me if you have nothing to do. "

After explaining a few words, Qu Qingxian went up to the third floor and occupied the master bedroom upstairs.

After a while, Qu Qizhong came to his senses that the ancestor actually came to stand for him in person.

And judging from the order just now, it was just a platform, and there was no intention of competing for interests.

At least for now, there is not.

I just don't know, after knowing the specific income of the store, will it be tempting?

It should be, after all, the income of the store is estimated to be more than the normal surplus of the clan!

Although this change was a bit sudden and made Qu Qizhong a little surprised, at this moment, things are not bad at all, but there is nothing better than this.

As for the others, let's talk about this first.

Moreover, in the few conversations just now, because Lan Tian was suddenly mentioned, he lost his mind and became a little confused.

But after a while, after thinking about it carefully, Qu Qizhong discovered the problem.

In particular, the ancestor didn't come to the platform early or late, but he came at this time, so he had to think about it.

Suddenly, a somewhat absurd guess popped up in his mind.

Ancestor wouldn’t be the same...

Three days passed in a hurry, and the store suddenly changed its tactics from a low-key to a big fanfare, completely breaking the so-called joint blockade and coercion.

A small and medium-sized auction inside the store also made the Lantian branch completely famous in Tianling City.

It was night, after a busy day at the Lantian branch, it became quiet.

Qu Qingxian, the patriarch of the Qu family who entered meditation on the third floor, suddenly opened his eyes.

Frowning slightly, he opened the window, jumped onto the roof, and looked around.

After a moment, Qu Qizhong also jumped up suddenly.


Qu Qingxian ignored Qu Qizhong's greeting, his eyes flickered, and he looked around for a long time.

"I don't know which Fellow Daoist is joking with Qu so much?"

Following his words, a faint mist spread out from his body.

The water vapor spread out around the shop, and a circular energy shield with a dome slowly emerged.

"Qu Qingxian, I heard that you made a breakthrough, but I didn't believe it.

But judging from the auction of the Yuling Orb during the day and your cultivation, it seems that your Qu Family has really wooed a spirit nurturing master. "

A man covered in black smoke slowly stepped into the dome shield.

What is this breath?

"Zhou Zhicheng, what the hell are you doing?" Qu Qingxian said.

Zhou Zhicheng, whose whole body was covered in black smoke, didn't care at all when his identity was revealed.

To be precise, he didn't intend to hide his identity at all, it was just a formality, and these things were not for Qu Qingxian to see.

He looked at Qu Qingxian and said, "Hehe, what's going on? Don't you know?

Hand over your contact information and recommend it to everyone. You should know the location of your Qu family in Tianling City.

If before, you sold two or three a day, everyone could tolerate it.

After all, if you want to curry favor with a spiritual cultivator, he will buy you some goods in his spare time, so forget it.

But this month, you have sold more than 200 Spirit-Yuring Orbs, and yesterday you even bought a Master-level Rank Two Spirit-Yuring Orb.

This spiritual cultivator is not registered in your shop, is it?

A spiritual cultivator without additional tasks means that at least he was not trained by the surrounding sects. You should know what benefits this represents, right?

What happened this time is something your Qu family can’t swallow. "

When Qu Qingxian heard the words, he paused for a moment, and then said sarcastically, "Oh, you, the Zhou family, can swallow it?"

Zhou Zhicheng shook his head and said, "Of course my Zhou family can't swallow it, but why do you think I dare to persecute it in the city?"

Qu Qingxian's complexion changed, and he became ugly in an instant, and said, "Over there at Ji's house in the city lord's mansion..."

Zhou Zhicheng smiled and said, "Why do you have to say something so thorough when everyone knows it?

Hand over your contact information and introduce my ancestors. The proficient Rank Two Yuling Orb you auctioned today has made us completely lose the patience to wait.

This time it's me, it's Patriarch and City Lord Ji, both want to leave some room.

If the fuss continues, next time...hehe..."

Qu Qingxian turned cold, and said, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

After Qu Qingxian finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense. A rune appeared between his eyebrows. A transparent chi dragon slowly emerged from beside him and wrapped around him. He looked at Zhou Zhicheng indifferently.

The whole body of the Chilong is made of water, with a snake body and a dragon head, no horns and claws, which looks like a dragon or a mang.

Zhou Zhicheng shook his head and said, "Why bother? Your arms can't twist your thighs after all."

'Rune Spell: Chilong·Water'

In response to Zhou Zhicheng, Chilong broke away from Qu Qingxian directly, and under his control, swung his tail and charged towards Zhou Zhicheng.

"Come on, come on. It's been several years since I've weighed your quality." Zhou Zhicheng whispered.

With his hands stretched flat on both sides, palms facing down, endless spiritual wind began to emerge from around him.

'Rune Spell: Tornado Wind'

He spun rapidly on the spot, and countless spiritual winds quickly entangled themselves like tornadoes.

But while entangled, the tornado began to bend and circle again, and finally slowly turned into a wind dragon that resembled a dragon and a snake.

The moment the wind dragon appeared, it headed directly towards the water dragon.

The two core runes, except for the different attribute selections, are actually quite similar. They both chose the path of shaping spells among magicians.

In appearance, they are all Chilongs.

The only difference is that the water dragon is complete, while the lower half of the wind dragon's tail is connected to the rapidly rotating Zhou Zhicheng.

Because of this, Zhou Zhicheng had enough protection, but Qu Qingxian had to control it while avoiding the wind dragon's sneak attacks from time to time.

For this reason, while distracted, the water dragons fought and were always at a disadvantage.

"Qu Qingxian, it seems that you still haven't made much progress!" During the battle, Zhou Zhicheng's voice came from Fenglong's mouth, as if it was opening its mouth to speak.


Qu Qingxian once again dodged a wind blade, and because of this distraction, the water dragon was bitten again.

After saying that, Qu Qingxian's face turned cold, and he no longer hesitated.

‘Rune spell: Dragon Ball Water! '

The water dragon in the sky turned its head directly towards Qu Qingxian and spit out a white water bubble.

The bubbles instantly enveloped Qu Qingxian. Qu Qingxian stopped dodging and sat down cross-legged.

The surrounding wind blades hit the bubbles without causing even a little ripple.

"Don't you understand? Our paths are similar, but in your Tai Chi life, you chose pure defense.

And I chose the variant rune core, which comes with a certain degree of defense, which means that in the Tai Chi stage, you will never be able to defeat me. "

Zhou Zhicheng saw that the wind blade had no effect, but he was not discouraged at all. Feng Long opened his mouth and said teasing words.

‘Rune spell: Dragon Ball Wind! '

'Rune spell: Dragon Horn Wind! '

As Zhou Zhicheng's two core spells were activated, dragon horns suddenly grew on the top of the wind dragon's head, and it opened its mouth and spit out a dragon ball.

The dragon ball was like a weapon, blasting towards the water dragon.

The wind dragon that sprouted dragon horns suddenly became more powerful and bit the water dragon.

Qu Qingxian sat there cross-legged, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and said, "Really?"

‘Rune spell: Dragon Horn·Water! '

As Qu Qingxian's technique was activated, the water dragon also grew a horn, and its momentum was no weaker than Zhou Zhicheng's.

However, the water dragon was missing a dragon ball. Under the joint attack of the wind dragon ball and the wind dragon, it was still hit continuously.

Qu Qingxian, who was sitting cross-legged, spread his hands, and a stream of flowing water appeared in his hands.

Zhou Zhicheng frowned slightly as he watched all this. Now he is just a twin of Tai Chi, and his cultivation level is weaker than Qu Qingxian's.

‘Rune Technique: Spiritual Water Technique·Dragon! '

Qu Qingxian threw the flowing water into the sky, and the water flew directly into Shuilong's eyebrows.

In an instant, the eyes of Shui Long, whose eyes were dull, suddenly became spiritual, as if they had wisdom.

"Spiritual auxiliary spells? Are you planning to summon spirits to advance to Liangyi?" Zhou Zhicheng frowned.

"That's right, you used to chase me and beat me. This time I'll let you have a taste of it."

After using the Spiritual Water Technique, the water dragon's spirituality will rise.

Qu Qingxian didn't need to override the water dragon, he got up directly and ran towards Zhou Zhicheng.

Zhou Zhicheng's face was dark, and he looked at the unaffected water dragon in the sky, helpless.

Qu Qingxian rushed to the spinning Zhou Zhicheng, but he could not see him because of the numerous spiritual winds surrounding him.

In the past, because of his pseudo-human-dragon-in-one state, it was very good for defense without wasting a single spell.

Therefore, Qu Qingxian was always at a disadvantage in the fight between the two.

But this weakness ends today.

Qu Qingxian held up the water dragon ball shield and pierced the wind dragon's tail directly.

Within the dragon's tail, Zhou Zhicheng was spinning rapidly, facing the charging Qu Qingxian, the new spiritual wind condensed directly into a blade.

Like a waterfall, it shot towards Qu Qingxian.

The delay was achieved, but the momentum of the wind dragon in the air weakened instantly, causing the water dragon to bite him several times in an instant.

"Ji Xing, if you continue to watch, I will quit." Zhou Zhicheng suddenly opened his mouth and said after being at a huge disadvantage.

Qu Qingxian's expression changed, and a young man in full attire slowly emerged.

Ji Xing looked up at the two dragons fighting in the sky, shook his head, and said: "You two are really... a pair of happy enemies..."

Zhou Zhicheng obviously rarely finds himself at such a disadvantage. He said with an ugly face: "Stop talking nonsense and take it first."

Qu Qizhong, who had been watching the battle on the roof, originally had a troubled expression. The moment Ji Xing appeared, he was no longer troubled. His face turned cold, he put his hands on his chest and said:

“The immeasurable grandeur is the root of all spirits.

Practice all kinds of Dharma extensively and prove my Divine Ability.

The stars in the sky are the only ones who nurture spirits.

It encompasses heaven and earth and nourishes all living beings.

I invite you to join the alliance, as urgent as the law decrees! "

The voice was quiet and calm, especially with the blessing of his words, it was clearly conveyed from afar.

The three people below changed their colors in shock, and Zhou Zhicheng said in surprise: "Is this...a petition?!!!

In your Qu family, do you still have Yuanxiu or Baldur? "

Ji Xing shook his head and said with an even uglier expression: "It doesn't look like it, but for this aura, don't ask a big boss from External Incarnation to come over!"

Qu Qingxian's expression also changed slightly and he took a step back.

The three of them all stared at Qu Qizhong nervously. At this moment, no one regarded him as a decoration.


In Cave Mansion, Zhang Deming is practicing (sleeping) at the moment.

A strange wave surged out of his dantian, and Zhang Deming opened his eyes instantly.

The mind came to the spirit-nurturing space, and the light spot represented by Qu Qizhong was flashing fiercely at this moment.

Zhang Deming stretched out his hand and saw the scene of the Lantian branch through the light spots.

His face lit up, he thought for a moment, raised his hand to summon a mirror light ball, and added the strengthening technique.

After doing all this, Zhang Deming brought the light ball Integrated Union into his consciousness and plunged into the light channel in front of him.


{"text":"","voiceFid":"","CWVID":"0","bookRecommds":{"cbids":[18103362701395704],"reason":"Because it was impossible to have an agreement with a big guy The transaction described, so here’s a chapter tip!!!”}}

(end of this chapter)

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