Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 151: Birth Of Trial Operation

Chapter 151: Birth of Trial Operation

"Okay, then you can rest assured and stabilize your cultivation." Zhang Deming said with a smile.

The two spent most of the day together in the Cave Mansion.

It wasn't until Li Shifan was almost able to control his breath again and hide himself that he got up and left.


After Li Shifan left, Zhang Deming started practicing on the phone again. At the same time, after preparing this month's spirit-nurturing beads, he quietly completed the delivery with Qu Qizhong.

It wasn't until the lease of Cave Mansion was up that he left Cave Mansion and returned to Qingyoutan.

Looking at the dozens of light balls in the warehouse.

Merit: 11.2, luck: 29.2.

It should be enough now, his trial operation function must start to take action.

Although this function actually seems to be of little help in improving his cultivation, the effect is not noticeable.

However, as the techniques become more complex, it becomes more and more difficult to type out the code without trial-run debugging.

Therefore, this function is imperative and cannot be delayed any longer.

The first time I used the self-editing function, I didn’t know anything very well. After Zhang Deming explained everything, he returned to the room and clicked on the control panel.

Look at the function bar: Warehouse, Help,·

Zhang Deming's consciousness gently touched the small spot.

"Requires advanced energy (0/10)"

Zhang Deming did not hesitate and directly consumed ten merit light balls.

"Consume advanced energy and enable new features. Please edit it yourself."

Control Panel, the main page begins to change.

A new sub-page appeared, and countless code frames, like waterfalls, began to be automatically generated.

Zhang Deming breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this.

Fortunately, there is a framework, so there is no need to edit from scratch.

Otherwise, it would be an impossible task.

However, even if there is a framework, there are still many things that require his hands-on work. After all, it is not generated with one click and requires him to edit it manually.

When he finished everything around him, the ten light balls in the warehouse began to disappear collectively.

At the same time, the core code starts to be generated.

Most of the previous ones were frameworks created by the editor based on its own code.

As for the trial run, its core functions are completely different from those of the editor and need to be finalized by him.




Zhang Deming looked at the entire core code, and there was no data at all. He had to edit it manually by himself, and he felt a little uneasy.

After pondering for a long time, he started to take action.


{Then, the running environment of this function fully simulates the ontology environment and is updated in a timely manner;}

if (edit the completed spell and start a trial run)

{Then, test the effect of the spell based on the simulated environment;

if (no error) {then, display OK}

Otherwise {then, report an error and display the cause and location of the error}


Otherwise {then, stop the trial run and prompt}


After looking at the core code for a long time, the basic mix plus multiple levels of nesting, without a trial run, even if it is just a little bit of core code, this requires careful inspection for a long time.

Moreover, he had already modified many parts of the frame before.

You know, these are ten merits. If it is scrapped, I don’t know, I will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

After checking it over and over several times, Zhang Deming clicked to complete the upload.

Countless runes condensed into a golden ball of light, and finally the three words "trial operation" were successfully condensed on the homepage and function bar of the editing panel.

Zhang Deming looked at the function bar, and now there was an extra column.

Warehouse, trial run, help, · (0/50);

Click lightly on the test run, and a prompt will pop up.

"Tip: No trial run plugin available."

Zhang Deming nodded. It should probably be successful. There is only one more magic test left.

Zhang Deming looked at the Rank Two Flower Demon Vine Technique that had been sitting in the warehouse for a long time. He didn't think much about it and directly chose to edit it.

"Normal Energy 2, editable small plug-in.

Editing conditions met!


After becoming proficient in the operation, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment after the framework was generated. Since he had a trial run to correct errors, he planned to give it a bold try.

‘If (silently cast Flower Demon Vine)

{Then, the flower demon vine was successfully cast}

Otherwise {then, the flower demon vine fails to be cast}'

Zhang Deming has wanted to do this for a long time, but he has never dared to try it without a trial run to correct errors. Now that he has a trial run, there is no need to be afraid.

I clicked on the test run directly, and the light effect stopped immediately as soon as it started.

"There is no aura provided, and the spell editing is fundamentally wrong!"

"There is no script to mount. Casting spells requires a certain amount of forward movement. Please make changes!"

"This spell is very similar to the existing spell, and there is a high probability that the rune Integrated Union will be used. Please edit with caution!

Otherwise, when mutating Integrated Union, a spell error will occur! "


Fortunately, I didn't do anything wrong before... If I don't give you spiritual energy, how can I successfully cast the spell? I don't think it's reliable!

As for the fact that he had to perform magic tricks and just recite the spell silently, Zhang Deming didn't expect it.


Does "must" shake the secret formula before casting the spell mean that the secret formula can be simplified, such as extracting a few refined movements?

This spell may be integrated with the mounted growth spell, but it will be useless even if it is tried. After all, the mounted spell does not require pre-casting. Try it next time.

When I first chose it, this was what I was going for, so it was not surprising that the Flower Demon Vine was originally developed from the Growth Technique. Integrated Union.

Immediately, Zhang Deming started various attempts again.

Cast spells to increase cultivation;

After casting the spell, the spiritual energy will flow back automatically;

After the spell is cast, spiritual Qi Sea suction appears;


In the end, it was discovered that the unconstrained style was really a scam, and it was right to seek stability in the first place.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Deming honestly changed the conditions.

‘If (cast the Flower Demon Vine and have a certain amount of spiritual power)

{Then, the flower demon vine was successfully cast}

Otherwise {then, the flower demon vine fails to be cast}'

I completed the editing in a satisfactory manner and clicked on test run.

Countless rune codes turned into a ball of light, an illusory, fully virtual projection that was exactly like himself, appearing in front of Zhang Deming.

The ball of light flew into the projection's dantian and condensed into a flower vine rune, and the exercise script vibrated.

The runes moved directly to the center of the vortex, and another Integrated Union occurred with the growth vines.

Everything is very normal and no errors are reported.

After the trial run was completed, Zhang Deming clicked directly to complete the upload.

The changes in the technique were exactly the same as the trial run. Zhang Deming smiled happily. It seemed that the trial run function was completed and online.

The Growth Technique has been Integrated Union many times, and with its own development, it has completely changed its appearance, and its name is completely different.

Zhang Deming felt it, and it was very strong. He hesitated a little, spent ten light balls, and chose to upgrade.


Skills: Spiritual Summoning Technique Lv3 (0/50), Flower Jade Demonic Vine Lv3 (0/50)


(end of this chapter)

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