Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 159 Entering The Secret Realm

Chapter 159 Entering the Secret Realm

Li Shifan took the hanging and asked doubtfully, "What is this?"

Zhang Deming replied: “This thing is a one-star Law Weapon, but it only has a map positioning function.

In addition to positioning the body, it can also locate this thing.

Although the range is not very large, it can prevent us from being scattered. "

Hearing this, Li Shifan nodded and directly put the mini bookmark away.

The two rested for a while, and Zhang Deming also browsed the surrounding maps until he was very familiar with them.

After Li Shifan recovered, the two set off again.

After walking forward for more than an hour, the flow of people suddenly began to increase again.

But this time there were no different kinds of people, almost all of them were Heavenly Spirit Sect disciples, the outer disciples of Baiyun Qingshan, the inner disciples of Ziyun Qingshan, there was an endless stream.

Occasionally interspersed are a few children from aristocratic families.

Obviously these are the sect members who have recently been hanging out in the back mountain of Heavenly Spirit Sect, dealing with the monster chaos in the back mountain, so they arrived first.

As they entered, the flow of people increased.

The surrounding area doesn't look like the depths of the Hengduan Mountains at all, it just looks like a big gathering.

When Zhang Deming and Li Shifan were advancing, they suddenly passed through a strange film, and they were both stunned.

This feeling?

So familiar!

By the way, the large-scale concealment formation that remained on the ruined mountain peak when we escaped last time had the same feeling, but this one is more complete and much more powerful.

After passing through the film, the two of them were stunned when a huge ancient tree came into view.

The ancient trees are several times as tall as the original trees around them, and they have a primitive atmosphere all over them. They have experienced the vicissitudes of time for who knows how long.

At the bottom of the trunk of the tree, four Heavenly Spirit Sect Aes Sedai with powerful auras were floating there, forming a quadrilateral structure.

The spiritual power surged from his body and formed a strange square formation, with countless runes surging on the square formation.

In the square array, on the core of the tree trunk, a huge light door was trembling and emitting a faint light.

Countless runes on the phalanx are constantly attacking the light door, preventing it from closing.

The four Liangyi Ancestors floating at the four corners of the square array closed their eyes Nurturing Spirit. The violent spiritual power surged, making countless inner and outer sect disciples dare not get even close.

Around the big tree, there were huge crowds of people.

There are dozens of formation platforms in front of the big tree, forming a regular circular structure, one by one surrounding the big tree.

Groups of well-organized Formation Department disciples organized other disciples who came forward.

Whenever a formation stage is full, the formation will be activated by the staff working on it, and the disciples inside will turn into flowing light, disappear into the light door in the tree trunk, and disappear.

Although the flow of people was very large, the formations around the tree trunks were obviously prepared for this situation early in the morning.

Therefore, it is actually not crowded at all when entering. The reason why there are so many people around is that everyone is in a wait-and-see state.

After all, they didn’t know what was going on inside, and with the warning from the Ministry of Resources, many people came and hesitated again when they saw the formation.

As a result, there was a sea of ​​people around, and the arrays around Shudou were not working at full capacity and only opened once every moment.

Zhang Deming and Li Shifan looked at each other for a moment, and after figuring out the situation, they looked at each other.

Li Shifan suddenly clenched his left hand into a fist, glanced at the Liangyi bosses in the distance, and said hesitantly: "Here..."

"Is there any question?" Zhang Deming asked.

Li Shifan shook his head, and said, "No, I just feel that if you drive at full speed, it's only a day's journey away from the periphery. Why didn't you notice it before?"

Zhang Deming said: "What's the matter, when the secret realm doesn't appear, isn't everything the same as usual?

Let's go, we have to go in anyway.

After procrastinating like this, I can't see any results. When the big troops arrive later, if I want to go in at that time, I might have to queue up.

There are only three days to enter, so getting in early is not necessarily a bad thing.

After all, no one knows what is going on in the secret realm. "

Li Shifan nodded and said, "I think so too."

The two made up their minds, left the crowd, and came to a formation platform that was almost full. Most of the people around at the moment were Ziyun's 'inner sect' disciples.

Many outer disciples are still waiting and watching. After all, the opening time is not long, and many people have just arrived.

The white cloud and green shirts worn by the two of them were a bit eye-catching in the crowd, so they attracted a lot of attention.

This made both Zhang Deming a little uncomfortable, neither of them is the kind of high-profile person.

Zhang Deming frowned and whispered: "It seems that after going in, it's best not to wear this."

Li Shifan frowned and whispered back: "But this body should be able to be with the same sect, at least there is a support."

Zhang Deming hesitated for a while, nodded, and said, "That's right, let's talk after we go in!"

Li Shifan also nodded and said: "Yes."

Heavenly Spirit Sect is a large administrative city that manages dozens of surrounding state capitals with a huge population. It is a Heavenly Spirit Sect that completely surpasses the administrative cities of large provinces in its previous life.

Therefore, there were strangers around them, and everyone was not far apart, which made the two of them very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, although many people are waiting and watching, the number of people entering is not too many, but it is definitely not too few.

Therefore, in just a few minutes, a formation was full.

One by one, the array masters directly activated the array, and the array instantly emitted a rich spiritual light, entangled with the light gate in spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, all the people on the formation turned into flowing light, submerged into the light door, and disappeared within it.


The moment Zhang Deming and others entered, the light door of the tree trunk fluctuated slightly.

The four Liangyi ancestors who closed their eyes all opened their eyes. Zhou Tong frowned slightly and said, "Tai Chi disciples, didn't you enter the secret realm early in the morning?"

Fang Qing shook his head. He seemed to be mainly responsible for the formation, and said, "Well, when we built the formation before, we organized them all and entered directly through the light gate."

Hearing this, Yang Sinan said, "Have you noticed, which branch is the disciple who just entered?"

The four people shook their heads in unison, and the party member said: "I guess it's someone who stayed behind in the sect and came here."

Fang Qing, who was in charge of the formation, frowned slightly and said, "Isn't this just messing around with the formation?

Can't we just go in directly from the entrance? Do you think our Formation Department is not chaotic enough right now? "

Several people looked at each other and all refused to answer. In such a large secret realm, the superiors have decided not to restrict it and can enter at will. Indeed, the formation cultivators of the Formation Department are the most tired.

What’s even more annoying is that the information was issued by the Ministry of Resources in name only!

It became a dirty and tiring work, and the people in the Formation Department did it. The benefits of showing up were taken away by the Resources Department, and the Formation Department became a complete part-time job.

As the person in charge of the Formation Department this time, it's strange to be in a good mood. The three of them knew it well and were unwilling to get into trouble with each other.

No one spoke, and the person in charge of the Formation Department could only close his eyes again, stop talking, and beat his fingers slightly a few times.

At this time, below, a huge light screen appeared around the formation, which could be clearly seen all around.

‘Inner disciples of the Tai Chi period who are late can enter directly from the entrance without queuing at the formation.

If someone collapses the formation for me, I remember that although Wanghui Peak has been crowded in recent days, there are still a few free positions facing the wall. '

After the light screen was displayed, there was a moment of discussion around them, and it calmed down again after a while.


When the formation started, Zhang Deming felt a slight bump, but the arc was not large.

What followed was a trance. When Zhang Deming came to his senses again, it was no longer the previous environment.

There were no people around, and even the huge ancient trees had disappeared. At this moment, he had completely changed his environment.

To be precise, the space has been changed.

At this moment, he was in a sea of ​​flowers. The rich fragrance of flowers and the gentle breeze made everything look a bit dreamy and beautiful.

Looking up, even Haoyang disappeared from the sky, leaving only a huge fireball. In the fireball, there was a vague bird-like creature.

"Is this the secret realm? The legendary Grotto-Heaven?"

After Zhang Deming looked at the surrounding environment, he frowned slightly.

There are flowers all around, and the whole place is a sea of ​​flowers, with no direction to be found.

Randomly choosing a direction, Zhang Deming walked forward.

After traveling for a long time, there is not only a sea of ​​flowers, but also a sea of ​​flowers.

Zhang Deming pondered slightly, a pair of light wings emerged from his heels, Zhang Deming tapped his toes, and flew directly on the sea of ​​flowers.

Rank Three Feather Falling Technique, even if Zhang Deming does not use all his strength, he is as light as a feather, flying across the sea of ​​flowers.

But after running for a long time, Zhang Deming frowned completely. Something was not right. With his speed, how could there be no change after running for so long? So how wide is this sea of ​​flowers?

Is this secret realm just a small piece of the ruined Grotto-Heaven?

Zhang Deming looked around again, with runes surging in his eyes, but he didn't find anything special. Apart from the sea of ​​flowers, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

The light floral fragrance smells very comfortable, it is a nice place.



Zhang Deming's expression moved slightly, and a spiritual shield appeared on his body, blocking out the fragrance of flowers.

A verdant vine emerged from Zhang Deming's hand, and a white jade-like flower bloomed from the vine.

As the flowers bloom, a thicker and more peculiar floral fragrance emanates from the flowers.

This is the further evolution of Zhang Deming's growth technique. Integrated Union combines the new abilities of the Flower Demon Vine, sending poison with incense and controlling the field with poison.

As the floral fragrance of the Flower Demon Vine mixed in, there was a slight fluctuation in the surroundings.

Zhang Deming's eyes flashed with runes, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Immediately, emerald-like sapphire vines appeared suddenly at Zhang Deming's feet, occupying a large area.

On the vines, white flowers bloomed.

But there was no scent at all, but white flowers connected together to form a strange area.

A strange suction force emanates from this area.

All the surrounding floral fragrance was sucked into the white jade flowers, causing a floral vacuum area to appear around Zhang Deming.

At this moment, violent fluctuations appeared around.

At this time, Zhang Deming suddenly took a step in one direction, and then he disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers.

As he disappeared, the surrounding emerald vines instantly turned into points of light and disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers.

Zhang Deming was in a trance again. Before he could see the surrounding situation clearly, he felt a strong threat.

With a thought, Rank Three's spiritual shield emerged.

Almost at the moment the shield appeared, a dark object was inserted directly into the spiritual shield.

The huge force quickly swept Zhang Deming's head backwards, and ripples appeared on the spiritual shield.

Zhang Deming looked at the fluctuating shield, his eyes twitching slightly.

After sliding back a little distance, Zhang Deming suddenly turned his head back, and an equally dark wooden stick, or branch, struck at the back of Zhang Deming's head.

All around him were pitch-black vines, and he was now in a jungle of vines.

The light wings on Zhang Deming's heels disappeared, and a half-sized light wing appeared behind him, and Zhang Deming's figure became as light as a feather.

The huge inertia before was suddenly resolved. He tapped his toes and easily avoided the black things that continued to attack him.

Only Zhang Deming had time to observe what attacked him.

It was a pile of dark vines that looked like tall tree branches, extremely ugly, and Zhang Deming's sapphire-like vines were completely opposite.

Zhang Deming looked along the vines, feeling a little nervous.

Not far away from where he was standing, he saw a huge light mask, and in the light mask was an endless sea of ​​flowers.

Outside the light shield, there are countless pitch-black rattans surrounding it, forming an endless rattan guardrail.

At this moment, he was leaning against the sea of ​​flowers on the light wall and facing the dark rattan wall.

These rattans look like thorn fences specially planted by someone.

Moreover, the guardrail rattan is not a thin layer attached to the light curtain, but forms a very thick rattan wall.

At this moment, Zhang Deming is inside the vine wall.

His sudden appearance seemed to activate the automatic defense of the canes. As the canes began to move one after another, it became increasingly difficult for Zhang Deming to dodge.

With the blessing of Feather Falling Technique, I can barely hold on.

But as time passed, the entire surrounding vine wall seemed to come alive, and each one, like a tentacle monster, began to attack Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming was as light as a feather, the light wings on his back vibrated slightly, and the Feather Falling Technique was brought into full play.

On his hands, two emerald-like vines kept dealing with the vines that attacked him.

Even so, with all the vines activated, Zhang Deming could not completely dodge.

From time to time, a vine would hit the shield, causing Rank Three's spiritual shield to fluctuate greatly.

Looking at the rattan in all directions, Zhang Deming frowned slightly.

No, if this continues, it will be a matter of time before the defense is breached. This is completely waiting for death.

Looking at the countless rattans around, it is obviously impossible to directly transmigrate the rattans due to their density and thickness.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and looked up at the sky. Then, he hoped that these vines were not too malleable.

He tapped his toes, and the light wings on his back vibrated rapidly. The emerald vines in his hands kept beating the surrounding vines to use force. Zhang Deming rushed upwards quickly.

(end of this chapter)

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