Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 16 Information Registration

Chapter 16: Information Registration

Upon hearing this, Fan Ya saw a projected screen in front of her. She operated it a few times, and a person's information appeared.

Name: Zhang Deming

Entry: Entered Hongmeng on February 3rd, 34215.

Spirit Root: Twenty-one points.

Experience: Entered the Xiaoying Mountain Spirit Rice Academy, became Qi disciple in two years, junior apprentice for eight years, and cultivated rice for ten years.

Three failed harvests, eleven passing harvests, and six satisfactory harvests.

Record of wrongdoings: None.

Evaluation: Average.

Special hidden information notice: This person refuses to enter any department related to the Inner Gate's nurturing of spirits.

After examining it for a moment, she spoke, "Hmm, most of the information is displayed as expected. So, what are you relying on to apply for promotion to the Outer Gate?"

Zhang Deming spoke, "As a junior apprentice, I have learned the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell and the Growth Technique."

Fan Ya, surprised, said, "You have already learned two spells?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Yes, senior sister."

Fan Ya said, "According to the requirements, a junior apprentice who knows one spell can skip the review. Since you know two spells, you definitely don't need a review. With your information in order, all you need to do is cast a spell once, and that will complete all the assessments."

Zhang Deming, hearing this, nodded and asked, "Should I cast the spell here?"

Fan Ya nodded and said, "Originally, to avoid affecting the surroundings, you should go to a dedicated casting room. But since you not only know the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell but also the Growth Technique, you can just demonstrate the Growth Technique here. No need to trouble yourself."

Zhang Deming nodded and took out a seed.

Fan Ya shook her head and said, "In the entry assessment, a spell is considered learned only if you can cast it proficiently. If you need auxiliary materials to cast it and cannot cast it directly, then it doesn't count as learned in our assessment. It means you have just touched the surface. If the Growth Technique doesn't work, we can go to the casting room and demonstrate the Cloud and Rain Spell. If you need assistance for both, then you can only accept the assessment or come back after some time when you have become proficient."

Zhang Deming, hearing this, smiled and put away the seed.

His hands moved swiftly, and after a moment, a green vine composed entirely of energy emerged from Zhang Deming's hand, swaying in the wind.

Unlike using a seed, directly condensing the vine consumed at least three times more spiritual energy.

Fan Ya reached out and touched it, nodded, and said, "Not bad, very proficient. Alright, you can put away the spell now. You have passed."

Zhang Deming, hearing this, immediately stopped outputting spiritual energy. The green vine on his palm turned into dots of light and dissipated.

At this point, Fan Ya began to operate the screen with her hand.

Promotion: July 16th, 34225.

Reviewer: Registration Office, Senior Apprentice Fan Ya.

Promotion conditions: Two spells, junior apprentice, promotion without assessment.


She stopped here and asked, "Do you want to be assigned or have a free task?"

In the Heavenly Spirit Sect, most outer disciples have two options.

One is to be assigned to various outer sect peaks and perform daily tasks.

The other is to have free tasks. Every month, they can accept and complete a certain number of task targets and have the freedom to move around.

Of course, not many people choose the free task option due to the level of danger and lack of belonging to a specific peak.

Zhang Deming, without hesitation, said, "Assignment."

Fan Ya nodded and asked again, "So, do you have any preferences for assignment? Among the many outer sect peaks, where do you want to go?

Although you have no criminal record, you cannot choose under the Yuling Peak.

Apart from Yuling Peak-related options, are there any other places?

Of course, your desired destination can only serve as a reference. The final assignment will depend on the situation. It's not guaranteed that you can go wherever you want."

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "Senior sister, do you have any suggestions? I don't know much about these things."

Fan Ya glanced at Zhang Deming.

Hmm, this junior brother is quite good-looking, and he speaks so sweetly.

"Do you have any inclination? There are six types of cultivation paths. Which path do you want to pursue?"

Zhang Deming paused and said, "That's too far ahead. If possible, I would like to continue farming."

Fan Ya said, "That's simple. Although the outer sect can be responsible for management, you have just entered and your cultivation level is only in the middle stage. In terms of relationships, although you know two spells, your strength is barely enough. So if you want to farm, you may be assigned to the Lingtian area, where you have to do it yourself. Although the minimum requirement is to be a mid-level apprentice with dual spells, there is a special process for that. Direct assignment is not possible. However, you won't be assigned to places like Lingdao that require physical labor. Outer sect disciples are usually only assigned to carefully tended Lingtian fields, mostly advanced medicinal gardens and the like. Plus, since you also know the growth spell, you will have a good harvest."

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "I'll follow your arrangement, senior sister."

He hadn't considered working in the miscellaneous duties yard. Although his cultivation level and spell conditions had just met the requirements, he had no background or connections. He only had a deposit of seven spirit stones and four jin of rice, so there was no hope of bribery. It was better to wait for the assignment.

"Alright." Fan Ya continued with her operation.

Assignment: Inclination towards farming, subject to adjustment.

Salary: Two spirit stone contribution points.

After Fan Ya finished her operation, she said, "The annual salary for outer sect disciples is two spirit stones. Of course, this requires meeting the corresponding indicators. Otherwise, there will be deductions. There will also be allocations for meals and spiritual food, which will be considered as subsidies or canteen provisions depending on the assigned location. The quantity will also vary slightly depending on the different peaks. Of course, your opinion will also be taken into account, but these will only be considered after the assignment is made."

Zhang Deming nodded, smiled, and replied, "I understand. Thank you, senior sister."

Fan Ya nodded and continued, "The assignment of peaks generally comes down in the afternoon or evening. You just need to wait patiently. How much time do you need before reporting?"

"Of course, outer sect disciples have ten days of rest time each month, and you also have half a month for promotion. So you can wait until twenty-five days later at the latest before reporting. However, the salary will also start from that time."

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and estimated, "About eight days later."

Fan Ya nodded and said, "It's within the ten-day interval. In that case, I will directly arrange your peak assignment. After the assignment is made, you can report at any time within the ten days."

"Okay, senior sister." Zhang Deming nodded and replied.

As the information input was completed, Fan Ya selected to finish the data entry.

The screen disappeared, and a hidden compartment suddenly opened on the counter.

Fan Ya took something out from the compartment and it automatically closed.

(End of this chapter)

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