Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 181 Old Man

Chapter 181 Old Man

If this is what Zhang Deming thinks, the dragon turtle in front of him may be the spirit of the blessed land.

Because only the weapon spirits of the blessed land may not have the ability to autonomously, after everyone in the blessed land disappears, they can only remain silent and passively defend themselves, and are slowly being eaten away in this way.

Just like the intelligent systems in previous lives, no matter how powerful it is, it will not initiate an active attack or counterattack without an order unless the corresponding mechanism is triggered.

This is very similar to the earth spirit in front of me. The only difference between this earth spirit is that he seems to be intelligent.

The core command talisman brought by Zhang Deming allowed him to see the opportunity and gave him a reason to wake up.

You know, Zhang Deming and the others still have their Rank Three assessment yet to be completed.

With an idea flashing in his mind, Zhang Deming decisively input a little bit of spiritual power into the command talisman.

Originally, Zhang Deming had tested this method before, but there was no response before.

But now, the command talisman shines brightly, sending out a weak signal stream, flying towards the deformed dragon turtle.

This change shocked everyone slightly, and they all turned to look at Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming looked at the crowd and said, "I wondered if he wanted this help, so..."

After hearing the words, everyone stopped talking, and some people looked at Li Shifan.

Seeing this, Li Shifan also aroused some spiritual power at the token, and another faint stream of light sank into the dragon's head.

"Uh, no response?" After waiting for a few breaths, one person suddenly said.

"Stop talking!" Fan Dexian replied.

The leading people are all staring at the dragon turtle above the mucus.

The huge bead in the dragon turtle's mouth suddenly flickered at this moment.

The two auras were fighting in the air. The violent aura was about to win. The fresh aura suddenly pounced on the violent aura when the beads shone.

The two breaths were so entangled, and almost at the same time, the dragon head's dragon eyes opened.

One dragon's eye is blood red, flickering madly, and the other dragon's eye is black and white, with calm and clear eyes.

The huge dragon ball held in the dragon's mouth, the vines inside were swaying slightly at the moment, countless light spots gathered in front of it, and a hunchbacked old man slowly condensed out.

The figure of the old man was very illusory. After condensing into shape, he floated in front of everyone, to be precise, in front of Zhang Deming and Li Shifan.

Looking at the tokens in Zhang Deming's hands, he said quietly, "I finally waited for someone to come, but unfortunately it seems a bit late."

Everyone stared at the old man, and when he heard the old man's sigh, Dang Ruyu said, "Senior, I don't know why it's a bit late."

The hunchbacked old man ignored Dang Ruyu at all, but looked at Zhang Deming and Li Shifan and said, "Originally, I should give you blessings in accordance with the regulations.

Then a formal background check is carried out to complete the final stage of core discipleship.


If you are given the status of core disciples, you will have the lowest inheritance qualifications.

Now there is no one in charge of the secret realm, according to the succession rules, it is tantamount to handing over the control of the Qingmu secret realm to you. "

Everyone around, listening to the old man's words, their eyes became hot.

If it weren't for the old man, someone would probably have taken the risk.

The old man ignored the crowd, and continued: "It's nothing to do with it, whoever is in charge of the secret realm, I don't care about these things.

But now the secret realm is my last strength to resist, and I cannot allow you to waste it at will.

Originally, I was not qualified to block your process, but Aoki Sutra Pavilion was destroyed, and there was also a problem with the data module.

If I can't complete the formal background check, I can still get stuck. "

Zhang Deming watched the old man explain the reason slowly, and said decisively: "Senior, the two of us just passed the trial unintentionally and had no intention of getting involved in the secret realm.

Since seniors don’t want to hand it over to us, why don’t you let me wait and leave like this? "

The old man paused slightly and said, "Do you know what a Qingmutian represents?"

Zhang Deming replied respectfully: "I don't know, and I don't want to know. I only know that it is possible to live."

The old man was stunned again, and after a long time he said: "Interesting, this kind of character is quite acceptable, but it's a pity that I can't agree to it."

Zhang Deming's face darkened, he looked at the old man and said, "Why?"

The old man glanced at Zhang Deming and said, "You are very courageous!"

He looked back at Dragon Turtle's body and said, "It's not something that can't be said.

All the people who controlled the secret realm disappeared, and I could only be forced to remain silent, waiting for the opportunity for the secret realm Grotto-Heaven to rise again.

During this period, Gengjintian was tainted by karma and entangled with things outside the territory, and completely fell. Even the spirit of Grotto-Heaven was no exception.

When the blessed land was originally Integrated Union, it was a blessed land that took the turtle water Grotto-Heaven as its bones and connected the five Grotto-Heavens with water to rise up.

Although the five Grotto-Heavens in the Five Elements Blessed Land are separated due to the fall, they are still closely involved with each other.

Therefore, after the Gengjin Heaven was completely infected, the pollution smoothly entered my Qingmu Heaven. "

The old man looked at the space cracks dripping with liquid, and continued: "Because the blessed land fell, all my disciples disappeared, and I was forced to sleep.

Even though we knew we were being invaded and eaten away, it was not an invasion from outside, but from Geng Jintian.

Therefore, we can only continue to defend and cannot counterattack.

Therefore, over the past few years, it has been in danger.

After finally waiting for you, I have a reason to wake up. If I let you go, wouldn't it be impossible for me to make the final struggle? "

Everyone's expressions darkened, and Dang Ruyu said: "Senior, I and the others are of little use, why not..."

The old man looked at Dang Ruyu and the others, and said: "As disciples of the blessed land, even the peripheral disciples should coexist and die with the blessed land.

Since I have made the final effort, you should be witnesses for once. "

"I wonder what the result will be?" Dang Ruyu said.

The old man said indifferently: "I won. Needless to say, not only can you leave safely, but you will also become a part of Qingmutian."

Dang Ruyu asked: "What if senior loses?"

The old man said coldly: "Then let's be buried with Qing Mutian together!"


"This is crazy..."

A few disciples with low patience swear directly.

Zhang Deming looked at the old man and said coldly: "You said so much and shocked us in every way. I don't think it's just because you want to support someone before you die, right?

After all, if this is the case, why bother talking nonsense with us, anyone with a discerning eye can see that your loss is already obvious.

Therefore, in such a crucial battle, he still came to see us.

Hmm... You can say it's a blessing rule.

But talking nonsense to us shouldn't be a rule, right?

So we shouldn't be completely passive, right? You should have requests from us.

Only in this way can we explain why you came forward to intimidate us at such a critical moment.

Because you don't want to be passive when negotiating with us and want to seize the initiative. I guess you are right, Senior Dragon Turtle? "

Following Zhang Deming's words, everyone calmed down. The old man was not so angry, but showed a surprised expression.

He looked at Zhang Deming and said, "You really have a good character. If you want to survive this time, it's not a bad idea to leave the blessing to you."

After saying that, he looked at everyone and said, "Yes, I do have something to ask you for, but I'm not asking for help.

Because from the moment I raise the shield, you have no choice, right? "

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, waiting for the old man's next words.

"I'm not a natural earth spirit. I've seen it all. That's my true body over there. When I was about to reach my end of life, the ancestor of the Five Elements sacrificed the blessed land into my dragon ball.

Therefore, I became the earth spirit of Qingmutian. Although I had a long life, I also lost a lot, including the right to act independently.

Before I became an earth spirit, I followed the path of luck. "

Speaking of this, the old man felt a little proud, and everyone's pupils shrank slightly. Anyone who dared to try his luck would be the boss.

The old man continued: "When integrating into the blessed land, many abilities are difficult to use, but this blessing, combined with the identity of the earth spirit, has been strengthened a lot.

It is also because of this that blessings appear in the final entry reward process for Qingmutian's core disciples.

Just before you came in, when I woke up and found out that I was in a terrible condition, I immediately became anxious.

It's a lucky draw, but it's not a dead draw. It has a slight glimmer of hope, and the hexagrams show that the chance of survival lies with you.

Therefore, I locked you and me together.

Because if you don’t do this, I believe we all know how you will react. "

"How do you want us to help you, senior?" Zhou Zhixin said coldly.

The old man shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know, the hexagrams only show that you have my weak vitality.

Although it is not big, it is still a way to escape to heaven. "

Everyone: “·······”

You, a three-talented boss at the pinnacle of the heavenly realm, or even a half-step four-image boss, don’t know anything about it. What do you expect us to know?

The atmosphere suddenly became strangely quiet, and everyone stared at the old man.

If everyone didn't know that this person was a phantom with condensed spiritual power, some people would probably be planning to hit him.

Being stared at by everyone, the old man felt slightly unnatural. Just as he was about to speak, his entire body instantly collapsed and turned into a ball of light.


On the mucus, the calm snake body began to roar up to the sky and dance wildly.

The dragon turtle's clear eye also had a lot of bloodshot eyes, and the red one shone with endless madness.

"hold head high······"

A melodious dragon roar came from the dragon turtle's throat.

The entire island and even the entire secret realm shook slightly.

The dragon turtle's violent aura was suppressed, and the light group in front of everyone regrouped into the old man.

His figure was a little more transparent, and not as stable as before, and his aura fluctuated slightly from time to time.

"I don't have much time. Of course, it means that you don't have much time." The old man said.

"I said, even if you want us to help, you have to tell us how to help, right?" A disciple said speechlessly.

The old man pondered for a while, and said: "With your cultivation base, it is obviously impossible to provide any positive help, so you can only help from the side.

Now my body has been eroded, and karma Integrated Union has absorbed many things, plus the mutation of foreign things, which is extremely corrosive and dusted my spirituality.

As an earth spirit, spirituality is my foundation, so in order to gain vitality, the only possibility is to improve my spirituality.

So no matter whether you use spells, or use treasures, or feed materials, help me improve my spirituality. "

As the old man spoke, he waved his hand, and a dragon beard on the dragon's head quickly extended in front of several people.

The dragon's whiskers continued to grow, and its tip turned into a dragon's head about one meter long.

The dragon's head raised its head to the sky, with its mouth wide open, as if waiting for everyone to feed it.

The old man paused, and said: "Of course, this can go straight to my body, if you are sure to poison me to death, you can also poison me.

The premise is that it must be able to poison me in one fell swoop, including the complete destruction of my body functions, so that you may be able to run away.

But if you can't kill me, it's best not to rely on this. You've all seen what my current state is like.

If there is a slightly bigger movement, you are helping yourself in the opposite direction. "

After the old man finished speaking, everyone looked at each other in disbelief, looking at the dragon's head turned into a big mouth in front of them, and they were a little blinded for a moment.

When a few people hesitated, the old man's shadow collapsed again, and along with the dragon turtle's violent aura, it became even more violent and powerful.

While thinking, Dang Ruyu was the first to take action.

He held the jade flute gently, and the melodious flute sound came from his jade flute, which was smart, cheerful, and mixed with rich spiritual power.

The hunchbacked old man regrouped and took shape, closed his eyes to feel it, shook his head and said: "The music is good, but the level is too low, and it has no purifying effect.

With your level of cultivation, you won't be able to use any very good means to deal with karma, so you should avoid using spells as you don't want to waste time. "

Dang Ruyu paused slightly and said, "So you were thinking about the treasure in our pockets early in the morning, right?"

The old man glanced at Dang Ruyu and said nothing.

Now Qing Mutian's warehouse has not been completely destroyed, there are still a lot of things inside.

Therefore, how could it take a fancy to the things of this group of disciples? When the hexagram came out, he was slightly surprised.

I don’t know what kind of treasure can actually help him, an earth spirit, to fight against the contamination of karma.

Some disciples, seeing the situation becoming increasingly fierce, gritted their teeth, stepped forward, took out a few precious materials, and threw them into the dragon's mouth.

Someone took the lead, and slowly one after another others tried.

But let alone saying it is better, it has no effect at all.

The old man's light and shadow spoke again: "What I need is to improve the spirituality of my earth spirit. I don't need any spiritual power. Ordinary materials are of no use."

Everyone froze. Are you telling me that what we threw was ordinary materials?

Very angry, want to hit someone.

Throwing things out of a bleeding heart, you tell me they are ordinary materials?

When some people wanted to hit someone with black lines all over their heads, Zhou Zhixin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward and threw something.


(end of this chapter)

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