Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 183: Huang Lao

Chapter 183: Huang Lao

When the two forces collided, there was obviously no sound, but everyone on the island felt their ears were deafened, their eyes were black, and two people even fainted.

Many people had a little blood coming out of their ears.

The entire island space was shattered instantly, and the slime area in the center, where space cracks were already dense, was directly broken.

Silvery and yellow-green liquid, slightly more viscous than mercury, slowly poured over from the opposite side.

The dome of the sky was not only shattered, but the entire sky disappeared, bordering the sky outside the Hengduan Mountains.

The moment Zhang Deming saw the mucus coming, his expression changed drastically, because the space on the other side of the mucus was an endless ocean of mucus.

Countless deformed, snake-like creatures were swaying in the ocean. They also had dense eyes and big mouths like chrysanthemums, and their whole bodies were glowing with metallic luster.

They are like grass and trees, swaying on the sea.

On the entire sea surface, there is only a very sci-fi dilapidated spaceship, located in the center of these monsters, with a metal ball suspended on the top of the spacecraft.

On the sphere, the auras of the intelligent computer core and the spirits of the Gengjin Secret Realm are mixed.

Zhang Deming took a deep breath, his scalp numb, and when he turned around, he found that not only the dome had disappeared, but also the sky in the secret realm had disappeared.

What he saw when he looked up was Haoyang from the Hongmeng Realm, shining through the big hole into the secret realm.

Most of the secret realm seems to be suspended in the sky at this moment, but it is not high from the ground, only a few hundred meters away.

Zhang Deming and Li Shifan looked at each other, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

No one was stupid around. Seeing the slime slowly coming in like sand, everyone turned around and ran away.

Above the mucus, the battle between the dragon head and the thirteen tentacles became more and more intense.

Feeling the increasingly fierce fight behind him, with mucus scattered all over the sky and flying in all directions, Zhang Deming dodged and said to Li Shifan:

"No, if we continue like this, we won't be able to escape the building complex.

And in the current situation, it is not certain whether the teleportation array left is effective or not. "

Hearing this, Li Shifan looked up at Haoyang in the sky and said, "Go up!"

Zhang Deming's face darkened and he said: "Is it possible to break out of the secret realm like this? After all, it seems that the sky has been broken now, and I don't know if there is any space power left.

If we are not careful, we will be involved. "

Li Shifan dodged a ball of mucus again and said, "It's better than being hit by this thing, right? Even a shield can't defend it."

During their previous run, the two of them clearly saw someone trying to block him with a spiritual shield. As a result, the mucus contaminated the shield and the other party was contaminated.

Zhang Deming looked back at the center of the fight, nodded and said, "Okay! Give it a try!"

At this time, the two of them had already reached the edge of the island. At this moment, the changes on the island were already known to people outside the lake.

After all, half of the sky in the Secret Realm was shattered, and it directly connected with the sky in the Hongmeng Realm.

Many of the timid ones had already begun to run back, planning to go out, while the more courageous ones were still on the other side of the lake, waiting for their group of explorers.

When they came to the lake, many people quickly took off and flew towards the lake.

Zhang Deming and Li Shifan did not join them. Instead, they squatted to the limit and jumped straight into the sky.

"What do they want to do?" On the other side of the lake, the actions of Zhang Deming and the two attracted the attention of many people.

"I don't know, I guess I can't fly, I can only glide!"

"Shouldn't you jump this way when gliding? What's the reason for rising into the sky?"

Across the lake, many people were talking.

Zhang Deming and Li Shifan, after jumping to the limit height, looked at each other at the moment they were stuck in the air.

Li Shifan raised the long sword above his head, and the vines in Zhang Deming's hand were woven into an emerald long sword.

The breaths of the two were entangled, and turned into two entangled streamers again, rising into the sky like a tornado.

After rushing for a certain distance again, Li Shifan still didn't break out of the secret realm. Li Shifan said: "I can't do it, brother, I've reached my limit, and I'm about to exhaust myself, so I can't get out."

Hearing this, Zhang Deming lowered his head and looked down. After jumping and combining the two swords at the limit, the two of them had already risen to a very high altitude.

But it is still in the secret realm, and the people below can only see a small group.

In the center of the island, the dragon head and the thirteen tentacles are fighting fiercely.

The surrounding mucus kept flocking to it, and during the battle, more mucus flew out and spread to the entire island.

Seeing all this, Zhang Deming's heart sank.


You can't fall down like this, the chance of running out is much smaller than the chance of encountering danger if you fall down like this, if you accidentally confess inside.

There were countless monsters and weird metal balls in the ocean just now, although he just took a quick look, none of them were simple.

Especially once the teleportation array doesn't work and is contaminated by the things behind it, the chance of death should not be too high.

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Zhang Deming took a deep breath, looked at Li Shifan, and said, "Remember to put your arms around me later, and don't let me fall."

Li Shifan was taken aback for a moment, and said blankly: "Well, ah? What?"

Zhang Deming didn't answer Li Shifan, but under Li Shifan's shocked eyes, he put one hand on his chest and began to chant:

“The immeasurable grandeur is the root of all spirits.

Practice all kinds of Dharma extensively and prove my Divine Ability.

The stars in the sky are the only ones who nurture spirits.

It encompasses heaven and earth and nourishes all living beings.

I invite you to join the alliance, as urgent as the law decrees! "

At the same time, his mind moved and he activated the technique.

"Rune Summoning: Spiritual Summoning Technique·Dragon Turtle!"

A white ball of light condensed out of Zhang Deming's hands, and quickly condensed into an old figure.

At this moment, Zhang Deming rolled his eyes, as if he had passed out, but in fact, his consciousness was transferred to the mirror summoning body.

Only then did Li Shifan realize that he knew what Zhang Deming meant by hugging, and the moment Zhang Deming fell, he stretched out his arms and hugged Zhang Deming.

But because of Zhang Deming's 'fainting', the two swords that barely maintained were successfully broken, and both of them fell down quickly.

After hugging Zhang Deming, Li Shifan realized that the ball of light in the sky in front of him had disappeared, and an old figure appeared in the sky.

"Is this? Mr. Huang!!!" Li Shifan was extremely shocked.

The old figure paused slightly, then raised his head and looked around, and saw two people falling quickly.

He fished it out casually, and two figures floated in front of him.

As a three-talented dragon at the pinnacle of the Heaven Realm, Dragon Turtle may not be very proficient in escape skills, but there is no need to question flying.

Besides, he is still in the secret realm, and his mirror image is at least half an earth spirit.

"Experience value -100."

After Zhang Deming took the shot, he was a little stunned. It was the first time he met someone with reverse experience, that is, the cultivation base of mouth.

On the Avenue of Fortune, it is true that one must not die to become a boss.

This ability deducts the cultivation base, so how many of them can become big bosses!

"I've seen Mr. Huang." Li Shifan realized that he was suspended in the air, and immediately saluted Zhang Deming... um... Mr. Huang.

At the same time, a picture scroll appeared above Li Shifan's head, and a young man floated out, bowed to Huang Lao, and said, "This junior has seen Huang Lao."

Zhang Deming had a calm expression, frowned slightly, and said, "What's going on, why is there a lot of sinful karma around you?

But which force committed a heinous crime? Does Heavenly Spirit Sect not care? "

"Back to Mr. Huang, I'm not sure about these small things. I guess they are caused by the things below." Li Shifan replied.

Zhang Deming turned his head and looked down, frowned and said: "Karma, earth spirits, demon souls, extraterrestrial auras, what are these, stewed together in a big pot?"

Li Shifan: "······"

Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and saw that he was almost fooled, so he said: "That's all, I'll take you out of here first. I'll ask you about other matters myself."

After saying this, Zhang Deming waved his hand, and a stream of water swept the two of them up into the sky.

"Experience -300"

Seeing that Zhang Deming ignored him, Li Cheng said hello and disappeared again.

Zhang Deming flew upward for a moment, feeling like he had passed through a weak film. His eyes were dazzled, and when he regained consciousness, he was already in the sky of Hongmeng Realm.

Looking back, I saw half of the secret realm hanging in the sky not far away, like a mirage.

Looking down, below is the entrance to the giant tree's secret realm. At this moment, many people can still be seen in the entire valley.

But at this moment, the entrance to the secret realm has been closed, and the giant tree has disappeared.

The four Liangyi bosses who noticed the strange changes in the secret realm below kept their heads raised to pay attention to the changes.

The moment Zhang Deming appeared as Mr. Huang, everyone was shocked. Before he could fall down, the four of them looked at each other and soared into the sky.

Zhang Deming's expression moved slightly, with his hands behind his back, and he quietly looked at the four people flying up below.

When several people came closer, they discovered that Zhang Deming turned out to be an energy body.

The art of External Incarnation?

The incarnations are all three talents and major cultivators at the peak of the heavenly realm. How terrifying will the original cultivation level be?

Several people were shocked in their hearts and said respectfully to Zhang Deming: "Heavenly Spirit Sect inner sect elders, Zhou Tong, Fang Qing, Dang Qian, and Yang Sinan have met this senior."

Zhang Deming nodded slightly and asked, "Who is in charge of the Heavenly Spirit Sect now?"

Several people were stunned for a moment, and Zhou Tong replied: "To return to my predecessors, the current headmaster is Uncle Dang Junan, who took over the position of headmaster two hundred years ago.

Now he has entered the heavenly realm and reached the peak of the three talents.

I don’t know about this senior..."

Zhang Deming frowned slightly and said, "I didn't ask you the headmaster, I asked who is in charge. In your words, who is the supreme elder of your sect who has not retired to seclusion?"

"Um...Senior, the affairs of the sect's supreme elders are not something we can know." Zhou Tong's face stiffened and his heart sank slightly as he said.

You know, why should I ask?

If you say a few more words, wouldn't I be blinded?

Zhang Deming looked at the other party and said casually: "Okay, then quickly notify a few people from your sect who can take care of things. Your cultivation is completely inadequate."

When the four of them heard this, their pupils all shrank.

Zhou Tong replied: "To return to senior, before you come out, we have notified the sect and you should be here soon.

I don’t know what to call this senior, and how he came out of this secret realm..."

"Why, do I still need to report to you about my actions?" Zhang Deming said expressionlessly.

Zhou Tong immediately lowered his head and said: "Senior, I misunderstood. I just want to ask for clarification so that I can reply to the sect."

"Don't use Heavenly Spirit Sect to suppress me. Even if the gang members come, they can't suppress me." Zhang Deming said.

The henchman, well, the legendary figure of the Heavenly Spirit Sect that Zhang Deming knew was the kind of legendary figure written into the sect's cultural manual, but a figure from thousands of years ago.

When Zhou Tong and others heard this, they were even more shocked. In front of them was an old monster that was thousands of years old. No wonder External Incarnation had such cultivation levels.

Can't afford it! Can't afford it!

Let’s leave this matter of finding out to the sect’s three talented uncles!

Lightning flashed in Zhou Tong's heart, and he immediately looked at Li Shifan, who was surrounded by a stream of water behind Zhang Deming, and Zhang Deming, who was suspected to be unconscious.

This costume?

Zhou Tong's expression changed, he looked at Zhang Deming and said, "Senior, is this...?"

Zhang Deming looked back and said, "Oh, these two have some connection with me. They are my descendants. It seems they have a lot to do with you."

Zhou Tong looked at Li Shifan and made sure he didn't know each other. He asked doubtfully: "Senior, you mean?"

Zhang Deming said: "They are all disciples of your Heavenly Spirit Sect now. It was because of the two of them that I had to come and take a look.

Okay, now that we have seen the rightful owner, I will leave them to you.

I'm a bit far away here, so I relied on this guy to invite External Incarnation. His little cultivation won't last long for me. "

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, the four of them were stunned and threw Li Shifan and the unconscious Zhang Deming to Zhou Tong and others.

"It's not senior... Can you wait... Zongmen..."

Before Zhou Tong could finish his words, Zhang Deming had turned into spots of light all over the sky and disappeared.

You have to run faster. This avenue of fortune is too deceptive. If you take action, your cultivation level will be deducted.

If we really want to ask him for help later, his experience points are not enough!

The four Liangyi elders looked at each other in disbelief as they looked at Mr. Huang who disappeared into a point of light. After a long time, Zhou Tong asked, "How to deal with this?"

Among the four, Dang Qian, an elegant man, looked at Li Shifan, who was carrying Zhang Deming and keeping his head carefully lowered, and said:

"What else can we do? Let's go down and ask about the situation first, and then we can make a decision after our uncle arrives!

It was said that they were juniors, and such an old monster personally acknowledged it, and also told them to ask for the incarnation of such a trump card to make a trip in person.

Can you still leave this kind of disciple alone? "

After hearing this, several people flew downwards.

Li Shifan was led by Zhou Tong and flew downwards.

After a while, several people fell to the ground. The four of them looked at Li Shifan and said, "This... this Fellow Daoist, can you tell me about the situation?"

When Li Shifan heard this, he greeted him in fear: "Li Shifan, a disciple of Xiao Huifeng from the outer sect, has met all of you."

Seeing Li Shifan's actions, several people looked at each other. Is he really a disciple of the sect?

Zhou Tong waved his hand, and a light screen appeared in front of him. He asked calmly: "Xiao Huifeng? When did you enter the inner sect, and when did you go to the outer sect, Xiao Huifeng?"

(end of this chapter)

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