Cultivation Of Coders

October Summary

October summary

It's been on the shelves for a month, and it's stumbling, Wei Wei is here to thank all the book friends who have supported along the way.

Subscription is not ideal. Friends who read pirated copies, if you think this book is okay, please give a little support. Every piece of your support is the motivation for Dimension to persevere.

Although the results are not very good, most of the book friends who have read it have at least responded well. As a newbie, this gives Dimension a lot of motivation. Thank you again, book friends.

From more than 100 subscriptions on the first day to the current results, Dimension is quite grateful. After all, there has never been a strong recommendation position, but the results have been growing steadily.

Therefore, although the subscription is miserable, Dimension will persist. I said that if the book starts with one million, it must start with one million. As for the specific step, this is really not something that Dimension can completely decide. The main thing is to read the book Friends.

If there is a book list for book friends, if you can recommend a book list for support, Dimension would be very grateful.

Let’s talk about the updates and additions in November.

In the next month, it will still be 6,000 for the subsistence allowance while striving for 10,000 per day, with an update of 40,000 to 70,000 per week, trying to get closer to 70,000.

Of course, as a newbie, 10,000 yuan a day is not a guarantee, but in October it seems that there were only two days in October that were delayed due to some delays, and the total number of updates exceeded 300,000 words, so I have worked very hard.

Update rules for November:

For every one hundred orders, one update will be added;

For every additional five hundred monthly tickets, one update will be added;

Give rewards, if you do your best, the alliance leader will definitely update!

Well, that's what I initially thought of.

The second is to thank all the book friends for their subscriptions and rewards. I will not call them one by one, but make a roster or something.

The last thing is to ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, recommendations, collections, and various supports.

Every support from you is the driving force for Dimension to persevere! ! !

(end of this chapter)

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