Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 19 Flying Requires Training In Every World!

Chapter 19: Flight Training in Any World!

The girl looked at Zhang Deming's reaction and smiled, "Junior Brother, do you think I'm the Supreme Elder because I fell from the sky?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Hmm, so Senior Sister fell from the back of a crane?"

From what Zhang Deming understood, stable flying skills mostly required the cultivation level of the Dual Primordial stage, and at the very least, they were at the Law level.

Rarely, some high-level techniques could achieve brief flights.

Upon hearing Zhang Deming's response, the girl's face darkened. "Did I really look that foolish?"

"Oh, no, I was just using it to practice flying," the girl named Ling'er said, pointing to the modern-style backpack on her back.

Zhang Deming heard this and carefully observed the backpack that disrupted the overall style. It looked like a flying backpack that hadn't been fully popularized in his previous life.

Unbelievable, the formation barrier was one thing, but this was a bit too much. It seemed like the development of the path of cultivation was going well.

Now this backpack with flying capabilities seemed a bit excessive. It had too many elements of science fiction.

While Zhang Deming was stunned, the girl took the initiative to speak, "Junior Brother, you probably haven't seen this before. This thing is a Law Weapon for flying from beyond the domain. It doesn't require cultivation level and doesn't consume spiritual energy. It's quite a good treasure, although the quality is not ideal."

Zhang Deming's face twitched. It was indeed a flying backpack.

Beyond the domain?

This was the second time he had heard this term. Could it be referring to Earth?

Of course, Zhang Deming didn't rashly ask, as it was their first meeting.

"And, this thing is so much fun. Um, I mean, it has learning value," the girl said with an excited and jubilant expression, as if she was showing off a new toy.

Um, calm down a bit with your excitement, and I'll believe that you're studying.

Zhang Deming looked at the girl's excited expression and didn't know how to comment, so he continued the conversation, saying, "Learning to fly? Do we really need to learn how to fly?"

The girl looked puzzled by Zhang Deming's question and said, "Why wouldn't we need to learn how to fly? Flying techniques are not only difficult to cultivate, but even after cultivation, they require a long period of flight training to adapt. I'm just laying a foundation as early as possible."

Um, you're talking as if you're training to become a pilot!


A pilot?

Right, it's just like a pilot.

Having read novels and watched TV shows before coming to this Transcendent world, Zhang Deming subconsciously thought that being able to use techniques would allow him to fly.

But in his previous life, most people would scream on roller coasters, let alone flying.

Normal pilots not only needed technical training, but also needed to withstand mental and physical pressure. They had to undergo extensive training to become qualified pilots.

But cultivators didn't just sit in the cockpit, they flew directly.

This situation was even more exaggerated than being a pilot.

How could they just fly directly?

There was a big difference between being able to fly and knowing how to fly.

Zhang Deming seemed to have never realized this problem before. He had always thought that once he learned techniques, he would be able to fly like a bird.

So, is flying in the cultivation world just as difficult as being a pilot in his previous life?

But if you tell others that even advanced apprentices are preparing for Dual Primordial stage techniques, would they believe it, Senior Sister?

Is it true? Or are you just fooling me, a clueless person?

"Oh, Senior Sister is right. I don't really understand these things. Your goals are truly ambitious!" Zhang Deming replied awkwardly.

Linger felt a little embarrassed and awkward when she heard that, and she said, "Well, actually, part of the reason is that I was too excited to see something new."

"Sister, are you okay?"

At this moment, a crane descended from the sky, and a young man jumped off the crane's back with a nervous expression.

Zhang Deming turned his head and was surprised again. He had actually seen this person before. It was Ji Ming, who had inexplicably greeted him some time ago.

"It's okay, there are emergency measures for this thing. When it falls, there is a buffering speed, at most it's a little painful," Linger replied.

You're still in pain? My goodness, my back hurts!

Zhang Deming couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"We should hurry back. If Master finds out, I'll get scolded again," Ji Ming said as he approached.

"Okay!" Linger turned her head, glanced at Zhang Deming, and said, "Goodbye, junior brother."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zhang Deming felt that the other party seemed a little reluctant.

Well, I'm thinking too much. We just met.

Zhang Deming replied, "Goodbye, sister."

At this moment, Ji Ming noticed Zhang Deming beside him and looked at him in surprise. He said, "Hey, it's such a coincidence, junior brother."

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "Hello, senior brother. It's quite a coincidence."

"What junior brother? You should call me senior brother. You joined later," Linger suddenly interjected.

Zhang Deming frowned slightly, and at this time, Linger raised the identity card in her hand and projected a light screen. Zhang Deming's basic information was displayed on it. She said, "See?"

Ji Ming felt a little embarrassed and said, "Okay, senior brother it is then."

"Let's hurry back. Sister Linger, we don't have much time. Master should be coming soon."

"I told you to put it away first, but you didn't listen. You insisted on playing with it. If Master sees it later, you'll change your mind and put it away. Don't cry then."

"He dares!"

He said it quite fiercely, but the girl quickly said goodbye to Zhang Deming and jumped onto the crane's back, flying away directly.

After the two flew into the sky, Ji Ming looked at the girl and said, "Sister, couldn't you have waited a few more days? The matter with the monster in the back mountain hasn't been resolved yet. It's obvious that Master won't stay for long. It could be as short as a month or as long as two months. What are we going to do then? Isn't it better to have more freedom? Why cause trouble for no reason?"

On the crane's back, the girl looked down at Linger and whispered, "I just wanted to come out and play with my flying backpack. It was purely accidental."

Ji Ming maintained a calm tone and said, "Is that so? If we go back on the crane, it will be reported. Your actions when you came to Xiaoqing Mountain, if Master finds out, your previous actions at the assignment office won't be able to cover it up. And as for the person below... Even if you've entered the outer sect now, it won't change much. If you cause trouble again, it won't be like before, where we could suppress the matter and handle it quietly."

Linger was stunned by his words, and then, under Ji Ming's astonished gaze, she jumped directly off the crane's back.


"I'll fly back on my own. Don't involve me when you report. It was you who rode out and wandered around aimlessly. Where you went is your own business."

As her figure rapidly descended, her unusually calm words reached their ears.

"You... sigh. These people are causing so much trouble!! The old ones are stubborn, and the young ones are even more stubborn. Damn it, I'm only seventeen years old, I'm the youngest, okay!! My round body is almost turning into a dumpling. It's not easy for me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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