Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 21 Report [Recommendation, Collection, Investment]

Chapter 21: Report [Seeking recommendations, seeking collections, seeking investments]

The musk deer leaped swiftly among the mountains, and Zhang Deming looked around curiously.

The surrounding scenery rapidly receded.

Although the bouncing was frequent, Zhang Deming didn't feel any turbulence. Instead, it was unusually smooth and comfortable.

At first, the road was filled with small hills, but as they moved forward, the peaks began to rise.

The original path turned into a gorge.

The entire Heavenly Spirit Sect had a semi-circular structure.

Countless peaks decreased in elevation from the inside to the outside, until the outermost area became a plain where common people lived without many mountains.

Behind the semi-circle was a primitive forest and a transverse mountain range.

Inside, there were dense demonic beasts and poisonous insects.

The primitive forest and the main peak of the sect were separated by a forbidden area, forming a barrier.

Therefore, as they approached the inner gate, the surrounding terrain increasingly had the atmosphere of a primitive forest.

Although the popularity didn't decrease, it was clear that the surroundings became more tranquil.

When the musk deer arrived at a peculiar mountain, Zhang Deming roughly guessed that they had reached their destination.

Because the mountain in front of them matched its name.

Among the surrounding mountains, there was a small peak encircled by a circle of tall mountains, truly deserving the name "Little Return Peak."

Of course, compared to the surrounding mountains, this small peak was slightly shorter.

But it wasn't short when considered alone.

On the contrary, it was tall and towering, with an elevation of several thousand meters.

At the foot of the mountain, the spirit deer paused for a moment, then leaped directly towards the top of the mountain.

Unlike the outer gate that Zhang Deming had seen in the menial tasks yard, there was no sign of human activity at the foot of Little Return Peak.

But starting from the mountainside, countless pavilions and towers stood, instantly making it feel like returning to the mortal world.

As the steps of the spirit deer slowed down, it was obvious that they were almost there. Lu Jingsun, expressionless, spoke, "You have been assigned to the Spirit Medicine Garden, next to the tranquil pond.

Because the place is too secluded and far from the surrounding canteens, it is not suitable for running back and forth before mastering agility techniques.

So you don't have to eat at the canteen, you can directly receive allowances, five catties of spirit rice and three catties of demonic beast meat per month.

It's slightly more than the canteen's portion, not only because of the allowance, but also for certain compensatory reasons.

Hmm, besides the public classes on Little Return Peak, you can stay there all the time.

Of course, you can also choose not to attend the public classes.

But this is the only free opportunity to learn spells on Little Return Peak. I believe you won't miss it.

Three basic spells are popular on Little Return Peak.

The first spell, which is also the most basic one, is usually chosen based on the tasks assigned to the disciples.

For example, the spirit farmer is given the Minor Cloud and Rain Spell, the blacksmith is given the Fire Control Spell, and the formation master is given the Mind Eye Calculation Technique, and so on.

The remaining two are the agility technique and the spiritual power shield taught in the public classes.

Of course, although they are all Rank One low-level spells, not all outer disciples are provided for free.

The three basic spells are provided for free, which is the best treatment for outer disciples.

The worst outer disciples, like the menial workers, only receive the lowest level of spell guarantee.

This is the class schedule, four lessons per month, teaching the popular compulsory spells, agility techniques, and spiritual power shields.

The content is taught in a continuous loop, one cycle per month. Once you've learned it, you don't have to attend anymore.

Your arrival time is just right. The classes for this month have just finished, and they should start again at the end of the month.

For other spells, you need to purchase them with spirit stones or contribution points.

A reminder, in the sect, although one contribution point is equivalent to one spirit stone, spirit stones cannot be exchanged for contribution points at will. There is a limit on the quantity within a certain period of time, while contribution points can be exchanged for spirit stones at any time.

You can slowly comprehend the differences yourself.

Over at the medicinal garden, because it is a small garden, there is not much management or a cafeteria.

Originally, there were four people, but they were all kicked out because they made consecutive mistakes in the past few days.

There are no new arrangements recently, so for now, you are the only one responsible for taking care of it.

There is also a junior sister and a junior brother listed, but don't expect them to come.

Don't feel tired. Being assigned here is already a stroke of luck, and the tranquil medicinal garden is a place countless people are eager to go to.

You have such luck as soon as you arrive, it's simply... well, it's simply too good luck.

I have looked at your information. You are an intermediate apprentice, proficient in dual spells, and responsible for the tranquil small medicinal garden. It's not a very tiring job.

That's all I have to explain. Do you have any other questions?"

At this moment, as Lu Jingsun finished speaking, they had already arrived at their destination and jumped off the spirit deer.

The two of them stopped at a quiet small pool in the mountains, with clear water and a serene environment.

By the water's edge, there was a two-acre medicinal garden and a pavilion.

Looking up, they saw that at the end of the water was a river.

Several tens of meters away from the river was another large pool, and the two pools formed a gourd shape. On the large pool, there was a flowing waterfall.

The waterfall, which should have been very noisy, became very faint when the sound reached here.

The environment was elegant, and there was no trace of scorching heat. The air had a suitable humidity and was very fresh.

This is simply a legendary paradise-level vacation villa. No wonder it's said to be incredibly lucky to be assigned here.

Him, such a place should be very suitable for cultivators, and shouldn't be assigned to outer disciples, right?

Did the big shots of the sect lose their minds?

Zhang Deming was stunned by the beautiful environment, and when he turned around, he found that Lu Jingsun beside him also had a longing expression.

Um, he should also be a manager, right? He wouldn't just come here to live without doing anything, would he?

Although he was curious in his heart, Zhang Deming didn't ask rashly.

Instead, he asked, "Senior Brother Lu, where can I receive the monthly allocation and spiritual food supply?"

Lu Jingsun said, "You don't need to worry about that. Because of the special nature of this place, someone will deliver them to you. You just need to make sure the portions are complete.

If there is a shortage, you can directly report it for spiritual food, and as for the food supply, if you like to indulge in your appetite, you can tell the delivery person. It's not too troublesome, it's up to you."

Ha, the gap between outer disciples and menial workers is really this big?

Why does it feel like the treatment has taken a 180-degree turn?

"What about the two-acre medicinal garden and these herbs?"

"Someone will come to explain and take care of them for you, probably tomorrow or so. It's not too troublesome, it should only take a day.

Of course, there will also be a lot of manuals for you to refer to on your identity card.

If you have any questions afterwards, you can directly find me. My contact information is already on your identity card."

Lu Jingsun patiently answered Zhang Deming's questions in great detail.

Zhang Deming's face showed a strange expression for a moment. Lu Jingsun paused and looked at Zhang Deming, saying, "If you have any questions, just ask."

"Well, Senior Brother Lu, is the gap between menial workers and outer disciples really this big?" Zhang Deming couldn't help but ask.

For the past ten years, in order to avoid trouble and attention, he rarely left Xiaoying Mountain, so he didn't know much about the outer disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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