Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 251 Breaking The Seal And Reappearing Of The Trio

Chapter 251 Breaking the seal and reappearing of the trio

Nangong Cheng looked at them and paused slightly. His lips moved but he didn't say a word. Compared with these babies, how much better was he?

His literary courage was broken and his Taoist heart was covered in dust. Even if he could get out, he would probably be like this for the rest of his life.

Confucian shirt Nan Gongcheng, with a dazed expression, was bathed and changed by four boys, and changed into a clean Confucian shirt.

Then he was dragged out of the room again by two disciples and came to a new room.

The layout of this room is a living room, but in the middle of the living room is a small round table.

Hua Zhengyu, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes, was already sitting there beside the round table, and next to him, there was a young monk Huineng who was sitting in a strange posture.

The three sat on the small round table, looking at each other so close, they were relatively speechless for a while.

However, when young monk Huineng and Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu saw Nangong Cheng's gaze, they both paused slightly. Faintly, the words "find a way to send messages to the outside world" were floating on Nangong Cheng's eyeballs.

But the text was a bit broken, as if it was spliced ​​together from a lot of fragments, and it only disappeared in a flash, and then the three of them looked away instantly, as if nothing happened.

Among the several disciples around, no one noticed anything abnormal.

After a while, Guan Zhenzhen walked in.

There is also a shelf behind her. On the shelf is a circular platform, and a middle-aged man is sitting on the platform. At this moment, the middle-aged man is sitting on the platform, staring, motionless. It makes people think it is a sculpture.

On the surface of the platform, there is a radiant mask.

If Zhang Deming was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person in an instant. This person turned out to be the old monster in the Sutra Pavilion in the Turtle Water Secret Realm.

The three of them looked at the platform, and at the middle-aged man, their eyes flickered.

The shelf was lifted and placed on a high platform next to the round table. The angle of view was just enough for the middle-aged man in the round table to see the three of them.

Guan Zhenzhen looked at the three of them and said, "In this case, let's start.

By the way, I forgot to mention, this time, in addition to the main wish, you also need to make a small wish. We will talk about the small wish later. "

After saying that, Guan Zhenzhen pinched his hands quickly, and a circular mask covered the entire small round table.

The moment the eggshell-like circular shield was completed, wisps of black smoke rose from the wounds of the three of them, and the black smoke slowly gathered behind the three of them, forming a pitch-black ghost, staring at the three of them .

At this time, the withered spiritual power in the bodies of the three of them began to fluctuate slightly, and the three of them slowly recovered their original cultivation bases. On the table in front of the three of them, a paragraph of text also appeared.

The final result requires, wish: the seal is broken without consequences!

The three of them looked at the text on the round table, without any communication, they all shook their heads and said, "I can't do it, it's at least a four or five star ban, even if the three of us work together, we can't break it without consequences."

The desktop text changes: Then minimize the consequences as much as possible. If I notice that you keep your hands, then wait to go back and enjoy the 'appetite' again.

When the three of them heard the words, they all looked at the Taoist robe Hua Zhengyu.

Hua Zhengyu took a deep breath, and a gossip appeared between his eyebrows. He spread his hands slightly, and an illusory gossip was spinning in his hands.

After a long time, he looked at the gossip and said, "I have a friend who said: This ban comes from itself."

Following his words, the unique power of lies was activated, and when driving the gossip, it turned into a force of prophecy. On the gossip, a line of words slowly emerged.

This Taoist turned out to be a master of lies, and had already completed the initial span from lies to prophecy, the rank four sublimation of the core of the rune.

The moment the information appeared, Hua Zhengyu's face turned pale.

Seal: Demon Spirit Sealing Formation

Information: In ancient times, Leiyin Temple used this formation to seal the remnants of the five elements.

Looking at the gossip information, the three of them were all taken aback for a moment, then turned their heads together to look at the middle-aged man on the round platform.

Hua Zhengyu took another breath and said, "I have a friend who said: This formation can be broken."

The gossip is driven again, and a line of text emerges again.

Method: The strength of the non-five elements should be overcome, and its nodes should be broken.

Array node information:······

As the second paragraph of information appeared, Hua Zhengyu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his entire face became abnormally pale.

"Are you okay?" Rushan Nangongcheng asked with concern.

Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu shook his head and said: "It's okay, I just prophesied to peek into Leiyin Temple in Fudi and got a little injured."

Seeing this, Nangong Cheng looked at the information on the Bagua and said, "Then it's my turn!"

He raised his hand to hold it empty, and a writing brush condensed from his hand. He pondered slightly, and wrote: "The demon soul sealing array in Leiyin Temple has nodes that fluctuate and are broken when touched."

As he stopped writing, a few words shone brightly, and the two people watching his movements were slightly stunned.

Young monk Huineng looked up at these words and the three words "Leiyin Temple" with an incomprehensible expression, and his eyes flickered a few times.

"Little monk, hurry up, my literary courage is broken and I won't last long." Nangong Cheng said quickly.

Young monk Huineng paused slightly, clasped his hands, and said: "Little monk Huineng, today I make a wish. I wish that the demon soul sealing array in Leiyin Temple will have nodes that fluctuate and will be broken if touched. To fulfill my wish, young monk wishes to shorten his life span for a hundred years and practice asceticism." Make a wish."

Hua Zhengyu and Nangong Cheng were stunned. They didn't expect the young monk to make such a big investment. Even Guan Zhenzhen outside was stunned, and then looked at the young monk in confusion.

As Monk Huineng finished speaking, the words in front of Nangong Cheng flashed together, like steel seals, and shot into the light mask of the round platform next to him one by one.

The mask fluctuated rapidly, and obvious nodes appeared on it.

Seeing this, Guan Zhenzhen glanced at a disciple next to him. The disciple trembled slightly. Finally, under Guan Zhenzhen's gaze, he honestly stepped forward and reached out to pinch a node.


The mask of light shattered instantly, but the broken light spot did not disappear. A small part of it fell on the disciple, and most of it fell on the middle-aged man in the round platform.

The disciples who were stained by the light were instantly frightened. Before they could make a sound, they aged rapidly until they disappeared into a pile of ashes.

As for the middle-aged man who was mostly infected, his face remained unchanged, but his hair began to turn gray rapidly and became withered.

He didn't stop until his head was full of white hair, and it was withered white hair that had no luster.


As the changes finally stopped, the middle-aged man suddenly coughed, announcing that the seal was successfully broken.

But what they didn't notice was that most of the words printed on the mask and disappeared were broken, except for the three words "Leiyin Temple" which had a little bit of brilliance but slowly disappeared.

Guan Zhenzhen breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that the seal was broken.

With a wave of their hands, several disciples quickly stepped forward, lifted the shelf, and carried the middle-aged man out of the room quickly.

At this time, Guan Zhenzhen took out a command talisman. It was the entry talisman of Turtle Water Secret Realm, the same one Zhang Deming used originally.

She took the command talisman and threw it into the light shield, and it landed in the center of the small round table.

The three of them looked at things and frowned slightly.

Guan Zhenzhen said: "There is a person's aura remaining on this order talisman. No matter which of the three of you comes or what method you use, just lead him to Huayue City for me.

As a reminder, the other party is probably at the Tai Chi stage, and his path is unknown, but he is extremely cautious and it is best to keep his methods subtle. "

After hearing the words, the three of them looked at each other. After a long time, Hua Zhengyu said hesitantly: "I'll hang up first and take a look at the information before deciding what to do."

Young monk Huineng and Rushan Nangongcheng nodded and said, "Okay!"

Hua Zhengyu picked up the order talisman and spread it out with one hand. A gossip emerged again. He placed the order talisman on the gossip and then said:

"I have a friend who said: This person's life will show up...


Before he finished speaking, Taoist priest Hua Zhengyu turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood. This time, without any preparation, he spat directly into the faces of the two people opposite him.

Monk Huineng paused slightly, Nangong Cheng's eyes flickered, and then he immediately said: "Is everything okay, but was he too seriously injured when he broke the seal just now?"

Hua Zhengyu lowered his head, his body trembling, and deep in his eyes, there was a deep look of fear.


He coughed out several mouthfuls of blood again, and then he felt slightly better. Then he followed the words Nangong Cheng handed over and said:

"Well, it's true that the injury was a bit serious before. I didn't expect that the backlash would be so strong when it comes to the hexagram of the blessed land of Leiyin Temple."

Hearing this, Nangong Cheng raised his head faintly, looked at the frowning Guan Zhenzhen, and said, "You also saw that we are all very exhausted. Should we forget about it or move it to another day?"

Guan Zhenzhen frowned and said, "I asked you to bring out a Tai Chi monk, not to bring out Sacred Land Saint Child, so there is no such trouble, so hurry up. Daoist Hua can't do it, can't you?"

Hearing this, the scholar Nangong Cheng turned around helplessly and said, "How about I do it?"

Hua Zhengyu immediately said: "Let me take a look first, isn't it said that the other party is very cautious, don't mess it up.

I didn't expect the injury to suddenly occur just now, but now that I'm prepared, it's nothing. "

Nangong Cheng took a deep look at Hua Zhengyu, nodded and said, "Okay."

This time, Hua Zhengyu carefully performed the surgery and said, "I have a friend. He said that what this person needs most will appear."

With the end of his words, his throat swelled, and it seemed that something was about to come out, but he swallowed it back abruptly. Because his face was already extremely pale, he couldn't see anything coming out. At the same time, the words on the Bagua circulated.

Item: Infant Spirit Hollow Jade.

Introduction: What you need.

Looking at this crude and unusual information, the three of them paused.

Hua Zhengyu raised his head and stared at Nangong Cheng, licking his lips unconsciously.

Nangong Cheng was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickering for a moment, as if he just remembered that a little blood had been sprayed on his face.

He gently stretched out his hand and wiped away the blood. The moment he wiped away the blood, he paused slightly.

The light in his hand flickered, and the blood on his palm quickly faded, but in his eyes, it turned into a string of bloody words that only he could see.

‘This person is unpredictable, a great terror, but also a source of vitality. Try to find him! '

The words condensed quickly and disappeared quickly, and only he could see them.

After Nangong Cheng wiped off the blood, he looked back at Guan Zhenzhen as if nothing had happened and said:

"Look for this thing. The other party may be about to advance. After you find the thing, make a wish to me or the young monk, and you should be able to draw it out without leaving any trace."

Guan Zhenzhen looked at the words of the Yingling Hollow Jade, and frowned slightly. When he flipped his hand, a piece of blood-red jade appeared in his hand. The jade was hollow, and there was a baby sleeping with his legs in his arms. It turned out to be the Yingling Hollow Jade.

The three of them were stunned, and Nangong Cheng said, "Give it to me, and I'll do it."

Guan Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment. Although this thing was very important to her, it should be no problem if it was used to catch fish.

She threw the Infant Spirit Hollow Jade directly into the light barrier.

Nangong Cheng took the Yingling Hollow Jade, stretched out his hand to hold it empty, and a pen slowly appeared, and he quickly outlined: "What you need and what you want will come to you by chance."

The words solidified one by one, and finally invaded the Yingling Hollow Jade, and slowly disappeared.

After doing this, he said: "Okay, I don't know how you are going to punish the three of us?"

Guan Zhenzhen didn't have any reply, his hands flew with magic spells, and the black shadow behind the three people began to sink into their bodies again.

The expressions of the three of them all turned gloomy, and before they could do anything, the black shadows had already sunk into their bodies, and the three of them lay limply on the round table again.

Guan Zhenzhen waved his hand and removed the round shield on the small round table. Several disciples stepped forward one by one and helped the three of them leave.

And she took the Yingling Hollow Jade, left the underground, and returned to her room in the academy.


Today, outside Huayue City, in the forest.

"Oh... each of these is really useless!"

Zhang Deming had just broken the formation space of the foreign land, and before he had time to pursue Guan Zhenzhen, a faint exclamation came from the void, the voice was old and dry, as harsh as an iron scraper scraping on metal.

Zhang Deming changed color instantly and looked extremely ugly. The thought that he was worried about before may really come true.

Zhang Deming waved his hand, and all the surrounding mirror images disappeared, and he did not continue to chase Guan Zhenzhen. Guan Zhenzhen also disappeared directly at this moment.

At this moment, his whole body was tense, paying attention to all the movements around him.

As the sound dissipated, bits of black smoke emerged inexplicably from the void, rising slowly, and finally condensed into the shadow of an old middle-aged man.

Zhang Deming looked at the familiar face of the other party, and his expression darkened. Sure enough, it was the half-dead old monster he had seen once in Turtle Water Sutra Pavilion.

Compared with the previous one, the face of the other party has not changed much, but the figure is much older, the waist is bent, the back is lumpy, and the hair is white and sparse.

His stature is stooped, his breath is sluggish, and except for his face, everything else looks like an octogenarian who is about to die.

Even so, Zhang Deming did not relax at all, because this guy was a real three-talent overhaul.

After the old man condensed and formed, he looked at Zhang Deming and said: "Little guy, it's really not easy to find you."

Zhang Deming looked at the middle-aged ghost nervously and said, "Senior, do you have anything to do with this kid? I don't remember having anything to do with senior."

The old man looked at Zhang Deming and said: "I don't have much time to go around with you. Please hand over the Tianxin Treasure Box and I will give you a pleasure."

Zhang Deming was stunned when he heard this, looked at the old man doubtfully and said: "Tianxin Treasure Box? Senior, what are you talking about?"

"Hmph, it seems I took matters into my own hands." After saying that, he raised his hand and black smoke surrounded him.

When Zhang Deming saw this, his whole body tensed up and he was about to explode, but then he was stunned.

The moment he felt the aura of gray mist, an illusory talisman suddenly appeared around Zhang Deming's body. On the talisman, there was a Buddha seal with the word '卍 (wàn)', which rotated slightly.

This is······?

Zhang Deming looked at the familiar illusory amulet in astonishment. Is this the thing he threw on the table a few days ago?

While Zhang Deming was stunned, the storage bag vibrated slightly, and lines of text emerged one by one from the hollow jade of the infant spirit inside, penetrating out.

‘Whatever you need will come to you if fate meets it. '

The words kept vibrating and flashing slightly, echoing the Buddha seal with the word '卍'.

The skinny old man frowned, but did not wait for him to make a move.

As the words and talismans vibrated together, the space around Zhang Deming fluctuated slightly. The old monk Fuyuan, the young scholar Gu Donglin, and the middle-aged priest Ruan Mingxian, who he had seen inexplicably once before, suddenly appeared.

"Huo, after searching for more than half a month, I finally found it. It's not easy!" Scholar Gu Donglin said, looking at the text in front of him.

The old monk Fuyuan nodded and said: "It is indeed not easy. Speaking of which, I have to thank this little benefactor."

As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Zhang Deming, clasped his hands together, and saluted Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming's face froze, and he was inexplicably speechless at the sudden appearance of these three-talented old monsters.

Scholar Gu Donglin looked at the old monk Fuyuan and said, "So you discovered it a few days ago?"

The old monk Fuyuan shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. What Huineng passed on was too obscure. I just felt the opportunity at the time and did it conveniently."

Father Ruan Mingxian said at this time: "Let's take it down first to avoid any mishaps."

After hearing this, the two of them looked towards the opposite side.

At this moment, the old ghost opposite was staring at the three of them with an unsightly expression, and did not act rashly.

"Huo, this is not a good state. Old guy, if you don't restrain yourself, we can save some effort." The scholar Gu Donglin looked at the stooped middle-aged man and said a little awkwardly. road.

The middle-aged old man Qu Wenbai ignored the scholar, but looked at the old monk Fuyuan and the priest Ruan Mingxian, and said: "You bunch of bald donkeys are really haunting, but you came here just in time, so it's not in vain for me to prepare a show." , collect some interest in advance.”

Following his words, the expressions of the three people who were still showing off just now all changed.

All they could see was a sudden silence in the entire sky around them, and a huge tortoise shell encompassing all of them.

Water began to flow throughout the turtle shell space. Three streams of water like black water snakes rose from the feet of the three suspected bosses who had just appeared, entangling the three people and locking them all in place.

Qu Wenbai's whole body was filled with black aura, he stared at the three of them insidiously, and said: "Do you really think that I am not prepared and will show up easily?

Do you really think that a few juniors can do things under my nose? I am not so dim-sighted yet, I just did it casually! "

This paragraph is the cause and effect of the matter. If you don't explain it, there will be no beginning or end. That's why this paragraph is here. Isn't it to mark the time? Please read carefully...

(end of this chapter)

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