Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 259 Let’S Take Another Lesson On The Second Core Foundation: Coding Rules! [Please Subscribe

Chapter 259 Let’s take another lesson on the second core foundation: coding rules! [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Seeing that the energy is getting richer and richer, he has saved half of the luck needed to strengthen the technique, and half of the merit of the new function. If he endures the desire to consume, he will have enough!

He wants to cure his ultimate disease!

Um, if you save enough, it seems that you can only strengthen the spell for one wave, so it doesn't seem to be a cure?

Forget it, if I can be rich for a while, I will be happy for a while!

Zhang Deming gathered his mood, left the spiritual cultivation space, and returned to the room.

I packed up my things and sorted out some things from this outing.

By the way, Zhang Deming also gained very good results from reading Xue Su’s memories before his death.

Now that he wants to be a sleeper agent, there is no problem at all, and both "Mysterious Man No. 1" and "Mysterious Man No. 3" are capable of the job.

Even the performance of 'Mysterious Man No. 1' can be done more smoothly because of Xue Su's memory.

After sorting it out, Zhang Deming had nothing to do for the time being, and he started his daily routine of cultivating spirit beads and hanging up again.

Now he already needs four to five hundred spirit-nurturing beads every month. With the future development of the shop, he will definitely not be able to make it, so he should accumulate a little more now, just a little.


Early the next morning, Zhang Deming got up and started his daily exercise and clocked in.

After a long time, Zhang Deming slowly stopped working, pondered for a while, and went out for half a month, so that he didn't go to teach Xu Weihai for half a month.

When he had free time today, he needed to see if the other party was lazy, and add something new to prepare for the subsequent 'enlightenment'.

After all, Zhang Deming has high hopes for this nail, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to cultivate it.

With the decision made, Zhang Deming's mind sank into the spirit-nurturing space, and with a wave of his hand, he called down Xu Weihai's light spot.

Rune Summoning: Spiritual Summoning Technique·Qu Qingxian!

Rune spell: strengthening spell!

A ball of light appeared in front of him, stretched slowly, and turned into the shape of a star.

Zhang Deming checked it and found that there was no problem, then he entered Yuxing's body directly.

When Yuxing opened his eyes and looked around, he reached out and pointed at the light of Xu Weihai in front of him. A passage appeared, and Yuxing plunged directly into it.


Xiaohuifeng, Formation Department, Xu Weihai's small courtyard.

Xu Weihai's previous job was to make some low-level formation cards to maintain the sect's large consumption of formation cards. This matter was the most basic position in the formation department in the outer sect.

The work is not heavy. After getting started with the art of telepathy, you can catch up with the progress after just half a year of proficiency. It may be a little difficult at first.

But for the elderly, it will gradually become very easy.

Half a year ago, after Xu Weihai understood the Rank Two Formation Technique, he could complete these tasks in one or two hours a day.

Because of Yuxing's request, he did not show up, but kept a low profile and hid it.

He only completed his daily share every day, and spent most of the rest of the time absorbing, digesting, and integrating the Tianyu 'formation path' knowledge given to him by Integrated Union Yuxing.

With his hard work in the past half year, he has achieved great results. At least in terms of Heavenly Spirit Sect and Tianyu Formation knowledge, he is definitely at the forefront of the group of people.

On this day, he was still in the small courtyard, seriously studying the knowledge of formations and the Integrated Union of the two systems.

Even though Yu Xing hasn't shown up for half a month, he still hasn't relaxed at all and is still working so hard.

"Well, that's good. Although your qualifications are a bit lacking, at least you have a correct attitude and know how to work hard. If you keep up like this, and I have my support, you will have a place in Hongmeng in the future."

Xu Weihai, who was studying seriously, paused slightly and turned his head to look. At some point, Yu Xing's old figure floated quietly beside him.

Xu Weihai immediately stood up, bowed, and said respectfully: "Mr. Xing!"

Yuxing nodded and said, "Okay, let's continue with class today."

After hearing this, Xu Weihai sat down honestly. After half a year of class, both parties were familiar with the process, and Xu Weihai also adapted to Yuxing's teaching method.

Yuxing looked at Xu Weihai, still following his old rules, he did not start the lecture directly, but started with a question.

"But still remember the question I left you with when I gave you the first lesson half a year ago?"

Xu Weihai nodded and said: "Remember, Mr. Xing, you said that the extraterritorial code started in reality, but focused entirely on the virtual. So how did Tianyu's 'quantum' system bypass the virtual and focus back on reality? ?”

Yuxing nodded and said, "Yes, so half a year of teaching and thinking, has there been any results?"

Xu Weihai shook his head honestly, but compared to the anxiety half a year ago, he is much calmer now.

Yuxing looked at him and said: "Today we will not go into coding further in our course. The level of coding you have mastered now is enough for some things.

Today we go back to the basics and talk about another system, the foundation of the quantum system. "

When Xu Weihai heard this, his face paused and his expression became much more serious.

After half a year of teaching, he learned a lot about coding, and he could even become a poor Tianyu formation mage, making some small programs and so on.

However, he found that Tianyu's formation was completely virtual and could not really affect reality with code runes.

Therefore, this gave him an insurmountable barrier to the Integrated Union of the two systems, and it was impossible to get around it.

Hongmeng Formation Tao, which focuses on reality and affects reality, seems to have inseparable parallel lines with Tianyu's Code Tao.

This matter has been bothering him for half a year, and he wanted to ask it several times, but he was afraid that this was a test given to him by Mr. Xing, so he endured it every time, and every time he studied it, there was no result.

Today, it’s finally here!

He knows that as long as he knows that the so-called quantum system can affect the foundation of reality, then he will be confident that relying on this "foundation" to slowly integrate the two systems and create a new one, it will still be the road to heaven.

Yuxing paused, and seeing Xu Weihai paying full attention to him, he continued: "Before, I have taught you the core foundation of the Extraterritorial Tianyu Federation: from storage with and without electricity to the expression of 01.

So, what I want to talk about today is the second step after 01 - coding! "

Xu Weihai asked doubtfully: "Encoding?"

Yuxing nodded and said: "Yes, to be precise, it's the coding rules.

Now you only know the code. When you write the code, you actually know what it is, but you don’t know why it is the case.

Do you know why the virtual things you write in code are expressed and why they are formed? "

Xu Weihai shook his head. He knew that Mr. Xing liked this in class. If he knew, he would know. If he didn't know, he would honestly say he didn't know.

Seeing this, Yuxing continued: "All of this started with coding, and even the subsequent quantum system is based on this 'coding rule'.

This thing is abstract, and its origin is very simple. In the ancient days of Tianyu, there was an ancient country that was somewhat similar to the Hongmeng culture.

That country invented a printing technique called "movable type printing", which is to print characters one by one into solid models. What you want to print later just needs to be arranged.

This is the birth of the oldest coding system.

With the development of Tianyu's era, the coding system gradually developed further, and this code came into being.

As I said before, the code is from the access of power or no power to the expression of 01. This is the beginning of power or no power in reality, and the expression of 01 is at the beginning of virtuality.

The so-called 'integrated circuit board' is actually a so-called collection of countless power storage devices. By reading the power storage devices on it, the artifact will be marked as 1 if there is electricity, and as 0 if there is no electricity.

This was the initial transition from reality to virtuality, and then coding rules were born.

They combined '0000', which means four without power, as a character record of A, and '0001', which means three with no power and one with electricity, as a character record of B. This combination formed the original encoding rules. Thus completing the conversion between reality and virtuality.

Of course, this is an example. In Tianyu’s encoding, the ‘A’ character is not necessarily ‘0000’, but that’s what it means.

And it was also because of this coding rule that Tianyu found the beginning of returning from virtuality to reality and giving birth to quantum power.

The same '0000' can represent a magic rune of Tianyu, so as long as a complete set of coding rules, the code of Tianyu and the magic rune can be converted to each other and seamlessly combined.

And the intersection of reality and reality, a read-write access, a code, and two sets of core foundations constitute the heaven-reaching avenue of the Tianyu Formation, and the power of the quantum system was born from this. "

Following Yu Xing's words, a flash of lightning flashed in Xu Weihai's mind, cutting through the chaos in his mind and breaking the key.

Decades of formation knowledge and half a year of code research formed a brainstorm in his mind at this moment.

If coding can solve magic runes, then there doesn't seem to be any problem solving array runes? There is essentially no difference at all!

In other words, what he lacks is just a coding rule?

Following Xu Weihai's thoughts, the spiritual power swept across his body, and the spiritual wind automatically surrounded him. Under Yuxing's surprised gaze, a virtual rune between his eyebrows began to be born slowly.

Yuxing's expression changed, is this...?

The path of ancient monks, enlightenment and promotion without any external force?

I'm going, what I'm looking for is a waste material, or a waste material that has been selected from thousands of people. Although I crammed a lot of things for sudden reasons, how could this kind of promotion happen!

There are few of Hongmeng’s current Immortal Spirit Root geniuses who are so showy!

Um... Of course Immortal Spirit Root is so crammed by him, he must have realized it long ago. He refers to Immortal Spirit Root Tianjiao who ran naked to enlightenment, not so coquettish.

But I worked hard for half a year, and I didn't teach you to be so Foundation Building. If you are so Foundation Building, wouldn't I have to start from scratch again?

Moreover, enlightenment has attracted much attention at the exchange conference. This enlightenment promotion can only be regarded as your alternative path, and it is not worth wasting the opportunity.

"Come back to your senses!!!" Yuxing scolded sharply, reaching deep into the other party's soul.

Xu Weihai, who had just begun to realize the truth, came back to his senses with a confused look on his face, not even knowing what had just happened to him.

Yuxing looked at the other party and said: "In normal times, this would be considered a chance, and I would definitely not interrupt.

But I have already arranged your road to heaven, and I cannot let you go astray.

Remember, after today, don't be alone and build the 'Hongmeng Coding Rules' in your mind. Although this method of Foundation Building is good, it still has some gaps with the spiritual rune life you want.

Although if you succeed, you can also be regarded as laying the foundation for the rune life, but after the rune life way comes out, you can only be regarded as the existence of the foundation.

Well, it's the kind of unknown foundation existence that can't benefit much. It's even more impossible to become a saint and an ancestor.

How many founders were there when a sect was founded? But who remembers it now? But it’s all just stepping stones! "

After a long time, under Yuxing's words, Xu Weihai gradually realized what had just happened.

After reacting, he gave Yu Xing a rare resentful look.

If it wasn't for Yuxing's extreme respect, it would be resentment. After all, he had been struggling for decades at the bottom. Once he realized the Tao, he was interrupted by others for life, and he was asked not to continue to realize this way.

The resentment is really light.

Yuxing looked at the other party's expression and said: "Why? You are not satisfied with the old man's arrangement? If you are really so self-willed and depraved, after the old man leaves today, you can continue to enlightenment.

After all, your so-called enlightenment is just an opportunity for enlightenment that I took apart, broke into pieces, and fed to you bit by bit.

Now you only need to piece them together to complete enlightenment.

Therefore, if you are reluctant to let go of this opportunity of enlightenment, you can continue after I leave.

But with such rotten wood, don't expect me to continue carving it hard. After all, no matter how careful you are, rotten wood will break into pieces at some point. This is the inevitable outcome. "

Xu Weihai paused, put away his resentful expression, regained his composure, and said respectfully: "Don't worry, Mr. Xing, without your permission, this disciple will never take the last step of the Foundation Building casually. "

Hearing this, Yuxing nodded with a gentle expression and said, "Let's continue talking about the differences between these magic runes and array runes and the possibility of Integrated Union."

The two began to continue teaching, and Yuxing began to explain coding rules, rune changes and Integrated Union in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, preparing for the future.

For a long time, Yuxing felt that what he had said was almost enough, and he said, "Okay, let's stop here today. Today's talk is the most important thing. After you come down, you must master it. This is what you will learn in the future." The core foundation of Dao Foundation, the key thing of Dao Foundation."

Xu Weihai immediately said respectfully: "Disciple understands."

Seeing this, Yuxing said: "Then let's do it. Remember not to randomly construct coding rules and go down a different path."

Xu Weihai nodded seriously and said, "Disciple, remember it."

Yuxing nodded, and his figure instantly disintegrated, turning into a spiritual light that filled the sky, and disappeared into the air.

Xu Weihai sat there, stunned for a long time.


After returning to the spiritual cultivation space, Zhang Deming pondered for a moment. What he told Xu Weihai today, combined with the memories of his previous life and Xue Su, had completely laid the foundation for him.

Enlightenment at the exchange meeting has become inevitable. This nail has been buried as a complete death nail by him. He can rest assured and wait for the opportunity to come.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Deming was a little worried, fearing that the nail would destroy his martial arts.

With a simple wave of his hand, Zhang Deming summoned the surveillance elf light ball in the sky of the spirit-nurturing space.

Zhang Deming worked quickly for a moment and set up a temporary special monitoring process for him, keeping an eye on Xu Weihai to prevent him from sleeping and trying to figure things out.

After doing this, Zhang Deming left the spiritual cultivation space and looked at the time. It was almost noon.

Zhang Deming got some food out of habit, then took out the command talisman and entered the Aoki Secret Realm.


I haven’t been here for half a month, and nothing has changed here. It remains the same. Zhang Deming looked helplessly at the three little guys who came over.

The one with feather-like transparent wings flew over skillfully first, and took the lead and sat on his head, as if he had grabbed the dragon's throne, with a look of arrogance and pride on his face.

The remaining two sat on his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, holding his neck and rubbing him hard.

Looking at the three exquisite little ones, no matter whether they are boys or girls, they are all extremely cute and adorable because of their bloodline. If you're not careful, it's the kind that can make you bleed.

There is really nothing Zhang Deming can do about such a child. No wonder the Flower Demon Elf is so valued by the sect.

No matter you are a man or a woman, no one can bear this!

In addition, she was conceived by her own hands, and the love in her heart was added with a little kindness, which made her even more unfailing towards the third baby.

After a while, Yi Huaihai also arrived and followed respectfully.

Zhang Deming let Sanwa play around and came to the corner tower to take a look at the situation. Pei Xiaoxiao still hadn't mastered agility and was still practicing hard.

Qing Xiaolu is still sleeping every day, and his waking time is extremely limited every day.

After Zhang Deming looked around familiarly, he came to the yard and whispered: "Lingyu!"

As his cultivation level improved, Zhang Deming became more and more relaxed about it.

Clouds surged in the sky, and wisps of spiritual rain began to fall in a moment. The flowers and trees seemed to feel something, and they swayed happily.

At this time, the three children rushed out excitedly, playing and playing in the spiritual rain and the sea of ​​flowers, forming a fairy tale-like dreamy picture.

Qingmuhuahai, this is really a place suitable for salted fish to retire. It not only provides retirement, but also touches the tenderness in the heart. It is really a good place!

Lingyu conceived for a long time, and in the afternoon, Zhang Deming started the daily gestation again. He did not stop until he completed one.


A few days passed by, and on this day, Li Shifan, who Zhang Deming had been paying attention to, finally returned to the sect, making Zhang Deming finally feel relieved.

The first thing Li Shifan did when he returned to the sect was not to come to Feiquan Waterfall Building to deliver the goods immediately. Instead, he returned to Cave Mansion and started the ceremony.

After Zhang Deming received the ceremony, he quickly entered the spiritual cultivation space, changed his body shape into Zhang Wu's appearance, and came to the All Living Beings Building.

Then Zhang Deming waved his hand and attracted Li Shifan's light spot. With a slight click, a passage emerged.

Thirty thousand for delivery!

(end of this chapter)

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