Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 267 The Medicine Girl Who Saw A ‘Ghost’!

Chapter 267 The medicine girl who saw a ‘ghost’!

At this point, the picture ended, but the picture did not shatter and disappear like an ordinary enlightenment picture. Instead, a light point emerged from the middle of the picture, and then the whole picture began to play in a loop like a breakthrough picture.

At the same time, the merit and luck energy in the warehouse skyrocketed.

For a moment, when all this stopped, there were eight more merits, but surprisingly only two more luck.

Zhang Deming looked at Nangong Cheng's spot of light with a strange expression on his face. This was his first target who gained so much more merit than luck.

With his help, three or four people were promoted. Tong Hou was a pure luck without any merit, but Nangong Cheng seemed to be the opposite, with not much luck but eight merits, which was five compared to Feng Mingyou who changed his life. Much more.

Looking at the light spot, Zhang Deming waved it and threw it into the chaotic sky.

Immediately, Zhang Deming's mind exited the spirit cultivation space and returned to reality.

At this moment, the two had entered the secret realm for a while, and Yang Guangfu fell into a daze when he saw Zhang Deming coming in.

He paused, hesitated, did not disturb Zhang Deming directly, but stood obediently behind him, waiting quietly.

After a while Zhang Deming came back to his senses, looked around and found that Yang Guangfu was standing behind him with his head down, quietly waiting for him.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, and said, "Let's go, I just remembered something and lost my mind for a moment."

Sunshine Fu smiled and said, "It's okay, it's still early anyway."

Zhang Deming nodded and left the construction area at the lead. He stood on the edge of the small slope and looked at the endless plain in front of him, which was full of spiritual fields.

Zhang Deming sensed it carefully, his expression changed, and he said, "At least one star or higher Lingtian?"

Sunshine Fu nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, this Wutu secret realm is different from the Qingmu secret realm in that it is not divided into many areas.

Originally, there was a core area, but after the Zongmen got it, it was cancelled.

The entire secret realm is mostly one-star spiritual fields, and the original core area is two-star spiritual fields, with a few rare spiritual fields in the center.

And this Wutu secret realm provided most of the resources for the Zongmen.

Including a lot of promotion materials, pill materials, etc...

This is the Zongmen's largest logistics base and the largest production place. "

Zhang Deming looked at the endless farmland and said in astonishment: "Since most of the initial promotion materials come from here, and the Miscellaneous Affairs Department has so many spiritual fields, why is it still so poor?"

Sunshine Fu smiled and said: "These are resources!"


Zhang Deming looked weird. Although the other party didn't say it directly, the meaning was clear enough.

So the spiritual farmers in this secret realm are all part-time workers, farmhands?

Is the Ministry of Resources the landlord? ? ?

Ha, you deserve it. The more you mess around in the chore department, the worse it will be. If you continue to mess around like this, who will be miserable if you don't?

Zhang Deming was speechless for a while, shook his head, looked at the information on the ID card, and headed towards the original core of the secret realm.

Along the way, Zhang Deming discovered many spiritual farmers farming.

However, they are completely different from the outer sect farming, except for their cultivation, at least senior apprentices, and even many Tai Chi monks.

Even those who did not use spells did not do much hard work. They controlled various formations and utensils with a wave of their hands, and quickly completed planting and care.

Therefore, although there are many spiritual fields, the area is large, and the number of spiritual farmers is large, the people are not densely populated.

Zhang Deming ran quickly, and Yang Yangfu had a hard time following behind.

After running for a while, there were still endless spiritual fields around him. Zhang Deming frowned slightly. There was only one area in the Wutu Secret Realm, but the place was much larger.

Therefore, a vine appeared on Zhang Deming's body and wrapped around Yang Guangfu's waist.

While the other party was stunned, Zhang Deming whispered: "Fly!"

Then, under Yang Yangfu's surprised eyes, the two of them floated up and shot towards the core area.


The two walked forward for a long time and arrived at the core area. Because the core area and the ordinary area were connected, there was nothing blocking the two areas, but Zhang Deming could still see it at a glance.

Because the two areas have completely different styles.

If the previous area was the Xianxia version of industrialized farmland, then the core area is the Xianxia version of the manor.

There is a courtyard every few blocks of spiritual fields here.

There are not many plants in the spiritual field. They are sparse and carefully taken care of by one or several disciples.

Most of the materials grown here are two-star materials, and many of them are renewable two-star promotion materials.

Most of the sect's Liangyi promotion formulas come from here.

Of course, there are some rare recipes that involve rare main materials that cannot be grown here.

What is dealt with here is most of the ordinary materials of the sect, as well as some precious cultivable materials.

Sunshine Fumi Zhang Deming looked at the large and small manor in a daze, and he said: "It is said that the four departments have been discussing recently to spend great efforts to build a regional spiritual field in the Aoki Secret Realm."

Zhang Deming said in surprise: "Is it still being built?"

Sunshine Fu nodded and said: "In this current situation, the sect only has not enough low-level resources, not many, but what is even more lacking are high-level resources.

In particular, most of the Samsung materials were allocated by the Sacred Land. In order to compete for these resources, the sect sent many people to it.

Maybe it's because I feel there's a bit of a vicious cycle, or maybe it's because the sect's hard conditions are enough and I want to do things like a blessed land.

Therefore, the sect seems to be discussing recently to set up an area in the Aoki Secret Realm to specially cultivate some three-star spiritual fields.

With the addition of the Green Wood Flower Demon Elf, several peak masters from our Spirit-nurturing Peak, and several peak master-level spiritual farmers from the Miscellaneous Affairs Department, we can properly get rid of the sect's dependence on the blessed land for three-star promotion materials.

Of course, these things should take many years to be implemented. Even if our heavenly spirit can hang on Grotto-Heaven, the disciples may not be able to see it in this life. "

Zhang Deming nodded suddenly. He had heard a little bit about these things recently, but it was actually not a secret.

After obtaining the Aoki Secret Realm, the sect has been making plans in this regard.

However, the road is still very long. Going to Grotto-Heaven is extremely difficult. There are too many things that need to be prepared.

What's more, Heavenly Spirit Sect is only mid-range among door-to-door products. The hardware is not the main thing, but the 'software' is.

The two passed through many manors again and arrived at the very center of the core area, where there were dozens of somewhat gorgeous manors.

In every manor, there are at least one or two Liangyi spiritual farmers who take the lead and manage one or several three-star spiritual fields.

In the entire secret realm, there is only a small water pool manor in the core, where there is a four-star farmland of one or two acres.

Looking around, there is only one spiritual plant far away in the farmland, and there are less than twenty plants in the entire farmland. The dense and sparse planting is not called planting.

However, every plant is cared for extremely carefully, and several formations starting from the lowest three stars are arranged around it, which shows how precious it is.

In the center of this area, next to the pool, there is a small green bamboo house. In the field in front of the bamboo house, there is a large area of ​​open space, and a strange plant is planted in the open space.

The plant is a little withered and yellow, the leaves are drooping, and it looks like it is dying, as if it has been pulled out and exposed to the sun for countless days.

Yang Yangfu looked at the plant and said, "Ancestor Fan Yunfei cultivated the way of medicine, but it was not the way of refining medicine, but the way of healing under the protection of medicinal plants.

Speaking of which, it is only half of the Medicine Dao, slightly leaning towards the Yu Zhi Dao in the summoning process.

However, there are not many plant demons and flower demons accompanying them, but a nine-turn mysterious grass that stays with each other for life, which is similar to the sword cultivator's life-changing immortal sword.

And Uncle Master, you have also seen it. This is the Jiuzhuanxuan Spirit Medicine Herb that is supposed to be magical. But now in this posture, its spirituality has almost been lost, and it is even almost dead.

Although I don’t know why, Ancestor Fan Yunfei himself was not implicated and was in pretty good condition, but it was impossible to go further.

Because it is said that Patriarch Fan’s teaching can go one step further and the medicine spirit can become a baby and accompany him in form. "

This is······

Medicine girl?

Darling, is this an old pervert (harmony) or an innocent old man?

It should be an old-fashioned (harmonious) embryo, otherwise I have a drug girl, and I can just raise it with peace of mind, why bother to play a love triangle with others, make a bunch of bloody stories, and end up with myself The medicine girl's!

Zhang Deming paused slightly, and said, "You seem to be very familiar with this ancestor Yunfei? Or does your secret group know so much?"

Sunshine Fu paused for a moment before saying, "The disciple is considered to have good professional ability in the secret group, because he knows a lot about the road he is building.

As for the information about ancestor Yunfei, it was suddenly allocated by the superior three months ago for us to write down, and the entire Feiquan Waterfall Cliff must be memorized by the disciples belonging to the secret group. "

Zhang Deming was slightly taken aback, and said, "Three months ago?"

Yang Guangfu nodded, and said, "Yes, it was three months ago, um, that day when the ancestors of our sect suddenly turned into nothingness."

Zhang Deming suddenly looked a little weird, so the party minister made preparations in advance after chatting with him?

It's really a word from the leader, the juniors below are tired and broke their legs!

For an uncertain thing, I have done so many things...

Zhang Deming glanced at Sunshine Fu and said nothing.

They walked all the way, and before entering the Sanxing Lingtian Manor area, they underwent a lot of inspections, but when they arrived here, none of them disappeared.

So Zhang Deming came to the small bamboo house, took two steps forward, and looked at the dying Nine Turns Mysterious Spirit Grass.

Because there were countless formations guarding him, Zhang Deming could only look at it a little closer.

But when Zhang Deming Rank Three looked over, he was slightly startled!

etc! ! !

Didn't you say that she hasn't become a true medicine lady yet? How can she be so intelligent even though she's half-dead?

Zhang Deming paused slightly, the core of the rune between the brows was slightly revealed, Rank Four's spiritual cultivation technique drove Rank Three's spiritual eyes, Zhang Deming's spiritual eyes showed a strange look.

When he looked at the half-dead Nine-turn Xuanling Grass again, he was stunned.


For a long time, Zhang Deming took a deep breath, which frightened him so much that he took a few steps back before he could stop.

This damn thing is nothing but a piece of grass! ! !

What grows in this ground is a person! ! !

Perfected Being! ! !

Not some drug girl, not some monster, this is a living Perfected Being! ! !

Zhang Deming is very sure of this. After all, he has mastered the spirit cultivation technique Rank Four and can already enlighten the spirits of any plant.

Heavenly Spirit Sect came to the door, a decent family, if Sacred Land knew that they were here to summon Perfected Being and planted Perfected Being in the field, would it be a small matter?

It is rare for the three Great Saints to be surprisingly unanimous about this kind of thing, and they have always maintained a severe attack attitude!

Zhang Deming's expression changed drastically and he took a few steps back. He said without thinking, "Let's go back today and talk..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Deming froze there. Not far behind him at this moment, in front of Sunshine Fu, at some point, there was already a middle-aged man with vicissitudes.

He was tall and straight, with an elegant face, but his expression looked very vicissitudes and melancholy. Under his mature and handsome face, there seemed to be endless sad stories to tell.

This temperament is completely unlike that of a farmer. This kind of temperament should have a fatal temptation for those young girls who are just starting out.

But what made Zhang Deming's vest shudder was that at this moment the middle-aged man was looking at Zhang Deming calmly with deep eyes, a pair of dark eyes, like a bottomless abyss.

"Did you see it?" He looked at Zhang Deming and said inexplicably.

Looking at the other party, Zhang Deming paused in his heart. Without hesitation, he flipped his hands decisively, took out a jade pendant, and said respectfully, "Zhang Deming, the fourth master of Yuling Peak, has met Senior Brother Yunfei!"

Sunshine Fu, who was standing by with his head down, shook his body, then calmed down again, and continued to lower his head.

Fan Yunfei paused slightly when he heard the words, his calm and deep eyes wavered, and said again: "Did you see it?"

Zhang Deming held the jade pendant and replied: "Senior brother, what did you say? Nine-turn Xuanling grass? Yes, I saw it."

Fan Yunfei's expression remained unchanged as he continued: "Do you see clearly?"

Zhang Deming's face was filled with pain, and he scolded Dang Xiangjun a thousand times in his heart, but things were like this. Although he was not afraid of an ancestor with three peak talents now, he couldn't just start a fight like this.

Thoughts flickered for a long time before he nodded and said, "I see clearly!"

Fan Yunfei paused slightly, and said: "Over the years, there have been quite a few people here, not to mention hope, even if they see clearly, they don't. Are you sure you see clearly?"

Zhang Deming did not reply, but turned to look at Yangguang Fu and said: "Go out and wait first, um, guard the door, and tell the gatekeepers outside not to let anyone in without our instructions."

Fan Yunfei's eyes flickered again, and this time he really began to look at Zhang Deming seriously.

Sunshine Fu heard the words, slightly raised his head and glanced at Fan Yunfei, seeing that he didn't respond, he immediately bowed respectfully, and then retreated.

After the people went out, Zhang Deming said: "I really saw it clearly, but I saw it a little too clearly, so that the younger brother didn't know what to do."

After Fan Yunfei got this answer, his breath became a little deeper.

"Why, senior brother Fan didn't invite me to sit over there?" Zhang Deming held the jade pendant and motioned to the yard beside him.

Fan Yunfei paused, and suddenly said: "Is there any help?"

Zhang Deming was slightly startled and said, "What?"

Fan Yunfei said: "Is there any cure for this 'medicine'?"

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what the other party meant. He just glanced at it hastily, and when he realized it was a person, he was so scared that he wanted to run away. He didn't want to get involved in trouble, so he didn't take a closer look.

Now that Fan Yunfei asked him this question, he reacted and looked at the Nine-turn Mysterious Spirit Grass shrouded in the formation again.

As Zhang Deming looked carefully, the specific situation of this thing slowly emerged in Zhang Deming's eyes.

Zhang Deming was right before. There is indeed a person planted in this field, a beautiful woman, um, a beautiful female spirit?

Not entirely, it's probably just a female soul and some of its essence and blood.

The original Nine-turn Mysterious Spirit Grass actually already had a certain degree of spiritual wisdom, so in order to integrate the female ghost and its essence and blood into it without damaging the female ghost's soul consciousness.

Someone took the initiative to pinch the nascent spiritual wisdom of this herb.

Then he forcefully stuffed a female ghost and some of her essence and blood into it, hoping to use this to give the female ghost a new body - the Yao Niang Body.

However, due to the cutting off of spiritual wisdom and the invasion of foreign souls, it had a rejection reaction, coupled with the backlash of the nascent spiritual wisdom instinct, this created the current status of this nine-turn Xuanling grass.

Zhang Deming checked it for a long time, and after discovering the condition of the medicine, he was surprised and relieved.

If you were still worried that Fan Yunfei would take the devil's path before, now you have put most of your worries aside.

If Zhang Deming guessed correctly, the woman growing in this field should be Zhou Qiaoru who disappeared without a trace.

If that's the case, then he shouldn't be a demon. At most, he's just a sad man whose love is a little too extreme.

In this case, Zhang Deming doesn't need to worry too much. Killing people and silencing them should not be a problem.

Thinking of this, Zhang Deming was slightly stunned. No wonder Dang Xiangjun said that it is not suitable to go to the Sacred Land to cultivate spirits. Damn it, you also know that there is human cultivation here? Or was it simply your idea together?

Then what is the reason for this feud and entanglement?

Played for the audience? To prevent too many people in the sect from knowing?

Damn it!

If you don't say hello to me in advance, you are really cheating me!

I seem to have lost money this time by pushing the car. In the end, I was pushing the car?

"How?" For a long time, while Zhang Deming's thoughts were swirling, Fan Yunfei asked again.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment, regained his composure, and said: "There is a way to save him, there is more than one way, but this..."

"Really?!!! What's the problem, just tell the person who called you here, and he will solve it all." Fan Yunfei's calm face revealed a look of surprise.

Come on, these two old ghosts are really acting? Thousands of years of grudges? Not accepting any benefits? Are we going to die without contacting each other?

Go to hell!

However, Zhang Deming can also understand that the two of them are like this. After all, the matter of breeding people does need to be a little more subtle.

(end of this chapter)

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