Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 281: Sprayed Out? [Please Subscribe, Please Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 281: Sprayed out? [Please subscribe, please monthly ticket]

Li Shifan smiled bitterly and replied: "If it weren't for the fact that it is too troublesome to collect the Sword Heart spirit mine, and it will be contaminated if you are not careful, how could I have bought this thing!

For the price of a two-star artifact, it can only be used once. When ordering, you have to specify in advance what you want to dig. Once it is made, it cannot be changed.

How could I buy such a deceptive thing if there was really nothing I could do about it!

This choice was just because it was too difficult to find the spiritual mine, so just to be safe, I bought it just in case.

Otherwise, if I find it after all the hard work, I will probably vomit blood because I accidentally contaminated the spiritual material when I took it.

In addition, I plan to take up the weaponry and swordsmanship path, and I am considered a half-blacksmithing weapon cultivator, so I have met many fellow weapon cultivators at Yuling Peak, and the prices are relatively favorable. "

Zhang Deming looked at Li Shifan and said: "After all, it's because of the money and the spiritual stone was spent."

When Li Shifan heard this, he didn't argue much. Although I bought this thing for insurance, I really did so because I had enough spiritual stones.

While the two were chatting, Li Shifan was already holding the ball. With the surge of spiritual power in his palm, he activated the ball and threw it towards the spiritual light on the cave.

As soon as the ball touched the stone wall, it stuck directly to it.

Immediately, the spiritual light flashed on the ball, and a small formation light screen was projected out.

Item: Sword Heart Spirit Mine

Stage: Mature (can be mined)

Note: It is detected that the ore coat is severely damaged. It is recommended to dig it out as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk of contamination.

Looking at the simple information displayed on the small light screen, Li Shifan looked happy and chose to activate the sphere without hesitation.

With Li Shifan's stimulation, the ball began to change. First, a strange light mask was born and spread, and a pure environment was formed inside the light mask.

Immediately, the pieces on the ball tumbled and turned into a strange mouse form. The mechanical mouse began to move quickly.

Zhang Deming's face paused, this is... why does it feel like Transformers?

"How about it? Senior brother, do you think it's novel too?" Li Shifan looked at Zhang Deming's expression and asked.

Zhang Deming said hesitantly: "Is this an extraterrestrial weapon refining technique?"

Li Shifan nodded and said: "That's about it. This is a variant mining device developed by Senior Sister Xuan after several years of research on extraterrestrial weapons and combined with Hongmeng weapons.

From what Senior Sister Xuan meant, it seemed that she wanted to borrow ideas from outside the world to change this disposable mining device into a reusable two-star device.

Hmm... It should be called a two-star mining machine.

In this way, when acquiring rare spiritual minerals with extremely demanding conditions, you can be safe and save a large amount of spiritual stones at the same time.

The Weapon Refining Department has been learning this concept over the years. There is also a concept called utensils becoming popularized, low-level, and civilianized.

It refers to the use of over-level artifacts. Apprentice monks can use one or two-star artifacts. These two extraterritorial concepts are the most popular in the Artifacts Department.

However, except for the two formations, we at Heavenly Spirit Sect don’t know much about extraterrestrial knowledge or extraterritorial knowledge. Therefore, senior brother, it is normal for you to feel strange and unfamiliar. "

Zhang Deming's face twitched when he heard this. He didn't understand anything, he didn't just understand...

He is so familiar that Tianyu Federation dare not say it, but for Hongmeng, there are really few people who know it better than him.

Li Shifan paused and said: "But it's a pity that most of the weapons outside the territory are mortal objects. Their Law Weapons, well, they are called magic weapons or quantum weapons outside the territory. The refining method of such things is said to be incredible. Somewhat strict.

Therefore, Senior Sister Xuan just made this thing look similar in appearance, but the internal core is actually a mining device.'s still a one-off, so it just looks a bit novel. "

Zhang Deming: "······"

You guys are really talented, you are obviously a very tall Law Weapon, you must learn mechanical forging!

It's fine to learn mechanical forging, and you've only learned a little bit, the core is still the core of Law Weapon.

What's the point of doing this?

Sports car engine, broken three-wheel casing? Do you all think they are very noble?

Seeing the regret on Li Shifan's face, Zhang Deming really didn't understand this kind of heart. Anyway, he said: Sorry, I can't find such a visual angle!

In my previous life, I watched movies from the Qingming period and saw characters in the stories selling polyester chemical fabrics dozens of times more expensive than handmade pure cotton fabrics, even comparable to the price of silk.

If you can buy it, you can still buy high-end goods, and you look very proud. They call it: foreign silk, foreign silk, that is, the silk of foreigners. At that time, I felt that the characters in the story had worrying intelligence and were too stupid (harmonious). Now this situation, is it another kind of personal experience? A participant in the trend of the times?

During the conversation between the two, the artifact that looked like a mechanical mouse was running non-stop with its legs, but there was a flash of inspiration inside.

A strange heart-shaped ore wrapped in rock was thrown out, suspended in the pure shield light sphere.

After the heart-shaped ore appeared, the mechanical mouse paused, shaking like a pendulum. Immediately, it seemed to fall apart and became a place of parts.

Then, under the traction of spiritual power, these parts adhered to the ore and turned into a somewhat ugly ball, covering the heart.

Immediately, the pure shield slowly shrank, submerged into the ball, barely touching the heart-shaped spirit mine.

Zhang Deming looked at this scene with a twitching look on his face. It felt like the Law Weapon had turned into a second-hand or third-hand mechanical junk. It was really unbearable to look at it!

Li Shifan saw the end with a funny face, and then waved, and the ball was taken back by him.

The ball used to be the size of a ping pong ball, but now it is the size of a goose egg because it contains a heart.

Zhang Deming looked at him and said, "Leave him here!"

Upon hearing this, Li Shifan handed the ball to Zhang Deming without hesitation and said, "Then thank you, senior brother."

Zhang Deming looked at the small package on his back and said, "It's time for you to buy a storage bag. As a swordsman, do you plan to fly with a sword on your back in a big bag?"

Li Shifan smiled bitterly and said: "I think, senior brother, you don't know how serious the robbery of a storage bag in the weapon refining department is.

Tool refining is not a constraint, what is constrained is materials with spatial properties or desirable size properties.

This thing is really hard to find. For this reason, not to mention Tai Chi monks, Liang Yi masters and uncles have not completely popularized storage bags in our sect.

Some Aes Sedai uncles who are not doing well in life spend all day long thinking about getting a storage bag in the weapon refining department, but there is no way out. This is Yuling Peak where we have sufficient resources. If it were other peaks, the situation would be even worse.

In this case, senior brother, do you think I can get into a storage bag after only entering Yuling Peak for more than half a year?

As for outside the sect, let’s take Tianling City as an example. For storage units that are several square meters in size, a notice must be issued half a month in advance that a small in-store auction will be held! "

Listening to Li Shifan's complaints, Zhang Deming certainly knew about these situations. After all, he once felt like he was almost blind when looking at a storage bag.

It was the appearance of the stomach bag that alleviated his greed.

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment, and now he has extra storage. The three or four cubic stomach bags will just gather dust in the warehouse, so it is better to be a favor.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Deming made a decision and said, "I have a spare one. I'll sell it to you when I get back."

Li Shifan looked happy and said, "Really?"

Zhang Deming not only has one more, but now has a total of five.

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "Well, it only has three or four cubic meters of space, not counting the two-star Apex Level artifacts."

Li Shifan said happily: "That's enough. A space of more than two squares is usually enough for daily use."

"Well, it is indeed much better than the thing on your back. I don't have it with me now, let's talk about it when I go back, and put this thing with me first." Zhang Deming replied.

The three storage bags he currently carries are ten cubic meters each. It can hide the smell of goods inside to a certain extent and is not easy to be detected. The storage bag can also be sized to a certain extent.

Two ordinary storage bags were placed in the storage room by Zhang Deming and were not taken with him.

The joy on Li Shifan's face almost matched the feeling of harvesting the Sword Heart mine. Only a young sword cultivator can understand how urgently he needs storage utensils.

Seeing that Yujian is about to fly, or he can already fly with Yujian to a certain extent, and let him carry a package... How to ride the wind, Yujian between heaven and earth, do that chic Willful swordsmanship?

Whenever I think about this, I imagine him carrying a huge package and flying with a sword while carrying the corpse of a monster. He felt a little tense in his face. It doesn't matter if he can't handle such a sword, let's just run on the ground!

"Well, there's no rush. We'll talk about it when we get back. We'll talk about it when we get back." Li Shifan said eagerly.

Zhang Deming looked at the other party's eager look and had the urge to roll his eyes. This didn't look like he was in a hurry.

Zhang Deming put away the Sword Heart spiritual mine, and then the two of them turned their heads and looked forward. At this moment, on the huge cliff path, there is still an occasional sword shadow, floating towards the edge of the cliff.

"Do you want to continue?" Zhang Deming looked ahead and asked.

Li Shifan looked at those sword shadows and said: "Try it, see if this sword shadow is not born from the environment after a long period of gestation, as the ancestor said.

If it is what we think, if the summoning spirit is born, it will be worth it to risk serious injuries if we can get it. "

Zhang Deming heard this and said: "In that case, let's give it a try."

After saying that, the two of them continued to move towards the cliff path against the swirling air current.


The two of them walked forward with difficulty for a certain distance again, and finally arrived at the middle of the cliff path.

The flowing air suddenly strengthened, but it also became purer. There was not too much mixed aura, and most of it was endless sharpness and sharpness.

At this moment, the two of them were standing in the cliff path, and a huge cave appeared on the cliff wall of the cliff path. There are a lot of gravel scattered around the cliff path.

It looks like it fell out of a cave. Judging from various traces, this cave only appeared after the cliff path was formed.

Moreover, looking at the weathered appearance of the surrounding gravel, the cave appeared far back when the cliff path was formed. I guess it only took shape over the past few years.

And the sharp and sharp energy gushes out from the cave. Along with the air flow, occasionally a sword shadow floats out.

Facing the obviously stronger airflow in the cave, it did not do as much damage to Jianying as Yakou. The sharp and sharp airflow seemed to have no effect on Jianying.

But when the sword shadow floated out of the cave entrance and entered the cliff path, it began to fluctuate. The closer it was to the cliff entrance where they came, the weaker and more mixed the air flow was, and the more damage it would do to the sword shadow.

Some sword shadows floated halfway and were shattered with a 'wave' sound, while some sword shadows persisted for most of the distance before breaking.

Anyway, until now, I haven't seen a sword shadow floating out of the cliff.

Because the air flow has become pure, the protective effect of the sword spirit outside the shield has become much stronger. Therefore, the airflow became stronger, and the two of them relaxed a little. The headache in my head felt much lighter.

Looking at the huge cave on the cliff, and feeling the sharp airflow constantly rushing out, Li Shifan raised his head again and looked at the top of the cliff.

It was found that some rocks were missing on the top, which made a deformed triangular missing corner appear on the smooth and flat cliff top rock. Through the notch, you can directly see the sky above your head.

Li Shifan said hesitantly: "Isn't this hole being flushed open?"

Zhang Deming looked at the irregular opening of the cave, then at the triangular corner of the cliff top facing the opening, nodded, and said: "It looks a bit like it was washed away. A corner of the top rock was also broken.”

After a pause, he added: "Do you still remember those few sword shadows under the mountains?"

Li Shifan nodded, then his expression changed, he looked up at the missing corner on the top of the cliff again, and said, "Brother, you mean... spray?"

Zhang Deming nodded and said: "That's right, along the way, Jian Ying is obviously muddled, completely like a newborn, not like he has been conceived for a long time.

Moreover, the farthest one was only half a distance away from the cliff path.

Under such circumstances, the origins of the few sword shadows below are questionable.

Besides, based on the intelligence of these sword shadows, if they really floated out from the cliff mouth, it is impossible that there would be no one at the cliff mouth, and they would all run into the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

So combine all kinds of things, plus the situation in front of you. The few sword shadows below were most likely accumulated at the entrance of the cave after countless years when the entrance was not opened.

Then at the moment when the air flow opened the cave entrance, it was wrapped in the air flow and sprayed out from the cliff. That's why the sword shadows below are not completely confused. They are in much better condition than the ones floating here.

Spiritual wisdom is developed slowly through the process of accumulation. Coupled with the spraying out, many scattered in all directions.

The newly generated sword shadows were seriously damaged by the airflow from the surrounding cliff paths, and none of them floated out again.

Because of this situation, the ancestor of your family speculated that the natal paintings spilled out, causing sword shadows to appear in the surrounding environment. "

While Zhang Deming was speaking, another sword shadow floated out from the entrance of the cave. Li Shifan looked at the sword shadow and said, "In that case, why don't they just jump down from here?"

Zhang Deming and the others walked along a C-shaped cliff path, not a cave. There were rocks on the left side of the cliff path and a cliff on the right side.

Zhang Deming spread his hands and said: "You ask me, who should I ask? I also made a pure guess based on the environment.

However, looking at the weak protection naturally formed outside the cliff passage, the air flow was flowing in the cliff passage and did not escape. Coupled with the fact that the new sword shadow is so confused, I think these are the reasons why there is no sword shadow jumping off the cliff.

After all, it is normal for Jian Ying to behave the same as these air currents without his intelligence. "

Li Shifan thought for a long time, looked at the extremely irregular cave entrance on the wall of the cliff path, and said, "Then let's go in here?"

Zhang Deming said: "Since we are all here, if we go back directly, the previous suffering will be in vain. Let's go!"

After Zhang Deming finished speaking, he stepped over the gravel and walked into the cave. Li Shifan beside him immediately followed and entered the cave together.

Crossing the rocks and entering the cave, after going a few meters deep into the cave entrance, the cave entrance suddenly expanded several times.

Moreover, the cave is no longer extremely irregular like the previous cave entrance. On the contrary, they are very regular. Although there are no traces of artificiality, regular caves often represent artificial carvings.

Looking out from the inside, you can clearly see that the hole is only half broken. It looks like it was broken open from the inside, and there may be some contribution from Jian Ying.

"Is this a different Grotto-Heaven?" Li Shifan said after seeing the cave entrance, which suddenly became larger and regular.

Zhang Deming smiled and said, "I don't know if there is a Grotto-Heaven, but I think we might actually get something unexpected this time."

Because the cave has become larger, the airflow flowing outward has become much more soothing.

Coupled with the pure and sharp sword energy, the auras of the three sword spirits are extremely close to this place, so the protective stance formed is very effective.

Both of them almost relaxed, and the tingling feeling in their minds weakened again, and it no longer affected them much.

Feeling the rapid recovery of spiritual power in his body, Zhang Deming held several spiritual stones in his hand and said to Li Shifan: "Let's go in and see what's going on."

Li Shifan also felt a lot more relaxed. Hearing this, he replied: "That's exactly what I meant."

After saying that, the two walked towards the cave.


The two of them had just taken a few steps when another sword shadow floated towards them. Zhang Deming's expression moved and he stretched out an emerald vine again. The vine shone with a dreamy light and became very sharp, facing the floating sword. Shadow, stabbed down.

The muddy sword shadow lacked the agility of the sword shadows below. Even if the surrounding airflow had no effect on it, it had no reaction.

Directly stabbed by the emerald spikes, the sword shadow fluctuated, exploded into auras that filled the sky, and was carried by the airflow and poured out of the cave entrance. A somewhat illusory ball appeared in place, but because the air flow in the cave became pure, it was not crushed and disappeared by the air flow like outside.

Li Shifan was slightly startled when he saw this.

(end of this chapter)

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