Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 308 The Evil Dragon Guardian Of The Extreme Way

Chapter 308 The Evil Dragon Guardian of the Extreme Way

Seeing this, Qu Zhiwen was stunned, looked at Qu Qingxian doubtfully, and said, "Ancestor, what is this?"

Qu Qingxian ignored Qu Zhiwen's question, looked at Mr. Huang who had disappeared, and said faintly: "The alliance!!!"

While the two were stunned, the dreamlike clouds in the square slowly dissipated.




A series of slight muffled sounds came out, and in the square, the surviving disciples slowly woke up.

What he saw was a pile of mutilated corpses, all of which were members of the same clan he was familiar with. Everyone was stunned on the spot. After a while, some of the stunned people came back to their senses.

"No!!! Xiao Ke!!!" A father, looking at his mutilated son in front of him, felt the taste of blood in his mouth, and all the previous memories came back to him.

He let out a shrill roar, ignoring the countless scars on his body, holding his mutilated son and roaring, the shrillness contained heartbreaking pain and endless regret.

But as soon as someone came to the building, part of the son in his hands had flowed to the top, and the reality told him the cruel truth.

The mutilated corpse, the faint smell of blood in his mouth, and the memories flashed over and over again in his mind uncontrollably.

He seemed to have reason again, reliving the purgatory just now over and over again.

It was already extremely tragic for a white-haired person to give away a black-haired person, but he tore his own child alive. When such memories flashed over and over again, his intact heart was already 'broken' and incomplete.

In the long life that follows, there is only endless gloom.


"No, I must be dreaming!" Another middle-aged man reacted. Looking at the girl who was pressed under him, his expression was a little crazy, his heart collapsed, and his whole person had a crazy attitude.


"Oh my God, what have you done to punish me like this?" An old man who looked to be in his sixties had an extremely good physique due to his training in boxing.

Therefore, the environment around him was the worst. It was full of broken limbs and broken corpses. There were also a lot of internal organs attached to his body, and his hands were even more bloody.

He himself was not injured, but at such an age, it means that his outlook on life is stable, and it also means that some things will hit him harder.

He knelt in the pile of self-made flesh, and as the memory returned, the experience tore him alive. Thinking of these pieces of meat, they were all the people who hung around in front of him in the past.

He looked up to the sky and screamed, his voice was like weeping blood, and he was filled with endless sadness in his grief.

"Sixth uncle, get up quickly. It's not your fault. If you're to blame, it's those demon cultivators. If you're to blame, it's the remnants of the Five Elements."

Qu Zhiwen didn't know when he ran down and looked at the old man kneeling in the minced meat. He ignored the minced meat and struggled to pull it up.

The old man's face was ashen, staring blankly at his hands, and his whole person fell into a self-imposed state.


"Why, why did you save me and let me die like this?" Some disciples couldn't accept this situation and yelled at Qu Zhiwen.

In the square, as one person wakes up, no matter how badly injured the disciples are, few of them care about their injuries after regaining consciousness.

Some looked dull, not believing what they had done;

Some fell into despair, their Taoist hearts were agitated, and they had the attitude of wandering away from the Dao or even losing their souls in life and death;

Some are like crazy, pulling at the remains of flesh and blood, frantically piecing them together, as if once the pieces are put together, people can come back and try to restore everything...

The entire square fell into grief as everyone woke up and came back to their senses one by one. It was like returning from purgatory. This scene made Qu Zhiwen, the only intact person among them, even more painful.

On the high platform of the square, Qu Qingxian looked at the tribesmen below with a sad expression and surge of spiritual energy.

Even at his age, looking at the people in such a situation and seeing his younger generation fall into such a fate, his Dao heart was agitated and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Maybe it was because he was too well prepared, maybe his emotions at this moment were too agitated, maybe this was the path he should take.

He was already in a state of brimming with mana, but at this moment when his spiritual power suddenly surged, a dragon snake of the water attribute emerged.

The dragon snake is like a snake and a dragon, it has no horns but claws, it is a snake belonging to Chilong. After it emerged, its lower body was wrapped around Qu Qingxian, and its front paws rested on Qu Qingxian's shoulders.

And a pair of empty, lifeless longan eyes, just like Qu Qingxian, stared blankly at the square. There was a slight fluctuation in the empty eyes.

A transparent and agile water flow emerged from the unconscious Qu Qingxian's body, wandering across the entire square.

Where the water flowed, the strange aura in the blood foam of the stump automatically merged into it, and the faint sinful aura that permeated it also disappeared.

The originally poor square gradually became brighter with the swimming of the water.

When the water flowed away, only the disabled people and the wreckage were left in the entire square. The chaotic and sinful atmosphere that affected people's minds completely disappeared.

But the clear water became cloudy, blood-red and black, exuding a strong sense of sin and ominousness.

The water flow, which has become countless times larger, wandered back directly, submerged into the water dragon's body, and was completely together with its Integrated Union.

The clear and pure water dragon turned into a muddy black dragon in an instant.

Moreover, his entire body began to mutate, and his unusually beautiful scales became dark and weird. The snake's head also evolved towards the Flood Dragon's head, and an ugly and ferocious horn emerged from the top of his head.

This pure water dragon turned into an extremely ferocious black dragon.

"I will do my best to protect the family and the younger generation;

I will do what I can, avenge blood, and comfort the wronged soul;

I will incarnate as Shura, bear my sins, and move forward with heavy burdens. "

In an epiphany, Qu Qingxian made an oath of Dao Heart by virtue of instinct. The oath was very suitable for his path guarded by the dragon spirit, and a unique guardian power was born.

As this power merged into the black dragon behind him, it became clear that he was very evil, but because of the integration of this aura, he appeared to be righteous; his aura was obviously very violent, but at the same time he seemed very peaceful, which was very contradictory.

What's even more weird is that, although it is clearly just a black dragon, there seems to be countless grievances entangled in the black dragon's body, and the resentment is everywhere.

But these should obviously be very evil things, things that should affect the black dragon, but they strangely guard and surround the black dragon. They don't look like evil spirits at all, but they are like willing sacrifices.

But there should be no such injustice and resentment when willing to sacrifice. For various reasons, the entire black dragon is full of extreme contradictions, but this also makes its aura extremely powerful.


With a roar to the sky, the dragon's roar shook the sky, the auras of Qu Qingxian and the black dragon were entangled together, and the aura of the two changed instantly.

Qu Qingxian is the ultimate righteous, while the black dragon has become the ultimate evil, entangled with one person and one dragon, with an unusually strange aura.

As a result, the runes in Qu Qingxian's body underwent violent mutations. All the runes were integrated and united together, forming an ultimate dragon-shaped rune.

Moreover, the runes are clear and vivid, and there is only one layer of window paper left to break through the limit of the magic level. If Qu Qingxian's cultivation level is not too low, it is estimated that this wave will be able to complete his breakthrough to the ultimate path and completely achieve enlightenment.

Even now, due to the limitation of cultivation, the promotion of rune's spell level is progressing slowly.

If the opponent didn't advance to Liangyi for a long time, maybe he would have problems because of Taiji's promotion to the magic level.

Because of this change, Qu Qingxian's aura became much stronger, and his whole body's spiritual power was extremely overflowing. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the opponent was on the verge of a breakthrough.

If it weren't for the current situation that doesn't allow it, and he started to break through with the materials, it probably wouldn't be difficult.

After all the movements disappeared, Qu Qingxian regained his senses slightly, but he didn't feel much joy. The same is true in the surrounding squares. There is a lot of movement in Mingming Qu Qingxian, but not many people pay attention.

There were even a few people who almost lost their minds because Qu Qingxian's water swept away... well... it should have taken away the remaining spirituality on the stumped limbs and broken arms.

If Qu Zhiwen hadn't stopped him, he would have climbed up to fight Qu Qingxian. After all, Qu Zhiwen, who was intercepting, had received a lot of such treatment.

However, the last few people who woke up were relatively lucky and were less affected by the residual sinful aura. Even if they saw the scene in this Shura field, they would be at least a little better.

Even if the memory comes back later, there is no aura influence, and at least there is less overlapping secondary damage.


After Huang Lao's spiritual power was exhausted and dissipated, Zhang Deming's consciousness returned to the spirit-nurturing space. After a slight pause, he quickly left the spirit-nurturing space.

But as soon as the front foot came out, Zhang Deming felt the energy surge in the warehouse.

Zhang Deming paused for a moment and found that his merit had increased by 2 points, and his luck had achieved a shocking reversal, rising by 21 points.

The Qu family or Qu Qingxian, this salted fish, has now made a comeback?

A sheep with poor or no wool can provide so much luck, which means that the Qu family or Qu Qingxian he saved this time is about to make a comeback.

Through the light spot, I looked at the Qu family's situation, and happened to see Qu Qingxian's entangled black dragon. It seemed that Qu Qingxian, the big salty fish, had achieved a shocking turnaround and completed the salty fish's turnaround.

As for whether the Qu family contributed to this, he didn't know. After all, luck had not been separated.


In Yuling Peak and Yuling Main Hall, Zhang Deming's consciousness transformed into Mr. Huang and went to the Qu family in Tianling City. His body was controlled by the art of inner dreams, and he watched the four people fall into silence.

Since there is no fighting here, there is no problem with such distracted control.

The four of them were silent for a moment, and Gan Zili was the first to speak: "Junior brother Zhang, are you sure that the place you found is not some ancient ruins, but a world that has been empty of people recently?"

Zhang Deming paused, pointed to the metal pool in the five-pointed altar in the picture, and said: "Senior Brother Gan, do you think this situation will be a relic over the years?"

Following Zhang Deming's finger, the screen slowly zoomed in. The silver liquid in the pool was surging, and the scattered mutilated limbs were rising and falling as the liquid was tumbling, and this scene appeared clearly in front of everyone.

Gan Zili paused slightly, and everyone looked at Dang Xiangjun. Yue Mengsheng rarely took the initiative to say: "Uncle Dang, do you need to go and take a look at this matter immediately?

After all, the remnants of the Five Elements are very harmful, whether from your words or from these various signs. "

Especially their Heavenly Spirit Sect, not only in this not-so-distant range. Because of the so-called historical legacy, the Five Elements Blessed Land was acquired, and now all the five secret realms have been packed back by the sect.

Once these remnants of the Five Elements really engage in some big and shameful things and make some noise, it will probably be impossible for them to stay out of it.

It is even extremely possible that they will bear the brunt and become the first targets to suffer. After all, even if something is missed, it is someone else's inheritance.

To put it another way, they are almost like vultures, scavenging.

It would be fine if the original owner died, but once he was half-dead and came back to life, it would change from eating scavengers to tearing each other alive. There is no hatred in this, is it possible?

Therefore, after understanding the situation, Xianyu's Yue Mengsheng began to express his position. To be precise, Yue Mengsheng probably paid a little attention to this matter because he was afraid of affecting his life.

Hearing this, the Prime Minister of the Party glanced at a few people and said, "I'll take a trip first to check on the situation. If nothing happens, that's all.

If there is something that I can't solve, it will be a big matter that needs to be dealt with by the sect. "

When several people heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

But before everyone could reach an agreement, Zhang Deming paused slightly, and the consciousness that left him returned.

Huang Lao's side, it's a long story, but in fact it only takes a moment. Including the battle between the two, it was also a fierce struggle, and the result was achieved in a while, so the process was not long.

After Zhang Deming came back to his senses, he looked at the four people who were planning to negotiate, and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid, Uncle Dang, if you go, the building will be empty."

The four of them were stunned and looked at Zhang Deming in confusion. Gu Lian couldn't help but interjected: "Why? Is it possible that Junior Brother Zhang has not finished half of what he said?"

Zhang Deming glanced at Gu Liancai, feeling inexplicably speechless.

For such a big matter, and the sect's Supreme Elder is here, I'm afraid I'm going crazy if I say keep half of it and half of it! It’s so exciting to come here. If I didn’t have a clue, I must be crazy!

Gu Liancai's lips moved slightly when Zhang Deming saw him. Just as he was about to say a few words, he remembered something again and turned to look at Dang Xiangjun, who had not spoken. He also closed his eyes.

Zhang Deming looked at the four people and said: "I am very unfamiliar with most of the entire Heavenly Spirit Sect family. Only I have some connection with the Tianlingcheng Qu family, so I can take care of them.

The reason why I said no need is will know after reading this. "

While speaking, Zhang Deming raised his hand to create an illusory screen of light again.

"The Qu family? That Tai Chi family in Tianling City?" The four of them looked at the recreated light screen with doubts, but Gan Zili asked after thinking about it.

Zhang Deming looked at Gan Zili with a slight pause, and said, "Senior Brother Gan really deserves to be in charge of Yuling Peak every day, and such a small peripheral family knows it."

"No, it's just because I happened to see it before."

Well, it can’t be described as a coincidence. To be precise, I noticed this music artist because I was checking Zhang Deming’s information on a daily basis, so I checked it out by the way.

After all, Zhang Deming is in the sect, so he doesn't have many interpersonal contacts. And this songwriter, it is suspected that Zhang Deming gave his share of promotion resources to the other party.

After all, Zhang Deming didn't need Liangyi's promotion resources to restore his strength. The information shows that he is extremely likely to give up promotion resources to the Qu family, although this resource is not needed by Zhang Deming.

But from Gan Zili's point of view, if Zhang Deming can do this on purpose, the relationship is not too unfamiliar, and it should even be very close.

For this reason, he paid special attention to the Qu family.

Between the two of them talking, a screen of light came out. This time, because of Huang Lao's fight, Zhang Deming didn't make any wish-fulfilling video.

Instead, he used the power of the basic illusion array to reveal the scene where Huang Laochu saw Qu Wenbai when he left, the scene when the other party made the altar, and the miserable scene in the square.

When the picture appeared, the four people who had been leisurely before were all startled.

Gan Zili stood up in amazement, and said seriously, "When did this happen?"

The three of them looked at Zhang Deming in unison, obviously having the same question.

"At this moment, we are discussing this moment. Considering the time difference between the other party triggering my monitoring array, it will only take a few minutes at most." Zhang Deming answered quickly.

"Are you sure?" Dang Xiangjun asked seriously.

Zhang Deming replied: "How dare disciples make fun of this matter?"

"Let's go!" Seeing this, Dang Xiangjun took the lead in stepping out, and the jade plate appeared under his feet. His whole body was shining, and he left Yuling Peak and flew out of the sect.

The four of Zhang Deming looked at each other, and the light wings appeared on his back;

Snowflakes were turning under Yue Mengsheng’s feet;

A bubble appeared on the surface of Gan Zili's body;

Gu Liancai was the most attractive, as two spinning fire wheels appeared under his feet.

The four of them followed Dang Xiangjun's footsteps, turned into streamers, rushed out of the main hall of Yuling, flew into the sky, and left Yuling Peak.

None of the four of them deliberately suppressed their aura, and the movement they brought was not small, so it attracted the attention of many people.

Originally, a Tai Chi family was killed, obviously such a battle was not possible.

But if you add the remnants of the Five Elements, and existences like them happen to know, it would be normal for them to immediately take action at such a critical moment. After all, the affiliated family is also a sect.


Tianling City is not far from Heavenly Spirit Sect, and all four of them are magic-level flying spells, and their speed is not slow.

Even Zhang Deming, who was lagging behind in cultivation, reached his destination before Yue Mengsheng and the others could even pull him apart. In other words, the three of them deliberately slowed down a bit.

At least Gang Jinggu Company had slowed down. With his speed, which he suspected to be Tiangang Disha Wind Fire Wheel Escape Technique, as a three-talented man, if he really exploded with all his strength, he would definitely be able to compete with Sixiang's Dang Xiangjun in a short time.

(end of this chapter)

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