Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 310 Wanghui Peak

Chapter 310 Wanghui Peak

The entire altar has extremely complex runes, and around the altar, there are various networks like spider webs. From time to time, there are traces of filthy smell in the network, gathering here from nowhere.

The breath is either filthy, evil, or weird, all of which are ominous and extremely heterogeneous.

However, when they are brought together, after undergoing complex changes, and then transformed through the altar, the breath becomes more complex, or purer.

Because the previous miscellaneousness was a mixture of various filthy breaths, and the miscellaneousness after the change is actually the miscellaneousness of the nature of karma itself.

Of course, the karma produced in this way takes a lot of effort, but it is not pure. To be precise, it can only be regarded as half of karma.

But these breaths, and then mix them with real karma, they can become karma. Of course, in terms of quality, it must be inferior, well, the premise is that the karma has quality!

In the center of the altar, there is a large mud pool, which is full of mud exuding various evil auras.

The liquid is full to the point of overflowing, to be precise, it has already overflowed.

Because at one corner of the pool, there was a drainage gap, and the strange silt that overflowed all wriggled and flowed into an attached pool in an altar.

The attached pool is small and unusually clean. There is a complex formation at the bottom of the pool, and the lines are clearly visible. Whenever the mud squirms into it, the formation flashes with aura, and the mud disappears into it.

The entire underground room, from the gathering of breaths from various places, to the squirming mud being sent away by the formation operation room, formed a closed loop.

Even without anyone's control, with spiritual power, it can run automatically. As for Wanghui Peak, one of the main peaks of the inner sect, there are many others, and there is still a three-star spirit vein.

Although it can barely be counted as a three-star spirit vein, it is definitely enough to support it. When the formation is in operation, the whole room is full of mystery.

In the automated operation room, it can be clearly seen that it must have gone through thousands of years of construction to reach this level.


Guan Shou's heart seems to fit perfectly with the aura here, or in other words, it fits perfectly with the mud in the pool. The mud seems to be his creation.

Guan Shouxin came here and waved quickly towards the altar.

As he waved his hand, a stream of mud twisted into a puppet from the overflowing pool and floated in front of Guan Shouxin.

Without hesitation, Guan Shouxin plunged into the stinking, ominous, and evil mud doll.

The doll squirmed, wrapping Guan Shouxin perfectly in it, and as the mud squirmed, a lot of rot appeared on the surface of the mud, as well as some pimples like diarrhea.

Moreover, sludge-like liquid would fall to the ground from time to time on the doll's body, and then squirm and flow back into his body. The doll looks extremely evil, ugly, and disgusting in appearance.

The entire puppet slowly turned into the appearance of Guan Shouxin. Well, it only had the general appearance of Guan Shouxin, or in other words, only the overall outline resembled Guan Shouxin.

Guan Shouxin quickly finished all this, and then with his extremely disgusted look, he started the unique technique with his hands pinched.

As he used his technique and spiritual energy surged around him, a mini altar suddenly appeared in front of him.

He glanced at the altar, especially after discovering the state of the altar, he frowned, looked at the mini altar with a bad expression and said: "It's okay that there is only one person left in the Aoki family. At least this one can cope with sexual intercourse.

What's going on with your two families, Guishuiqu, what on earth have you been doing these past few years? You were either sealed or hunted.

Now that we have reached the stage of offering sacrifices, it doesn’t matter if the share is not enough. You are still using the Tianxin Offering to suppress your injuries. Are you making a sacrifice, or are you just trying to take advantage of others? "

In the mini altar, black mist, flowers, and balls floated out, the flowers changed into Guan Zhenzhen, the black mist condensed into the shape of Qu Wenbai, the ball returned to the size of a human head, and Duan Yuanbing's face appeared on it.

Qu Wenbo faced Guan Shouxin's half-reprimanding, half-accusation words without saying a word back.

During the Five Elements Blessed Land period, the water attribute was the strongest, overwhelming the other four attributes. But it is also because of this, being cared for intensively, receiving the most power and hurting the most. Therefore, during the remnant period of the five tribes, the water attribute began to decline.

After going through countless years of evolution, their Guishuiqu has not fully recovered due to various incidents. Now the five-element survivors have already become the most prosperous of the earth, and the five earth officials are even more mysterious and abnormal.

In recent years, the daily sacrifices have been separated and each is responsible for it. In fact, the earth element is the big one among them. If it weren't for the officials, it is estimated that the Tianxin Sacrifice would have ceased to exist a long time ago, let alone the sacrifice now.

Therefore, in the face of Guan Shouxin's accountability, which was justified and well-founded, he did not say a word.

Seeing that Qu Wenbai didn't speak, Guan Shouxin turned to look at the metal ball Duan Yuanbing and said, "And you, I agreed that you would take over the Duan family's position.

In addition to being forced by circumstances at the time and the fact that you were still half the head of the Duan family, it was also because you had promised that the Duan family would be the main force in the Tianxin Festival.

You can handle any Gengjin secret realm, and you can also handle the Duan family, and you can be responsible for most of the investment in Qiji's strength.

What about now? What about the main force?

Of the three families that have started so far, forget about the other two, at least it’s worth it.

You are not only disrespectful, but you have lost your past savings. What are the meanings of this? I really thought that if you went to the Tianxin altar, I would wait for a few people to do nothing to you, a monster, and you can only recognize it by pinching your nose? "

Duan Yuanbing responded in a standard manner in a mechanized voice: "First, I didn't take advantage of you.

Second, I did play the main role and invested a large part of my karma. Although the Gengjin secret realm was lost, I also melted most of the secret realm, and the Duan family dungeon has now become an empty city.

Putting these together, I have fulfilled my promise, and the sacrifice power and resources I invested are definitely enough to cover more than half of the sacrifice.

The reason why I am in this state now is because I accidentally consumed it in battle in order to protect the clan land and the Tianxin Altar.

An enemy that can consume so much karma shows how powerful it is. Under such circumstances, I can make the Tianxin Altar, which has no protective power, undamaged when there is no sacrifice. This part should not only be counted as my investment, but the consumed part should also belong to my extra credit.

Third, the Duan family still has Martial Artist, so it’s not certain whether they will suffer a loss or not. "

Guan Shouxin was originally unimpressed with Duan Yuanbing's state, or disliked his appearance as a half-outsider monster, but now seeing the other party like this, he is even more angry at him.

He looked at Duan Yuanbing and said: "Ha, you still have the nerve to tell me about the Waifang family?

Qing Mu Guan's family let go, messed around with no brains, provoked a bunch of bald donkeys in Jinshan Temple, let them exterminate their own clan, and implicated the Qu family and the five clans.

Our Wutu official family also had to go out together as a family, hide from the outside world, and perform sacrifices with difficulty;

Kamishui Qu's family was out of town, and they simply didn't know where they were going. Looking at it now, it might as well have been in vain;

As for the Gengjin Duan family and the Lihuo Lu family, just forget about turning to Martial Dao. After all, it is the best choice due to the situation.

But I don't know how the preparations are. Before the sacrifice, I started to mess around. Do you know how much risk I took and how much effort I put in to press the Martial Artist engulfing event in the Heavenly Spirit Sect range?

Aren't you a half-brain monster? Come on, come on, give me a calculation, a visit like Heavenly Spirit Sect, even if mortals don't care, no matter how despised, the difference between immortals and mortals is great.

You arrest sect disciples for me all day long and report them to me layer by layer. How can you be ignored?

If you do the calculations again, to suppress such things, to prevent the formation of summaries everywhere, and to prevent the above from realizing the seriousness of the problem, I have to use as many secrets as possible, and how many disciples who are in practical positions must be dispatched to work together.

If you think about it, after this incident was discovered, how many of these disciples would be able to use the excuse of being separated from mortals to get past it?

After such screening, you found out that they are all members of my official family. So what do you think of the Heavenly Spirit Sect? "

After all, Duan Yuanbing still had half of his humanity left. He was stunned by the angry officer for a moment, and then he replied after a while: "Why are you still worried about these things? There is no need to worry about these things once the Tianxin Festival is completed."

"Oh, you should finish the sacrifice first! With this attitude, if the Lihuo Lu family doesn't help, and our Wutuguan family alone, it will be in vain to support the sacrifice.

After all, they chose the people's hearts and the people's righteousness, which is a crucial step for the success of the sacrifice. "Guan Shouxin slightly suppressed a lot of emotions, and said with an inexplicable expression.

"Let's do it, go and have a look." Guan Zhenzhen saw that the atmosphere had eased a little, and said.

The three of them paused and nodded slightly when they heard the words. The three of Guan Zhenzhen turned into distorted black mist, bewitching flowers, and metal balls again, and floated back into the altar.

The moment the three of them floated in, Guan Shouxin frowned and glanced at the three of them, then waved his hand imperceptibly.

Then it turned into an ugly clay doll covered with dysentery, was sucked into the center of the pool by the altar, and suspended on it.

Immediately, most of the countless silt and slime in the altar in the room was sucked away by the mini altar, and only a small part was left before the mini altar barely stopped.

The mini altar has finally changed from a deficit state to a standard state. It's just that the altar at this time has changed a little.

Originally, when the three of Guan Zhenzhen were in power, although there were occasional strengths and weaknesses, they did not form a crush. On the mini altar, you can clearly see the entanglement of the breath of wood, water, and gold.

Now that the replenishment is completed, an earth attribute even overwhelms the combined force of the three forces of gold, wood and water.

After the altar was replenished, the four objects on the mini altar vibrated together, and the mini altar flickered, disappearing in place.


After the mini altar disappeared, the entire hall fell into silence.

After a long time, dots of silver light suddenly flashed on the ground, and then countless silver lights gathered, slowly forming a silver stream of water.

While the water was squirming, a miniature metal figure condensed out, it was only the size of a finger, and its eyes were lifeless, shining with mechanical light.

"Get out of the standby state, turn on the recording and investigation mode, record the current environment, and investigate and determine the location..."

The metal villain has just started, and started to run the task program mechanically, but the program has not been started yet, and the place where the metal villain stands suddenly turns into quicksand.

The quicksand squirmed, swallowing it like a big mouth. After a few clicks, the little metal man disappeared without a trace while chewing with his big mouth.

After the quicksand swallowed up the metal man, it did not stop. The entire surrounding ground shook slightly, and wisps of black mist floated out.

The quicksand turned into mud, and with the movement of a mud hand, all the black mist that had emerged was swept into the ground and disappeared.

In the end, Silt searched for a long time with no results, but it seemed to be sure that there was something else and did not give up.

After searching again to no avail, it seemed to ponder for a moment, and the whole room suddenly squirmed, first turning into silt, and then becoming unusually fertile.

Under such an aura of amplitude, for a long time, a flower grew uncontrollably from the mud body. The mud instantly rolled up and swallowed it clean.

"The old ghosts one after another really don't make people worry!"

Guan Shouxin's words floated out from the mud, without the anger or worry before, they were unusually calm, just like he usually was.

After the words came out, the whole room instantly cleared up and fell into silence again.

It took a long time for the mud to emerge again, and after confirming that there were no other foreign objects, he squirmed and changed into the appearance of Guan Shouxin, stepped into the formation in the room, and disappeared into the room.

When he reappeared, he was already in the Cave Mansion at Wanghui Peak. He did not continue practicing, opened the Cave Mansion, and walked out.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, most of the places he walked were the places of Zhou's family, and he, who was a salted fish, even specially greeted people he was familiar with in peacetime, as in the past, there was no abnormality.

But if someone takes a look with advanced spiritual eyes, they will find that it is a clay doll covered in human skin.

However, the ancestor of Sancai is still here at Wanghuifeng. Under normal circumstances, it is obviously unlikely that someone would eat the leopard's gall and specially investigate him.


After parting ways with Gan Zili and the others, Zhang Deming floated down to the sky above the Feiquan Waterfall Tower. Because he had the Peak Master identity talisman hanging on his waist, he passed directly through the formation protection.

Compared with the public ID cards, this thing is indeed a lot more convenient. The ID card is a card swiping mechanism, and this token is for automatic recognition. He is considering whether this token can be used as a regular identity.

After today's incident, his identity as the peak master will probably no longer be considered a secret, at least to a certain height.

After all, what happened today was quite a stir, and because of the remaining evil, it attracted much attention. It will definitely attract the attention of several surrounding cases in the future. As the igniter of this incident, it will definitely attract more attention.

And when his information in the Heavenly Spirit Sect is top secret, the fact that Liang Yi serves as the fourth peak master of Yuling Peak attracts even more attention.

So after today, he probably won't be able to continue to be the little transparent person of Feiquan Waterfall Tower, and even have to leave his name within a certain height range of several surrounding sects.

After falling upstairs to Feiquan Waterfall, Zhang Deming returned to the training room on the third floor and came to the warehouse.

Nowadays, the warehouse is no longer empty, and there are many dazzling items, most of which are spirit stones and spirit-nurturing beads.

Apart from this, the most valuable ones are some treasured shares at the peak master level. The portions are not large, but the quantity is quite large.

You can make some money by selling spiritual stones, but where is his identity? It is necessary to prepare some of these things. If you have time, it is really indispensable. As long as he doesn't close the Cave Mansion and refuse guests behind closed doors, this will be inevitable.

In addition to these, there are many scattered treasures, such as the resources for this trip to the mountain, lotus roots, storage bags, quantum notebooks and so on.

After Zhang Deming arrived at the warehouse, he crossed the many shelves and came to a corner. In an empty mine shelf there was a suspicious Tianxin Treasure Box, and a soul mist ball that shone with dreamy light.

Zhang Deming first looked at the Tianxin Treasure Box, examined it carefully for a moment, and raised his hand to create a magic array light screen. The light screen fluctuated, showing the appearance of the Tianxin Altar.

Zhang Deming looked at the broken box, then turned to look at the center of the altar in the light screen. He didn't know if it was his imagination, but he always felt that this broken thing seemed to fit well.

The rune contact points seem to be all right? !

After thinking for a while, Zhang Deming's hand surged with spiritual light, and the light of the formation appeared on the box, flickering slightly for a few times.

Then Zhang Deming made a false grab at the box, and an illusory box model was constructed by Zhang Deming using the power of the formation.

Holding the box model in his left hand and the altar light screen in his right hand, Zhang Deming came to the magic practice room and threw the altar light screen in his right hand. The power of the Rank Three formation fluctuated, and the entire light screen turned into aura and disappeared.

However, the shadow of the altar rushed out of the light screen and landed directly on the ground of the magic practice room. It was half a foot above the ground, floating and slowly growing in size.

Zhang Deming didn't stop until the virtual model of the entire altar filled up the magic practice room.

Although he doesn't use the power of the formation often, it is also the core of his runes. With the Rank Three formation and Liangyi cultivation, it is still very easy to create a full virtual model.

At this moment, the entire altar is just like what Zhang Deming remembered, except that due to space limitations, it has been scaled down countless times.

Of course, if he had to build a model the size of the original altar, his spiritual power would be a bit too much, unless he took spiritual crystals or piled himself directly in a pile of spiritual stones.

Zhang Deming looked at the altar in front of him, nodded, walked through the shadow, and came to the center of the altar.

Aiming at the center again, the entire area around the altar slowly disappeared, leaving only the center, which became its original size and floated half a foot above the ground in the room.

After guessing that it was almost done, Zhang Deming placed the box in his right hand against the gap in the center of the altar and pressed it.

The two phantoms fit together perfectly right in front of Zhang Deming. Really, even the rune interface fits perfectly.

Zhang Deming: "???!!!"

‘Is it my subjective intention that affects the memory, a subconscious selective modeling of the fit, or are these two things really a pair? '

(end of this chapter)

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