Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 319 The Beginning Of Chaos

Chapter 319 The Beginning of Chaos

In Hongmeng, as a close door-to-door, if one party is extremely good at a certain skill, then the other party will either be on the same level, or will have little involvement, probably to avoid the overlap of 'main business'.

Baishumen is very good at guarding one, both traditional and non-traditional new-style beasts, among which the non-traditional is the frontier representative of Hongmeng.

The Baishu Sect is different from the Heavenly Spirit Sect. The Heavenly Spirit Sect is more like a sect. Although it has a core family, it is essentially a traditional sect.

But the Baizhu Sect is like a sect, more like a noble family. In the entire Baishu Sect, the Bai family is the boss, and the status of the other families is on the same level as the ordinary vassal families of Tianling.

This also resulted in the fact that most of the powerful disciples of the Baishu Sect were surnamed Bai, which also resulted in the serious tendency of the Baishu Sect.

They are not as blooming as Heavenly Spirit Sect, or not as mediocre as Heavenly Spirit Sect.

Their other roads are not important and have little development. Only the Yushou Road is particularly prosperous. It is ranked among the top sects.

Just because of this trigger, their sect's status is slightly better than that of the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

This also creates a hundred flowers blooming for them to guard one path, and develop one path to multiple paths.

Not only do they have the most traditional beast control and beast control, but with the evolution of Hongmeng magic, they have also developed many new beast control methods.

Among them, there are two directions. One is the natal beast path where one person and one beast life intersect. This is the extension of the natal Law Treasure path. After all, the Hongmeng path is the most popular nowadays, and almost any path has development in this direction.

The other is to control the beast and control oneself, transforming oneself into the beast's bloodline transformation path.

These two belong to the new method of controlling beasts, and they are also the most popular methods in Baizhu Sect today. Because of the unique inheritance of Baishumen, this unique riding ceremony was created.

Because it used to be the traditional way to control beasts, at the beginning of the riding ceremony, you let your precious spiritual beast ride. This is acceptable to any monk. In addition, the Baizhu Sect's professional tendency is to control animals, and gradually developed the riding ritual.

Afterwards, one person and one beast will meet each other, and even guard themselves and be their own babies. If this new type of beasts appears, it is definitely impossible to come to the first riding ceremony at this time, it is simply an insult to the monks.

But with the long-term cultural changes before, the custom has already been formed, and many Bai family monks, most of them think it should be taken for granted, there is no insult, it is just a traditional etiquette, after all, it is a new-style beast of their choice, isn't it?

And the jellyfish under everyone's feet is the latest one among the new beast masters. The beast master was developed by the bloodline transformation, and it guards itself and becomes its own baby.


Guan Shouxin led Zhang Deming and his entourage to the two groups of people and greeted them one after another.

"I'm a poor Taoist, Official Shouxin, I've met all of you comrades." After the two sides met, Guan Shouxin said politely.

The two groups of people who met paused for a moment. On the side of Xuande Temple, there were also two masters with three talents. They stood on the left and right of Huixin, with Huixin as the leader.

The three of them frowned slightly and looked behind Guan Shouxin without speaking immediately.

Bai Zhixin, who was preparing to return the gift, paused slightly, looked back and forth, sensing the subtlety of the atmosphere, and did not interrupt rashly.

The three looked at each other, and the old monk on Huixin's left was the first to speak: "Guan Fellow Daoist, who is Gu Liancaigu Fellow Daoist?"

Zhang Deming and Song Huidong looked at each other with strange looks in their eyes.

It turns out that Gu Liancai is really popular! Do these monks really have such weird tastes?

Guan Shou replied indifferently: "Yu Lingfeng received a big order from the sect last year, and now it's almost here, and the task has not been completed yet. The three senior brothers are all in retreat and practice, and they really can't get away, so The sect has arranged for Pindao to come this time."

The already delicate atmosphere became even more subtle because Xuande Temple fell into silence because of Guan Shouxin's answer.

Bai Zhixin, who didn't say anything, pondered for a moment, her eyes flashed, and she tapped the ground lightly with her toes decisively.

Following her movements, before the delicate atmosphere fermented, beside Bai Zhixin, spiritual light gathered, and a phantom of an ordinary old man appeared in front of everyone, attracting everyone's attention.

After he appeared, he slightly returned the greeting to Guan Shouxin: "Meet Guan Fellow Daoist!"

Guan Shouxin looked at the old man and said, "Is Fellow Daoist Bai Chuzhong responsible for escorting this time?"

The shadowy old man Bai Chuzhong smiled and replied: "Yes, our Atractylodes is not as good as your Heavenly Spirit Valley Fellow Daoist, who is deeply loved by everyone at Buddhist Gate, and can get such an enviable job every year.

In order to gain more blessings, Pindao put in a lot of effort and promised a lot of benefits before accepting this escort job. "

Guan Shouxin also smiled and responded: "No, in order to have the honor to meet the eminent monks of Xuande Temple in advance, we Tianlings also do the same.

A few days ago, Senior Brother Ci Gu, because of his status as a spiritual cultivator, had repeatedly overpowered everyone for hundreds of years and took over this matter, leaving all the brothers speechless, but they could only sigh and feel helpless.

This time, he finally couldn't get away, which gave all the brothers a chance. In the past few days, the Tianling Palace was really full of fights.

Originally, the poor Taoist had no right to speak, so he gave up his thoughts on seeing the eminent monks of Xuande Temple earlier. He never thought that in the battle between dragons and tigers, no one would have any advantage.

This great good thing happened to Pindao inexplicably. When the matter was settled, Pindao didn't even react. "

Having said this, he looked at the people in Xuande Temple and said, "Now that I think about it, it must be the eminent monks who are blessing me."

Song Huidong: “·········”

Zhang Deming: "········"

If he hadn't seen with his own eyes the attitude of the three old guys from Yuling Peak towards the exchange meeting at Xuande Temple, he would have almost believed it!

Where is the promised salted fish and the promised Qingxiu?

This skill of holding one's feet in one hand is not inferior to that of any three-talented master, right? He is indeed a person who has been alive for hundreds of years!

Huixin and the monk next to her were about to speak, but they were stopped by these words, and they were completely unable to say anything else.

He had no choice but to show a polite smile. Before he could answer, Bai Chuzhong immediately sighed and answered: "Brother Taoist has said so. I don't dare to delay any more. I can only bear the pain and hand over all the eminent monks to Taoism." Brother."

"It doesn't matter, if you like Bai Fellow Daoist, you can go to our Heavenly Spirit Sect with your disciples, and you can continue to talk about heaven and earth with the eminent monks." Guan Shouxin said with a smile.

The shadow in Bai Chu seemed to fluctuate slightly due to unstable spiritual power. He smiled and said: "Forget it, welcome and send off, and give opportunities to the younger generations. This has been a rule for many years. I can't lose my face and compete with these disciples for opportunities."

He glanced at Guan Shouxin and continued: "I think all the Dao brothers in the sect are also eagerly looking forward to the Heavenly Spirit Sect, so I won't delay it any longer.

Pindao wishes all eminent monks a smooth journey in advance, and wishes Master Huixin that all his wishes will come true. I feel sorry for you this time, so I won’t accompany you any more. "

"Bai Fellow Daoist is so polite!" everyone said in return.

When Bai Chuzhong saw this, the illusory figure turned into a spiritual light that filled the sky and dissipated.

Everyone paused for a moment. Seeing this, Bai Zhixin looked at everyone and said, "In that case, let's set off quickly!"

Guan Shouxin nodded and said: "Eminent monks, please come first!"

The two prisoners of Xuande Temple, Guan Shouxin and Bai Chuzhong, joined hands to hold the stinky foot. They remained silent for a while, responded slightly to Guan Shouxin, and flew directly towards Qingyu Luzhou without any politeness.

Bai Zhixin led a group of young disciples, followed behind him, and flew towards the other side with the Heavenly Spirit Sect people.

After everyone left, the building on the jellyfish's back turned into the size of a palm, and was caught in the hand of Bai Chuzhong, who had regained his human body.

Then he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the horizon, but the speed of his departure seemed a bit fast, and he always felt like he was avoiding the God of Plague.


Heavenly Spirit Sect area, Liuzhou, Baijie City.

A long time ago, the world of spiritual practice was still in the era of traditional sects. Although the major sects sent out disciples to create aristocratic families, they did not develop vigorously. They just made random arrangements and depended entirely on the wishes of the disciples.

And because Liuzhou's spiritual power is poor, the immortals are almost extinct within Liuzhou. Immortals who practice are really living in the stories in the storybook, and all classes have very little contact.

Therefore, under such a general environment, Martial Dao, which had very low requirements for the spiritual environment in the early stage, is quite popular. In the prosperous period of the entire Liuzhou martial arts, there were still many master Martial Artists.

It was even rumored that there had been a Divine Ability Martial Artist who could fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and was comparable to a fairy. Of course they are all rumors, true or false, who knows.

Anyway, Liuzhou Wulin had a glorious past, this is true.

The name of Baijie City comes from this. It is said that during the heyday of martial arts, Baijie City was the Sacred Land of the entire Liuzhou martial arts world and produced many outstanding figures.

Later, with the opening of the resource age in Sacred Land, Heavenly Spirit Sect began to implement the "stallion" enclosure and resource plundering plan.

The sect no longer arranges at will based on the wishes, but instead sends out disciples from all over the region and sets conditions. Disciples who are not satisfied will be driven out when they reach an age to become studs to establish a family and build a resource network for the sect.

Because of this move, many barren areas in the Heavenly Spirit Sect gradually began to have fairy traces and fairy families appear.

The emergence of immortals is accompanied by the decline of martial arts. After all, those who are talented and capable and can pursue the immortal way, who can still mess around? Martial Dao?

There are various signs that there are fewer and fewer Martial Artists, and the martial arts world is becoming more and more low-level.

The same is true for Baijie City, the Sacred Land of Liuzhou Wulin. Or maybe it’s because this is mainly a place where Martial Artist hangs out, so it’s even more obvious when you look at it.

As the Apex Level Martial Artist family of Baijie City and the actual owners of Baijie City, the Lu family and the Duan family did not respond to this, did not take any measures, and allowed it to develop.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed slowly, and until now, Baijie City has become an ordinary city with a slightly stronger martial arts style.

However, they are still controlled by the Lu family and the Duan family. Few people even know what the Martial Artist family is. Most people think that they are ordinary aristocratic families.

The relationship between the two families is also extremely good. The Lu family is the main one and the Duan family is the auxiliary. There is never any conflict or conflict of interests.

On this day, Baijie City woke up to the crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs, as usual, but the Lu family and the Duan family were still so mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people.

But on such an ordinary day, the Lu family's ancestral hall suddenly shone with a unique brilliance. The light is unique and extremely rhythmic.

If ordinary people see it, most of their first reactions will be that their ancestors have appeared or that they are haunted.

The person guarding the ancestral hall was an old man. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the flash of light. Then his expression changed, and he flew out at an extraordinary speed. His unusual agility was inconsistent with his old image.

With the status of being a shrine keeper, he can travel almost freely throughout the Lu family. Therefore, he flew through many areas at a speed beyond ordinary people and arrived at the area where the head of the Lu family lived.

"Eight Ancestor, why are you here?" The gatekeeper disciple looked at the old man and asked.

"Is the head of the family here?" the old man asked quickly.

"Yes, but the head of the family is discussing things with the head of the Duan family. He has told the disciples not to disturb him if there is nothing important." The gatekeeper disciple nodded and said hesitantly: "Eight Ancestor, why don't you come back later?"

The old man ignored the other party's other words and said, "It's good to be here."

After saying that, he walked in quickly.

"Eight..." The gatekeeper's disciple stopped predicting, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to stop the old man. I could only watch helplessly as the old man rushed into the room at lightning speed.

"You have to wait for me to report it anyway..." Looking at the old man's disappearing figure, the gatekeeper said in a low voice.

The head of the Lu family lived in a small courtyard. The old man entered the small courtyard and opened the door rudely. The two middle-aged men who were discussing something in the room stopped together. There was a powerful aura all over his body. Gone in a flash.

These two people are currently the current heads of the Duan and Lu families. The middle-aged man on the left with a resolute face and a strong and tall body is the current head of the Lu family, Lu Ya;

The middle-aged man on the right with an elegant temperament and a slightly frail appearance is Duan Fangchun, the contemporary head of the Duan family.

The two were discussing things, but when they felt the old man rushing in, their auras burst out at the same time. After seeing the person clearly, both of them paused, and the aura on their bodies disappeared in a flash.

"Bago, why are you here?" Lu Ya asked, looking at the old man with a slight frown.

The old man spoke directly without any polite words, and said quickly: "The ancestral temple moved strangely, and the sacrificial aura flashed actively."

"What!!!" Lu Ya was startled, he stood up from his seat, looked at the old man and said, "Myna, do you know what you're talking about?"

Before the old man could reply, the elegant middle-aged man Duan Fangchun turned into a ghostly phantom and disappeared into the room.

Lu Ya paused for a moment, looked at the old man, and said, "Let's go and take a look first."

After saying that, his figure flashed and disappeared into the house. Seeing this, the old man quickly left the room and came to the door.

The disciple who guarded the door was slightly stunned, looked at the old man who came out and said: "Eighth Patriarch, I have warned you in advance, and now you are kicked out by the Patriarch, you can't blame me."

The old man paused, glared at the other party, and said, "Instruct the Shadow Man to seal the ancestral temple."

The guarding disciple froze and turned to look at the small courtyard. At this moment, the door of the main hall of the small courtyard was wide open, and it was empty inside.

"Don't look, the master of the family has already gone to the ancestral hall, please go down quickly. Today, not a single fly can be allowed into the courtyard of the ancestral hall." The old man ordered.

The disciple guarding the gate looked solemn and said respectfully: "Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

After saying this, he turned around and disappeared from the old man's eyes with his superb Qinggong.


Lu Ya and Duan Fangchun, with speeds like ghosts and shapes like lightning, arrived at the ancestral hall in a matter of seconds.

The Lu family and the Duan family share the same ancestral hall, but even so, in the common ancestral hall of the two families that have been passed down for an unknown number of years, there are not many tablets, only less than twenty.

On the left are several tablets of the Duan family, and on the right are those of the Lu family, with a slight gap in the middle.

In front of the many tablets, there is an offering table, and in the middle of the offering table, at the front of the line between the tablets, is a weird incense burner.

On the top of the interval line, in the center of all the tablets, there is a slightly larger tablet with no words at the highest point. Usually, this tablet is nothing special except that it is a little weird and has no words.

But at this moment, the tablet is surrounded by auras of light, and among countless runes, a mini altar pattern is looming. Especially on the altar, the three colors of silver, green and transparent have the highest flash frequency.

When the two people arrived, the speed of the spiritual light flashing on it had slowed down.

Looking at the spiritual light and the circulating runes, their expressions changed. Lu Ya said in surprise: "Is it really the spiritual light of sacrifice?"

Duan Fangchun didn't reply, and quickly came to the altar in the ancestral hall. The altar was quite large, but there was only a solitary incense burner and a handful of incense sticks.

When Duan Fangchun came to the front, he didn't reach out to grab the incense sticks on the altar table, but directly pressed against the altar table, and a hidden drawer popped out from under the altar table while the true essence surged wildly.

The drawer is long and narrow, not too big, just like a hardcover medicine box. It is only two or three inches wide and only two or three inches tall.

At this moment, there are about five or six incense sticks in the box-shaped drawer. The incense sticks look very ordinary, the only strange thing is the color.

The incense stick is not the usual green or brown, but red. The color is bright and deep, with a blood-like color.

Duan Fangchun quickly took out a stick of incense from it, and the small drawer box shrank back after taking out a stick of incense.

Holding the blood-red incense stick, Duan Fangchun paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at Lu Ya who also came forward, his eyes full of questions.

The two have known each other for many years, and they are not only close friends, but also people who work together. Without Duan Fangchun opening his mouth, Lu Ya understood the meaning of the other's eyes. Lu Ya nodded and said, "Come on!"

Duan Fangchun received an affirmative reply, rubbed his thumb and forefinger against the blood-red incense stick lightly, sparks flashed, and the blood-red incense stick was ignited. Duan Fangchun took the incense stick and inserted it into the only incense burner on the altar.


The first issue of the year, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket...

Taking advantage of the double monthly ticket, let’s vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket, and let Dimension also experience the feeling of not being accompanied by running...

(end of this chapter)

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