Cultivation Of Coders

Chapter 353 The First Meeting With The Magic Stick [Please Order]

Chapter 353 The first meeting with the magic stick [Please order]

In the past two hundred years, Geng Cuiling's name has only circulated among high-level officials. The entire Tianji Strategy Department is extremely low-key in the sect, but its role is not small.

Zhang Deming looked at Geng Cuiling, paused, and then saluted, "Senior Sister Geng, what wind brought you here?"

Geng Cuiling showed a faint smile, and said, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"This..." Zhang Deming hesitated and wanted to speak.

"If you want to go to the top of the mountain, there is no need. According to the news I just received, they should have found the traces of the remnants and are discussing the matter.

However, the portal has been abolished. If you go from other states, even if the three uncles join hands, it will take more than half a day to arrive.

For such a long time, I either ran away...or...waited. It's okay to run away, but if you wait, the sect will be in some danger.

But the opponent destroyed the portal, it should be the latter. Before Zhang Deming could speak, Geng Cuiling said immediately.

Zhang Deming froze slightly, and his heart pounded. It was the first time he saw such a big boss. He seemed to know what he wanted to say before he even opened his mouth. He was completely restrained from the rhythm of the conversation, which made Zhang Deming very uncomfortable. Habit.

Therefore, he did not answer the question immediately, but turned to look at the cliff guarding disciple next to Geng Cuiling, and said: "What's going on? It's been two years since you came to Yakou, don't you understand the basic rules? Senior Sister Geng It took so long to notify me!"

The disciple immediately bowed his head in fear when he heard the words, and said: "Returning to Master Uncle, it's not that the disciple is ignorant, it's because Master Geng refused to let the disciple know.

Uncle Geng came and just waited at Yakou, saying that the time to meet him had not yet come. It wasn't until just now, that is, when the streamer came up above, that Uncle Geng asked his disciples to notify you. "

"I don't blame him, it's indeed what I meant. I felt it today, and I had something to say. I wanted to visit Junior Brother Zhang directly, but when I arrived at the Feiquan Waterfall Tower, I always felt that I missed the opportunity, and my calculations for a long time were fruitless.

Just wait here. I didn't ask my disciple to inform you until I felt the opportunity was ripe just now, so I just waited for this time. "Geng Cuiling said calmly.

Zhang Deming: "······"

Do you want to be such a magic stick? How can you pay attention to the timing when you come to the door?

Um... It seems that the other party was waiting for me. If Zhang Deming was in the Cave Mansion before, he might have directly replied that something was wrong.

So Geng Cuiling’s core rune path is the path of cause and effect? Or luck?

As Zhang Deming's thoughts flickered, he looked at the disciple and said, "I'll deal with you later."

After saying that, he said to Geng Cuiling: "Senior Sister Geng, please come in quickly!"

Geng Cuiling showed a faint smile and nodded slightly. Together, they walked into Feiquan Waterfall Tower and sat down in the courtyard.

"Senior sister, wait a moment!"

After saying that, Zhang Deming hurried into the storage room and walked out with the remaining half of the Taoist tea.

"Junior brother, is your life so miserable? You don't even have a boy with you?" Geng Cuiling asked questioningly as she looked at Zhang Deming coming out with something.

Zhang Deming waved his hand and produced a tea set, sat down, and while making tea, he said: "There are a few people crowded here, but they are new and not familiar with them yet. I am not used to strangers waiting in front of me.

Maybe it's because I'm used to living alone. It's no trouble to take care of these little things by myself. They're all casual things anyway. "

"Junior Brother Zhang is really a role model among the disciples of our sect who practice Qing Dynasty. There are really not many of the younger generation who can practice Qing Qing so hard." Geng Cuiling replied.

Zhang Deming made tea and smiled and said: "It's good to get used to it, and if I don't worry about my spiritual roots, I really have nothing to do with the Avenue of Immortality. I know my own affairs, but It's just the stupid bird flying first."

Geng Cuiling paused and did not answer the topic. Exchange of business flattery was not her specialty. The two of them fell into a subtle silence, which was not awkward at all, because they both watched Zhang Deming making tea quietly.

After a long while, Geng Cuiling said: "Junior brother has a very solid foundation in tea ceremony. Do you have a minor in tea ceremony?"

"No, this is just fun in my spare time." After Zhang Deming finished brewing, he waved a cup to Geng Cuiling and said, "Senior sister, give it a try!"

"The Enlightenment Tea at Yuling Peak is the best among all the peaks. Our Tianji Dao is the most concerned about this. I'm sorry." Geng Cuiling reached out to take the teacup and said.

"Senior Sister Geng, as long as you like it!" Zhang Deming replied with a smile. If it weren't for this, why would he take out the Enlightenment Tea.

Geng Cuiling sipped the tea carefully, finished the cup, closed her eyes for a long time, and then slowly exhaled.

"Senior sister, you just said that the sudden gathering of my Feng Yun Pond was due to the traces of the remnants of the Five Elements?" Zhang Deming poured another glass and asked.

Geng Cuiling glanced at Zhang Deming, nodded, and began to talk about the reason.

"Well, last time several uncles searched for Yuexu's Turtle Water Secret Realm but couldn't find it. Uncle Dang brought a few less critical items to my Tianji Calculation Department and asked me to try divination. The final Five Elements Turtle Water Secret Realm.

There was no hope at first. If the Turtle Water Secret Realm were so easy to find, the sect would not have only Wu Tu and Li Huo secret realms for so many years.

However, after starting the hexagram, I made some unexpected discoveries. I couldn't find any trace of Turtle Water, and a chance came out of nowhere. I didn't understand it at the time, so I suppressed the matter.

Later, because of you, my junior brother, Guishui returned to his position. Because of the influence of that hexagram, I once again made another hexagram on a whim, and things that were driven by chance suddenly became clear.

After several attempts, I couldn't find the reason, so I simply came to Yuling Peak and talked to Senior Brother Yue. After hearing this, Senior Brother Yue thought about it for a few days and decided to give it a try.

Originally, I didn't quite understand why I asked about the Five Elements, but what happened was that Senior Brother Yue's closed disciple named his name. But after receiving the news today, I suddenly felt something and discovered the reason. At the beginning, I didn't find Guishui, but I don't know why, it was dragged to the side of the Five Elements remnant.

What happened today was caused by that incident at the beginning. Judging from the news I just received, the secluded lair of the Five Elements remnants may have been found. "

Zhang Deming paused slightly and fell silent. The cause and effect feel a bit puzzling, but Zhang Deming probably understands it.

Tianji Dao is so talkative, because when I have time, I don't even know what the hexagram refers to.

Therefore, many Tianji Dao monks always babble and give inexplicable answers when asking questions about divination. Some may be intentional, some...

In fact, the person who made the hexagram didn’t know what it meant. It was all a fool’s errand. Only when the incident happened did the person involved realize, oh, it turned out to be this!

Damn it, why didn’t I figure it out earlier?

I'm confused, why don't you just say it directly?

In fact, it’s not that the person who created the hexagram doesn’t want to explain it clearly. Sometimes the other party is more confused than you and doesn’t know what the hexagram is about!

Zhang Deming pondered for a moment and said, "Senior Sister Geng, why did you just say you didn't want to go?"

Geng Cuiling replied: "As I said just now, there are only two situations when the Five Elements remnants' lair is discovered this time. Either they have already run away, which is actually a good situation.

Because if he hadn't run away and was waiting quietly for the sect to send someone... to greet the sect, it might have been a bloody disaster. After all, the three supreme elders of the Heavenly Spirit Sect were not secretive.

But I didn't sense any particularly shocking disaster, and the other party destroyed the portal, so he must have run away, so it doesn't matter whether Junior Brother Zhang joins in the fun or not. "

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the other party can block the instinctive induction of the Tianji magic sticks.

Zhang Deming frowned and said: "These evil cultivators should not exist at this time. Senior Sister Geng, do you know anything about the remnants of the Five Elements, so that you can attack them?"

Geng Cuiling shook her head and said: "I don't know much about it, and I have no clue even if I ask about divination. They should have something that suppresses the fundamental luck of the five races.

However, according to the notification I just received, there should be no chaos or disaster in the future, because the five tribes are almost exterminated. "

Although Zhang Deming clearly knew the reason, he pretended to be confused and said: "Genocide? Which temple discovered them?"

Geng Cuiling shook her head and said, "You can do it yourself."

"This... really can't be considered a human being!" Zhang Deming sighed.

Geng Cuiling nodded and said: "Yes, I am no better than a beast. I don't know how the pure and true Tianxin Dao in the Five Elements Blessed Land came to such a situation! Things are really impermanent!"

Zhang Deming paused, was silent for a moment, changed the subject, and said: "Then why did Senior Sister Geng suddenly come to the door today? It can't be just to save me from going up to participate in the discussion."

Geng Cuiling smiled slightly when she heard this, suddenly turned over her hand, took out a command talisman, and handed it to Zhang Deming.

Zhang Deming looked at the order for a moment. At Geng Cuiling's signal, he took the order. His eyes flickered for a moment and hesitantly said: "Is this... the order for the movement of the universe?"

The Qiankun Shifting Token is an upgraded version of the Small Shifting Talisman. It is the representative of the one-time escape Law Weapon, and it can be used as a matching tool.

Geng Cuiling nodded and said: "Originally, I wanted to find three junior uncles and go to Quanqing Temple to find another stand-in doll to form a set and hand it over to the junior junior brother.

But I always feel that it is a little redundant. After seeing my junior brother today, I am more sure of this feeling. If I guessed correctly, junior brother, you have a double doll by your side now, right? "

When Zhang Deming heard this, he was slightly startled. Among the precious things, this was the only one that he actually carried with him and did not put it away.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Deming turned over his hands and took out a rough doll and handed it to Geng Cuiling.

Geng Cuiling shook her head and did not reach out to take it. Zhang Deming looked at her doubtfully.

Geng Cuiling smiled and said: "Junior brother Zhang, you misunderstood. I gave you this thing not to exchange research with you. I asked for this Qiankun Shifting Order specifically for you.

Since you have a stand-in doll, you know that these two items were originally a set, but they were taken apart and sold by Quan Qingguan for the sake of spiritual stones and to show their preciousness.

The reason why I gave you the Qiankun Shifting Order is to form a set of Qiankun Substitute Talisman for you. "

"For me?" Zhang Deming asked confused.

Geng Cuiling nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it is indeed for you, junior brother!"

"Senior sister, do you want to beg for beads?" Zhang Deming said with flashing thoughts. If he really wanted to beg for beads, he would not be able to refuse. How could he refuse such a life-saving thing.

Moreover, when making beads for the Tianji Department, there is no such thing as taking sides. Just like Yu Lingfeng, they don’t need to do this.

Geng Cuiling shook her head and said: "No, I'm just giving it to you. Our peak requires pearls, so we don't need to do this. After junior brother, you list the order, we can just follow the normal sect process, and we don't want to bother."

Listen, this is the tone of a boss!

We don’t need to build relationships in private, we need to take the official route, beads are enough!

"Sister Geng, what are you doing?" Zhang Deming said in confusion: "Senior sister, tell me directly what you are going to do. Junior brother, I rarely have contact with you Tianji Dao monks. If you are trying to solve some riddles, you can It’s really a waste of time to wink at the blind.”

Geng Cuiling smiled slightly and said: "Junior brother Zhang, you misunderstood, I don't want anything more. As for the reason why I gave you this..."

If I tell you that you will suffer a bloody disaster, my junior brother will probably be speechless, so I will not give you any tricks. This is your Peak Master promotion gift. The sect asked me to consider it. I chose it specially for you after I got up. "

"Peak Master's promotion gift? The sect gave me this? Isn't this a bit over the top? Although I don't know the price of the Qiankun Shifting Token, it is definitely beyond the scope of a normal three-star artifact.

And senior sister, my promotion ceremony will not start preparations until at least some time after the conference. Senior sister, are you too..."

Geng Cuiling smiled and said: "Normally, yes, but I felt something in my heart, so I sent it to you in advance, junior brother. As for why I sent this... the excess part is to compensate you in advance, junior brother." !”

"Compensation?" Zhang Deming asked doubtfully again.

Zhang Deming looked at Geng Cuiling inexplicably with confusion on his face. Geng Cuiling reminded: "That girl named Pei Xiaoxiao has made a leap in the Enlightenment Conference again this time."

Zhang Deming paused and said, "So?"

"This matter cannot be hidden. Uncle Master means to release the baby in advance. After all, the Reincarnated Bodhisattva (Four Symbols) has been the next Buddha (Five Elements) supported by Lingshan in these years.

The other party's original wish was to prevent Su Hui from harming the fetus through such techniques as reincarnation. The baby is making so much noise now, it is impossible for the sect to hide it.

This thing, the extra part is your compensation, you can give it away or keep it. But it is best to send it away, at least avoid the limelight, and then come back quietly. And the action must be fast, it must disappear in three to five days.

Because once we hide here, the other side of Lingshan will know that there is indeed a problem. The people coming will not be people checking whether they are reincarnated, but the hunting patrol of Lingshan Sacred Land.

It's not that the sect is sorry for someone, it's really helpless, that baby is different from you, her commotion is too big to hide. Geng Cuiling said.

Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the command talisman in his hand and said, "So what is this? Compensation for the boy I abandoned? Why is it the Qiankun Shifting Order?"

Hearing this, Geng Cuiling looked at Zhang Deming seriously and said, "Junior brother, don't worry too much, if the sect has a way, it won't take this step.

Moreover, the sect either wanted to expel her from the sect or let her go out and hide. If she could escape, she would just come back after the news passed. "

At the end of her words, Geng Cuiling's confident voice dropped a bit. It was obvious that she did not believe that Pei Xiaoxiao could escape the pursuit of the patrol in Lingshan Sacred Land.

Seeing Zhang Deming's silence, she added: "It's better than when people come from Lingshan, under pressure, let's hand it over in person!

As for why it is the order to move the universe... because this is my instinctive choice after I made the hexagram, and it is the best choice for you, Junior Brother Zhang. "

Zhang Deming was even more silent. In fact, he had already fully understood what Geng Cuiling said, and he was not emotional.

After all, it was Pei Xiaoxiao, not Juan'er. Although he was quite close to the boy he had picked up, he was definitely not to the point where he would risk his own life to save her.

And Pei Xiaoxiao was reincarnated in Six Paths? Zhang Deming doesn't think so.

As an alternative recovery technique, Six Paths Reincarnation is very powerful, but its positioning is recovery, and Dao Foundation should not change.

However, Zhang Deming's spiritual cultivation space sky at this moment, Pei Xiaoxiao's exclusive spot of light, still has the picture of his enlightenment and promotion.

That is a very clear rune condensed promotion screen. If the strength is restored, such a screen should not be born at all.

Therefore, the possibility of Pei Xiaoxiao being reincarnated from the Six Paths, in Zhang Deming's case, the possibility has never been great. No matter how many times she skipped a grade or how exaggerated she was. Both of them are parallel importers reincarnated!

Of course, he would never act so indifferently. After all, every big boss in the inner sect now counts as one. He definitely thinks that the two of them were reincarnated together, and there is still an unclear relationship.

Zhang Deming was silent for a long time, then nodded, and said with a lonely face: "Understood, I will deal with it, Senior Sister, you have nothing else to do, you can leave."

Geng Cuiling paused, stood up and looked at the lonely Zhang Deming, and said, "Junior Brother Zhang, I don't know what you plan to do, but judging from your past actions, Junior Brother, you are not ignorant. If you think about it carefully, you should I can understand the sect.

No matter how you decide in the future, just hope you don't blame the sect, Mr. Dang said, if you don't want to stay in the sect, we will definitely not force you.

But if the two of you stay in the sect, and something happens, even if he arrests you, he will also arrest you. At least in front of him, if he can save one, he will protect someone who offends him.

And the reason why Master Uncle asked me to talk about this is because I watched the baby, and there was no bloody disaster.

She should be the same as you in her previous life, and she was also a three-talented person, right? If it doesn't work, you can apply for a three-talent promotion resource. Now she has recovered to the peak of Liangyi, and she is one step away from being a three-talent.

Although reincarnation can't condense the runes again, he can only restore his original strength when he is promoted to the top three talents. But you can take the risk and let her break through in a different direction.

After the three talents, the souls of the people gathered, and the strength returned to the same level. At that time, the Sacred Land of Lingshan might not be able to find out. "

What Geng Cuiling didn't say was that she didn't notice anything. Either Pei Xiaoxiao is fine, or the Lingshan Sacred Land is really involved, and she has no ability to divination.

Zhang Deming nodded and said, "I understand!"

Geng Cuiling looked at Zhang Deming again, sighed, and said: "Junior brother, in this world of cultivation, strength is the highest say!"

After saying that, she reincarnated and left. Zhang Deming saw her disappear, and took out a jade box, which contained a fingertip-sized red fragment. Is it really reincarnated? Does this thing have something to do with the other party?

Looking at the fragments, Zhang Deming did not call Pei Xiaoxiao immediately. The meeting would continue for a while.


He pondered for a while, then stood up and entered the training room. With a wave of his hand, he threw out a lot of things.

The first was Guan Lijuan's storage bag. At that time, in front of several disciples, he did not check the harvest in it. Zhang Deming opened it and looked surprised. The other party's storage bag is a three-star storage bag.

The built-in space has dozens of cubic meters. As a sect monk, he has a warehouse. Such a storage bag is completely enough for Zhang Deming to use in the future. Apart from the storage bag itself, the contents inside the storage bag are also very attractive.

Because most of the dozens of cubic meters of space are covered. Zhang Deming took a look and saw that the dozens of cubic meters of items were a bit messy. Most of them were not very high-end items, most of which were one-star or no-star items.

Zhang Deming took a look and knew why there were so many things. If he guessed correctly, they should be looted materials. If not for this, it would be impossible for the monks of Sancai to stuff their storage bags with these things.

Zhang Deming sorted out his things and put all the messy spiritual materials, spiritual objects, and Spirit Medicine into a small storage bag.

Apart from these things, the most important thing is spiritual stones. Taking up less than half of the space, Zhang Deming carefully cleaned up the tens of thousands of spirit stones.

Judging from the inventory of small sects and small aristocratic families, it is unknown whether these are the products of many families that were wiped out.

Apart from these things, there are not many precious ones. There are eight jade boxes, all of which have been carefully sealed.

After Zhang Deming opened it carefully, five of them were one-star Taiji stage promotion materials, of the remaining three, two were two-star Liangyi promotion main materials, and the last one was the most exquisite jade box with an extremely complicated ban .

This complexity does not mean advanced, but there are many layers of protection. It took Zhang Deming a lot of time to open it. Looking at the materials, Zhang Deming showed a slightly surprised look.

He didn't expect to see an extremely precious three-star main material, and it was a summoning material. He didn't know whether it was the warehouse of a lucky little family that was robbed, or it was left by the other party himself.

After packing Guan Lijuan's storage bag, Zhang Deming looked happy. With the spiritual stones and materials and a storage bag, he had gained at least 100,000 spiritual stones.

After sorting out the things happily, Zhang Deming turned over his hands and took out several boxes obtained from Cave Mansion.

Five five-color boxes, the spirit in the black water box, has been obtained by Ji Ming by accident, and now there are only four boxes left: blue, brown, silver, and fire.


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(end of this chapter)

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